Killing the Game?




Hi folks.

I didn't come here to Rant, Flame, or Troll.

I have a simple question;

Are you trying to kill the game?

Prices from 250,000,000 to 400,000,000 on Purple sets, and certain Procs are absolutely outrageous.

Respec Recipe 200,000,000?

Normal players of this game can not come close to affording these prices. Are you trying to force them to the Spam Sites?

Are you a source of Influence/Infamy for the Spam Sites?

What gives?

I have several 50's and have enjoyed playing them, and IO'ing them.

I just created a new toon, and at your current Market Pricing, she'll never get IO'd out.

You think peeps will keep playing when they can't IO their toons?

Whats up with this?

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



I see it as a temporary state of events, following closely after a double xp weekend. I doubt current prices will be sustainble after I-16 hits as farming will be greatly impacted.



Ahh the markettears of the poor.
*drinks them up*

Sellers don't determine how much their stuff sells for they only set the minimum they're willing to take if that is too high then noone will buy it. This means there are people who think these IOs are worth that much and are willing to pay it.



And, if you drive all the other peeps from the game that can't afford to pay these prices, what happens to the playerbase of this game?

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



We're not driving anyone away.



Originally Posted by black_strike View Post
i didn't come here to rant, flame, or troll.

President of the Arbiter Sands fan club. We will never forget.

An Etruscan Snood will nevermore be free



Sellers don't determine how much their stuff sells for they only set the minimum they're willing to take if that is too high then noone will buy it. This means there are people who think these IOs are worth that much and are willing to pay it.
hey Black, what part of this statement didn't you understand? the people that understand how the markets work DO NOT price the things they are selling at the high prices. if that was the case their things would never sell. it is the unknowledgable people that price their goods high and the IWANTITNAO people that pay the high prices. if people stopped treating the market like a store and placed bids instead of tryin to buy everything right away then prices wouldn't be as high as they are.

with that said and i16 coming out soon we should see a drop in prices as it goes on.



I might feel sorry for you if SOs or common IOs were selling for 200m, I mean, they're what you need to be able to play and what the game is balanced around after all.

But since your qualm is for things that are supposed to be ultra-rare and not readily available to everyone, keep it up, your tears are delicious.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
hey Black, what part of this statement didn't you understand? the people that understand how the markets work DO NOT price the things they are selling at the high prices. if that was the case their things would never sell. it is the unknowledgable people that price their goods high and the IWANTITNAO people that pay the high prices. if people stopped treating the market like a store and placed bids instead of tryin to buy everything right away then prices wouldn't be as high as they are.

with that said and i16 coming out soon we should see a drop in prices as it goes on.
I'm pretty sure that Black isn't actually reading the responses...unless someone wants to post about how "We're so sorry! We have seen the destruction and detriment of our ebil ways! Please, let us raid our storage and pull purples and rares off the market to give to you for a paltry sum to make up for us killing the game!!!!"

That being said, in the vain hope he's actually others have said, we list for what people will pay. If they aren't buying it, obviously it's listed too high, or no one wants it. If you want a completely purpled out character, your best bet is to figure out a way to make crap tons of inf, or figure out a purple farm to get the drops you want. Problem solved, and no need to deal with dirty, ebil marketeers.




Do not listen to the market apologists. I was part of their cabal, but I'm going to break the silence. I don't care what they threaten. What they've done to purples is only the beginning. It's true that casual players can no longer purple-out their warshades, but that's just the beginning. They won't be satisfied until common IOs are selling for tens of millions. My advice: stock up now. You've been warned.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Dang it Sardan I'm going to have to take away your ebil marketeer card now.



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
You think peeps will keep playing when they can't IO their toons?
And a bit more on this. I just got off a team of 5 people total (lvl 36-39). Before one member logged and was replaced, he went to Founders Falls to buy SOs.

The rest of the squad had no one running any set bonuses ('cept me who has them up the yin yang). Scanning the badges in between fights, no one has signs that they've made themselves generics (though a couple people may have had them)

I end up on teams of this type a lot. There is a large chunk of the populace who don't want to IO their characters. I think they stop by every once in awhile to proclaim they want to play City of Heroes, not City of Stockbrokers.

However, I fully support the solution to your problem: Just have Positron release I16 ASAP. Write him early, write him often.

President of the Arbiter Sands fan club. We will never forget.

An Etruscan Snood will nevermore be free



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
Are you trying to kill the game?
No. Nor is there any indication that "we" are.

Prices from 250,000,000 to 400,000,000 on Purple sets, and certain Procs are absolutely outrageous.
Pretty much every day, I sell something for 5M inf. It would take me ~56 such sales (after market fees) to earn one purple at those prices. Fortunately, I also defeat lots of level 50 mobs, play TFs for merits (and random rolls or outright purchases of some things), craft IOs and sell salvage, so that 4.5M inf probably comes with 2-5M other inf in income, bare minimum. And of course sometimes what I get is worth more than 10M inf, or sometimes I get two. Some days I get none, but I find that's the exception.

And sometimes what I get is actually a purple. Or a respec. Or a LotG proc. And I can sell those kinds of things pretty directly for a purple here and there.

(Who buys respec recipes anyway? I have respecs coming out of my ears on most characters, and we generally get a one-off every issue. I consider dropped respecs an excuse to make a killing on the market.)

In general, I earn something like 50-100M inf a week playing this game, depending on what side I'm on (hero or villain), and how many hours I have available to play. (I have a 9-5 job and a house to take care of.) And here's the kicker... I'm not a "marketeer". I'm not a hardcore farmer. I just play the game.

Normal players of this game can not come close to affording these prices. Are you trying to force them to the Spam Sites?
No. I'm one of a few trying to educate them that the above quoted statement is ignorant. It's false. It assumes that the market is like a grocery store, where you go only to buy, and does not consider that you can use it to sell things. Selling things earns you money. It can earn you lots of money if you spend a little time to understand how people bid when they try to purchase things, and how much things are really selling for. Those numbers on the market interface, number for sale, number bidding, and the last 5 sale prices and dates - they aren't a complete picture by any means, but they tell you a lot. You can learn a great deal from them if you pay attention to them over a few days on a given item or a few weeks just buying and selling different things.

Are you a source of Influence/Infamy for the Spam Sites?
I wouldn't touch those damn sites with a 10 foot pole. Why anyone would give them money for something they can do themselves escapes me.

I just created a new toon, and at your current Market Pricing, she'll never get IO'd out.
Then you're doing it wrong. My guess, just because it's the most common way people "do it wrong" is that you're using the market for buying only. If that's true, then don't do that.

You think peeps will keep playing when they can't IO their toons?
Hyperbole. The price of purples has nothing to do with being able to IO toons, because all IOs are not purples. If people stop playing because they can't purple their 50s, then they've missed the point. Purples are alternative progress for level 50 characters. They aren't something that's supposed to land in your lap when you ding 50. The devs expect you to work for them, and to take a while to get them. That's why they're ultra rare.

Sorry if this seems abrasive. We get asked this a lot, and it's really frustrating.

Supply of purples is down because a lot of playtime got moved to the AE where no purples can drop, Demand is up because there are a lot of 50s out there thanks to the hardcore PLing the early AE made possible. (It's still possible, it's just not as widespread.) Finally, a lot of players are immensely wealthy, because it's easy to achieve if you just play a level 50 a lot. Low supply, high demand and lots of disposable income = the price is high.

Expect I16 to do a lot for supply, but not quite as much for demand and available wealth.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
Hi folks.

I didn't come here to Rant, Flame, or Troll.
This starts well...

I have a simple question;

Are you trying to kill the game?
No? What would the point in trying to kill the game we're playing be? You seriously can't think that way.

Prices from 250,000,000 to 400,000,000 on Purple sets, and certain Procs are absolutely outrageous.

Respec Recipe 200,000,000?
You're barking at the wrong tree here. It's not the marketeers who drive the prices up. Well, maybe it was us a bit, too, but it's mostly because of AE. You know, easy income, but no purples. Where does that lead? Logically (I know, I know, logic isn't allowed here!) it leads to a big number of people that have loads of inf, but no purples/respecs generated to keep or sell. Next step is, they all think "well, I gots teh monis" and they go to the market to buy their purples. Surprisingly no purples/respecs are present so they put outrageous bids to get the first purple/respec to enter the market. Each one of them bids more than the last which leads to rising prices.

I'm expecting the supply (or lack of thereof) purple and respec to curve upwards with the release of i16. Broken AE farms and improved capacity of "normal" farmers.

Normal players of this game can not come close to affording these prices. Are you trying to force them to the Spam Sites?
The normal player can very well afford these prices. I earned 1 billion inf in one month by playing the game approx half an hour a day on average.

Are you a source of Influence/Infamy for the Spam Sites?
Yessir! I very much like farming 20 hours a day, then selling the inf to those Spam Sites for $5 to let them sell it on at a higher price. It's just awesome!!

On a serious note, no. What did you expect?

What gives?
The zero giveth, and the zero taketh away.

I have several 50's and have enjoyed playing them, and IO'ing them.
Cool. Me too.

I just created a new toon, and at your current Market Pricing, she'll never get IO'd out.
Try harder? Earning inf is REALLY easy in this game. Mostly because it's being poured on you. It's just your decision whether you're keeping your pockets covered or not.

You think peeps will keep playing when they can't IO their toons?
Yes. They couldn't IO their toons for the first 9 issues and yet no one left because of that!

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
I didn't come here to Rant, Flame, or Troll.
And yet...

Are you trying to kill the game?

You found me out!

[insert eye roll here]

Normal players of this game can not come close to affording these prices.
Sure they can.

Are you trying to force them to the Spam Sites?
Okay, wait--

Who do you think you're addressing?

We're just players here. We can't force anyone to spam sites.

Are you addressing the developers?

No, that can't be it. They can't force anyone to spam sites either.

Who're these magical beings you think you're addressing?

Are you a source of Influence/Infamy for the Spam Sites?
Your green hue is showing.

I just created a new toon, and at your current Market Pricing, she'll never get IO'd out.
Whose market pricing?

You think peeps will keep playing when they can't IO their toons?
Sure, why not?

Whats up with this?
My question exactly!

And, if you drive all the other peeps from the game that can't afford to pay these prices, what happens to the playerbase of this game?
If you're riding down the street in your four-door canoe and one of the wings fall off, how many elephants are in an eggroll?


Your reaction to this question is likely a fair approximation of my own reaction to your posts.

Whoever these magical, all-powerful people you're addressing are... they're not here.

No one here sets prices on the market.

No one here has mysterious mental powers that can force other players to RMT services.

No one here is preventing you, or anyone else, from gathering the Inf you need to acquire what you want.

I can't tell you how many times I've listed things for X, only to have them sell for X + many more millions.

For example, not too long ago, I listed a PVP IO for 50 mil... which then promptly sold for 200 mil.

I assure you, no mental powers were employed to force someone to pay 4 times what I listed the item for.

So, you're barking up the wrong tree here.

Yesterday, I had a character hit level 22. Said character only had a little more than 300k Inf on hand. I wanted SOs. 300k Inf will not outfit a level 22 character with SOs. I needed more Inf.

So, I went to the AE building for 20-30 minutes and gained some tickets. Then I used those tickets to obtain 2nd and 1st tier common arcane salvage. Then I listed that salvage on the market.

By the time I had listed it all, I had already sold enough to bring me to 1.4 million. And by the time I had bought all my SOs, I had sold enough to bring me back over a million.

All this for approximately 45 minutes of effort on a level 22 character.

People who buy Inf from RMT services are, in my view, full goose bozo stupid. It is very easy to build wealth in this game. You need only apply yourself to do it.

However, I do share your opinion that the prices on certain items are "outrageous" right now.

But that's why I'm waiting 'til sometime after I16 to buy 'em.

The Cape Radio: You're not super until you put on the Cape!
DJ Enigma's Puzzle Factory: Co* Parody Commercials



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post

Do not listen to the market apologists. I was part of their cabal, but I'm going to break the silence. I don't care what they threaten. What they've done to purples is only the beginning. It's true that casual players can no longer purple-out their warshades, but that's just the beginning. They won't be satisfied until common IOs are selling for tens of millions. My advice: stock up now. You've been warned.
There you go, foiling our plans.



I just created a new toon, and at your current Market Pricing, she'll never get IO'd out.
Then learn to do without them.



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
Normal players of this game can not come close to affording these prices.
I think it depends on what you mean normal players. I don't think of normal players trying to IO out their characters or needing purples.

I just created a new toon
Then I don't think you've much to worry about yet. Your new character won't be needing purples anytime soon, unless you are PLing her. You'll have plenty of time to build up some wealth. Or perhaps some of your exisiting 50's can work up some cash to get what you are looking for, or maybe even find some pieces from doing missions, tfs or arcs.

You think peeps will keep playing when they can't IO their toons?
People played this game for years before IO's came along. And most of my in-game friends barely even bother with IO's, except for the occassional shiny.



Why aren't you out playing the game, finding stuff, and selling it on the market for these outrageous prices?



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post

Are you trying to kill the game?
Nope, I'm only trying to kill critters in the game, for which the citizenry of Paragon City are more than happy to reward me.

Today, I picked up $2 worth of lemonade powder, sugar and ice cubes for my efforts and then I mixed it and sold $10 worth of lemonade on the sidewalk. Now I can buy a big purple Barney at the Goodwill store.



Pure Ebilness.

Im rich because you trust the previous 5 bids!!
My market signature is the highest bid!!!!



Black, I have been playing this game since June of 2004, I have more toons than I can name, came to the market about 6 months after Receipts became availalbe and to this day I only have one that "ONE" purple set in one of my 50's.

All my other toons have IO's or Gosh Darn me SO's and I play them just fine. I dont pvp and I have not trouble fighting any mobs of any size. My Tanks, (Which are Stoners) and Brutes (which again are Stoners) all have SO's and maybe a few HO's

All the shineys are nice but you dont need them to really enjoy the game



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
I didn't come here to Rant, Flame, or Troll.
The subject line in the market forum says everything you need to know about this post without having to read it.



I seriously don't understand guys like those.
1) You don't really need all-set slotting in most cases (exceptions are builds that ONLY work with perma-Hasten and nothing less, HEATs and PvP builds)

2) Inf in this game is so easy to get in several different ways that it might as well grow on trees. At least it is now, not sure how I16 would affect it, and assuming you play for at least a few hours daily.

I never farmed, flipped, or played 24/7, but I never really had any problems with getting anything my characters needed, except for some procs in pre-AE BM. Sure, it wasn't always as fast or as cheap as I'd like, but that's part of the fun.



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
Hi folks.
Hi Black_Strike

I didn't come here to Rant, Flame, or Troll.
That's good because the supply of Flame Retardant Anti-Troll Rant spray is really really low. Seems no one is doing missions under the bridge to create any. They are all off playing skee ball in Pixie Hollow.

I have a simple question;

Are you trying to kill the game?
/e Shoots an arrow at the game.
Hmmm it's still alive.
/e Shoots another arrow at the game.
Hmmm it's still alive.
/e Shoots another arrow at the game.
Hmmm it's STILL alive.

Hmmmm.... Hey guys did the devs finally put Healing Arrow into the Trick Arrow set? No?

I guess that must mean that control of whether the game lives or dies is in the hands of those whose daily bread is provided by it and not by the players. It would also seem to be in their best interest to keep the game alive.

Since I have absolutely no control over that why are you asking me?

Adding Villians and siphoning off Heros didn't kill the game.
Adding PvP didn't kill the game.
Nerfing defense and adding ED didn't kill the game.
Adding Inventions didn't kill the game.
Adding the market didn't kill the game.
Changing PvP didn't kill the game (unless you were only here for base raids in which case it's dead for you)
Adding AE didn't kill the game.

Last time I checked this wasn't SWG NGE. Our Devs haven't screwed up. The game seems just as lively and busy (busier actually) than when I first signed up more than 4 YEARS ago.

Prices from 250,000,000 to 400,000,000 on Purple sets, and certain Procs are absolutely outrageous.
Imaginary money, for an imaginary doohicky, that goes in an imaginary slot, in an imaginary power, in an imaginary hero. I'm hoping your outrage is imaginary too.

If it's that expensive do you really need that extra .05% performance boost from slotting it or will the 20,000,000 rares work for you instead? If so spend about 8 hours playing level 50 content, get an Ultra rare purple drop and sell it for craziness and then turn around and buy a crap ton of rares to slot ALL your powers and live with them being .05% less enhanced.

Respec Recipe 200,000,000?
Plan better.

Respec Recipes to me are just a crap ton of free money because I plan ahead.

Copy your toon to the test server and try the power out before taking it on live. That's one of the reasons that the test server is there.

There's been a freespec handed out every issue since as far back as I can remember.

You can get 3 free ones from playing the game plus all the ones they give out as vet rewards.

You still need more? You wouldn't be a US Senator or Representative by any chance would you?

Normal players of this game can not come close to affording these prices. Are you trying to force them to the Spam Sites?
Normal players should be slotting Normal enhancements (SOs).
Common players should be slotting Common IOs.
Uncommon players should be able to slot Uncommon IOs.
The Rare player should be able to slot Rare IOs.
Ultra Rare players should be able to slot Ultra Rare IOs.

So you want NORMAL players to jump the que by 4 magnitudes and slot Ultra Rares with Normal effort. Here's a brilliant plan for you..................

WORK FOR IT YOURSELF. Do what ever you do best and make influence at it. The longer and harder you work the higher up the ladder you go all by yourself. Some people have a sense of accomplishment by working toward a goal. The tougher the odds the sweeter the victory. If you want maximum rewards for minimum effort then may I suggest Candyland as a more appropriate pass time?

As far as buying from spam sites..... Cure a problem (that doesn't exist by the way) by throwing money at it? Are you sure you aren't a politician?

Are you a source of Influence/Infamy for the Spam Sites?
/e turns out left front pocket.
No spam.
/e turns out right front pocket.
No spam.
/e pats left rear pocket.
No spam there either.
/e pats right rear pocket.
Ah ha!!! ........ nope thats just my wallet. No spam, influence or (alas) real word cash there. Just some finger prints left by the politicians.

<brilliant idea!> /e runs to check the pantry...... Doh! no spam there either. I guess you are just out of luck. I'm not an INF provider for Spam. Why? Were you wanting to buy influence perhaps?

What gives?
Um....... here's a list of organizations that give. American Institute of Philanthropy

I have several 50's and have enjoyed playing them, and IO'ing them.
That's amazing! Me too!

Perhaps that's the point. If you could just get the best of every thing by clicking a button you'd all ready be done and bored by now. I know I would.

I just created a new toon, and at your current Market Pricing, she'll never get IO'd out.
Why not? It takes the same amount of damage and effort to drop a mob for everyone. Pick an AT that works well and quickly for you and go get some drops. That's how supply makes it to the market in the first place. If people are buying for those prices that means someone is selling for those prices. If that someone is you, then suddenly you can afford all that stuff too.

You think peeps will keep playing when they can't IO their toons?
Well we went 9 Issues without any IOs at all and people played then. I still have a couple of 50s that are all level 53 SOs except for a handful of HamiO and one toon I haven't played in ages that has a TitanO. All the old stuff is still there and so is all the old content it was designed to work with and, amazingly, it even works with all the new content..... So yeah I think people will still play. SOME PEOPLE even use that little setting on the Flashback system so that enhancements have no effect ZOMG!!!! How can they do that? No IOs? No enhancements at all? Where can I download the Hack called SKILL?

Whats up with this?
/e facepalm

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson