Personal base, why not?




I was wondering why we can't have a small personal base outside of our supergroup?

I am a crafter and use my bases a lot.
I like having my own base so I can have a clean funtional space to use.

Lately every base I have joined with any of my toons have all suffered the same issues. They look like the same emo 12 year old designed them all. Lighting as dim as possible, the entrance is either high on a platform or deep in a recess behind some stuff, making exiting the base a fun "find the portal" jumping puzzle, and the workshop is past the teleporters through the stone head, up the black stairs in the shadowy corner, to the small side room with the worktable and the vault behind the trees. All storage tables and racks are in a separate room across the base. (Yes, I was exaggerating, but you get the idea.)

Supegroups are awesome and all, I love the social aspects of SG's and Coalies, love chatting away when im running mishes and being able to find teams easier, but I hate having to use someone elses base all the time.

I like my bases simple, organized, well lit, and with no shrubbery. I also like having a place to pool my items, I use several storage racks, I hate throwing out items I know I'll need later.

Look at it in Comic Book terms. If, in order to join the Justice League, Superman had to give up the fortress of solitude and Batman could never again go to the Batcave, would there be a Justice league?



Really, although Superman and Batman are founding/leading members, they usually work at some sort of "on Call" capasity. More or less the Batman and Superman families are in some kind of Coalition with the JLA. You can debate this all you want, honestly though, it's just semantics.
Point is, you can always Coal with those guys, and make your own SG and base.



The problem with Coalies is the Coalie limit, All the groups I'm with are at coalie limit and the SG's that get into coalies are generally populated groups, not single user bases.



Well start your own Sg and invite who you will. Design the base as you wish, bright or grim. If the people you want to play wth are in coalition SGs Global friend them, and invite them to bring some alts to your group.

Enjoy your day please.



and with no shrubbery

On topic, I hope we get personal bases with account wide personal storage.

Thank you and have a pleasant tomorrow.

Be well, people of CoH.



But inviting people into my base defeats the purpose of "My" base.

The base restrictions are just annoying to me.

Without joining someone elses SG it feels like I'm playing this game like its a single player console game, but while Joining an SG gives me the social aspects that make playing an MMO appealing , it also takes away all the benefits of the classic Superhero Base. The point of having a base is to contain everything I need it to contain, but I also want to play with other people.

see my dilemma?



Then make a personal SG and Join some Global Channels.
Otherwise, you won't get what you want.
The Devs won't give you your own base nor add that function any time soon.



I agree that having personal housing is something this game needs. Most people have a personal base to store stuff. But to come in here ranting about how you hate the way the SG you are in set up there base and how you want a well lit base with no shrubs…that’s a issue you need to take up with your SG or start your own. Having a vault SG to store stuff for your alts is nothing new and does not require a base with power or control. Yes we need more in the way of bases and in the way we store items. The social aspect of this game is what makes it great…you may have to keep looking for a SG that better suites your needs.



Originally Posted by CalebLancaster View Post
The Devs won't give you your own base nor add that function any time soon.
How do you know?

Over the years I've seen a lot of things added to the game that people suggested just to have other people came in and tell them "devs are never going to do that."

I fully support your idea OP. I'd love to support the SGs in my coalitions and still have my own personal storage/crafting space.

My Characters



Originally Posted by Tatmia View Post
How do you know?

Over the years I've seen a lot of things added to the game that people suggested just to have other people came in and tell them "devs are never going to do that."

I fully support your idea OP. I'd love to support the SGs in my coalitions and still have my own personal storage/crafting space.
How do I know?
Because this is not a new Question, and well... Look around, it hasn't happened yet.
Now I'm not saying it won't happen, just not now.
And when I said the Devs aren't going to give him a base, I meant it as it sounds, not as something generalized.



I figured this out years ago. You don't need a mansion with tables and junk that no one will ever see or use. Rooms that go miles away, that no one will look at beyond the designer.

I started my own little SG and base. It has salvage storage, invention table, enhancement tables, a med lab and a few telepads. Just the things that a player needs a base for.

Its like having player housing. You get only 30 or so slots on your character for salvage. Another 30+ in the vault. Then maybe you store some at the auction. When you have your own base you can have unlimited salvage storage!

When I make a new alt I get someone to let me invit ethem into the sg, then log in my alt. that guy invites them. Then that guy quits the sg and I can pass nice enhancements to my alt. You gotta get one of these!



Originally Posted by Plusone View Post
I like my bases simple, organized, well lit, and with no shrubbery. I also like having a place to pool my items, I use several storage racks, I hate throwing out items I know I'll need later.
Perhaps you could buy one. I did. Post in your server section and see if anyone has one they are thinking of deleting.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Firewasp View Post
I figured this out years ago. You don't need a mansion with tables and junk that no one will ever see or use. Rooms that go miles away, that no one will look at beyond the designer.
There's a difference between need and want.

You don't NEED to play an MMOG either.

Just sayin.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



Much has been speculated about what the devs should do to bases. But the fact is, we aren’t going to see changes for some time. The base building community is much smaller then the average player who looks for content and continued growth. As much as I would like to see personal rooms, new wallpapers, new objects etc., I doubt we will be seeing changes soon.

Believe me, I am on board with all of you. If we all vote me in as a dev, I will quit my job and make sure bases are my first and ONLY priority! Lets start the petition!




My view is that it's almost a self-fufilling prophecy type thing. The community is small because the number of players that can participate in base design, compared to the general population, is small. Giving everyone a stake in say a personal apartment (or base within a base if you will) type of arrangement would change that. Change the paradigm (sorry, I guess that word is not in vogue anymore huh?) and people will flock to bases.

Likewise, the decorative world dominates the scene these days (in the forums and elsewhere) because the functional is limited. [note: I have nothing against decorating bases per se; just making a point.]. Add more functionality (i.e. have bases do more with a potential benefit to everyone) and we all win.

Others have said it much better than I... the potential here is limitless... and near completely untapped. Bases, with a little effort, could be the "new costumes" (i.e. a world class feature to a world class game). Instead, they mostly languish while the developers pursue other interests.

I find it a crying shame... but I'm not driving this bus. [edit add: just yelling out the direction I'd like to go from the back row of seats ]

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



Originally Posted by Plusone View Post
I like my bases simple, organized, well lit, and with no shrubbery.
I once joined a supergroup that required I provide them with a shrubbery. When I got them one they demanded another and insisted that I place it slightly higher than the first one so they'd get a two-level effect with a little path running down the middle. I said nuts to this and started my own shrubbery-less supergroup.

Off-topic, but does anyone know the air speed of an unladen swallow?



Originally Posted by Yellekai View Post
I once joined a supergroup that required I provide them with a shrubbery. When I got them one they demanded another and insisted that I place it slightly higher than the first one so they'd get a two-level effect with a little path running down the middle. I said nuts to this and started my own shrubbery-less supergroup.

Off-topic, but does anyone know the air speed of and unladen swallow?
Hee Hee

Enjoy your day please.



Originally Posted by Yellekai View Post
I once joined a supergroup that required I provide them with a shrubbery. When I got them one they demanded another and insisted that I place it slightly higher than the first one so they'd get a two-level effect with a little path running down the middle. I said nuts to this and started my own shrubbery-less supergroup.

Off-topic, but does anyone know the air speed of an unladen swallow?

African or European?

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



Originally Posted by Plusone View Post
I was wondering why we can't have a small personal base outside of our supergroup?

I am a crafter and use my bases a lot.
I like having my own base so I can have a clean funtional space to use.

Lately every base I have joined with any of my toons have all suffered the same issues. They look like the same emo 12 year old designed them all. Lighting as dim as possible, the entrance is either high on a platform or deep in a recess behind some stuff, making exiting the base a fun "find the portal" jumping puzzle, and the workshop is past the teleporters through the stone head, up the black stairs in the shadowy corner, to the small side room with the worktable and the vault behind the trees. All storage tables and racks are in a separate room across the base. (Yes, I was exaggerating, but you get the idea.)

Supegroups are awesome and all, I love the social aspects of SG's and Coalies, love chatting away when im running mishes and being able to find teams easier, but I hate having to use someone elses base all the time.

I like my bases simple, organized, well lit, and with no shrubbery. I also like having a place to pool my items, I use several storage racks, I hate throwing out items I know I'll need later.

Look at it in Comic Book terms. If, in order to join the Justice League, Superman had to give up the fortress of solitude and Batman could never again go to the Batcave, would there be a Justice league?
Do what I did. Make multiple versions of the same character.

I currently have 6 different variations of Demon Hunter on Virtue's blue side. 3 of them are in my main RP SG. 1 is in a magic-based alt RP SG. And the last two are in my personal "DH's Apartment" SG.

So DH is both a member of the House of Heroes and has his own personal "fortress of solitude" where nobody can interfere with him.

It took a little while to get what I wanted there, but I now have salvage racks, enhancement tables, an invention table, personal vault, rez rings, and inspiration storage. And there's tons of RP space, as it's actually his home.

In the end, I have both my Justice League satellite and it's coalition AND my fortress of solitude where I can have DH retreat to.

You can have both under the current system if you're willing to put some work in and get creative.

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



I like that you say you like your Bases well lit, but use the Fortress of Solitude, and the Bat Cave for examples of Hero Home Bases.

You do realize the Bat Cave is a gloomy, shadowy, dark place? Bats live in there with Bat Man. Bright light sends Bats into a frenzy.

The Fortress of Solitude wasn't well lit either. It was lit only by the suns rays being deflected thought the facets of the crystals that formed it's wall, and by some of the crystals that actually gave off light of their own. Sounds kind of shadowy, in a multi-colored kind of way.


I run a SG that has a full Base, and dimmed the lights to the lowest settings. I used the Lighting items to add light to accent each room. It is neither gloomy, or dark, but kind of realistic looking.

I also have a Solo Base, That I call my Home. It is lit the same way.

But to each his own.

Sounds like you need to build you a Solo Base. It takes alot of playing and time, but it is extremely do-able, and rewarding.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



I also have a base which is RP'd as my hero's home. The only functioning thing in it so far is one salvage storage rack. But its got a living room, a bedroom, and a half done hottub. The hottub will be completed as soon as the slow field gets turned on for that water effect. I have coalies with other sg's that allow me to use their base for the tp pads. It is nice to have a place I can call my own.

Of course I'm also a heavy RP'er, so a place like this makes sense to have.



Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
Do what I did. Make multiple versions of the same character.

I currently have 6 different variations of Demon Hunter on Virtue's blue side. 3 of them are in my main RP SG. 1 is in a magic-based alt RP SG. And the last two are in my personal "DH's Apartment" SG.

So DH is both a member of the House of Heroes and has his own personal "fortress of solitude" where nobody can interfere with him.

It took a little while to get what I wanted there, but I now have salvage racks, enhancement tables, an invention table, personal vault, rez rings, and inspiration storage. And there's tons of RP space, as it's actually his home.

In the end, I have both my Justice League satellite and it's coalition AND my fortress of solitude where I can have DH retreat to.

You can have both under the current system if you're willing to put some work in and get creative.
I really like the sound of that.

Enjoy your day please.



It's a workaround. Probably the best one can do under existing circumstances. Myself, I would prefer not to split hard earned prestige in so many different directions or suck up valuable toon slots with multiple versions of the same character. But to each his (her) own until or unless something better comes along.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



I started my own SG and built my own base. I dedicated one server to all villains, and had someone help me invite them all (you get a 20k prestige bonus for each member). I upgraded to a 12X12 plot, and now have a salvage rack, a teleporter, a med bay, workshop, oversight center, energy room, and control room, plus a couple decorative rooms. Whenever I need a crafting table, I buy one, use it, then sell it again. I am close to buying a generator and mainframe (not really needed, but seeing how far I can go). It takes a little while if you're a casual player, but its not bad. Like someone else said, form a coalition for the social experience. They can come to your base, you can go to theirs, but you have control over your own. You can build a basic base pretty cheap.

Oversight Center-50k
Control.Energy Combo-25k
2X2 Telepad room-50k (you can't run more than 2 telepads with only the enrgy/control combo)
1X2 Workshop-50k (this is all you need, you can put some workshop items in the oversight center, or just buy and sell tables as you need them)

Salvage Rack-15k
Enhancement Bin-95k
Invention crafting Table-25K
Basic Worktable-25K

That will give you all you really need for basic base functions. With the ouroboros portal, you need the telepads less, so just get the beacons for the places you go a lot that aren't serviced by it. You can buy and sell the beacons at need also, but that is a little annoying. 2 telepads will give you room for 4 beacons. If you play CoV, thats plenty. If you play CoH, its still pretty good.

Another thing you can do- if you have a farming toon, offer to let lowbies join your team if they join SG for the duration and stay in SG mode. Then kick them when they leave the team. Farming isn't what it used to be, but still. You can also purchase prestige using inf, the exchange rate isn't great, but if you're not obsessed with buy a billion dollars in IOs, it can help a lot.



Originally Posted by Fire_Away View Post
It's a workaround. Probably the best one can do under existing circumstances. Myself, I would prefer not to split hard earned prestige in so many different directions or suck up valuable toon slots with multiple versions of the same character. But to each his (her) own until or unless something better comes along.
It's really not a workaround though. It's using the current system as it's designed.

Personally I think that if you feel it's important enough for you to have it, it's not a waste of resources for Prestige or Toon slots. If you're a soloer or you're in an even remotely active group, it's not that hard to roll up a ton of Prestige in short periods of time. I moved my elec/elec scrapper to my main SG from my personal SG two days ago. He's already generated more than 80K in Prestige in the main SG.

Just like your SG base, your own personal base is only going to grow as quickly as your activity allows for. Plan out what you want, then figure out what you need to do to get it. If you need to play your alt version more to get what you need for your personal base, see if your main SG is okay with you using that version on SG teams/TFs if the team composition allows for it. Personally, the SGs I've belonged to (even when I wasn't leading) have never had a problem with that. It's not like have six dark/regen scrapper versions of Demon Hunter. Again, get creative with it.

The comic book heroes cited in the OP are not the norm for solo superheroes in comics and we're playing a game about superheroes as depicted in comics. Batman is a billionaire. As I've said in previous threads on this topic, in game terms he could simply buy the Prestige needed to make the Batcave. Same goes for Iron Man's various home workshops. Where are the over-the-top secret solo lairs for Green Arrow, Spiderman, Daredevil, The Tick, Wolverine, Deadpool, Punisher, Ant-Man, Flash, etc?

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))