Who wants an offline/single player mode after CoH has ran it's course?
Whoah. This is a blast from the S&I past. Yep. I would play with it, but then I still rollout BattleZone once in a while too.
Swear I'm gonna make a Grizzly1 toon one of these days.
Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time

Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!
I would like one, for the above reasons.. I still itch to play old MMO's now and again, but some I can't because they are online.. Asherons Call 2 comes to mind..
Luckily theres a 3rd party server up and running for PSO:BB, so whenever I need my PSO fix I just head over there (all official PSO servers are closed).
While it's depressing to think like that, I would very much like that, myself. I spend the majority of my time solo anyway, and I'd even be willing to buy the full boxed set at $60 all over again if I had to. A regular peer-to-peer multiplayer might be nice, though I'm not certain anyone would have the financial interest to make that happen.
Maybe we can get the ability to host something like all of those "private" servers that get people in trouble for WoW and Lineage or some such. City of Heroes is something I'll always like, even when it's no longer updated, so having the ability to play it even after it's no longer supported would really, REALLY be nice.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I would like that. I'd also pay extra money for it like if it was a new game ($50 - $60).
While it's depressing to think like that, I would very much like that, myself. I spend the majority of my time solo anyway, and I'd even be willing to buy the full boxed set at $60 all over again if I had to. A regular peer-to-peer multiplayer might be nice, though I'm not certain anyone would have the financial interest to make that happen.
Maybe we can get the ability to host something like all of those "private" servers that get people in trouble for WoW and Lineage or some such. City of Heroes is something I'll always like, even when it's no longer updated, so having the ability to play it even after it's no longer supported would really, REALLY be nice. |
That'd be great, but given that the client alone is reaching for 3G, can you imagine how big the server app suite would have to be? Running both on one machine would take a massive powerhouse of a box.
That said, I'd pay out a ton of money to get such a box if CoH went private-server. It might take a while, but I'd sell a kidney if I had to.
Yeah, okay, I'm a CoX junky. I admit it.
--If we can have huge sig images, why can we have only five lines of text?
--...faceplanting like a Defender pulling an AV (Nalrok_AthZim)
Lol? The game isn't anywhere near running its course.
I'd love this option, but I'd guess it'd be pretty unlikely even if they wanted to do it. The backend might not even run on Windows, might be Linux-only, and certainly requires things like a robust database engine. If it's something like Oracle, that's big bucks. It's hard to imagine that once the game is near to dying and they're about to pull the plug they'd make a big investment in making all their server code able to be easily installed and configured via a script. And of course all the players that were left would want to transfer their most beloved characters to their own machines, which is yet more code that doesn't exist.
Hopefully what they'll do instead is just consolidate servers and keep the lights on, hopefully with a reduced sub fee, like $8/mo. Even with a relatively small playerbase it should be profitable to pay for a server, maintenance, a couple of GMs, and maybe a part time dev to do things like turn on special events.
Lol? The game isn't anywhere near running its course. |
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
I fail to see the point!
For me it's all about not playing alone. If I wanted to play alone there's such a HUGE amount of great games that are WAY better than CoX, but playing (and finishing) a solo game feels empty even compared to buffing up a single alt with another purple recipe and taunting my fellow players about it!
Shortly... I'd never ever play this game unless I have some great people to play it with. Imho that's what this game (and other MMOs as well) survive on: Our desire to keep socializing with our "friends" and our profound knowledge they wouldn't all follow to the "next big thaang".
Sure I can solo a bit every now and then, but that's just a good way of having something nice to show the other people and use for the next round of ITF/whatever, and I'd much rather play Guitar Hero 3/4/GH/5, GTA 4(still haven't had much time with that one), Mass effect, Burnout Paradise, Call of Duty, Freespace 2 open source, The Babylon Project, heck... even old Marvel Ultimate Alliance or good old Starcraft.
I would enjoy the game and the character editor if I could record stuff and have it render it in the same quality as the "trailers" for CoX though. That could be a cool toy!
Hell, I'd like to be able to play Tabula Rosa offline. I somewhat regret not trying it sooner, as it was a really fun game with a great concept... it probably would have done much better if it had followed the Guild Wars model instead, though, as from what I've read the servers were extremely expensive to maintain.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
I would be hard pressed to believe CoX is going out of style anytime soon. Despite the game having issues, especially after each release, it truly has no peer in its genre. So I believe CoX is here to stay for a long time, or unless the unthinkable happens and real, total competition in this genre occurs. Champions on line is a cute game, but it lacks the maturity of CoX, so it really is not much of a challenge and even less of a risk. DC On Line looks promising, but again, one can advertise anything; thus seeing is believing.
Being able to play CoX off-line, would be nice, but then I feel much of the true flavor of the game is actually player interaction. The reason I like this type of games, is because of the ability to socialize; in fact it was the social aspects of the game, that attracted me to the game, not so much the blast this or that component of the game.
I do not know much abouot servers, and having to have a server to run the game, so the technical stuff is just to complex for me to comprehend. But if I could use a good top of the line PC computer to become a server to run CoX, and then I could use another computer to tie to it, and then my girl friends could log into my server, that would be really cool.
They can just beam it into our satellite-ready brain implants, because who knows how far technology will have advanced that many years in the future?
/e hopeful
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
I'd buy a single-player version of CoH/V again as long as it wasn't for my PC. For my PSP/DS/Wii/360/PS3, definitely, for my PC, no thanks.
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
if we do get a single player mode it would have to be a 100% new game technically. a single player mode for example can't do a hami raid, thus, it would be wise just to cut it out of the game. Same can be said with certain if not most TF/SFs (for casual play). So, if we do see a single player mode, the game would have to be, essentially 100% reworked around the concept of only 1 player (or possibly 2 or whatever the cap is)
Whining about everything since 2006.
Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:
if we do get a single player mode it would have to be a 100% new game technically. a single player mode for example can't do a hami raid, thus, it would be wise just to cut it out of the game. Same can be said with certain if not most TF/SFs (for casual play). So, if we do see a single player mode, the game would have to be, essentially 100% reworked around the concept of only 1 player (or possibly 2 or whatever the cap is)
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
the client alone is reaching for 3G, can you imagine how big the server app suite would have to be? Running both on one machine would take a massive powerhouse of a box.
The issue isn't the amount of space it takes up, but the amount of your RAM and CPU it uses. According to the system requirements, you should expect 1G RAM (2G is basic nowadays, with 4G being the upper limit for 32-bit operating systems, pushing higher for 64-bit), and 2GHz processor (my 5 year old laptop has 2GHz each on 2 cores).
That's the client. The server requirements to manage hundreds or thousands of users would be large, of course. However, I doubt the needs for a small number of players (single or double digits) would be anywhere near the needs for the current servers.
What is sad, is when they close good games without trying to find new ways.
I think some of the "failed" games would have been fun as open source projects. Just imagine if they said "Heck, Tabula Rasa failed, but let's see what the community can do, release the server code and client code and see what happens."
It would be great PR and someone's bound to snatch the code and set up at least private servers or do something seriously fun with it. As I understand it some ppl are actually trying(?) to set up an updated old-style Star Wars Galaxies server(?)! Not to mention all the cool stuff other released-codes projects have resulted in.
Come to think of it, while it's seriously open for exploits, an open source MMO project - from the start - could become something seriously interesting if anyone dared to go down that road.
As I understand it some ppl are actually trying(?) to set up an updated old-style Star Wars Galaxies server(?)!
Come to think of it, while it's seriously open for exploits, an open source MMO project - from the start - could become something seriously interesting if anyone dared to go down that road.

I believe there are fan-run SWG servers from pre-NGE days.
No, wait, that wouldn't work, those were before City of Villains. Ha! I guess there's kind of a box there. No ED automatically means no CoV and, thus, no PvP*. Not many of the sort of folks who would bother setting up a private server in the first place would be willing to accept that, I suspect. Personally, I just wouldn't want to go back to playing in a world where there were no Enforcer costume bits. Half of my characters would be going around with no gloves on.
As for an "offline mode" for CoH in general, I've always rather hoped they'd do something like that, simply because sometimes I just can't be bothered to deal with other players. The same purpose could be served by a sort of reverse Hide function that hides everybody else instead of me, though.

* Shouldn't we keep the VP on the QT? Because if it leaks to the VC the VP could end up MIA and then we'd all be put on KP.
While I believe I understand the OP's motivations - I think he just wants to get way way WAY out in front of something that is inevitable (in a "decades" scale) - I still think it's a little premature.
My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City
Honestly, if a single-player version of this game eventually became available (and was playable on the computer I have at the time), I would be interested.
There would be some serious differences, though.
Most of the channels on the chatbox would be removed.
The Market would be a lot different. Presumably just fixed prices for everything and instead of drops, just give more $Inf.
I'm not sure I'd play Defenders or Controllers (particularly certain powersets of those) without having borrowable NPC teammates in that proposed single=player game.
Wow, those are some deep thoughts from many of you guys!
But it would be cool, if you could have a server, and then have variations stored based on release. Say a post beta server, I1 server, i10 server, etc. In general I feel as a whole, each release has made the game better, not worse. So I am not sure if having the choices, I would end up not using them, an donly use the latest release.
Giggles, a cool stand alone "neutral" server could be created by CoX, so we could play while the main servers are being maintained :<)
Truth be told, I have idly contemplated a MMO with an open source client. Could be interesting
![]() |
SecondLife has both an open source client as well as an open source server... but then again, it makes Virtue's PocketD look family friendly by comparison

Although, the main problem with any open source game isn't the engine as much as the complete and total lack of artists (then after that it's sucky primitive engines as well as sucky primitive graphics on Linux which is often the main platform).
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Whenever subscriptions get low enough, and potentially when or if CoH2 or a game to replace CoH comes out, or even if this game just doesn't have enough juice despite the fanbase. Would you want an offline mode for single player purposes? I know I would, old games are still fun to come back to.
The ability to experience the CoH content as it is now, but on your own private, client side server (or however it would be best to set something like this up). The ability to connect with friends over the net in a shared server would be nice to. (Might need some free third party fan made prog for this but w/e, depends on if the devs want to devote the last issue to it)
Of course, at this point it will be client side and thus hacking will be easily possible, but if your playing SP/ or with friends and the game is past its prime it shouldn't matter.
When the servers are unplugged I know I might still want to logon a character every once in a while.