Hate hate HATE the downtime changes!
Whose lameassed brain-dead idea was it to change the server downtime from 6am - 8am MST to its newer and more $%^&* frustrating 4am - 6am MST?
4am is the exact middle of the time I'm usually playing at night, and it's also pissing off our Aussie friends, for whom the new downtime falls at 9pm. It's a global game; have some global concern, will ya? And what's with this Tuesday downtime bull$%^?! As if f%$#ing up my Friday and Monday mornings wasn't bad enough, now you're screwing with my days off?! On the upside, this makes jumping ship for another MMO much easier... c'mon SWTOR, hurry up already! |
You don't think other MMOs have downtime?
@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL="http://tobyfife.blogspot.com/"]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog
If they'd just left the time at 6am MST (when I have to put my laptop away ANYWAY), it'd be all well and good. But NOOOOOO... that's not good enough for them. Then they have to throw in odd days here and there (like this morning when I'd just gotten up about 20 minutes before they took down the servers).
Fix it!

yeah. i'm sure they did that just to break YOUR balls. get over it. they try to pick a time when the least amount of traffic is on so as to not hurt to many peoples play time.
Perhaps if you calmed down and wrote a well-reasoned letter to the Devs and had your affected friends do the same, you might get a better response. Ranting and name-calling isn't the best option for accomplishing change, especially when it's done in an emotional state and in writing.
Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!
He's frustrated and just venting, somehow i don't think Plas expects the devs to cater to him. Cho did the same the other week. We are suposed to be friendly servermates who say yeah that sucks i know if it happened to me at 9pm i would hate it. Is a little compassion and understanding really too difficult? People vent their frustrations sometimes it helps, so maybe don't take it so personal and just give a ear.
If i am wrong and he does expect change then Missy's is the best answer.
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
The new server downtimes are not the best. Unfortunantly if I remember correctly they were changed because they are doing server maintenance on both the EU servers and the US servers at the same time. If the times remained the same that would be 2 to 4 in the afternoon in the UK and even later on other parts of Europe.
While I believe that trying to coordinate server maintenance between 3 server sites is a flawed idea at best thats what they seem to want/need to do.
There is no perfect solution and while I believe the current plan is not the best thats were it is at right now.
While I believe that trying to coordinate server maintenance between 3 server sites is a flawed idea at best thats what they seem to want/need to do.
Hopefully this whole process will go through further restructuring.

Hopefully this whole process will go through further restructuring. |
Unfortunately, whoever that group is will still complain because their time is used. There is no Win, just a best case lose.
Also consider that the game itself is based here on the west coast, I doubt they could run maintenance at 2 am local time as most of them would, I dunno, not be at work at 2 am?
...just sayin
Also consider that the game itself is based here on the west coast, I doubt they could run maintenance at 2 am local time as most of them would, I dunno, not be at work at 2 am? ...just sayin |
Isn't the current maintance at 4am there now? 7AM my time (EST) i was pretty sure was 4AM west coast time....just sayin
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
I like the change. I am Cst. I am rarely on at 6:00 am due to" Mommie taxi " ferrying children to school. The curent maintenance schedule has it where I can play when I get home rather than a 2 hour downtime. I can understand why other time zones might not like the change but it's a plus for me. Besides? This game is like the weather in Texas. All subject to change in the blink of an eye.Give it a bit and it will be different.
The only time I'm on at 7am EST (my time zone) is if I've been up all night and should be sleeping anyway. So, it doesn't bother me at all.
However, I *do* sympathize with Plas, and am sorry that his time is being impacted so harshly, but I think that threatening to leave for another game was a bit presumptuous and reactionary. All games are going to have downtime, and what I hear from other games, we have it pretty good.
@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL="http://tobyfife.blogspot.com/"]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog
I can sympathize with Plas' dilemma. I'm none to happy about the times either, but I also know there's nothing I can do about it.
7am-9am EST is my window between getting the midget on the bus and time for work, so I usually use that time to hop on and do my marketing and silly socializing with Chloe n Philly.
I can sympathasize. While I mainly play in the evenings in the eastern timezone, I do log in some mornings to get a mission in, or check markets, or move day jobs.
It was never a problem for me during the old time of 9:00 am. In fact, sometimes getting kicked was my clue to haul @$$ and get to work.
I understand that they have to do regular maintenance and that they are more likely to chose a time when less people are inconvenienced. But I think it would be more equitable if they moved the time a bit every now and then, especially if we are having shut downs every two days. If they only changed it by an hour up or down each time they did it, it would still effect people, but not the same people all the time (like Plas and the Aussies).
So if they did Monday at 3:00 a.m. Pacific and Friday at 5:00 a.m. Pacific I think it would be better received.
50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM
Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad
and here, just incase you didn't see this one...
The live North American & European City of Heroes servers have been scheduled for maintenance Thursday October 8th instead of the usual Friday time slot. Start Time: 4:00 AM Pacific Time (7:00 AM Eastern Time / 12 PM British Time / 13:00 Central European Time) Expected Duration: 2 hours Expected Finish Time: 6:00 AM Pacific Time ( 9:00 AM Pacific Time / 2 PM British Time / 15:00 Central European Time) We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. |
Perhaps if you calmed down and wrote a well-reasoned letter to the Devs and had your affected friends do the same, you might get a better response. Ranting and name-calling isn't the best option for accomplishing change, especially when it's done in an emotional state and in writing.
Or just try posting the equivilent of an entirety of "this game needs more -range"
Yep, that's the problem right there. I'm sure they have some reason for it, but I find it questionable that whatever reason it is, it is more important the inconvenience of their customers. EU Servers should go through maintenance on an EU time frame. Sadly, the Australian players get left out in this no matter what, as they don't have a dedicated server to get the schedule changed for.
Hopefully this whole process will go through further restructuring. |
Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!
He's frustrated and just venting, somehow i don't think Plas expects the devs to cater to him. Cho did the same the other week. We are suposed to be friendly servermates who say yeah that sucks i know if it happened to me at 9pm i would hate it. Is a little compassion and understanding really too difficult? People vent their frustrations sometimes it helps, so maybe don't take it so personal and just give a ear.
If i am wrong and he does expect change then Missy's is the best answer. |
Anyone who knows me knows I love a good rant and even the occasional full-on freak out. But pick your rant-mates with care. Rant in your team channel, on Skype, with your neighbor, whatever. But always think twice before you put it in writing for the world to see.
And believe me, if I've given good advice here, it's not because I think I'm above all that or would never do it myself. I'm giving it because I know first hand that it can work against you and if anyone else can learn something from my experiences, hopefully before they make the mistake on their own, then I think that's making the best out of a bad situation.
Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!
I absolutely understand what you're saying and I'm a big fan of venting and recovering. But I also know that it's generally never a good idea to capture all that raw emotion in writing and on an internet forum. You never know what your legacy will be, but there's a better than average chance that you'll be remembered by someone for the worst thing you said or did, despite any good you've done the other 364 days a year. The devs do read the forums and while they can't read everything, Murphy's Law suggests they'll somehow stumble on the one where you called them names and cussed them out.
Anyone who knows me knows I love a good rant and even the occasional full-on freak out. But pick your rant-mates with care. Rant in your team channel, on Skype, with your neighbor, whatever. But always think twice before you put it in writing for the world to see. And believe me, if I've given good advice here, it's not because I think I'm above all that or would never do it myself. I'm giving it because I know first hand that it can work against you and if anyone else can learn something from my experiences, hopefully before they make the mistake on their own, then I think that's making the best out of a bad situation. |
As one of the Aussies affected by this shutdown I too an dissapointed at the apparent lack of vision as to what other parts of the world a change in schedule would affect.
I have also written to NCsoft about this issue so this post is purely a comment supporting Plas' inital post.
This change in time sucks for me here in Australia and jsut join the global channel Australia in game to see that it sucks for the rest of us here too. IMO If they had have madethe shut down time 2am or even middnight Pacific time then it would have only been a minor inconvienience to the US players and the UK/European players since that's midday/early afternoon Europe time and midnight/early morning US time.
For us here in Australia the Thursday night shutdown time is actually 9pm Firday! Friday night! That's pretty much the only time I get to sit down in fornt of the computer to play some games. I can tollerate loosing Monday night gaming (ie the Sunday night maintainence) but Friday night is a bit hard.
I can sympathize with Plas' dilemma. I'm none to happy about the times either, but I also know there's nothing I can do about it.
7am-9am EST is my window between getting the midget on the bus and time for work, so I usually use that time to hop on and do my marketing and silly socializing with Chloe n Philly. |


Cho the Fro -- F I N -- ShuTheFrontDoor-- Whosenwatcher -- RoboCho -- Don Wanton -- Wonder Cho - Spam Man - Cho - Dupa - Shelitababy - Emo'd - Flossy - Soviet Garden - Choalee - zaploid - Ko'Tain - Frine - Trower - Choake - Mr. Trashy - i r n00b - Mr. Class E - Mr. Stabbens - Beta Cay
As one of the Aussies affected by this shutdown I too an dissapointed at the apparent lack of vision as to what other parts of the world a change in schedule would affect.
I have also written to NCsoft about this issue so this post is purely a comment supporting Plas' inital post. This change in time sucks for me here in Australia and jsut join the global channel Australia in game to see that it sucks for the rest of us here too. IMO If they had have madethe shut down time 2am or even middnight Pacific time then it would have only been a minor inconvienience to the US players and the UK/European players since that's midday/early afternoon Europe time and midnight/early morning US time. For us here in Australia the Thursday night shutdown time is actually 9pm Firday! Friday night! That's pretty much the only time I get to sit down in fornt of the computer to play some games. I can tollerate loosing Monday night gaming (ie the Sunday night maintainence) but Friday night is a bit hard. |
Whose lame***** brain-dead idea was it to change the server downtime from 6am - 8am MST to its newer and more $%^&* frustrating 4am - 6am MST?
4am is the exact middle of the time I'm usually playing at night, and it's also pissing off our Aussie friends, for whom the new downtime falls at 9pm. It's a global game; have some global concern, will ya?
And what's with this Tuesday downtime bull$%^?! As if f%$#ing up my Friday and Monday mornings wasn't bad enough, now you're screwing with my days off?!
On the upside, this makes jumping ship for another MMO much easier... c'mon SWTOR, hurry up already!