Why can't we send ourselves money yet???
money is way to easy to make in this game now. use the market to your advantage. i still see no need to be able to send money to ourselves.
money is way to easy to make in this game now. use the market to your advantage. i still see no need to be able to send money to ourselves.
I can't even believe I read that.
Dude. I think it is a PITA to send money to myself. I dont wanna log off log on logg on to someone else.
I do not have a PROBLEM making money.
I know this has been brought up before, but my DOG. . . . Why hasn't our mail system been adjusted to do this yet?
There is slanted wording in your question PP, . . . like
Dang it! Why can't we just hit a button that levels us from 1 to 50 yet?
Or . . . Have you quit abusing your husband yet? (just yes or no answer)
- Your alts don't even know each other! They have never met. None of them have even been on at the same moment. Why would they send strangers money?
- Get a 2nd account, and activate it every few months when you build up a need to move the money around.
- Get a trusted friend, or SGmate to help you.
- Get married, and have your spouse play, and use that account to help you. (Oh wait . . . )
- Or just live with the things you cannot change.
Number one reason: [SIZE=3][B][*]Your alts don't even know each other! They have never met. None of them have even been on at the same moment. Why would they send strangers money?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
My first three characters are sisters, inherited their father's ability to fly and since Issue 14 often encounter each other in game (they always did in the off hours anyway, how do you know what they're doing when we're not logged in
![]() |
But . . . Pics or it didn't happen.
Screenshot them together sometime.
No photoshop, etc.

I had identical septuplet mutant sisters on one server. Most of my villains are related or are apprentices of my first 50 villain (or are undead/demons raised/summoned by her). All of my heroes all belong to the same, private SG. I think it's ridiculous to assume they don't know each other or wouldn't help each other out if they were rich enough to do so.
I think SGs should have banks where people could store inf for other SG mates to borrow or whatever. It's silly that they can have enh banks but not inf banks.
And yes, I know the devs don't want that, or have said they don't want that in the past. Don't care. Still silly. Still hope they change their minds.
On the other hand, I do agree that an email inf transfer system doesn't make thematic sense. Maybe they should implement a Western Union (tm).
--If we can have huge sig images, why can we have only five lines of text?
--...faceplanting like a Defender pulling an AV (Nalrok_AthZim)
Hmmm, the Devs said that they probably wouldn't do power customization -- now we'll have it in I16. So I wouldn't discount the Devs doing a money transfer system between a players characters. As much a I dislike microtransaction, I would use it to transfer inf to my players.
I primarily solo and have a single player SG now because my friends have moved on to other games so for a player like myself this would be a great option.
Yikes! Are you suggesting the devs get into the RTM, or whatever it's called, business of selling influence for real-word money? Please NO! That completely turns the market into the rich man's world. People with more real-world money wind up driving up the prices of everything so poorer folk can't get anything.
--If we can have huge sig images, why can we have only five lines of text?
--...faceplanting like a Defender pulling an AV (Nalrok_AthZim)
first off, having a bank in the sg wouldn't help matters only make them worse. all it takes is one person to ruin it. secondly, no matter how much in your own mind your toons know each other they actually do not. the devs have stated before that all toons are separate entities even if from the same account and as such should be self sufficient.
money can be made hand over fist over foot over toe in this game. the answers are simple, find a sg mate or friend or spouse to help transfer or start a second account or go buy what you need withthe toon that has the money, make the item and store it in the sg base for the other toon to grab.
Hmmm, the Devs said that they probably wouldn't do power customization.
The devs never said that.
What the devs actually said was that they would love to do power customization but that it involved so much work it would take a long time to do it right.
Guess what? It's taken the 5 years to do it, and in the process they had to buy the game from NCSoft, and hire 50+ people to get it done.
The only thing I recall the devs saying wouldn't be put in the game was full AT respecs.

It is not convient. This is a drag. Why hasn't our mail system been adjusted to do this yet? |
Also, something about coding, IIRC from what Ghost Falcon said at Comic Con. You know, the minor trivialities

I dont get what the problem is.
I have BILLIONS OF INF on my seperate characters. I want to make it easier to give it to my characters that are broke.
Why should we still after 5 years have to log out log in log out log in to do it? Come on...
first off, having a bank in the sg wouldn't help matters only make them worse. all it takes is one person to ruin it. secondly, no matter how much in your own mind your toons know each other they actually do not. the devs have stated before that all toons are separate entities even if from the same account and as such should be self sufficient.
money can be made hand over fist over foot over toe in this game. the answers are simple, find a sg mate or friend or spouse to help transfer or start a second account or go buy what you need withthe toon that has the money, make the item and store it in the sg base for the other toon to grab. |
Just because you let any schmoe into your SGs doesn't mean that would be a problem for others. Be more careful if you think that's a problem. Or don't use what's available. Again, not wanting an option just because you wouldn't want to use it is dictatorial and has no place in a game that is supposed to just be fun. It would not harm those who either didn't use it or those who were careful about their SG mates. Do you already have these problems you claim will destroy things with your inspiration banks or your enhancement or salvage banks? If you do, then you really need to start winnowing your SG. There's a reason they log in/out: so you know who's contributing and who's leaching.
As to characters knowing each other in my own mind... well duh. The characters don't exist except in the minds of the players. What exists on the servers and on our clients are merely digital representations of our own imaginations. What the developers have meant by the characters being distinct, unless you can show me some specific notation from a dev to the contrary, is in my opinion merely for powers and such. If they actually wanted all characters everywhere to be separate, then SGs and SG bases wouldn't exist, would they? If you're suggesting that I am saying they should make account based fund pools, then you should re-read my post. I think that would make no sense thematically. I think they should make SG based fund pools. They already have them after a fashion: buy a really high-inf enhancement, put it in the enhancement storage, let someone else take it out and sell it. There's a loss on the deal, however, that makes no sense thematically. What does make sense thematically is an SG co-op, so to speak.
On the other hand, I agree that inf is not a problem that should get in the way of anyone having anything they want. Buy a few cheap common recipes, go to a store, sell them for a huge profit, rinse, repeat. And that's just the quick/small way. If you really want to make massive cash then build-build-build, sell-sell-sell! But that's not the point. At least it's not my point. My point is that some people would like to be able to share funds amongst their SGs, which is completely keeping within the theme already shown by the current storage facilities available. I also think there should be recipe storage after the same fashion, but that's for another thread.
--If we can have huge sig images, why can we have only five lines of text?
--...faceplanting like a Defender pulling an AV (Nalrok_AthZim)
I dont get what the problem is.
I have BILLIONS OF INF on my seperate characters. I want to make it easier to give it to my characters that are broke. Why should we still after 5 years have to log out log in log out log in to do it? Come on... |
This, among many other features, need to be added to this game to make it worth playing.
I would also like to inf transfer without going through all the hoopla.
What the developers have meant by the characters being distinct, unless you can show me some specific notation from a dev to the contrary, is in my opinion merely for powers and such.
1. You can't log onto more than one character at a time on your account.
2. The game is 5 years old and there is no global bank. They've had plenty of time to design and implement one if they had wanted to.
But you go ahead and believe whatever you want.
So you want some evidence that the devs intended the characters to be distinct and seperate from each other. Ok.
1. You can't log onto more than one character at a time on your account. 2. The game is 5 years old and there is no global bank. They've had plenty of time to design and implement one if they had wanted to. But you go ahead and believe whatever you want. |
1. There are very, very few client/server applications that will allow you to log into the same account more than once at a time. This is for security reasons and has nothing to do with separation of internal instances. Inducing from "can't log in to the same account more than once at a time" to "characters are supposed to be distinct" is irrational at best.
2. There are global banks. There are several of them. Some of them are even shared between multiple characters. The accounts to which those characters belong are irrelevent to that sharing. The fact that those banks do not store inf is irrelevent to that sharing. The Vault is a global bank. All SG Base storage facilities are global banks. These things have been implemented after the game existed for quite some time. Power customization did not exist for five years of the game but obviously one cannot logically follow from "has not existed" to "the devs specifically don't want this to ever exist".
Perhaps if you take a small bit of time and check the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning, you will find that you've presented no evidence to support your arguments. Again I ask: is there anything any dev or other red name that currently works for the company has ever said on the record that explicitly states policy prohibits characters from sharing resources?
--If we can have huge sig images, why can we have only five lines of text?
--...faceplanting like a Defender pulling an AV (Nalrok_AthZim)
I would assume we cannot twink ourselves by mail (or account-based banks, etc.) because the developers don't want to allow for it. Just a wild guess. If they change their minds (or triage this feature to the top of a to-do list), they'll let you know.
My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.
Yikes! Are you suggesting the devs get into the RTM, or whatever it's called, business of selling influence for real-word money? Please NO! That completely turns the market into the rich man's world. People with more real-world money wind up driving up the prices of everything so poorer folk can't get anything.
Two players can easily trade inf and tradable good at any time (whether legitimately or in a forbidden RMT trade), whereas a player with two characters on the same account must use all manner of workarounds to do so.
My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.
The fact that you believe your inductive reasoning constitues evidence suggests this is just a waste of time, but I'll try to explain a small bit of reality:
1. There are very, very few client/server applications that will allow you to log into the same account more than once at a time. This is for security reasons and has nothing to do with separation of internal instances. Inducing from "can't log in to the same account more than once at a time" to "characters are supposed to be distinct" is irrational at best. |
2. There are global banks. There are several of them. Some of them are even shared between multiple characters. The accounts to which those characters belong are irrelevent to that sharing. The fact that those banks do not store inf is irrelevent to that sharing. |
The Vault is a global bank. |
The Vault is a storage bin for a single character with mutiple access points. No other character can access it regardless of who the account holder is.
All SG Base storage facilities are global banks. |
Base storage facilities are exactly that, storage for SG bases. They are in no way a global bank. You give up all claim to anything you put in base storage. It becomes community property of whomever the Super Leader allows permission to access the bins. At any time the SL can choose to restrict access.
A global bank is when you and ONLY you have access to the items kept there regardless of what character and/or server you are on.
These things have been implemented after the game existed for quite some time. Power customization did not exist for five years of the game but obviously one cannot logically follow from "has not existed" to "the devs specifically don't want this to ever exist". |
Perhaps if you take a small bit of time and check the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning, you will find that you've presented no evidence to support your arguments. |
1. This game didn't have a global bank when it started.
2. 5 years later and this game still doesn't have a global bank.
At the very least they feel a global bank is a minor QoL that hasn't been important enough to work on.
Again I ask: is there anything any dev or other red name that currently works for the company has ever said on the record that explicitly states policy prohibits characters from sharing resources? |
If anything the devs have done things to make swapping things between your own characters harder.
1. You must use a third party to conduct a simple trade.
2. Your characters must be in the same SG in order to use the SG storage bins. HOWEVER . . . You can't invite your own characters into an SG. You need a third party to do the invites.
3. You have the option of creating a second account to avoid trading with a stranger, but that means you have to buy the game again and maintain the sub fee.
4. You can't use trial accounts to trade because the devs reduced the amount of inf they can carry to 50,000 inf.
5. Trial accounts can't join SG's and therefore have no access to SG storage.
6. The devs fixed the bug that allowed players with characters in coalitioned SG's to put items into each others storage bins.
7. You can use the market to make influence trades but you have to pay the market fee. Also if you are careless you can lose the entire transaction.
8. So far (This may change once Going Rogue come out) we have been unable to trade cross faction even tho Infamy and influence are the same thing. The same goes for the salvage and recipes.
9. Merits and Tickets can be used to get salvage, enhancements, recipes, etc., however the merits and tickets themselves cannot be traded between characters.
10. Instead of making it easier to trade stuff between characters on the same account, the devs have made it ridiculously easy to make wealth on any character.
Any character regardless of AT or powersets can be rich with only the slightest effort.
Okay, I wanted to chime in on the whole "Your charachters don't know eachother" thing...
ALL of my Toons are in the SAME SG or VG. Every single one on every single sever on all 3 of my accounts.
Now would someone please explain to me how it would be possisble, by the laws of imaginary physics (game world=imagination), that they NOT know eachother!
I don't care what anyone thinks the Dev's said on the subject, or for that matter even if they really did say and mean something like that... I will RP my toons however I like as long as I don't violate the EULA. I pay for my subs, so I will play them how I like.
If I have a filthy rich 50 and then roll a new alt (who automatically joins the SG or VG), the new guy has no money/infl/infa... flat broke! so what if the 50 wants to help out the new recruit with a little spending cash to get him going?
I think this is a good and valid suggestion.
What a wonderful world of free-thinkers that we all live in!
I have asked the the topic title's question a lot of times when starting a new toon. So yes, I do think it should be added, soon.
The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games
I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
I know this has been brought up before, but my DOG.
I am yet again to the point my characters career where I start spending money on the stuff I don't have... I have already spent her initial 150million... and now I have to *Log Off* Switch to someone else... *Log On* to the 3rd account... take whoever to the base from where ever they were conviently left... *Log On* with which ever character has money that I am switching it from...
Move them from their day job location >.> go someplace else... do this do that. TBH, I am not going to do this now. I am logging off. Right now, the game has chased me away. It is not convient. This is a drag. Why hasn't our mail system been adjusted to do this yet?