Does everybody hate the riffle except me ?




i have made a AR/TA corruptor that i would say if the most fun i have hade since i rolled my elc/sheild brute but on my server i seem to be the only one like me an i was wondering why is that wht does every one else know that i dont btw off subject a little i need a BFG for my Ar corr one of those mini guns that the counsil long bow or nemisi have would be perfect for my character " Warface"



Count me as "AR/TA" lover also, just made one and its pretty much the funniest Corruptor if have played so far. A good friend of mine also plays one and he seems to have a blast too. To each his own but theres something that makes me happy everytime I shove a shotgun blast up a Longbow's face

Beware what lurks in the Shadows



I love my AR/Traps/Mace corrupter.



I love my lvl 50 AR/DEV blaster, wich i can't stop play (is my main)
I also love my lvl 50 AR/traps corruptor
... and finally i'm having a great time with my new cold/AR defo
If i could make an AR scrapper, i would make one.

People in general don't like AR, cause they consider it an underdog (no nova, redraw, only lethal/smashing damage.....blah,blah,blah). Personally i think that the underdog powersets and combos are great challenge and a lot of fun to play and make them work.

On the other hand, in my server (defiant), i see a lot of AR blasters, but no corrs till now exept me

defiant only

my public list :



Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
I have made an AR/TA Corruptor. I would say it is the most fun I have had since I rolled my Elec/Shield Brute.

But, on my server, I seem to be the only one who has an AR/TA. I was wondering: why is that? What does everyone else know that I don't know?

BTW, off subject a little: I need a BFG for my AR Corr (one of those mini guns that the Council and Longbow or Nemesis Soldiers have). It would be perfect for my character, "Warface."
Translation: Complete

Commentary: Periods: Not Difficult
Addendum: Proper Grammar: Helpful
Inquiry: Define: Riffle



AR is at the same time my favorite primary and most hated.



Originally Posted by preachmoore View Post
no nova, redraw, only lethal/smashing damage

Most AR players see Full Auto as a better alternative to a nova because it doesn't crash your end bar. Smashing damage is only present in M30, and Flamethrower and Ignite are both Fire damage, so I haven't heard that complaint very often either.

The main I hear about AR is unreliable knockback spam. Slug, Buckshot and M30 all knockback and are all available at very low levels, when new players don't know how to use knockback well.

The other complaint I hear from more experienced players is that several powers animate forever. Flamethrower, Ignite, and especially Full Auto have extremely long animations compared to the amount of damage they do.

I love my AR/Cold - it's the only char I bothered getting a full 5 LotGs for. On the other hand, I couldn't imagine playing AR without a heavy debuff secondary. AR/Rad is nice, AR/Dark might work, AR/TA is kinda the redheaded stepchild of a worthwhile debuff set and a joke about redraw.



Love my AR/Rad, perma AM/Haste, FA every 19 seconds :-)



Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
Translation: Complete

Commentary: Periods: Not Difficult
Addendum: Proper Grammar: Helpful
Inquiry: Define: Riffle

Riffle: ri'-fel; 1.) n, A type of card shuffling whereas the deck is separated into two halves and held face down. then the facing ends of both halves are bent away from one another and allowed to "flick" into place, randomizing them.; 2.) v, to shuffle a deck of cards in the aforementioned style.



Originally Posted by SacredMay View Post

Riffle: ri'-fel; 1.) n, A type of card shuffling whereas the deck is separated into two halves and held face down. then the facing ends of both halves are bent away from one another and allowed to "flick" into place, randomizing them.; 2.) v, to shuffle a deck of cards in the aforementioned style.
excuse me dang !! i didnt know my thread had to be proof read



Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
Translation: Complete

Commentary: Periods: Not Difficult
Addendum: Proper Grammar: Helpful
Inquiry: Define: Riffle
Smart @zzness : noted not appreciated



Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
Smart @zzness : noted not appreciated
My AR/Dark Rocks. With Darks Immob, Hold, and Debuffs, and AR's solid Damage. Then there is the Disorient "Bean Bag" everyone says not to take. It's my best friend. It has gotten me out of alot of tricky situations.

AR is solid for folks who will take the time to learn to control the Targeting Arcs. Most of its AOE's are Cones. It requires you to position yourself correctly, in order to get the most bang for the buck. Most people are lazy, and don't want to expend that much effort.

As for Slow Animations, I'm playing 8 man teams, and haven't seen where it is a problem. I also Solo the toon, and haven't had problems. If you use your secondary, your primary will do the damage.

AR Rocks.

Edited to correct spelling.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Originally Posted by preachmoore View Post
I love my lvl 50 AR/DEV blaster, wich i can't stop play (is my main)
I also love my lvl 50 AR/traps corruptor
... and finally i'm having a great time with my new cold/AR defo
If i could make an AR scrapper, i would make one.

People in general don't like AR, cause they consider it an underdog (no nova, redraw, only lethal/smashing damage.....blah,blah,blah). Personally i think that the underdog powersets and combos are great challenge and a lot of fun to play and make them work.

On the other hand, in my server (defiant), i see a lot of AR blasters, but no corrs till now exept me
I don't like it because I feel it's poorly constructed with no internal consistency. Even if you can make it look different, it's still a frankengun. This is why I like the Wolf Spider Huntsman type build, that lets you use a gun that makes sense o.o

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



Originally Posted by Aisynia View Post
I don't like it because I feel it's poorly constructed with no internal consistency. Even if you can make it look different, it's still a frankengun. This is why I like the Wolf Spider Huntsman type build, that lets you use a gun that makes sense o.o
I have a Huntsman and he's great, I see where you're going w/ theme.

My AR/Rad concept is he has the ability to infect you and make you sick. His ability doesn't kill, but weakens the target immensely. Having no other offensive ability, he uses a rifle for offensive damage.

Not very solid in theme yea, but you kinda wanna force it down when you can use Full Auto every 19 seconds



Darn, I thought this topic was about potato chips.

The Bacon Compels You.



AR/TRAPS FTW!!! Screw the haters! Love the traps!



My main is AR/Dev. He was also my first level 50 and got most of that by soloing.

I love Full Auto, I can use it at least once a fight (twice in big brawls) and that's after its recharge got nerfed.

Black_Strike is right that you have to learn how to postiton your cones, so its not for everyone. But overall I'm quite fond of it.



Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
Translation: Complete

Commentary: Periods: Not Difficult
Addendum: Proper Grammar: Helpful
Inquiry: Define: Riffle
Epic fail: Pretentious attempt to proof-read someone elses grammar and spelling mistakes. Yet, in your own attempt you failed to correct "...had hade..." (first line, second sentence of OP).

Moreover, your character names of "WYLDE-FIRE" and "...PUNKT" question your credibility as they have blatant grammar mistakes and spelling errors. Should we respond with "Zomg...Roxxors"?

Careful, calling the kettle black...



Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
excuse me dang !! i didnt know my thread had to be proof read
Your thread doesn't have to be proofread, but it does show respect for yourself and your readers to proofread it. It was sarcastic of Thirty_Seven to comment on it, perhaps, but he or she wasn't the first to bring disrespect into the thread.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Well i luv Assault Rifle, i got a AR/Kin corrupter at 50(fully IO'd) its my fav toon all time, my m8 dont like it so much tho, cuase i luv to spam M30 Grenade :P

But Fullcrum + Full Auto/Ignite + Buckshot + Flamethrower is FTW, luv that combo

49 level 50's(CoH/V), cant be arsed to list em all :P



To answer your post title: I love the riffle, it makes my chips dippin champs. Go riffle.



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Your thread doesn't have to be proofread, but it does show respect for yourself and your readers to proofread it. It was sarcastic of Thirty_Seven to comment on it, perhaps, but he or she wasn't the first to bring disrespect into the thread.
i am not out to "disrespect" anyone my keys stick an i didnt proof read it! so please hand out my punishment an lets get on with our lives please> forgive me Grammar nazi's



Originally Posted by Jorlain View Post
To answer your post title: I love the riffle, it makes my chips dippin champs. Go riffle.
lol you MUST be the life of the party !!!



Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
Smart @zzness : noted not appreciated
Welcome: You are.
Not Required: Your Appreciation
Goal: Community Service
Comprehension: Significant to Posting

Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
excuse me dang !! i didnt know my thread had to be proof read
Negation: Required
Recommended: Proof Reading

Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
i am not out to "disrespect" anyone my keys stick an i didnt proof read it! so please hand out my punishment an lets get on with our lives please> forgive me Grammar nazi's
Keep in mind that your intent does not preclude anyone else's interpretation of what is presented. If I draw a banana astride two oranges, and someone accuses me of having drawn something inappropriate, me telling them it is just some fruit has no impact on their first impression... nor does it necessarily alter in any fundamental way how the image could be interpreted. Perhaps, I am a horrible drawer of bananas and it really did have a glans.

That is all.

P.S. I find it a tad odd, that no one commented on the "grammar nazi" (that'd be me) condeming poor grammar while using Rikti-speak, of all things.



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Your thread doesn't have to be proofread, but it does show respect for yourself and your readers to proofread it. It was sarcastic of Thirty_Seven to comment on it, perhaps, but he or she wasn't the first to bring disrespect into the thread.
Self-Designation: Gender: Male