If you could have 3 new Items....




1) More Arcane looking furniture (I love the arcane look, but an office chair/desk looks so out of place)

2) Real Water effects, so I can put them in rooms that don't allow defensive items.

3) Those CoT's ring portals that you can walk through. Don't care if they are functional, just be cool to have them in a base

I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, Keep me here!



Things that trigger animations, kinda like the workbench that when you click it it brings up the invention animation.

A vending machine where when you click it you start pushing buttons on it and bend over to grab a bag of chips and stand there and much em.
Coffee machine where you can stand around and "grab" the pot and drink some coffee.
Things like that, and the animations don't have a /e equivalent, they're only there at those specific objects. I'd like to sit at and work at a desk or in a cubicle and have some animations going off... the copy machine...

Just fun stuff like that.

Also, some kind of "Danger Room" would be cool, where in that room your Defenses attack you and SG mates can "practice" with each other while in that room. I don't know, maybe some kind of "Studio B" style door room in the base that instead of suppresing powers flags you as some kind of arena style duel.



Doors inbetween rooms. During raids, have the option to add a destructable door.




1: Ponds/pools/fountians etc.
2: Outdoor furnature, Garage door/launch doors, basicly anything you see from the outside of a building
3: Outdoor styles (sky, park, beach, city skyline, penthouse view, etc)

I love all the Inndoor/Pseudo outdoor SG bases, but it would be nice to have your secret meeting place be "beyond the mists" or "the roof of building X" or even "Beach PARTY." And in my SG base, the pool really does need some pool furnature to match those telepads.



1. CLEAR glass panels.
2. A skylight that looks like a skylight and gives off a lot of light.
3. Water squares that we can lay down just like the floor plates.
4! I want four things! I want fountains!

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



1) Being able to place items actually in the doorways. - multi-level pathways between rooms aren't possible without this.
2) Multiple types of Floor/Wall pieces. Fully skinned on all sides.
3) Doorways to be scripted so that you can place doorways next to one another if you want.



Originally Posted by DoktorMechaniker View Post
What would they be?

1: Large Glass Panel
2: Small Glass Panel
3: 1/8th width, but in half and full height wall sections in a few different styles.

Plus maybe a couple double sided floor plates in different styles, but I'd live with just these 3. Some of the other ideas in this thread are great too!

I can think of about 15 items they could add to the base editor that would just make bases exponentially better and more fun to build.



Does a working base mission computer (or whatever that thing was called) count as something new?

1. Different door sizes (allowing for a larger door between rooms like we used to be able to make)

2. Removable floor tiles I mean all the way to the bottom til there is no floor. I want a base that works like the shadow shard, you fall, you get teleported back to the base entrace.

3. Base NPCs - with the prestige changes our base has grown enormously but it feels kind of empty.



1. Floors (So that we can finally build multi-level rooms, without having to stack items FOREVER)
2. Water Effects (I want a pool/pond in my base! And no, I do not want to use a slow field to accomplish that.)
3. Walls (It should be possible to create walls that are not a full square thick.)

There is so much more that I would like to see for bases, and hopefully some will make it to live in the NEAR future.



I'm always looking for more functionality with bases so I'm gonna go with:

1. Inf transfer between characters mechanism
2. Market Interface
3. Mission computer (one that allows AE and sg based mission access)

As the top three. Like lots of people, I have many others

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



1-Wentworths Coorespondant
2-Icon Coorespondant
3-AE Tower
and if I could have a fourth
4-Customizable NPCs



1) Walls

2) Floors

3) Decorative computer consoles similar to the ones in Council bases.



3) Those CoT's ring portals that you can walk through. Don't care if they are functional, just be cool to have them in a base
Or the larger CoT portals that spawn the Behemoths. That one would make a much better Stargate for my pet project than the ring of safes I currently have, heh.

4-Customizable NPCs
Um, why? Of what use would wandering NPC's be in your SG base? And please don't say something like "base defenders during a raid".

1. Inf transfer between characters mechanism
Would love this one. Could perhaps use the existing Vault Storage. Changing the coding on it to allow all your toons access to the same Vault and adding in the ability to store/transfer Inf shouldn't be too hard, and would make life a little easier.

3. Mission computer (one that allows AE and sg based mission access)
I would love this one. Adding AE functionality to the existing Mission Computer item would not only give that item a purpose in the base, but would help make the base more than just a giant decorative storage bin.



Originally Posted by Pyber View Post
Um, why? Of what use would wandering NPC's be in your SG base? And please don't say something like "base defenders during a raid".
Heck no. I just want people to stand or sit in an area in my base and say something when someone walks up to it.



Originally Posted by CalebLancaster View Post
Heck no. I just want people to stand or sit in an area in my base and say something when someone walks up to it.
Yeah, it'd be really cool to have, say, a secretary sitting at the desk in your entry room. Or technicians at all the consoles in the Control room. A doctor in the medbay. Give the base a bit more "life" when no other players are in there.



I won't follow the number 3 thing since I want MANY things.

(1) running water pieces (fountains, ponds, streams, waterfalls (waterfalls being a wall detail more than likely), etc)

(2) floor tiles that DON'T I repeat DON'T remind me of my kitchen floor, preferably arcane stone slabs or something like the tiling u see in Infernal's cave / dungeon thing (speeking of which am I the only 1 that notices that most of that place is base builder parts?)

(3) fire that i don't have to create from fireplaces. I want it to look like the base has taken some damage or something along those lines.

(4) Outdoor rooms. (if that isn't clear enough I mean a room without a ceiling so you can see the sky... like a courtyard for the base.

(5) Plants that don't look like I baught them at Co-oP (have them actually root into the ground). And while you're at it make them bigger... make REAL trees that are like 20-40 feet tall.

(6) More arcane heads... dragon's head, demon,s head, etc (Large and Small like the Heads we have now

(7) rocks... yes you heard me correctly... rocks... from pebbles to boulders.

(8) NPCs both citizen and or enemy group (don't have them wander oh plz no)

(9) fog... the option to make a room minorly foggy

(10) this is my last 1... higher ceilings and lower floors



(5) Plants that don't look like I baught them at Co-oP (have them actually root into the ground).
Provided you don't have your floor on the lowest level already, you can set the plants and trees below the level of your floor to have it seem as if they're coming right out of the ground. Some dirt piles and the smaller grass-like plants around the trees and you won't even notice that they're coming up through concrete or stone.



Originally Posted by Celumnaz View Post
Also, some kind of "Danger Room" would be cool, where in that room your Defenses attack you and SG mates can "practice" with each other while in that room. I don't know, maybe some kind of "Studio B" style door room in the base that instead of suppressing powers flags you as some kind of arena style duel.
Have often felt that either AE or Arena kiosks in the base would mimic this function rather nicely.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by CalebLancaster View Post
Heck no. I just want people to stand or sit in an area in my base and say something when someone walks up to it.
I vote for this also.

It gives the Base a feeling of Life, life of it's on. Like when you all go out to tackle a Mish, these folks are here to make sure you're covered if you need medical attention, etc...

They play no active roll in the game at all. they are NPC's. They are just there to add character to the Base.

The ability to specify what they say when you walk up, and the ability to specify what a "Doctor" says to you when you Base would be very cool.


Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
I vote for this also.

It gives the Base a feeling of Life, life of it's on. Like when you all go out to tackle a Mish, these folks are here to make sure you're covered if you need medical attention, etc...

They play no active roll in the game at all. they are NPC's. They are just there to add character to the Base.

The ability to specify what they say when you walk up, and the ability to specify what a "Doctor" says to you when you Base would be very cool.

I actually thought of a better idea. But this would require Programming.

Say we had a NPC, who is a holographic image, (Or a Spirit, for the Arcane Bases), that will either follow us through the Base, or jump to rooms we enter. It would be familiar with the rooms, and ask a question related to the items we can interact with in that room. Further, If in a room with multiple accessable items, you could click this Entity and access everything available to you in that room.

This same Entity would meet you if you Base, or zone in. It would give the same "Feeling of the Base having Life" but with only one NPC construct. It would appear in Control, and give you a report. It would appear in Energy and give you a report. If it appears in a room where you have options, you can simply ignore it, or use it. It could also be tied to the Market, or AE for those of us that still hope for these things.

If it were to happen, we should be given the ability to Name it, Define It's Gender, and place what it says in each room. If it could store a number of NON-IO Recipes, such as Costume Pieces (Wings, etc...), that would make it phenominal. The ability to modify it's looks would be cool, but not a must.

Well, that's my idea.

It covers alot of what we all have asked for, and Hope to get.

Regards all.

(Edited to include the following).

I would call this the Base Entity.

That is my suggestion number one.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Originally Posted by Pyber View Post
Provided you don't have your floor on the lowest level already, you can set the plants and trees below the level of your floor to have it seem as if they're coming right out of the ground. Some dirt piles and the smaller grass-like plants around the trees and you won't even notice that they're coming up through concrete or stone.
that's the thing, I HATE having to do that. That's why I posted that idea because floors that aren't on the lowest setting annoy the HEEEECK out of me



For 'pure how it is now'

I'd ask for these:

1. Half wall/full wall objects (both glass, metal, stone and wood. Half walls are like railing, then there are some like dividers, then full ceiling to floor versions)

2. wardrobe objects (acts like a tailor contact)

3. Targetable dummies (as seen in vanguard base)

For 'pie in the sky:'

1. Training console in a training room: spawns enemies in a training room that can be customized and fought for high scores. Possible rewards given in prestige.

2. Windows: in different forms, with possible outside options including: city, (paragon) city, (rogue isles) outer space, underwater, rome, orenbega, caves, sewers, and so on.

3. Mini-jets/sky skiffs: (in a hanger room) selecting these works like selecting a helicopter, you 'run inside,' and are delivered directly to your mission. (works like a mission teleporter.) In the base, the vehicle goes forward, flying out through a 'window' in the wall corresponding to the object. If the mission is out doors, you see the vehicle fly away once you zone, vanishing high in the sky. This would represent a significant coding trouble, I'd hard-code it to use the rikti invasion code, so that it could only spawn if there were clear sky, and not under a bridge.



1. Beds - that don't look like someone was tortured on them. I'm trying to make guest rooms, and I hate asking folks to sleep on that wicker cot.

2. Pinball machines - they're in Pocket D! We can afford them! (Dream scenario-- attached minigame. Would be happy with-- click it, and it goes "bing bang bong".)

3. Wandering NPCs - receptionists, lab assistants, robot pals, etc.


Check... and Mate (poster) - Arc ID# 15095 (comments)
Invasion on Earth BX1132! (poster 1) - (poster 2) - Arc ID# 98943 (comments)
Global @ARH



Originally Posted by AngryRedHerring View Post
1. Beds - that don't look like someone was tortured on them. I'm trying to make guest rooms, and I hate asking folks to sleep on that wicker cot.

2. Pinball machines - they're in Pocket D! We can afford them! (Dream scenario-- attached minigame. Would be happy with-- click it, and it goes "bing bang bong".)
These two, and:

3. Casino Tables - Also in Pocket D. Just put a prestige price on them and give them to bases. Can't be that hard!

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