hospital upgrade




Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
No, the points is, after whatever they did to ease it, it was never enough.
It will never be convenient enough for a lot of people, with or without inspiration vendors in hospitals. They'll just demand yet another step on top of those then, so I'd rather try to slow it down here already.
Sliding scale arguments fail every time. And trust me, I've failed along with a few. You can make a sliding scale argument about ANYTHING. You can make a sliding scale argument about how raising the speed limit on freeways by one mph will lead to global nuclear war. You can!

You can make a sliding scale argument about anything, which makes the argument meaningless. Just like no amount of new convenience will ever be enough for some people, so ANY new added convenience will be too much for some people. We can't just die out of exposure pondering like a new-age Buridan's Donkey, we HAVE to make a decision, and it will have to be one way or the other.

You can make a sliding scale argument about anything, but you shouldn't really make one about anything. That's where good judgement comes in, and you can't decree acts of good judgement in abstract. We can't look at this and wonder if ANY added utility is good, or if ANY added utility would be too much. We need to look at whether THIS is too much, and I don't believe it is.

Using a TinyURL link because the Wikipedia article is called "Buridan's ***" and that censors the link, making it inoperable otherwise.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
I thought this was about the health plan.

You think the city is paying for it, but then the collectors come knocking at your Fortress of Solitude...It's a scam, I tell ya.

Joking aside, I don't see why they couldn't offer Tier 1 inspirations. Tier 1s are chump change, there's a hundred ways to get them, so what's the harm in having one more? There's no harm in making something so simple even simpler. Besides, I hardly buy Inspirations because it's out of my way. Stick it right in my path, and I'll buy them much more often, just because it's there and convenient. It's like when stores put something everyone needs right at the entrance, it reminds you "Oh yeah, I should grab one of those!".

I propose they make Inspiration vending machines and place them in such convenient places as the Hospitals. Because vending machines would be kinda funny.
LOL, I love it. /signed

I agree, there's no point NOT to do it. AE has it already. One more place won't "break the game".



I appreciate the debate but from what I can see the primary arguments are based pretty much on I don't like it, which is your right. However, I think the vast majority of people would appreciate this addition based on the responses to this thread.

Mostly the things I don't like I don't use, I'm not a fan of AE I thought it was great to start but what it has become is less than enjoyable for me, I simply don't use it. If you don't enjoy the giftshop then you don't have to use it, I'm alright with that. I don't think it's fair to argue against something that many people might enjoy because you might not. Everyone is here to be happy and somehow i don't think you'll be so utterly annoyed by the addition of a cheery little giftshop in the hospitals that you'll be unable to enjoy yourself. After all you might just like green eggs and ham, if you try it.

Roxy On DA...Finally!



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Remove SSKing.
Lets not say nothing we cannot take back