Playing in first person.
When I first started playing back in the beta, I played it in first person because I was coming straight from EverQuest, where I played in first person for years. It didn't take me long to break the first person habit and knock the wheel back a few notches. This had nothing to do with being able to see my male character's butts, by the way.
Now first person seems odd to me and I don't zoom in all the way unless I need to take a screenshot that doesn't involve my character.
There isn't any benefit to playing in first person except perhaps to ease graphics strain. Sometimes during Rikti raids I'll look at the ground and zoom all the way in.
I've the habit of playing zoomed way out; it's from playing tankers and needing to see what was happening with the rest of the team. I almost never zoom in to the default level or more; the only exception would be if I need to see under a tree or something similar.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
I can't stand playing this game with the camera all the way in as if I'm playing a first person shooter game. I don't mean to say I hate first person shooters, but it feels weird playing it zoomed in all the way. I personally like to zoom my camera out and that is how I play almost all the time.
Do you know of anyone who plays it like a first person shooter game? I mean, they can't even see their character or even the drawn weapons (if they use one.) Are there any benefits of playing with the camera zoomed in? I can't really think of any. |
For any archetype that needs to have a full view of the battle, seeing friend and foe alike, (an empath defender is a simple example), an elevated zoom out is essential to battlefield awareness and making the right decisions accordingly.
Being fully zoomed in at ground level is like being half blind, or worse.
I don't play in first person in this game at all.
Reason as mentioned above. You get more knowledge about your surroundings by scrolling out and can react better. (And know where the tank is... and the defender... and "Oh.. INC/Rezzer/Ambush!")
Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool
I play in first person when I'm on a Kheldian in nova form in a cave - otherwise the camera zooms in and out so much that it's inside the effects half the time and I can't see where I'm going.
Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!
I zoom all the way in to get screenshots of scenery or foes for my calendars. I also zoom in while traveling sometimes.. it prevents the annoying tail of SuperSpeed flashing in my face. lol
I generally go into first person when flying (sometimes), or when playing with a character who has a graphic which leaves giant trials (dark miasma shield, or superspeed, for example).
I also go into first person when I notice weird graphical anomalies (*cough*Countess Crey*cough*)...
Ideon's Paragonwiki page
Member of Paragon/Rogue Knights
Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
"Keep living the dream, and never let any jerk tell you what to do."
-- High-Roller
I don't play in first person, but I don't keep a static camera distance either. I use the scrolly wheel on my mouse to constantly adjust my view of the battlefield as needed. I only usually zoom all the way out in big fights like Rikti/Zombie invasions. Otherwise I'm usually somewhere between "default" distance and about half way out, depending on the map and circumstances.
I don't care about benefits or efficiency or anything of the like, I just know that CoX's first person does nothing to help my immersion. I'm not a game designer or psychologist or anything like that, but I know that first person in CoX doesn't *FEEL* like first person, unlike other MMOs. It doesn't feel like I'm looking through my character's eyes, it feels like I'm looking through a camera lodged in my toon's brain while they have a cranium made of glass.
It actually *hurts* my immersion into the game. So, really, for me to enjoy the game I have no other choice but to play in third-person mode. Not that that's bad, at least you can have some pretty cinematic camera angles if you rotate around a bit.
I really only use first person when I want a closer look at the scenery.
Yeah, first person is pretty much a gimmick. Pity, I think it'd be kinda cool to control it like a FPS, let us see our hands!
When I first started playing back in the beta, I played it in first person because I was coming straight from EverQuest, where I played in first person for years. It didn't take me long to break the first person habit and knock the wheel back a few notches. This had nothing to do with being able to see my male character's butts, by the way.
I find it disorienting to be fully pulled out or using a 3/4s view from above to the point where it hurts my reaction time more than it helps.
For any archetype that needs to have a full view of the battle, seeing friend and foe alike, (an empath defender is a simple example), an elevated zoom out is essential to battlefield awareness and making the right decisions accordingly.

For scrappers and blasters, not as crucial. Its not vital for them to know where every teammate and enemy in a 100 yard radius is.

I can't stand playing this game with the camera all the way in as if I'm playing a first person shooter game. I don't mean to say I hate first person shooters, but it feels weird playing it zoomed in all the way. I personally like to zoom my camera out and that is how I play almost all the time.
Do you know of anyone who plays it like a first person shooter game? I mean, they can't even see their character or even the drawn weapons (if they use one.)
Are there any benefits of playing with the camera zoomed in? I can't really think of any.