10 -
After 69 months of playing (I just got the badge to prove it :P) I too have never done a Dr Q, but unfrotuantely since I live in Australia 12:45pm Eastern unless it's Australian Eastern is right out for me.
So how was the Vegemite?
Az and I eat it every day for breakfast, it's the best thing EVA!
Hysterior -
Quote:My apologies for the discordant post, but if there was a petition to stop all programming/resources on holiday based events/themes and dedicate them instead to "Going Rogue" and other new permanent additions to this game I'd sign it.
This Trick or Treat/Beat the Flagpole stuff doesn't impress me much. I don't need to be "festive" when playing a video game. I have actual family, friends and actual festive occasions and traditions for that.
What I'd like is new, permanent content - new exciting places to explore. I think my lament with this "event" is that it took resources away from other tasks and improvements.
I think essentially, this "event" boils down to squandered resources. Resources that can be better spent on more permanent, more careful and more intelligent creation than this.
My apologies this opinion, goes against the grain of many others on this thread, but that is how I feel.
Give me this petition to sign. This is exactly my thoughts also. Sure extra flovour is nice but I'd prefer content I can enjoy all year. -
Personally I love the events that this game offers us throughout the year and I have done a banner raid this year and thought it was cool.
However I do want to beg the devs to not keep 1 upping themselves each year. It's great to get new content sure but we've been getting new stuff for 5 years now and the events are getting full.
I'm a 60 month player so have heaps of toons that have done all of the previous years events but I loved them then and love them again when they return so I can play them on my new toons. I dont' need a new massive event each year.
Sure add little tweaks, like a new monster mob to the ToTing or a new type of 'Nice' prize to the Holidays event but IMHO we really don't need any more zone wide events added to the events that we've currently got.
Just my $0.02. The events we've got are great. Can't we just keep what we've got and have the devs didicated to working on new permanent content? That's much better for me. -
Yes thank You GF, while we are still the most affected the change in timing is a far better solution that what has been in place up to now.
Quote:I uderstand this if it is indeed done at 4am Thursday US time then yes it is out Thursday night and I personally won't be affected since I'm not home Tursday nights. However if it is Friday 4am (or as many would refer to as Thursday night 4am) then it would still be bad for Aussies/Ocieanics.Benird Thursday 4am in the US is Thursday night in Australia not Friday night. We are ahead of them but not by that much.
If the maintenance is indeed moved to Thursday rather than Friday I know a lot of Australians who will be very happy. Friday night is the one night most of us can get together at the same time and to get a full uninterupted run will be fantastic.
This issue that 4am US time is a terrible time for Ocieanic players still remains however, and this is reduced if the time is a couple of hours earlier or the old time of 6am. -
Also as one of the Australian players, do we yet know the proposed time for the scheduled once/week maintainence?
For me, changing to once/week but still at the 4am Thursday window doesn't improve the current situation since this will still fall at 9pm Friday night AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) and 8pm Friday night AEDST (Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time). For many of us this is the worst possible window. I'd sooner see on outage on Monday - Thursday night than Friday - Sunday.
As I've suggested through email and on the Justice server forum I think that shifting the maintainence window earlier by 2 hours to the current schedule would be a more convienient time for us Aussies and would be the middle of the day Europe time and in the wee ours of the morning US time. -
As one of the Aussies affected by this shutdown I too an dissapointed at the apparent lack of vision as to what other parts of the world a change in schedule would affect.
I have also written to NCsoft about this issue so this post is purely a comment supporting Plas' inital post.
This change in time sucks for me here in Australia and jsut join the global channel Australia in game to see that it sucks for the rest of us here too. IMO If they had have madethe shut down time 2am or even middnight Pacific time then it would have only been a minor inconvienience to the US players and the UK/European players since that's midday/early afternoon Europe time and midnight/early morning US time.
For us here in Australia the Thursday night shutdown time is actually 9pm Firday! Friday night! That's pretty much the only time I get to sit down in fornt of the computer to play some games. I can tollerate loosing Monday night gaming (ie the Sunday night maintainence) but Friday night is a bit hard. -
the problem also is they are using the free 14 day trial accounts to do this. Hasn't anyone ever tried the /gignore one on them and noticed it's also a giberish ignore name. The other problem is these are PL farmers that have no problem getting a toon to lvl 50 in a few hours. So if your gonna do it by can't send emails till a certain lvl or stuff like that it's just not gonna work.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not so fun fact:
Using the /gignore on them has zero effect. There is a break down in the system so that /gignore only blocks global tells, not emails or tells from characters on that account.
[/ QUOTE ]
I wouldn't say that /gignore has zero effect on them, I always when I get a spam tell /ignore_spammer and /gignore I might be very lucky but when I see tells in global channels alerting others to spam tells I never seem to get them, I can only assume it's because of my /gignore. I think for every 15 spam tells my wife gets I might get 1. She doesn't use the /gignore.
I've also never recieved one of these spam emails, touch wood, but again she's recieved several.
Maybe I'm just too much work for them but personally I'm getting off relatively lightly I feel. -
I recieved my 1st RMT harrassment 2 nights ago Australia time (really early in the morning PT) it came from IP which won't resolve as a URL but that's the IP that a tracert gives my for the DNS.
I petitionned and ignored (both flavours) I got a response back within an hour from NCSoft so was quite impressed.
We as a community have to fight this. NCSoft can do what they can but they'll only continue to flog a dead horse as long as it's profitable.