POLL: Purge Character Names from Accounts Without Global Handles?




I'm starting this ... poll... in the spirit of loving the City of Heroes game and wanting to open up the opportunities for more creativity by the players who actively invest in and participate in the game.

Many character names are "reserved in the abyss" on game accounts that have not been active since before Global Handles were instituted. The folks who have those accounts who have long-since not returned have not invested their time, energy, and funds in this game through thick and thin. It is the hope of this player that the character names sitting unused for so long by these long-stagnant accounts are freed up for the active community to enjoy.

It is a shame that inactive accounts/players who have not been back since before Global Handles serve to limit the opportunities of committed players. Here's hoping we can have those names freed up, and the active players (and new players!) can bring some great heroes and villains to life.

If you agree, please /yes.... if you don't, I'd love to hear from you too and /no



My New Rig : Geforce 580 GTX, Core i7 950 @ 3.20 Ghz, 24GB RAM, 240GB SSD for OS, 60GB SSD for swap = Heaven.




*clears throat*

@Animorph 2

Also known as;
Maverick, Living Phantom, Role-Player, Live-Wyre, Eagle Eye, Toy-Man, Cartoon, Jetfire, Reflex, Mer-Man, Spartacus, Step, Reaver...



i agree too =)
i wanted for ages to have puppy but tis gone gone gone

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



/don't care

If it's done, I think CoX should send out a mass mailing to last known addy's first warning of it (or at least last known e-mail addy's) rather than just BOOM do it. I haven't been around long but I understand it's long been the policy the names wouldn't be purged so it's only fair to give those who went to limbo every chance to be warned before the policy shift...

Though, to be snooty, I must openly wonder how recycling names adds to creativity... Wouldn't creativity be more urged on by forcing people to come up with original names??? (Yeah, yeah, yeah, some peoples creative visions NEED a specific name... I'm just being difficult.)



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
/don't care

If it's done, I think CoX should send out a mass mailing to last known addy's first warning of it (or at least last known e-mail addy's) rather than just BOOM do it. I haven't been around long but I understand it's long been the policy the names wouldn't be purged so it's only fair to give those who went to limbo every chance to be warned before the policy shift...

Though, to be snooty, I must openly wonder how recycling names adds to creativity... Wouldn't creativity be more urged on by forcing people to come up with original names??? (Yeah, yeah, yeah, some peoples creative visions NEED a specific name... I'm just being difficult.)
That just means all those people would have to do, assuming they care, is pay $15 for a month, get on their characters, log off, then cancel their sub. Boom, names still saved.

There are a lot of people who only play for double XP weekends. Should they lose their character names? Personally, I say yes. If you are only around for 3 days out of every few months, you shouldn't be allowed to hog up character names.


/yes for me

Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender



Originally Posted by Pinny View Post
That just means all those people would have to do, assuming they care, is pay $15 for a month, get on their characters, log off, then cancel their sub. Boom, names still saved.

There are a lot of people who only play for double XP weekends. Should they lose their character names? Personally, I say yes. If you are only around for 3 days out of every few months, you shouldn't be allowed to hog up character names.


/yes for me
No way. All paying customers are created equal.



Polls are also against the forum rules.


All paying customers are created equal.



Personally, i feel that if the account was canceled before globals even existed, so that the name doesn't have a global attached, they probably are NOT coming back, so it should be safe to purge their names. There is no customer loyalty there to protect.

If they should, some day, come back, they can take their chances just like the rest of us when it comes to picking a new name.



don't care

i'll gladly name scavenge if they do a purge , and i'll continue to find alternative names if they never do another purge .

it just has never happened to me that my enjoyment has been so completely destroyed by not finding a particular name to care very much one way or another .



Really I don't care. There are still plenty of good names left and if you don't believe me check out the name watch thread up top. I've gotten good names from there multiple times.



Originally Posted by Xanatos_NA View Post
No way. All paying customers are created equal.
You've been more active lately, I'm not talking about you :P

Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender



/yes..... A big yes!

however i did just recently get Slap... and also Sick

nice short one word names.... i like em

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



/shrug, easy to make names



Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
easy to make names
... that stink.

I'm all for it. Names without globals have been inactive, what, four years? They aren't coming back. Heck, I'm all for opening names that have been inactive for a year (but maybe not less... a year seems more than fair). And by that I mean ALL names, regardless of level achieved. Want to keep it? Re-up your sub 1 month a year. Don't care that much? Then let some other poor slob have at it and enjoy themself.

If it's really that "easy to make names" then the people coming back shouldn't have any trouble using their rename tokens.

That said, most folks are lucky, and I'm sure you're all happy, that I have no real say in the matter.



Another one of those "Threads that should have never been". I mean, c'mon. Do you really think pissin' and moanin' about not getting the SN YOU want because some other paying customer has it is really gonna make the powers that be purge those names?

What if that name you want is already level 50 but the player decided they don't wanna play anymore? Should that name be purged?

What if they decide after two or three years to come back? They had the name first, they were a paying customer when they got it, what makes you think you're entitled to it just because they're not around.

If I buy a car and I decide to not drive it for a few years, it doesn't mean Tyrone and his girlfriend Quee-Quee from 24th street can just hop in my ride. "Hey, he hasn't driven it in years" isn't a justifiable excuse and the gub'ment damn sure ain't gonna turn it over to 'em.

Silly example aside, OP, get over it already. It's not gonna happen. The last time they done a name purge it was for characters that were level 6 and below. Be satisfied with that much.


"People who take offense to IC actions OOCly need to learn to differentiate between the two... Or change their damn meds."



Originally Posted by The_Spartan View Post
What if that name you want is already level 50 but the player decided they don't wanna play anymore? Should that name be purged?

Yes if, as the OP proposed, they haven't played for so long that they don't have a global handle. If they quit three weeks ago, then no.

Originally Posted by The_Spartan View Post
What if they decide after two or three years to come back? They had the name first, they were a paying customer when they got it, what makes you think you're entitled to it just because they're not around.

If I buy a car and I decide to not drive it for a few years, it doesn't mean Tyrone and his girlfriend Quee-Quee from 24th street can just hop in my ride. "Hey, he hasn't driven it in years" isn't a justifiable excuse and the gub'ment damn sure ain't gonna turn it over to 'em.
How about a less nonsensical analogy? You work for ACME Widgets, Inc. and have a pretty sweet parking space right by the door. You leave to take a job at Generico. After three years you decide you can't stand your boss at Generico and decide to take a job offer back at ACME. When you return, you find that your old, sweet parking space has been reassigned to a woman in accounting. Do you really think YOU deserve to have it back?

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
How about a less nonsensical analogy? You work for ACME Widgets, Inc. and have a pretty sweet parking space right by the door. You leave to take a job at Generico. After three years you decide you can't stand your boss at Generico and decide to take a job offer back at ACME. When you return, you find that your old, sweet parking space has been reassigned to a woman in accounting. Do you really think YOU deserve to have it back?
You said less nonsensical, not completely irrelevant and even more nonsensical. What?



No, the parking space was a more apt analogy.

But let's not abandon the car analogy (Tyrone and Quee-Quee may decide to steal that too!); I think we can still make it work. Let's try this:

If I buy a car, meaning I pay the seller's full asking price, and own it outright, then it doesn't matter whether I'm driving it or not. So if Tyrone and Quee-Quee took it without my permission, they would be stealing from me. In video game terms, this would be like them coming over to my house and saying, "He hasn't used his Wii in months. Must not want it anymore," and taking it home with them.

If I "buy" a car meaning I've got a loan from a bank and I'm making monthly payments to them in order to keep it, then as long as I'm making those payments, it doesn't matter if I'm driving it or not; Tyrone and Quee-Quee would also be stealing from me. This kind of thing doesn't tend to happen in video game terms unless hacking is involved somehow, but theoretically, it would be like them taking a name I already had in CoH and using it themselves. Or maybe stealing my Windows Live password or something.

If I "buy" a car meaning I've got a loan from a bank and I'm making monthly payments to them in order to keep it, but then I stop making those payments, the bank is fully within their rights to take that car away from me (after a reasonable grace period). And if Tyrone and Quee-Quee then show up and want to start making a monthly payment to the bank so that they can have the car, they're not stealing anything from me, because it stopped being "my" car when I stopped making my payments. Now they're just customers paying for a product. It's not their problem if the product used to be mine, even if I did love it dearly and put a lot of time and effort into washing and detailing it and installing a new sound system and rebuilding the carburetor myself.

Originally Posted by The_Spartan View Post
What if that name you want is already level 50 but the player decided they don't wanna play anymore? Should that name be purged?
I don't see why it being level 50 would change anything. Besides, it's not as if anyone's talking about deleting the characters, just freeing up the name. So in that case, it would be like if I stopped making my car payments, and the bank just towed the car away and stored it somewhere, and all I had to do to get it back just as I left it was to make one single payment again. But when I got it back, I couldn't have my vanity license plate because the DMV decided to let Tyrone and Quee-Quee have that when they came in willing to pay for it, but I hadn't been seen or heard from in four years. But they'd give me a voucher so I could get a new vanity plate for free, just not the one I had before, as that belongs to Tyrone and Quee-Quee now.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



So this proposal is for characters that were created more than 4 years ago where the player has not come back to the game since then. If the player came back in that time but hasn't played the character, would it be assigned a global? If yes, then I'm all for it.

But really, how many names do you think this would free up? I can't imagine it would be that many.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



I'm curious to know what Tyrone and Quee-Quee's vanity plate would say now..... hehe



Originally Posted by Madisen View Post
My husband was deployed to Iraq for over a year and canceled his subscription because he wasn't playing.... BUT..... he comes to CoH everytime he comes back from Iraq......

So if someone gets deployed to defend our country for a year and looses his parking space because of it, and let's say, I was the one who wanted it, I would gladly give it back to him out of respect. So YES I think the names should be released but MAYBE a time range that is a bit more understanding to those who just 'CAN'T' play for that time.
I should probably address this, too. Purely for the sake of context, let me mention that I just (last month) ended a seven-year enlistment with the United States Navy. So I know about deployments, too, having spent over half of my time in the service away from home. I've been away from my friends and family far too much, missed more birthdays and holidays and first steps/words/everythings than I care to think about. Deployments are at the top of a very short list of reasons I got out when I did. It may also be worth mentioning that I was enlisted, ranked E-5 at the time of my discharge, so I'm not speaking as a "privileged" military member who has money to burn -- no officer's pay or anything like that for me; I know firsthand how tight things can get for a military family. With that in mind:

There's no reason a deployed servicemember can't keep their account active during a deployment. Yes, you're paying for something you're not using. Should you have to? Probably not. But unless NCSoft is going to delineate a specific policy regarding absences due to military deployment -- something that wouldn't actually be that hard to do if they were willing to ask for a copy of a person's orders to be faxed to them in order to "suspend" or "hold" an account (as opposed to just considering it "inactive") -- they have to treat all absences the same way. Either specific exceptions like deployments are clearly marked out, or they aren't.

Currently, an absence means very little action is taken, beyond simply not allowing access to the game. But in this theoretical situation in which names on unpaid accounts are vacated, it would hold a lot more significance.

Of course, in the absence of a "deployment policy," there's just biting the bullet and paying; coughing up fifteen dollars a month for something you can't use is painful, sure, but if you can survive on your family's non-deployment income, you can surely survive on their deployment income, since that tends to come with Hazardous Duty (combat) and/or Sea and/or Submarine Duty pay, and the deployed servicemember probably isn't going to be spending much money wherever they are, and the military is providing them with most or all of their basic necessities like food and shelter and toilet paper, and the fact that, if they spend even a single day in a "combat zone" (which, by the way, includes the waters of the Persian Gulf in their entirety, just to paint a picture of how broad in scope the term "combat zone" really is), their income for the entire month is completely, one hundred percent, tax-free. So keeping the account in good standing during a deployment is really not as big a deal as it may seem at first. I've done it three times.

Plus, you continue to earn veteran's rewards. Which is sort of appropriate, when you think about it.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Do you know the difference between envy and jealousy? Envy is wanting an expensive house like the guy's down the street. Jealousy is wanting that house.

Looks like a lot of green auras in here.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



1.) Wtf is this Tyrone and Quee-Quee stuff? 24th street? Dude, be quiet.

2.) They aren't paying customers if they.. (wait for it)... AREN'T PAYING.

Instead of saying you BUY a car, isn't it more fair to say you're RENTING it?

You pay a monthly fee to use the service. You don't own anything.

To clarify: If NCsoft shut down tommorow, you have lost CoX. If Ford closes it's doors, you still own your Expedition.



Eh, if you are paying, and you haven't for a very long time (I'd say 3 years at least of account inactivity) then I don't find it all all inapporpriate that your names get purged. I think though, that you can make a good argument, that anyone who has subscribed in the past two years may likely come back for a month or two, especially to check out new features.

So really, its less about whether a purge is justifiable (this is after all a pay to play service...if you aren't paying, there's no justification for you taking up space in the game) and more about the window of time where a purge should occur, IMHO.

Also, I thought polls were technically against the rules...so IB the eventual TL.

LOL, forums: most balanced PvP ever.
Tacos > Zombies



Originally Posted by Decoy Carbomb View Post
Instead of saying you BUY a car, isn't it more fair to say you're RENTING it?
No, renting a car is different. You pay the owner an agreed-upon fee to use the car, then return it and stop paying the fee. Also, when you rent something, you never stop paying for it unless you give up access to it. No matter how many months' rent I put into my apartment, It will never actually be mine unless some separate transaction takes place in which I buy it from the current owner.

When you buy a car, unless you purchase outright, you get a loan from the bank. The bank is giving you money, which you then give to the seller, and you're promising to pay back the money you borrowed from the bank over time. You technically "own" the car, but you also put it up as collateral, so that if you stop paying back the money you owe to the bank, they take the car instead, becoming the legal owning entity.

Originally Posted by YellowjacketX View Post
Eh, if you are paying, and you haven't for a very long time (I'd say 3 years at least of account inactivity) then I don't find it all all inapporpriate that your names get purged. I think though, that you can make a good argument, that anyone who has subscribed in the past two years may likely come back for a month or two, especially to check out new features.

So really, its less about whether a purge is justifiable (this is after all a pay to play service...if you aren't paying, there's no justification for you taking up space in the game) and more about the window of time where a purge should occur, IMHO.
I agree, but there are some who would rather give these people the benefit of the doubt indefinitely; nobody's quitting over not being able to get a name they want, but someone might choose not to come back over losing a name they already had. That's the sticky part, especially with a new boxed expansion on the horizon.

Of course, we're talking here about people who haven't logged on even a single time in over four years, even when they've had multiple chances to do it for free during reactivation weekend promotions, never mind the Invite a Friend Back program. If they aren't interested enough to check out huge new improvements like inventions or Mission Architect or, you know, City of Villains in general for FREE, I don't know why they'd pay sixty bucks to come back and try out Going Rogue. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of them aren't ever coming back no matter what.

Originally Posted by YellowjacketX View Post
Also, I thought polls were technically against the rules...so IB the eventual TL.
Well, the thread title says "poll," but this turned very quickly into a regular ol' discussion. I wouldn't worry about any mod-smacking except maybe a change to the title.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.