Healer Experiment.

Adeon Hawkwood



I am one of the many who feels that teams looking for 'healers' are somewhat ignorant about game mechanics and, especially after level 12, a pure healer is something that is not as useful as most other type of defenders.

Now, we often hear a lot of anecdotal evidence on these boards about the healers being praised for their selfless act of having one attack, the medicine pool, leadership and Empathy heals to the detriment of their own character's soloability.

So, my proposal is that a few of us embark on the quest to be pure healers for a bit and track the actualy responses we get and how our play sessions go. Let's play to the best of our ability within the basic healing framework.

As far as allowable powers, I'm thinking we can all be Emp/Archery or Emp/Psi and we will take ALL of our heals and resurrect powers. We will get medicine. I'm thinking Clear Mind is fine but I'm still undecided on Fortitude, as I think we run the risk of losing our True Healer status. Leadership and Teleport are fair game.

What say ye? Are you up to the challenge of being a h34l0r?



Originally Posted by BlackBellatrix View Post
I am one of the many who feels that teams looking for 'healers' are somewhat ignorant about game mechanics and, especially after level 12, a pure healer is something that is not as useful as most other type of defenders.

Now, we often hear a lot of anecdotal evidence on these boards about the healers being praised for their selfless act of having one attack, the medicine pool, leadership and Empathy heals to the detriment of their own character's soloability.

So, my proposal is that a few of us embark on the quest to be pure healers for a bit and track the actualy responses we get and how our play sessions go. Let's play to the best of our ability within the basic healing framework.

As far as allowable powers, I'm thinking we can all be Emp/Archery or Emp/Psi and we will take ALL of our heals and resurrect powers. We will get medicine. I'm thinking Clear Mind is fine but I'm still undecided on Fortitude, as I think we run the risk of losing our True Healer status. Leadership and Teleport are fair game.

What say ye? Are you up to the challenge of being a h34l0r?
If I wanted to uplift the cognitively challenged, I would have become a special ed teacher.



Seriously, I'll pass.

I designed my defender to fight solo as well as team. Any defender who can't fight is not a defender.



Originally Posted by perwira View Post
Seriously, I'll pass.

I designed my defender to fight solo as well as team. Any defender who can't fight is not a defender.
Not disagreeing with that. I'm just curious if these terrible pure healers get as much praise as people seem to say. Figured this would be a good way to find out.



Originally Posted by BlackBellatrix View Post
Now, we often hear a lot of anecdotal evidence on these boards about the healers being praised for their selfless act of having one attack, the medicine pool, leadership and Empathy heals to the detriment of their own character's soloability.
I have a slight quibble with this statement. Those of us who complain when we run into builds of this type aren't thinking about the poor soloing ability.



Originally Posted by BlackBellatrix View Post

So, my proposal is that a few of us embark on the quest to be pure healers for a bit and track the actualy responses we get and how our play sessions go. Let's play to the best of our ability within the basic healing framework.
A group of people did this before, 2 or 3 years ago, though my memory of the reports on the boards is fuzzy. Angry Healers? Something about the characters were linked to self-hating rage, and no, the PUGgers didn't notice.



I'm in a SuperGroup of all Empaths, if you play on Infinity you might have heard of us, Paragon City Search and Rescue.

We pride ourselves in being defenders. I've found that heals are really, really useful.
Until around level 16. Then you'll notice your teams health dipping less and less (as their defenses increase)
Thats where buffing comes into play.

Back on topic.
It's a sad fact that big green numbers get recognized quicker than anything by most players.
I never recieved a single compliment on any other toon. Whenever I team with my Empath, even if I don't use a single heal the entire mission, inevitably someone will say "Great heals!" at some point.

I think it's a holdover from the 'other' games where healing is a fundamental mindset.

Once, I was on my blaster, the tank died mid battle, the mob started to spread out to the rest of the team. I decided to sacrifice myself to save the rest so I dove in and used a damage aura, then ran around the corner and let them kill me. Buying the tank time to rez.
Not a single comment. In fact I was accused of playing recklessly.

I then jumped on my empath and accepted an invite from the same team. They didn't realize it was me though, They'd picked up a second tank in the mean time. Half way thru the mission and I'm getting bored, not a single health bar is moving. Fort's on the blasters and RA's charging. I realize, with 2 tanks I'm only using my attacks. Then it happens. We clear the mission and zone out, as we're waiting for the next mission the chorus of "Amazing job with the heals" and "You rock Capt.!!"
start appearing in chat.

I'm like, ummm what heals?

Just the simple fact that you can heal makes the team 'think' it's invincible. Even if you don't ever use them, even if you have 2 tanks soaking up all the aggro. Players are going to thank you for being an awesome healer.

I can really only recall one occasion where I felt I deserved the praise. This was on an 8 man invincible team with no tank, 4 blasters and a 3 scrappers. It was the most work I've done in game. ONly time I've put the Aura on Auto. I was firing off heals on everyone constantly. Killed myself twice with absorb pain and somehow managed to keep everyone alive.
Felt like I'd earned a medal for that one.
Oddly enough, that team didn't really say anything other than "That was rough"

Go figure.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
I'm in a SuperGroup of all Empaths, if you play on Infinity you might have heard of us, Paragon City Search and Rescue.

We pride ourselves in being defenders. I've found that heals are really, really useful.
Until around level 16. Then you'll notice your teams health dipping less and less (as their defenses increase)
Thats where buffing comes into play.

Back on topic.
It's a sad fact that big green numbers get recognized quicker than anything by most players.
I never recieved a single compliment on any other toon. Whenever I team with my Empath, even if I don't use a single heal the entire mission, inevitably someone will say "Great heals!" at some point.

I think it's a holdover from the 'other' games where healing is a fundamental mindset.

Once, I was on my blaster, the tank died mid battle, the mob started to spread out to the rest of the team. I decided to sacrifice myself to save the rest so I dove in and used a damage aura, then ran around the corner and let them kill me. Buying the tank time to rez.
Not a single comment. In fact I was accused of playing recklessly.

I then jumped on my empath and accepted an invite from the same team. They didn't realize it was me though, They'd picked up a second tank in the mean time. Half way thru the mission and I'm getting bored, not a single health bar is moving. Fort's on the blasters and RA's charging. I realize, with 2 tanks I'm only using my attacks. Then it happens. We clear the mission and zone out, as we're waiting for the next mission the chorus of "Amazing job with the heals" and "You rock Capt.!!"
start appearing in chat.

I'm like, ummm what heals?

Just the simple fact that you can heal makes the team 'think' it's invincible. Even if you don't ever use them, even if you have 2 tanks soaking up all the aggro. Players are going to thank you for being an awesome healer.

I can really only recall one occasion where I felt I deserved the praise. This was on an 8 man invincible team with no tank, 4 blasters and a 3 scrappers. It was the most work I've done in game. ONly time I've put the Aura on Auto. I was firing off heals on everyone constantly. Killed myself twice with absorb pain and somehow managed to keep everyone alive.
Felt like I'd earned a medal for that one.
Oddly enough, that team didn't really say anything other than "That was rough"

Go figure.
As an empath/elec defender who has played pick up teams (and solo) during her career on Freedom, all the way up to 50, I hearya. Yup, yup.



Originally Posted by BlackBellatrix View Post
As far as allowable powers, I'm thinking we can all be Emp/Archery or Emp/Psi and we will take ALL of our heals and resurrect powers. We will get medicine. I'm thinking Clear Mind is fine but I'm still undecided on Fortitude, as I think we run the risk of losing our True Healer status. Leadership and Teleport are fair game.

What say ye? Are you up to the challenge of being a h34l0r?
I disagree slightly with your power selection. The majority of people I've seen who espouse the pure healer concept don't actually mean a character who has nothing but healing powers but instead a character who doesn't have any attacks (besides the required tier 1 attack). As such they tend to take both Clear Mind and Fortitude (and often take great pride in keeping Clear Mind up on all of their team mates regardless of the usefulness of doing so).

What you're describing is the really incompetent empaths who believe that all they need to do is rock the auras and my experience is that even pure healers tend to look down on them.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
I think it's a holdover from the 'other' games where healing is a fundamental mindset.
That's the common reason given, and I just don't buy it. Most of these people I've ever seen doing this (and in many of the cases on the boards) are veterans of THIS game.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Once, I was on my blaster, the tank died mid battle, the mob started to spread out to the rest of the team. I decided to sacrifice myself to save the rest so I dove in and used a damage aura, then ran around the corner and let them kill me. Buying the tank time to rez.
Not a single comment. In fact I was accused of playing recklessly.

I then jumped on my empath and accepted an invite from the same team. They didn't realize it was me though, They'd picked up a second tank in the mean time. Half way thru the mission and I'm getting bored, not a single health bar is moving. Fort's on the blasters and RA's charging. I realize, with 2 tanks I'm only using my attacks. Then it happens. We clear the mission and zone out, as we're waiting for the next mission the chorus of "Amazing job with the heals" and "You rock Capt.!!"
start appearing in chat.

I'm like, ummm what heals?
So, in short, most people are idiots.

As far as the "experiment" goes? Seems like a total waste of time to me.



It always amuses me when people in the game say "nice heals" or feel compelled to give thanks because I mashed a button that gave a buff. My standard response is to thank them in turn for hitting things or shooting at enemy. Sometimes it makes something click in their heads and they realize it was kind of silly and unnecessary, sometimes not. Either way I get a laugh out of it.



Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
That's the common reason given, and I just don't buy it. Most of these people I've ever seen doing this (and in many of the cases on the boards) are veterans of THIS game.
Doesn't mean they can't be veterans of other games as well.

You have four 'true' categories of "healers":

1) The Ignorants, aka "newbies"
[-]a) These are typically (but not always, some people can just be that oblivious, even after 50 months...particularly if they do nothing but solo or rarely play support, etc., "fish out of water" as it were) your pilgrims from games where a buff that gives you a 2.5% increase to physical resistance is huge as opposed to this game where 2.5% is what you get from an IO bonus and your regular powers are five to ten times that potent.
[-]b) They can also just be exactly as their category says: They just don't know any better.
[-]c) Usually, with a little bit of friendly, not overbearing education, you can fix their misconceptions/misguidance. If you can't, then you're looking at a Category 3 Healer. And do remember that what you view as being friendly might actually be passive-aggressive and actually ******-ish.
[-]d) Also applies to anyone that says "nice heals" past the early-mid teens (and not in a surreptitiously sarcastic manner). Generally, you reach a point where if healing was key to your survival, it means the commentary should follow the lines of "Who forgot to buff?" Of course, this is more aggressive and anti-wallflower so yeah.

2) The Idealists, aka "damn RPers"
[-]a) "I can feel the pain of all those around me--thus I cannot bear to cause harm to others, only to alleviate their woes." Of course, this means that they're ignoring their Spines/DA Scrapper teammate impaling people with poisonous spears. It also turns a little creepy if you consider Pain Domination in the reverse...
[-]b) "Medic [x]" "Doctor [x]" "[x] Nurse" "Mother [x]" "[insert druidic name here]"

3) The Indignants, aka "noobies"
[-]a) These are the ones people remember and belittle on the boards and in regular conversation. You can't reason with them 99% of the time. Everyone has their own experiences with these.

4) The Wife™, aka "Mind if I join?"
[-]a) TVTropes provides some good reading on this.
[-]b) Do note that this category is gender-neutral. It simply refers to the [gender noun]friend/fiance/whatever that wants to specifically help their reciprocal relation. They're likely to be less attentive/knowledgeable of playing (falling into Category 1 territory) but have their own identifiable foibles. If they get into the game, they'll leave this category and probably figure out the deeper mechanics on their own. Otherwise, they're a lost cause (and their reciprocal relation will probably be less than amused by attempts to educate).
[-]c) Beware of word usage that commonly includes "hubby". Beware.

Originally Posted by Westley View Post
most people are idiots.
"Most"? I believe the word you're looking for here is "all". (And I won't go to the trouble of sneak attacking you with a wall of text espousing both the cynical/pessimistic view and the philosophical view. This time. )

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



I seem to recall Hobo Healer did something like this a few years back and was bored out of his mind.

I have an Emp/Psy sitting at about level 40 right now. I'm probably not the greatest defender that ever walked Paragon, but I've gotten compliments on how I handle the character. I have all of the goodies plus Leadership, but plenty of attacks to play with as well. I can't imagine giving up the powers I have to take the Medicine pool or whatever.

The basic problem is that once you really get into the game and appreciate what all of the powers do, you start missing powers you don't have when you encounter the perfect opportunity to use them. (Vengeance, for example! )That's why it doesn't make sense to take a third or even fourth heal that you'll never need instead of a power you can have some real fun with.



To the OP - im not sure the validity of your point or your actions.... considering you already know the answer. And i dont think peeps that bored, unless they're looking to be a dedicated healer....
And if you dont know the answer or need proof - just ask one who is, for pete's sake (not me).....

Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
I'm in a SuperGroup of all Empaths, if you play on Infinity you might have heard of us, Paragon City Search and Rescue.

We pride ourselves in being defenders. I've found that heals are really, really useful.
Until around level 16. Then you'll notice your teams health dipping less and less (as their defenses increase)
Thats where buffing comes into play.

Back on topic.
It's a sad fact that big green numbers get recognized quicker than anything by most players.
I never recieved a single compliment on any other toon. Whenever I team with my Empath, even if I don't use a single heal the entire mission, inevitably someone will say "Great heals!" at some point.

I think it's a holdover from the 'other' games where healing is a fundamental mindset.

Once, I was on my blaster, the tank died mid battle, the mob started to spread out to the rest of the team. I decided to sacrifice myself to save the rest so I dove in and used a damage aura, then ran around the corner and let them kill me. Buying the tank time to rez.
Not a single comment. In fact I was accused of playing recklessly.

I then jumped on my empath and accepted an invite from the same team. They didn't realize it was me though, They'd picked up a second tank in the mean time. Half way thru the mission and I'm getting bored, not a single health bar is moving. Fort's on the blasters and RA's charging. I realize, with 2 tanks I'm only using my attacks. Then it happens. We clear the mission and zone out, as we're waiting for the next mission the chorus of "Amazing job with the heals" and "You rock Capt.!!"
start appearing in chat.

I'm like, ummm what heals?

Just the simple fact that you can heal makes the team 'think' it's invincible. Even if you don't ever use them, even if you have 2 tanks soaking up all the aggro. Players are going to thank you for being an awesome healer.

I can really only recall one occasion where I felt I deserved the praise. This was on an 8 man invincible team with no tank, 4 blasters and a 3 scrappers. It was the most work I've done in game. ONly time I've put the Aura on Auto. I was firing off heals on everyone constantly. Killed myself twice with absorb pain and somehow managed to keep everyone alive.
Felt like I'd earned a medal for that one.
Oddly enough, that team didn't really say anything other than "That was rough"

Go figure.
This quote goes far and true to what is hoped to be proven. If the point is to find out if "praise" is rewarded fairly or correctly, here is good proof. But honestly, who cares if it is or not! Lets keep it real lol. Its awsome for the fact that an AT gets praise from a team in the first place. And EVEN if you knew you didnt do much in your roll towards their survivability and they praise you, speaks to the fact that they simply appreciate your presence there and ensuring their safety. Im not really sure whats wrong with that. I can think of MANY AT's that RARELY get praise, if ever at all!

Its best not to second-guess our teammates intentions, when it was only positive in the first place....



I happen to have a Pure Emp. It's one of the most sought after Emps on my server. The toon was lvld and built in a traditional non-PL fashion and I learned the VERY basics of my Empathy pwrs by doing this. I also learned to solo albeit every slowly. I eventually copied the Emp to the test server where it was respec'd and given a 200mil dollar build. Back then, that was expensive. The thing was tricked out with IO sets to the teeth, hauled *** around the maps, had awesome resistances, and hit 2477hp with a Power Boosted Absorb Pain. This build had the single mandatory attack and it wasn't even present in my power trays. Why? PvP.

This was a standard PvP build. Call it cookie cutter if you want, but it was necessary to fulfill its role for the team. Having learned to roll this build rather well on test server, I then respec'd the live build. Granted, it's not as tricked out, as the money just isn't there to do it but the build is the same...it just lacks some set bonuses.

So now that I've become proficient in using this build to it's fullest, I am able to take a good team and make it great. I can make a bad team successful. I can roll it into the most difficult TF's and come out with a Master's. All this because I was brought onto the team for one reason: make the team an enduring death machine. And that's what I do. It's all I do. You will never see me taking my eye off the health bars and buff icons. If there are fewer than 4 Fortitudes going I'm slacking. I will not be seen casting an attack while one of my teammates is going down. And I will not be distracted from my role on the team by getting caught up in something other than a heal or a buff.

Fine if that's not for you. Play the Emp your way. That's why we have options. Most PUGS don't know the difference anyway. Just don't expect to stay on my team long when I invite you for your ALL you Emp abilities and you're not producing results. I recruit Tanks to be meat shields. I recruit Blasters to kill. Trollers better be holding/debuffing/buffing (they're the smartest players btw) everything. And if I see a man go down on my team while your Emp is attacking, don't cry when you get the boot. Don't make me ask/tell you to keep the CM and Fort flowing. And don't let me see those End bars dropping cuz you have AB and an RA that you better have mastered so well that you can drop that in the middle of a fight and hit the players who need it most (timing and free-flow movement).

Are my standards high? Yes. Is this the RIGHT way to play? No...but there is no right or wrong. But if you want that ever-yearned-for-recognition...well...my toon can Emp better than yours can. What did you expect with your build?

If you think I'm full of it, then look me up on Champion (@Liquid -). Put me to the test. Play suicidal. But I won't Rez you...I won't need to.

; p

Server: Champion
SG: Pingu Coalition
50's: Twilight Girl, Fire - Storm, S. Charmichael, Checkers-, Masquerade-, Liquid Tempest, Snack Food, Cinder - Burn, Liquid Embers, Claire Voyant.
Others: Cuddles the Kitten, Sarayu, Ninety-Nine, .Calibre



Originally Posted by Liquid827 View Post
Are my standards high? Yes. Is this the RIGHT way to play? No...but there is no right or wrong. But if you want that ever-yearned-for-recognition...well...my toon can Emp better than yours can. What did you expect with your build?
I agree that there is no right or wrong way to play, I also agree that your Emp can Emp better than an Emp with more focus on their attacks. However the point being made by people in this thread is that your Emp is to much of an Emp.

On a decent team an Empath shouldn't be spending that much time healing, and even though you probably do a more through job of buffing than a blasting Empath the DPS loss from you not blasting is greater than the gain from more efficient buffing.

Fort is a nice damage buff, but honestly the DPS gain from a well slotted defender more than outweighs the extras you can get. With the exception of a few enemy groups I'd much rather see an Empath use Clear Mind reactively rather than wasting time that could be used for blasting than trying to use it proactively since a good tank will take most of the mezzes anyway and he doesn't need it. Heck, I don't even mind that much if they choose not to use it at all but I solo a lot so I tend to carry plenty of BFs.

I do agree with you on AB, it's a nice buff and I would like to see more Empaths use it proactively but I think that's more a problem with people not understanding it's use than it is with Empaths blasting.

Defenders have blast powers for a reason and I expect them to be slotted and used appropriately. I've run TFs with Defenders who don't blast but in all cases it was because I couldn't find any Defenders who were willing to blast.

On a slightly off topic I don't know why you think that controllers are the smartest players. Overall I don't think I've seen much correlation between AT and player intelligence at all, although there are other characteristics that seem to become more prevalent among particular ATs (for example Scrapperlock )



Originally Posted by Liquid827 View Post
I happen to have a Pure Emp. It's one of the most sought after Emps on my server.
; p
That's like saying you're the best butt-wiper in the nursing home. (caveat: This is regarding PvE play. In PvP of course, such forsaking of offensive output actually serves a tactical purpose.)



Originally Posted by Liquid827 View Post
I happen to have a Pure Emp. It's one of the most sought after Emps on my server. The toon was lvld and built in a traditional non-PL fashion and I learned the VERY basics of my Empathy pwrs by doing this. I also learned to solo albeit every slowly. I eventually copied the Emp to the test server where it was respec'd and given a 200mil dollar build. Back then, that was expensive. The thing was tricked out with IO sets to the teeth, hauled *** around the maps, had awesome resistances, and hit 2477hp with a Power Boosted Absorb Pain. This build had the single mandatory attack and it wasn't even present in my power trays. Why? PvP.

This was a standard PvP build. Call it cookie cutter if you want, but it was necessary to fulfill its role for the team. Having learned to roll this build rather well on test server, I then respec'd the live build. Granted, it's not as tricked out, as the money just isn't there to do it but the build is the same...it just lacks some set bonuses.

So now that I've become proficient in using this build to it's fullest, I am able to take a good team and make it great. I can make a bad team successful. I can roll it into the most difficult TF's and come out with a Master's. All this because I was brought onto the team for one reason: make the team an enduring death machine. And that's what I do. It's all I do. You will never see me taking my eye off the health bars and buff icons. If there are fewer than 4 Fortitudes going I'm slacking. I will not be seen casting an attack while one of my teammates is going down. And I will not be distracted from my role on the team by getting caught up in something other than a heal or a buff.

Fine if that's not for you. Play the Emp your way. That's why we have options. Most PUGS don't know the difference anyway. Just don't expect to stay on my team long when I invite you for your ALL you Emp abilities and you're not producing results. I recruit Tanks to be meat shields. I recruit Blasters to kill. Trollers better be holding/debuffing/buffing (they're the smartest players btw) everything. And if I see a man go down on my team while your Emp is attacking, don't cry when you get the boot. Don't make me ask/tell you to keep the CM and Fort flowing. And don't let me see those End bars dropping cuz you have AB and an RA that you better have mastered so well that you can drop that in the middle of a fight and hit the players who need it most (timing and free-flow movement).

Are my standards high? Yes. Is this the RIGHT way to play? No...but there is no right or wrong. But if you want that ever-yearned-for-recognition...well...my toon can Emp better than yours can. What did you expect with your build?

If you think I'm full of it, then look me up on Champion (@Liquid -). Put me to the test. Play suicidal. But I won't Rez you...I won't need to.

; p
Keeping Pingus alive is no small feat either.

My emp was designed for much the same purpose and then PVP was forgotten when wind blowing started to suppress you and decay your heals. I think the only time I've become frustrated in a team was when playing with a short bus PUG(Inv scrapper with no toggles at 44, Blasters that wanted to stand next to exploding jaegers, Shield tank that didn't take all of their defensive toggles). I think my empath is at once both the most proactive and reactive character I've ever played. It's certainly one of the most fun.



Originally Posted by Liquid827 View Post
And if I see a man go down on my team while your Emp is attacking, don't cry when you get the boot. Don't make me ask/tell you to keep the CM and Fort flowing. And don't let me see those End bars dropping cuz you have AB and an RA that you better have mastered so well that you can drop that in the middle of a fight and hit the players who need it most (timing and free-flow movement).
Bossy, poor defenders would likewise get the boot and the ignore. The biggest problem with empaths like you describe is since all they do is keep the team alive, they think they are the boss of the team.

I already have a mommie. I don't need two.



Originally Posted by LostHalo View Post
Doesn't mean they can't be veterans of other games as well.
No, but it does imply that they haven't learned how this game operates yet, which one assumes veterans of this game would do as well as they did those other games.

Of course, there are also those that just primarily play this game and still do such things. The reason I don't buy the idea that it is simply brought from other games is that it implies they are capable of learning a behavior from one game but not learning a new behavior from a similar game.



Originally Posted by BlackBellatrix View Post
I am one of the many who feels that teams looking for 'healers' are somewhat ignorant about game mechanics and, especially after level 12, a pure healer is something that is not as useful as most other type of defenders.

Now, we often hear a lot of anecdotal evidence on these boards about the healers being praised for their selfless act of having one attack, the medicine pool, leadership and Empathy heals to the detriment of their own character's soloability.

So, my proposal is that a few of us embark on the quest to be pure healers for a bit and track the actualy responses we get and how our play sessions go. Let's play to the best of our ability within the basic healing framework.

As far as allowable powers, I'm thinking we can all be Emp/Archery or Emp/Psi and we will take ALL of our heals and resurrect powers. We will get medicine. I'm thinking Clear Mind is fine but I'm still undecided on Fortitude, as I think we run the risk of losing our True Healer status. Leadership and Teleport are fair game.

What say ye? Are you up to the challenge of being a h34l0r?
Well BB,

This is an interesting idea.
Unfortunately I would not find it something that I would get into personally.
And here is why;

For me, no praise or remarks from my team-mates are needed. I actually get a kick out of watching people slap each other on the back and praising everyone but me. Then I go home to my secret HQ, hang up my cape and smile knowingly that I was a great part of my team's success whether they realize it or not.

If I do get people noticing me, I want it to be more of a shock and amazement response to how well I not only healed, but also did <<insert whatever amazing other things the team didnt know defenders could do>>

My advice for you is to try this yourself if you feel something is to be learned.
Record your findings and come back and show us what the statistics have shown you.




Of course a 2487 HP heal is overkill on anything bar a tank or a brute.

Scrappers/Khelds/VEATS cap at 2409 hit points, then its down to most squishies at 1606 hit points.

So the most any squishie is getting out of that heal is 1605 HP.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Liquid827 View Post
Fine if that's not for you. Play the Emp your way. That's why we have options. Most PUGS don't know the difference anyway. Just don't expect to stay on my team long when I invite you for your ALL you Emp abilities and you're not producing results.
Killing stuff is an empath's ability. If you're playing as a defender, that is.

I recruit Tanks to be meat shields. I recruit Blasters to kill. Trollers better be holding/debuffing/buffing (they're the smartest players btw) everything. And if I see a man go down on my team while your Emp is attacking, don't cry when you get the boot.
To quote Yoda, "and that is why you fail." You're playing some other game. Seriously, if a player with my well slotted Fort on them, and active Reg Aura, (and CM if a blaster or def/troller), manages to die, they really had it coming (they do have a whole tray of insps.) A second point, a char dying in this game is really "no biggie". If you are booting players for "letting a man go down", you need to seriously get over your drama addiction.

Are my standards high? Yes.
I wouldn't say "high". I would say silly.

Is this the RIGHT way to play? No...but there is no right or wrong. But if you want that ever-yearned-for-recognition...well...my toon can Emp better than yours can. What did you expect with your build?
And my toon can DEFEND better than yours (in PvE) because I can do 99% of what you do defensively AND throw out not insubstantial team DPS and enemy -rech with my Psi AoEs. Teams go faster when defenders play both powersets they have access to.



Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
The reason I don't buy the idea that it is simply brought from other games is that it implies they are capable of learning a behavior from one game but not learning a new behavior from a similar game.
Habits are far easier to form than they are to break.

*And my wall of text owned you. I already covered this. :P

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~