GR Closed Beta... ever?




I'm attending HeroCon, but this will not make me eligible for the GR closed beta because I'm not a US Citizen. I suspect this has to do with enforcing the NDA so...

Will the EU community be able to joing the GR CB? Ever?

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Weeell, considering they marketed the loyalty-beta-majig in the EU as much as they did in the US, they'd better come through on it or they'll have another angry EU-player dogpile to deal with.

I don't think they'd make that error again but the little cynical part of my brain can see them somehow managing to.

Character references! Artz! Whatnot!



Originally Posted by Ravenswing View Post
I'm attending HeroCon, but this will not make me eligible for the GR closed beta because I'm not a US Citizen. I suspect this has to do with enforcing the NDA so...

Will the EU community be able to joing the GR CB? Ever?
Given the Email they sent out on 1/10/09 contains this :
Active Account Loyalty: All City of Heroes and City of Villains players who maintain an active account from the 15th August 2009 to the 16th November 2009 will receive special rewards for their loyalty:

- Closed beta access for City of Heroes Going Rogue™

- Exclusive loyalty badges: "Vigilant" for Heroes and "Determined" for Villains
We bloody well better.




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Originally Posted by Maynia View Post
Weeell, considering they marketed the loyalty-beta-majig in the EU as much as they did in the US, they'd better come through on it or they'll have another angry EU-player dogpile to deal with.

I don't think they'd make that error again but the little cynical part of my brain can see them somehow managing to.
But if they didn't come through with that wouldn't they leave themselves open to some form of redress as many EU server players could happily claim that they only kept an active account for the qualifying time period because of the advertised 2nd wave GR closed beta test.

Just as a reminder, the official announcement stated:
All City of Heroes® and City of Villains® players who maintain an active account for the time period beginning August 15, 2009 and ending November 15, 2009 will receive a set of special rewards for their loyalty to Paragon City™ and The Rogue Isles™:
• Closed Beta access* for City of Heroes Going Rogue™
• Exclusive loyalty badges**: "Vigilant" for Heroes and "Determined" for Villains

* Going Rogue Closed Beta Access will be granted using a three-tier system:
    • Tier One: City of Heroes Veterans with 60+ months of paid time.
    • Tier Two: Loyalty Program players
    • Tier Three: Players who Pre-Order Going Rogue (Preorder details to be announced at a later date)
You'll notice that it is closed beta access that's announced, not just beta.

Note that:
  • I can't find any mention of this in announcements.
  • The announcement was made on the website news sections and, iirc, was made whilst the boards were down for c. 3 days for the merge. (I note that on the first thread I made when the boards returned, which was about the loyalty offer, here)
  • IIRC the announcement was first made on the US website, and then an equivalent announcement was made on the EU site after a day or so. As far as I could tell at the time, the only difference was in EU-localisation (costs in pounds sterling/Euros and I think that the times may have been changed to GMT). I believe that the beta access was stated exactly the same for the EU as for the US.
  • Final note: I may be imagining all this.

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Just out of curiosity, but what exactly is the big draw of a beta anyway? Sure, I understand the getting a sneak peek at things, but I still don't see what's so golden about being allowed to do unpaid testing. I mean, I have enough with the bugs that make it into the final releases. Why would I want to wrangle with more?



Originally Posted by Leif_Roar View Post
I still don't see what's so golden about being allowed to do unpaid testing. I mean, I have enough with the bugs that make it into the final releases. Why would I want to wrangle with more?
If you actually are testing (rather than just enjoying a preview play) then you're helping to reduce the bugs that make it into the final release. i.e. if more people tested then maybe, just maybe, there wouldn't be any major bugs in the final release.

Everyone wins then.

That is enough for some.

EDIT: It's also sometimes the case that people just want to check that things that they enjoy in the game aren't being broken.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
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Originally Posted by Judgement_Dave View Post
If you actually are testing (rather than just enjoying a preview play) then you're helping to reduce the bugs that make it into the final release. i.e. if more people tested then maybe, just maybe, there wouldn't be any major bugs in the final release.
Speaking as a battle-scarred software developer, I don't really think that's true (there's always a limited capacity to fix bugs before release) but even if it was true, I don't get it. When I go to eat dinner at a restaurant I don't particularly want to help prep the kitchen to make sure I get good food.

Don't get me wrong: I appreciate that a lot of people want to get in on the closed beta tests (if nothing else it helps detect any obvious load or performance issues), I just don't understand them.



Originally Posted by Leif_Roar View Post
Speaking as a battle-scarred software developer, I don't really think that's true (there's always a limited capacity to fix bugs before release) but even if it was true, I don't get it. When I go to eat dinner at a restaurant I don't particularly want to help prep the kitchen to make sure I get good food.

Don't get me wrong: I appreciate that a lot of people want to get in on the closed beta tests (if nothing else it helps detect any obvious load or performance issues), I just don't understand them.
The limited time is why I restricted it to "maybe, just maybe, there wouldn't be any major bugs in the final release". Games and expansions will always launch with some bugs due to money/resource restrictions.

I think your restaurant analogy is close but wrong.

Beta testers aren't helping to prep the food (they aren't doing any coding or game-data manipulation). They're acting more like taste testers to let the cooks/chefs know if there are any major problems with a dish before it's added to the menu for everyone to eat.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
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A couple of years ago, I was in Memphis meeting up with a couple of SG mates.

The restaurant we went to was a fairly famous steakhouse in the area, and most of the patrons actually took the 'cook it your way' approach. Literally they were cooking their own steak under a chefs supervision.

That is odd behaviour is you ask me. Beta testing software, notably games is something I have been doing since the early 80s. I like to help out where I can, and the 'reward' I get fot it is checking areas that I am especially interested in get the attention they need.

Example. I'll be paying very close attention in GR to the market systems, and merit earning rates. (Caveat test market and live market ARE different beasts, thats why I'll look at the systems more than the actual markets).

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Originally Posted by Leif_Roar View Post
Speaking as a battle-scarred software developer, I don't really think that's true (there's always a limited capacity to fix bugs before release) but even if it was true, I don't get it. When I go to eat dinner at a restaurant I don't particularly want to help prep the kitchen to make sure I get good food.

Don't get me wrong: I appreciate that a lot of people want to get in on the closed beta tests (if nothing else it helps detect any obvious load or performance issues), I just don't understand them.
But you'll also have access to the Closed Beta boards and can Rage at any imbalances or downward power readjustments that might happen (even if they make sense).



All City of Heroes® and City of Villains®
They could not allow EU players in for the simple reason that we are City of Heroes Europe® not City of Heroes®.



Originally Posted by Ravenswing View Post
I'm attending HeroCon, but this will not make me eligible for the GR closed beta because I'm not a US Citizen. I suspect this has to do with enforcing the NDA so...

Will the EU community be able to joing the GR CB? Ever?
Considering we've had closed beta access previously, I really can't see how they can justify claiming they can't enforce it. Pressure them, Birdy.

Hell, I regularly sign an NDA for a company in Taiwan! They can enforce THAT!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



It actually may have nothing to do with the NDA but rather the fact that it's a promotion (come to hero con and get x) and there are some odd international rules about promotions. The other is based on your exhisting subscription and while it's seems promotional can probably be listed as a bonus or reward.

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the way i see thing being handle with all this *italic text of USA only thing, i wouldn't be surprised if that email was meant fot us player only and the *italic text was missing from it

and i don't think we be getting that badge either as stated we are the City of Heroes Europe® and City of Villains Europe®, not City of Heroes® and City of Villains®



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Considering we've had closed beta access previously, I really can't see how they can justify claiming they can't enforce it. Pressure them, Birdy.
Past performance is no an indication of future performance? I know it applies to shares, but we never had trouble with normal betas until I16 where it was heavily delayed and there was some doubt we would get it at all. Then there were a lot of complaints and suddenly EU Test had I16.

As for Leif's question... I'm not entirely sure I want to actually do the closed beta. I hated the CoV closed beta, it was so amazingly buggy it was untrue and ran like a dog.

On the other hand, I don't like the thought of being denied the opportunity...

Guess we'll see. As people have said, there'll be a lot of noise if it doesn't happen.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
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I was going to take a month break from the game since im moving into my very first own house next month and wont be able to play for most of the month [so scared of moving into first house!] but the closed beta access draw convinced me to keep my account active for it.

So yes, we best have it or else Though im feeling highly confident we will get it. Be a huge huge huge huge error to send EU players email notifications about it plus on the EU website.

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Originally Posted by Leif_Roar View Post
Just out of curiosity, but what exactly is the big draw of a beta anyway? Sure, I understand the getting a sneak peek at things, but I still don't see what's so golden about being allowed to do unpaid testing. I mean, I have enough with the bugs that make it into the final releases. Why would I want to wrangle with more?
either u get beta to play it or beta to help test it. with the EU side. our side..getting beta makes us or at least me feel more apart of the family and not the loser of the family.



Originally Posted by Forsaken_Empire_EU View Post
and i don't think we be getting that badge either as stated we are the City of Heroes Europe® and City of Villains Europe®, not City of Heroes® and City of Villains®
*eyes twitch madly and foam starts forming at the muzzle*

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Originally Posted by Leif_Roar View Post
Just out of curiosity, but what exactly is the big draw of a beta anyway? Sure, I understand the getting a sneak peek at things, but I still don't see what's so golden about being allowed to do unpaid testing. I mean, I have enough with the bugs that make it into the final releases. Why would I want to wrangle with more?
Since this is something that will change gameplay it would be good to know what one gets into. Since Going Rogue will mean that any AT can jump over to the other side (Well that is what we are led to believe) after doing a quest or the thing the Devs have in mind).

There are a few reasons why I would love testing this issue. Most importantly would be what can you bring over to the other side? Will i.ex badges be changed (names), will some be removed since you no longer are say a hero? Will you be able to get the villain badges and rejoin the heroes?

Then we come to the marked, either or both will have some kind of change here with influx of lots of recipes/enchantments etc. Those you have on you, will they travel with you over to the other side? Will Influence be changed into Infamy or just deleted? Suddenly a mm can join the hero side and buy them worthless purples recipes (think they will increase).

How many times i.ex will you be able to change side, and if you stay true to your side, can you still change afterwards?

What I'm trying to put forward... I got plenty of questions and the beta will answer them for me and make me decide IF any of my chars will swap side.
Also those questions might help squash bugs so... i'm prepping to use the /bug alot.

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Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
*eyes twitch madly and foam starts forming at the muzzle*
Aww Blue...
*Strokes the little cuddly Rabbit that soon will have lots of foam, over his forhead (and ears)* There there...

(Ponders to say)
Be warned.. I got a Foaming Blue Rabbit and I'm not afraid of using him!

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Considering the poostorm over the I6 EU beta, and then it suddenly happening afterall, I really doubt there'll be no EU GR closed beta.

I doubt NC would want the forums to literally explode, or the PR poostorm that would ensue. They want ALL their players to be happy and to buy the update when it launches.


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It is encouraging that you have such faith, FFM.

You'll notice we still don't rate anyone official coming along to say that my worries are unfounded. I suspect this is because they haven't actually read the thread, not because we won't be getting the beta, but it is interesting all the same.

It's weird, since they merged the forums, a move which should result in everyone feeling more 'valued,' the level of service to the non-US customers actually seems to have gone down.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Originally Posted by Ravenswing View Post
It is encouraging that you have such faith, FFM.
Oh, there's no faith there. It's conviction that NC don't have the guts to take the chance and not give us the EU Closed Beta. They folded VERY fast over the I6 issue after it broke in the forums, and I doubt they'd risk that again, especially as they guaranteed us access.

Originally Posted by Ravenswing View Post
You'll notice we still don't rate anyone official coming along to say that my worries are unfounded. I suspect this is because they haven't actually read the thread, not because we won't be getting the beta, but it is interesting all the same.

It's weird, since they merged the forums, a move which should result in everyone feeling more 'valued,' the level of service to the non-US customers actually seems to have gone down.
I've commented on this before. IMO, the reason we were given the EU lounge was so that they could shovel us off into a corner and ignore us for the most part.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.