Returning player
Welcome Back!
1. You can have 3 active missions.
2. You can drop a mission by revisiting or calling the contact in most cases - the Kill 40 Carnies is one I always drop.
There are a few circumstances where you can't drop a mission. You can't drop a timed mission and you can't drop a mission that grants a badge.
Check the Wiki ( to find the updates and changes since you left, and as a good general all around source of info.
And come back here with any other questions - we love to race to answer them!
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
Welcome back.
In answer to your questions:
1) 3
2) yes, either return to or call the contact the mission came from and click on "Drop the current mission from this contact"
You can only drop 1 mission every 3 days, so use it sparingly. You also cannot drop timed missions, or missions that grant a badge upon completing. If a mission is not timed and it will not let you drop it, you either used your drop for the moment, or there is a badge involved in the mission.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Welcome back, Kataryn!
Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /
StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here
Most of the defeat Carnie missions are not zone-specific - actually, I can't think of any offhand that are. As such, if you can pick up a radio mission against Carnies, they'll spawn at your level range (or whatever you've chosen with 4XP), and any kills will still count towards the hunt mission.
Most of the defeat Carnie missions are not zone-specific - actually, I can't think of any offhand that are. As such, if you can pick up a radio mission against Carnies, they'll spawn at your level range (or whatever you've chosen with 4XP), and any kills will still count towards the hunt mission.
And yes, that makes some of the Carnie hunt missions a complete PITA, (Bad Harvey, BAD!) which is why they are so often dropped.
EDIT: I went back and checked the contact list, and evidently Madeline Casey is the other Carnie hunt mission offender. She has at least a couple of level 40-45 "Combat X Carnies in PI" missions. Harvey's missions are 45-50, so the OP has more Carnie-killing fun to look forward to!
My Characters
Knight Court--A CoH Story Complete 2/3/2012

Most of the defeat Carnie missions are not zone-specific - actually, I can't think of any offhand that are.
Global @StarGeek original is still the best!
My Hero Merit rolls
Accuracy needed for 95% ToHit spreadsheet
Forum font change stripper for Firefox/Opera/Chrome. No more dealing with poor color choices, weird fonts or microscopic text
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I thought I'd post my "returning player" questions in this thread since that's what the subject was rather than pollute the forum.
1. Does one get Merit Rewards from Architect missions?
2. Does the Oroborous flashback-dealybob allow one to repeat story arcs more than once per character?
3. What is the customary thing to do with Salvage/Recipes after reaching their storage limit without wanting to craft anything?
4. Is there a way to see and edit all of my old keybinds? I don't mean the ones from the options screen, but more custom ones (for example, I remember having Teleport bound to the mouse somehow)
Pardon my ignorance, I'm from about 10 Issues ago.
1. No.
2. Yes. Unlimited amount of times!
3. Vendor them if you really don't care, but there are certain pieces (especially recipes) that are worth *MILLIONS* (sometimes FIFTY MILLION...HUNDRED MILLION... or more!). Salvage doesn't get as high as recipes (some is decently priced, a lot of it is at vendor prices). I recommend reading up in The Market subforum.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
4) Not that I'm aware of, unless you still have the bind file saved on your computer. I often run across binds on characters I don't play much that I forgot about.
"/bind right mouse button powexecname Teleport" should work. (You don't need the quotation marks for a bind that short) If you have more than 2 buttons on your mouse they are listed like "mouse button 5" and so on.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
For the salvage/recipe question: go to the auction house (wentworths/black market) and see what the average price on the item in question is. Then decide if it's worth putting up on the market or just selling it at any vendor shop.
Once you get a feel for how things are priced you'll have a pretty good idea what to do without physically checking every item. Or just put everything up on the market (that's what I do, it's easier and faster...I just put everything there for normal "vendor price" and if it sells for more than that then great [except for the few items that I know normally price out in the millions or more])
For your binds question: type this into your chat bar "\savebindfile {path}" where {path} is a complete filepath and name (like c:\mybinds.txt or something) and it will make a text file of all of your current keybinds. You can then edit that file and re-load it with "\loadbindfile {path}" to overwrite your binds on that character.
If you're going to make drastic changes to the character's binds, I'd also recommend you clear the current set first though (just so you don't have any left-overs if you change keys). The clear current binds option is on the character options menu.
6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.
For your binds question: type this into your chat bar "\savebindfile {path}" where {path} is a complete filepath and name (like c:\mybinds.txt or something) and it will make a text file of all of your current keybinds. You can then edit that file and re-load it with "\loadbindfile {path}" to overwrite your binds on that character.
The commands are actually bindsavefile and bindloadfile.
You can also let the game set up a default file and use bindsave and bindload to save and load it.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
It's also /bindsavefile and /bindloadfile, not the other slash \.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:

As an additional note to this. If the story arc gives a temp power it will give a less powerful version of this temp power if you have already received it once before.
![]() |
List from ParagonWiki with a guide
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Thanks for the replies to my original post. Very helpful.
Now... another question;
Because I was (still am!) so slow at levelling, due to patches, I always used to have built up a free respec by the time I got to a key Enhancement changing level.
eg. When I reached 37th, I had a respec which allowed me to removed all my currently equipped enhancements and end up selling them back for influence, which I could then use to spend on getting the level 40 enhancements. (as normally I couldn't sell used enhancements)
I'm now 41st, so when I hit 42nd (I have a respec already), can I still do this? ie. Respec and sell all my currently equipped enhancements back as part of the respec and use the influence towards a batch of level 45 enhancements from the store? Is this still something that can be done?
If so, what happens to IO level enhances? can they be resold as part of a respec or not?
Thanks for any further help you can give.
Use of respecs is independant of how the respec is earned. You can respec whenever and as often you want as long as you have one available.
And yes, you can sell IOs back during a respec (for cost to build, if I'm not mistaken).
I saw the tag, and this popped into my head.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
If so, what happens to IO level enhances? can they be resold as part of a respec or not?
So any crafted IOs you equip from now on, you can keep until you hit 50 and they'll never wear out :-)
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
It's hard for me to not write a Wall of Text about the market... I'll give brief rules here. Realize that wealth is like a pinball score... you're getting a million, two million and all of a sudden you figure something out and start getting 10 or 15 million. Then even more. If you want to slot SO's, old school, anything over about 10 million inf and you're set for life. If you want new shinies, it can get expensive.
White (common) salvage is quite variable. Some of it typically goes for 30K to 50K each, some of it barely goes for vendor cost (250 inf.)
Yellow (uncommon) is mostly vendorbait these days. In Issue15 (only) it was worth like 100K on average, but they changed the game and the yellow is oversupplied again.
Orange (rare) is worth an average of a million apiece. Some less (diamonds, Black Blood of the Earth) and some more (enchanted impervium.)
White, generic recipes: Always sell to vendor unless you want to craft whatever dropped. There's no market for them.
Yellow and Orange recipes: Check supply. You can put it up at Wents without setting a price and use the "More" button to get information. If there's 0 bids and 13 for sale, nobody wants it- sell to vendor. If there's 0 bids and 0 for sale, check the last 5 prices. Those are ... probably...accurate. If there's a lot of bids and 0 for sale, I tend to go somewhere around 80% of the last sale price.
If the price is high (whatever you define "high" as) look at the prices for the crafted IO. Chances are the prices are higher but the sales are much less frequent. Also check the price of ALL the salvage, check the crafting cost, and remember that Wents takes 10%. That can turn "Hey, I could make a million inf!" into "Hey, I could lose half a million inf!". But there are a lot of things out there where you spend 2 million, craft, and make 5 million profit.
Feel free to ask any other questions- I love to hear myself talk!
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
To reply to the original question (if you haven't dropped the mission by now), there are level 40-43 Carnies on the ships in southern PI. They are fighting other mobs, and sometimes take a while to cycle 40 of them, but they are there.
I returned about a week before the double xp. I hadn't played since sometime during either 2005 or 2006 - about the time of issue #6. I'd never had a character to lvl 50 as I didnt play too much either.
So far, I'm loving it... but I have a couple of questions.
1) How many Missions can I have in my active list?
2) Is there a way to drop a mission?
I ask the 2nd one because the other day (at 40th) I picked up a quest to kill 40 carnies in Peregrine Island. It said it was level 40, but other than huge packs of oranges. I could find nothing but purples on the map. I decided it wasnt for me and wanted to just drop the mission. The only option I could find was something that completed the mission as if I'd done it, but could only be done once per 3 days. Is that the only way to drop a mission?
Thanks for any help.