Brand New Player - help needed
Im rather new at this myself. But if I had to guess, I'd guess that you were still in the tutorial. You will run into other players in there...just very very few.
The arrow in the upper corner means that you have leveled up. After you leave the tutorial, and go to Atlas Park, you will find Lady Liberty there. Ask around, somone will guide you to her. You'll figure the rest out when you get to her.
Virtue and Freedom has the highest player population so i heard
Hi I'm a player that been playing for 31+ months. First off welcome to the City! It does sound like your in the tutorial still go to Coyote he would send you to Either Atlas Park or Galaxy City. Your choice of what area you want to go.
Atlas is one of the main hangouts you find heroes from level 1 all the way up to 50. Thought I don't know how many players run Champion Server. Being on the Trial account your Level top is 14 I think. You also be limited on chat and such but not much.
Just so you know after 2 and half years of playing I still haven't done everything or found all the hidden goodies. And new content is added all the time with the coming of I16 once out of the Open beta stage we be getting Customizing Power options. And there the up and coming Going Rogue Expansion coming.
Welcome to the game and the forum
Most of the missions in this game take place inside, so when players are on a mission, you won't actually see them in a zone, even if the entrance to their mission is in the zone.
Atlas Park is the busiest low level zone, so you should head there.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
thanks for the help sydney and rotten luck. I have reached galaxy city from tutorial but here also there are very few people.
Golden Girl and Rotten Luck Can I go back to Atlas Park now? Also i think I am gonna buy full version in next hour or so as I am not able to chat with any of the heroes
Hi I'm a player that been playing for 31+ months. First off welcome to the City! It does sound like your in the tutorial still go to Coyote he would send you to Either Atlas Park or Galaxy City. Your choice of what area you want to go.
Atlas is one of the main hangouts you find heroes from level 1 all the way up to 50. Thought I don't know how many players run Champion Server. Being on the Trial account your Level top is 14 I think. You also be limited on chat and such but not much. Just so you know after 2 and half years of playing I still haven't done everything or found all the hidden goodies. And new content is added all the time with the coming of I16 once out of the Open beta stage we be getting Customizing Power options. And there the up and coming Going Rogue Expansion coming. |
Okay biker banjara you might want to try another server if you want more players. Like Blpup said Virtue and Freedom are the most populated.
There are many ways to go to another zone. First is the Train you see that as a blue T in a white dot on your map. Second is a very long and deadly walk in the sewers! (Do not try with out a team of 6+ low levels or if your level 10 or higher! Note with a team of 6 or higher it's a fast way to level up. I often enter level 1 and exit 8 or even level 10.)
There the Pocket D a meet and greet place no fighting alowed that has access to Kings Row, Founder's Falls, Talos Island, and Faultline. It has Access to Villain Zones but heroes can't use them.
Other ways of travel between Zones are gained in higher levels.
I did say Trial accounts were limited to Chats.
Originally Posted by biker banjara
I just met one level one player that too he was there for few seconds and than Dissappeared. I wanted to know is it because I am on trial account that i m not able to find other heroes or is it something else. F.Y.I I was playing on Champion Server.
Champions server is quite active. When you are looking at the server list, the #1 position is your most recently visited server, and then the following servers are listed from least-populated to most-populated.
Overall, the user interface is somewhat overwhelming for a new user, though you will find that the available controls make sense, and that you can customize them to suit your needs.
Welcome to Paragon!
Thanks for all the help Johnny_taxibot and RottenLuck.
I just purchased the full version and I guess will be active in 10 mins. will stick with champion server for couple of days as Done wanna spend another 10$ right now. Will try to meet up the heroes on that server itself.
Why you need to spend another 10 bucks? Every server has 12 character slots for your use. That's 120 characters you can make all for just being a basic membership.
Now you can spend extra for the Booster packs (more costumes, powers, and emotes) but you don't need that to play.
You can spend extra for Extra character slots (more then the 120 you get with basic membership)
All you need is just choose another server on the server list and your good to go. I repeat what you get with a Standard Membership.
12 Servers to play on
120 character slots
Many many many costume pieces
Many many many Power types
Full access to Chat, AE, Action house, Pocket D club house.
Free Game Issue releases (like the up and coming Issue 16 that allows us to customize Powers)
All that for the low low low price of 15 bucks a month! That's less then a dollar a day!
11 servers. 12 characters each. That's 132 character slots.
Though realistically unless you want to spread yourself thin, you'll want to stick to one or two servers. If you solo it may not be as big a deal to spread out, but I tend to group with friends so I stick to Virtue. I have about 26 characters there.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
Um yeah what Dispari said... *mumbles about math*
Thanks for all the help Johnny_taxibot and RottenLuck.
I just purchased the full version and I guess will be active in 10 mins. will stick with champion server for couple of days as Done wanna spend another 10$ right now. Will try to meet up the heroes on that server itself. Ajay |
I am from India and i have just downloaded and started playing the trial version of this game and i love it and wanna buy a full version by tomorrow. |
HOWEVER, if you play at off-peak times, there's still hope: the most populated servers (Freedom, Virtue) are still fairly popular no matter what time, and there's the Justice server which has been unofficially 'claimed' by a bunch of people who live outside the US/Canada, which makes it fairly busy off-peak.
Welcome to the game!

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
There's 11 live game servers with the ability to buy up to a total, per server, of 36 character slots! get your math straight. You don't want people to think we went back to only 12 character slots per server, do you?
Try my 3 MArcs: I.D.#67166:Protect the Artifacts!! I.D.#97724:Level-Up Time. I.D.#243803:Witch War! Salem vs. Croatoa!
From mentioning Champion, we've deduced you're on the North American servers. Please note that since you are in India, your prime time play hours are going to be very out of whack with the standard populace's, which is centered on the United States/Canada. Outside of 6-11pm or so (Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific Time Zones), the game starts getting a little scarce. But it's by no means a dead game during off-peak hours.
During the beta-testing period, Australians coordinated to make this server the "unofficial Australian / New Zealand server." Consequently, Justice commonly sees more players active through until maintenance, as the timezones for New Zealand (UTC+12) and Australia (UTC+10) mean that the maintenance window happens locally around 11:30pm (Sydney time). As such it attracts Australian players for the last 5 hours of activity (6pm-11pm AEST). |
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
It is also worth noting that, according to, Justice might be a good choice for the following reason:

Originally Posted by Aggelakis
HOWEVER, if you play at off-peak times, there's still hope: the most populated servers (Freedom, Virtue) are still fairly popular no matter what time, and there's the Justice server which has been unofficially 'claimed' by a bunch of people who live outside the US/Canada, which makes it fairly busy off-peak.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Welcome to Paragon.
I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.
So sad to be ending ):
Also note there is an Oceanic Lounge for players in your part of the world. I'm not saying you can only post there, just that you'd have a good chance of encountering people in the same time zones as you.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
I guess going by the mass opinion freedom indeed is the good choice. I wanted to move server as I wanted to take my player level with me. But i guess its better to just play for 3-4 hours and lvl up instead of spending money to transfer the server.
Will start a new character on the freedom server today. thanks for all the great advice and help guys.
Mr_body any tips on lvl up to 14 fast?
What I usually do is this:
Start in Atlas or galaxy, run a few missions from my starting contact (while fighting mobs on the street on my way to and from missions), when I hit level 5 I go to King's Row (you get there via the train, it's the blue "T" on your map) and get my police scanner. Run 3 scanner missions and get my safeguard mission. After completeling the safeguard and getting the temporary travel power I head to the Hollows (the entrance is on the right side of Atlas Park, you have to be level 5 to get in) and start running the mission arcs in there. Usually end up at level 14 by the middle of Julius's arc or so.
You don't have to do it exactly like that, if something else you run across seems like fun, go for it.
Helpful hint: You haven't mentioned what AT or powerset you're playing. Try all of them. You have lots of character slots, so you can play multiple characters. I'm leveling around 9 characters currently, switching between them as the mood strikes. If you don't like a character, it may not be the right powerset for you. Different powwersets within the same AT can play completely differently. For example, a dark/dark defender will play much different than an empathy/psychic defender, even though they're the same AT. I hated controllers for years until I found a powerset combo I liked (Fire/Trick Arrow) And I'm about to hit 50 with my first defender (Rad/Sonic). An experienced player would look at my choices and deduce that I prefer active, offensively oriented characters based on the above 2 powersets. There really aren't very many "bad" powerset combos, everything is good at SOMETHING.
As someone's forum signature states: If you're having fun, you're doing it right.
Don't worry about the "right" or "best" way to play. Just worry about YOUR way to play and you'll be fine.
Welcome to Paragon City, hopefully you enjoy your stay as much as I have!
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Switch to freedom and reroll your toon there. Trust in the masses of people telling you to play there.
Unless you play at very strange hours, I recommend giving Justice a shot. Us Aussies are in a roughly similar time zone to you and there's generally enough people playing that if you make an effort, you'll never be lacking a team.
I am from India and i have just downloaded and started playing the trial version of this game and i love it and wanna buy a full version by tomorrow.
However I was looking for much more level of intereaction with another live players, but today after playing for 3 hours the, I still havent been able to find any other players playing and chatting. I just met one level one player that too he was there for few seconds and than Dissappeared. I wanted to know is it because I am on trial account that i m not able to find other heroes or is it something else. F.Y.I I was playing on Champion Server.
Secondly I wanted to know that I have that green level up arrow on my right top corner and It says I have to find some trainer like Liberty to upgrade me to next level. How do I find this hero. I am not able to find him on a map or anything. Please help as I wanna enjoy this game with much many ppl.