Healer Experiment.

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by LostHalo View Post
Habits are far easier to form than they are to break.

*And my wall of text owned you. I already covered this. :P
If you're in this to "own" me, then you need to find something more productive to do.

You're still assuming those habits were indeed formed in another game. Logic is currently owning you.



Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
You're still assuming those habits were indeed formed in another game.
Not quite. These are still covered under Category 1, under both Subsets A and B. They could indeed be veterans of only this game and formed the habits. They equally could also be people that don't know the ideal methods. (And before people jump on me, I already covered the "let them play as they want" under Category 2 and possibly 4, depending on the circumstance. There are degrees of "RP", it doesn't immediately peg from nothing to tentacle catgirl.)

If you're in this to "own" me, then you need to find something more productive to do.
Nah. I just enjoy making the horrifyingly over-elaborated descriptions of extremely stupid topics. It lets my mind wind down from writing stuff that actually matters.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Ooh, liquid, can I put your "100% of your attention" Emp up against my "25% of my attention" Force Fielder?
I know which one I'd rather have on a team. Although I confess I just really, really love the set (even though I have no desire to play one myself).



Originally Posted by Liquid827 View Post
I happen to have a Pure Emp....

So now that I've become proficient in using this build to it's fullest, I am able to take a good team and make it great. I can make a bad team successful. I can roll it into the most difficult TF's and come out with a Master's. All this because I was brought onto the team for one reason: make the team an enduring death machine. And that's what I do. It's all I do. You will never see me taking my eye off the health bars and buff icons. If there are fewer than 4 Fortitudes going I'm slacking. I will not be seen casting an attack while one of my teammates is going down. And I will not be distracted from my role on the team by getting caught up in something other than a heal or a buff.

Fine if that's not for you. Play the Emp your way. That's why we have options. Most PUGS don't know the difference anyway. Just don't expect to stay on my team long when I invite you for your ALL you Emp abilities and you're not producing results. I recruit Tanks to be meat shields. I recruit Blasters to kill. Trollers better be holding/debuffing/buffing (they're the smartest players btw) everything. And if I see a man go down on my team while your Emp is attacking, don't cry when you get the boot. Don't make me ask/tell you to keep the CM and Fort flowing. And don't let me see those End bars dropping cuz you have AB and an RA that you better have mastered so well that you can drop that in the middle of a fight and hit the players who need it most (timing and free-flow movement).

Are my standards high? Yes. Is this the RIGHT way to play? No...but there is no right or wrong. But if you want that ever-yearned-for-recognition...well...my toon can Emp better than yours can. What did you expect with your build?

If you think I'm full of it, then look me up on Champion (@Liquid -). Put me to the test. Play suicidal. But I won't Rez you...I won't need to.

; p
I don't think the OP is really arguing the merits of a "pure emp" over an empath with lots of blasts or even those of a "pure healer" over a "pure emp". The experiment as I understand it was to try different playstyles and see what peoples' responses were.

In other words, the question is not so much "which works better?" as it is "do people really praise you more for bad play than good play?" I pretty much agree with you about Fortitude, but the idea behind the OP is to dump the power in favour of Stimulant and Resuscitate to see if people are really dumb enough to thank someone for resurrecting them instead of taking a power that would have kept them alive.

It's an interesting experiment and I'm looking forward to seeing the results, but I don't think I'd have the patience to stick it out. I probably wouldn't make it to level 20 before I broke down and respecced the character properly. ("Properly" being merely my take on how an Empath should look.)



I think having Medicine Pool is taking the bleeping bleep but as for anything else I couldn't care less. I like defenders prioritizing the defending part. Play what makes you happy and be marmite. People will either like your character or not.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by BlackBellatrix View Post
I am one of the many who feels that teams looking for 'healers' are somewhat ignorant about game mechanics and, especially after level 12, a pure healer is something that is not as useful as most other type of defenders.

Now, we often hear a lot of anecdotal evidence on these boards about the healers being praised for their selfless act of having one attack, the medicine pool, leadership and Empathy heals to the detriment of their own character's soloability.

So, my proposal is that a few of us embark on the quest to be pure healers for a bit and track the actualy responses we get and how our play sessions go. Let's play to the best of our ability within the basic healing framework.

As far as allowable powers, I'm thinking we can all be Emp/Archery or Emp/Psi and we will take ALL of our heals and resurrect powers. We will get medicine. I'm thinking Clear Mind is fine but I'm still undecided on Fortitude, as I think we run the risk of losing our True Healer status. Leadership and Teleport are fair game.

What say ye? Are you up to the challenge of being a h34l0r?
LOL well I actually have a lvl 50 emp/arhery and heres her build real quick:

Pure empath

First attack

All of it

TP friend



Power Mastery-
conserve power
power Build up

I have gotten some major compliments (paid once) as being a pure empath with only three attacks. Now granted a Emp/Rad can out do me, but I am still a favored healer. I have saved so many lives because I am not attacking unless I have RA off and I throw off RoA or I am sniping to pull.

So is that all this experiment is about?

EDIT: I also made this character in 05' and recently just hit 50 with her. It's not particularly FUN and that's why I don't play her that much she is more just there if a team is so handicapped that we need her.

Pinnacle - The Drunk Server!
MAIN: Desi Boy> Level 51 Fire/Fire Tank
Super Group: C.O.R.E.
Tanking since 05'



no Hasten = fail



Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
no Hasten = fail
I find that Tp friend is more important and I prefer flight as my travel power because of hover for defense. Also fitness is needed no matter what and I chose leadership over hasten because 4 powers is better then one.

Hasten is nice to have because empaths need to focus on recharge recharge recharge and heal but I don't need hasten. I honestly think people have become to reliant on hasten.

Pinnacle - The Drunk Server!
MAIN: Desi Boy> Level 51 Fire/Fire Tank
Super Group: C.O.R.E.
Tanking since 05'



Originally Posted by Desitre View Post
I find that Tp friend is more important and I prefer flight as my travel power because of hover for defense. Also fitness is needed no matter what and I chose leadership over hasten because 4 powers is better then one.

Hasten is nice to have because empaths need to focus on recharge recharge recharge and heal but I don't need hasten. I honestly think people have become to reliant on hasten.
The Hasten isn't for rapidfire healing because that is rarely needed with diligent buffing. Hasten in the build with ED-capped rech in Fort, Adrenalin Boost, and Regen Aura, which are the backbone of Empathy's proactive protection playbook. An additional +70% rech on these buffs allow for a substantial savings in player energy, freeing them from a ridiculous quantity of reactive health-bar babysitting, and liberating them to apply an additional fistful of team damage to the hapless villains.

What is your main use of TP. Is it commuting your team to the mission door, or is it body retrieval? Trading in Recall friend for Hasten, gives you your big guns much more quickly.
Saying people are too reliant on Hasten, is like saying "People are too reliant on electricity."



Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
The Hasten isn't for rapidfire healing because that is rarely needed with diligent buffing. Hasten in the build with ED-capped rech in Fort, Adrenalin Boost, and Regen Aura, which are the backbone of Empathy's proactive protection playbook. An additional +70% rech on these buffs allow for a substantial savings in player energy, freeing them from a ridiculous quantity of reactive health-bar babysitting, and liberating them to apply an additional fistful of team damage to the hapless villains.

What is your main use of TP. Is it commuting your team to the mission door, or is it body retrieval? Trading in Recall friend for Hasten, gives you your big guns much more quickly.
Saying people are too reliant on Hasten, is like saying "People are too reliant on electricity."
Well that's why I have power build up, it increases all my healing and all that stuff. I just throw that off then throw off RAs and Fort. May not be as good as hasten or it may be better, but it's good enough for me and the team. Very few ppl die when im the healer, although your prolly right, I would do better with hasten then tp.

But when there is that one guy that is trying to get a free ride, or is causing the team to wipe, it is always nice to fly up above a huge mob and tp him from the sky to the mob and watch him die right before I kick him from the team lol

You're prolly right but I think I am just fine the way I have my build and my teams don't die unless there is the situation pointed out in the paragraph above. So it's not a fail, more of not the best but still good lol
-Nice avatar btw.

Pinnacle - The Drunk Server!
MAIN: Desi Boy> Level 51 Fire/Fire Tank
Super Group: C.O.R.E.
Tanking since 05'



Originally Posted by Desitre View Post
Well that's why I have power build up, it increases all my healing and all that stuff. I just throw that off then throw off RAs and Fort.
I love Power Build Up as well, and you're giving out the sweet stuff when you drop a PBU'd Fort on someone. PBU has no effect on the RA's , unfortunately, as it boosts heal but not +reg.

You're prolly right but I think I am just fine the way I have my build and my teams don't die unless there is the situation pointed out in the paragraph above. So it's not a fail, more of not the best but still good lol
-Nice avatar btw.
Fair enough. Got caught up in a defender board reflex Buff-centric, "heals are for the meek" mode, because I enjoy the 1 buff- 2 blast- 3 heal Empathy playstyle so much. Playing a heal-focused empath certainly is a dynamic playstyle, and "dramatic shifts in fortune" gaming experience, which most folks would describe as fun. It's not surprising to me that some people groove on it.