I Have Become A Farmer




Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I have 3... It could be a new kind of puppy farm
*ba-dum tish*



Nothing has netted me more influence than RWZ farming. A bit north of the base where the raids gather there is a nice street with a couple of bends that shoots north.

There are 7-8 lvl 48-50 spawns points out there, mostly 50, that gather in tight little clumps and enjoy being herded together. Gather, AoE, wash, then run to the other end of the street. By the time you are done the first groups have respawned and you are back in business.

Funded most of my mains build out there. Boring? Oh yeah, but it gets the job done.

Wait....am I an evil farmer too?



The RWZ's kinda cool for stuff like that. There's EBs out in the open, Pylons and the RWZ challenge for powergamers to test their builds, and a base to make any SG jealous.

And given that Rikti in their natural environment are an absolute pain in the butt for most players to fight, I'm not complaining. That's the kind of farming that you need to already be good at the game for after all.



The reason I don't farm is it bores the hell out of me. I have zero desire whatsoever to spend my time playing a video game that I play for enjoyment, only to be bored while I'm playing.

Even a lot of the farmers I have talked to admit that it's boring. Apparently it's about the rewards and not about the fun you're having (or not having as the case may be).

If you truly enjoy running the same mission or killing the same spawns over and over, more power to you, far be it from me to hinder your enjoyment.

If you're just farming for the rewards and boring yourself to death, that's when I question why you're doing it.

My characters are barely IOed, in fact I only have one who's build is close to finished. I found that when I acquire things over time I appreciate them more, and I get to see my character gradually become more powerful.

I understand that I see things differently than a lot of people. I'm not even going to ask for the draw to be explained to me, I've asked before and it's been explained before and I still don't see the appeal.

I'm not an anti-farmer, or a pro-farmer, I'm just a non-farmer.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.




The AE definitely increased my farming tendencies also, though it is not because of the farming itself. It was because I dont have to go anywhere. Basically, I'm lazy.

Prior to the AE, I usually just ran level 50 door missions over and over. I didnt even run them to farm purples or anything, I just enjoyed frying bad guys. I'm a like a latch key kid eating a fish and chips tv dinner every night: it never gets old, and I look forward to the next tv dinner every time. There was tedium and irritation though, but not from the zappin'. I would have to get another mission after each one, travel and port my team to the door, and sometimes zone-reset when I didnt like the foe types. I also got stuck with missions way far away or in caves. I hate all that crap, but for the gameplay itself, I love it and love to repeat it.

Along comes the AE. I can just do AE content over and over and over. No travel. No maps I dont like. No foes I dont like. As much or as little variety as I want. It is a dream come true. The only down side: no purples. However, the huge up side is that I earn tickets, which lets me roll on the random crap shoot of the ticket vendor for gold (and other) recipes. I love that. I never had that available to me before, so I'm happy as can be. In the last 2 weeks, I've managed to roll 3 Numina recovery IOs and a Miracle, not to mention a TON of other stuff that sold for a lot. I've never had it this good.

Now, I know you'll say I could do story arcs and task forces and earn merits. Well, actually, no I cant. I dont like doing Task Forces because I have a short attention span. I can do the same thing over and over and over for 8 hours, but I cant actually pay attention to mission details or negotiate with TF missions and zoning and traveling. Also, the inability to bail without feeling like (and being) a ********* kinda makes me dislike them. Also, I'm only in the mood to team with strangers about 10% of the time. I dont like waiting on others, and I dont like that they may have to wait on me. Also, story arc merits are out of the question, again, because I have to do a bunch of travel, fight foes and stories I dont like and have done before a million times, plus again, I feel I cant abandon them whenever I like.

So, now, I can hang out in one place, play any character I've got, earn Tickets, redeem them, and do only the thing I enjoy most, which is zapping bad dudes over and over in various configurations with various powers. It also lets me get at the heart of what I like most about gameplay: character builds (planning and implementation). When it is time to plan and implement a character, I can just make him at level 1, plan him with Mids', make a couple of other level 1 characters I like on my other accounts, and just 3-box these guys from 1 to 50. It might take a few months, but hey, thats a few months of fun, zapping, levels, tickets.

So, really, the farming aspect is totally secondary, in that farming isnt the goal or purpose, but it is a result. I effectively repeat content I like, and gain pretty good rewards from it. The only reason it might not be considered farming is that I'm not doing it to farm. I'm doing it because I am having fun. Wasnt it George Carlin who said something like, "you ever go in the kitchen at 3 am and get a bag of chips or cookies, open the thing up, stare at the clock, eat the whole *bleep bleep* bag, just stare at the clock and eat until you are done, and go back to bed?" Yeah, George. Me too. RIP!


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Then its time to actually become a REAL farmer and go farm for PURPLES.

You said you have 100 million on your alts?

That is nothing. I - not unlike MANY others - have Billions sitting on alts.
That is what Farming PURPLES gets you. Tickets do not offer such lovely items as this.


This. Purples are where the real money's at. The only people that "farm" tickets are the kids at Chuck E. Cheese's.

Man, I've been waiting MONTHS to find the most appropriate place to use that analogy!



AE Farming, Where a kid can be a kid and farm billion of influence to sell to a company for insanely low rates.

A bit long, but remember it is a first draft.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
The reason I don't farm is it bores the hell out of me. I have zero desire whatsoever to spend my time playing a video game that I play for enjoyment, only to be bored while I'm playing.
Exactly. I cannot even comprehend the farming mindset.

Even a lot of the farmers I have talked to admit that it's boring. Apparently it's about the rewards and not about the fun you're having (or not having as the case may be).
And Fun is the most valuable reward of all!

My characters are barely IOed, in fact I only have one who's build is close to finished. I found that when I acquire things over time I appreciate them more, and I get to see my character gradually become more powerful.
Eh, I usually can get my characters IO'd out pretty fast (I dabble a little, quite casually, in marketeering. If we had Branding for items we sold on the market, you'd find alot of stuff branded SmurchCoâ„¢ out there. It's my in-game black market corporation, being run out of Smurch's closet) but I'm slow to do it because it involves a couple of hours to poking at the market and caching in tickets, etc to get everything I need. But I usually just buy and craft an entire set at a time. Its something I do in my "down time".

I've generally been able to get whatever sets I wanted. But yeah I'm not in a big hurry. I don't even start making IOs until well into the 30s now... levels just fly by too fast to make it worthwhile at lower levels. If I've been waiting 35 levels for a set, waiting a little longer to track down that one elusive recipe isn't a big deal anymore.

I'm not even going to ask for the draw to be explained to me, I've asked before and it's been explained before and I still don't see the appeal.

I'm not an anti-farmer, or a pro-farmer, I'm just a non-farmer.
I'm in the same boat. I actually feel kind of bad for the farmers. I don't know what makes someone do something they find so boring just so they can get some imaginary money or imaginary item in an imaginary world. I feel bad for them that they can't just relax and enjoy playing the game, secure in the knowledge that the rewards will come.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by PhiloticKnight View Post
Man, I've been waiting MONTHS to find the most appropriate place to use that analogy!
We can tell!

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
I actually feel kind of bad for the farmers. I don't know what makes someone do something they find so boring just so they can get some imaginary money or imaginary item in an imaginary world. I feel bad for them that they can't just relax and enjoy playing the game, secure in the knowledge that the rewards will come.
Speaking for myself, farming is fun. I'm not one of the ones that finds it boring. However, it isnt the farming itself that I find fun, but the repetitive nature of doing something I like (zapping bad guys) over and over. The AE lets me have all the variety I need (if I even need any) without moving my location. Effectively, this results in farming (repeating behavior with a loot benefit) even though the primary purpose/result is fun. ZAP BANG POW.

In fact, when I settle in for a bit of AE play, it IS relaxing, and fun. I wouldnt do it if it werent. Side bonus: mega-tickets!


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



I enjoy farming, when I am in the mood.

There are other days where I am in the mood to badge hunt.

Do you also feel bad for badge hunters?



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I enjoy farming, when I am in the mood.

There are other days where I am in the mood to badge hunt.

Do you also feel bad for badge hunters?
Sometimes, yeah.
Mostly when they're farming for a badge.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
Speaking for myself, farming is fun. I'm not one of the ones that finds it boring. However, it isnt the farming itself that I find fun, but the repetitive nature of doing something I like (zapping bad guys) over and over. The AE lets me have all the variety I need (if I even need any) without moving my location. Effectively, this results in farming (repeating behavior with a loot benefit) even though the primary purpose/result is fun. ZAP BANG POW.

In fact, when I settle in for a bit of AE play, it IS relaxing, and fun. I wouldnt do it if it werent. Side bonus: mega-tickets!
Are you running the same AE missions over and over or are you trying different missions? The first one is farming. The second one is not.

I think we have a terminology problem here: farming is run Mission X, reset Mission X, Run Mission X, reset Mission X, etc etc etc.

If you're doing: Run mission X, run mission Y, run mission Z, that's not farming.

I like running AE missions too. I LOVE tickets. Neither has anything to do with farming.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Farmers dont farm the AE.

AE is for PowerLeveling.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I fail to see how 100million on any character is alot of $.
It is if you only need 1~2% of that amount to be set for life with SOs or generic IOs. Done it many times.



??? Generic IOs ??? SO's ???



What is it with the epic loot in every MMO being purple?



There's something of an unwritten sign convention. People expect purple to be ultra-rare, so it is.



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
Are you running the same AE missions over and over or are you trying different missions? The first one is farming. The second one is not.

I think we have a terminology problem here: farming is run Mission X, reset Mission X, Run Mission X, reset Mission X, etc etc etc.

If you're doing: Run mission X, run mission Y, run mission Z, that's not farming.
I dont agree. I view farming as doing anything you've done before on the same character, if a reward is generated.

Lets say W and X are 2 AE maps. Y and Z are 2 non-AE maps you like that you never complete. Lets say ITF is the Imperious task force.

If you do W, X, Y, Z, and the ITF one day, and the next day you do ITF, W, Z, ITF, then everything you did on the second day is farming. In fact everything you did on the first day was farming too, if you've done it before. That is if it is on the same character.

If you repeat any content you've done before on that character and get a reward, its farming. Whether you do ITF, A, A, A, A, A, A, B, B, B, B, B, B, C, C, C, C, C, C, ITF, ITF or whether you do A, B, C, ITF, A, B, C, C, B, A, ITF, A, B, C, ITF, A, A, ITF, C, B, Y, C, B ... there is farming involved.

Ever repeated a mission you liked in the AE, on the same character? Then 'dirty farmer' = you. How often you repeat and how soon you get sick of it or what percentage the repeats are is essentially irrelevant.

Also, if you do nothing but radio/news door missions, you are a farmer too, because you are doing the same few villains and goals in various permutations over and over. It doesnt take long for repeats to come up.

As for me, some says I repeat the same mission, and some days I never do that mission, but sometimes the other ones I do, I've done before. Some days I do all newspaper missions. Its all farming, really. Even flashing back to a repeatable mission is farming, if you repeat it, even if they are a month apart. The frequency and pattern of the repetition doesnt matter.

That's my view, anyway.

We may have to agree to disagree.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
I dont agree. I view farming as doing anything you've done before on the same character, if a reward is generated.
I know thats what you view it as, but that's not what the term originated to describe. Much like a real world farmer, who sows a field, harvests the field, and then sows the same field again, an MMO farmer gets a mission, kills everything in the mission, then resets the whole mission to "harvest" it again. That's WHY it's called farming, because it's conceptually similar in focus to real world farming.

If you repeat any content you've done before on that character and get a reward, its farming.
That's just crazy talk. I've done the ITF two or three times with the same character, not because I was farming it, but because I just enjoyed doing it. Much like watching a movie more than once. I didn't run it back to back (ran it a couple of weeks apart each time), nor was I doing it for the rewards. I only cared about enjoying it.

That's not farming.

Ever repeated a mission you liked in the AE, on the same character? Then 'dirty farmer' = you.
That's simply not correct (and I don't... I've never found any AE missions I like that much).

Also, if you do nothing but radio/news door missions, you are a farmer too
Also not true. You could be arguably GRINDING, but that's not quite the same thing as Farming.

Running the SAME paper mission over and over without ever completing, but rather exiting and resetting, it IS farming. Running a series of random paper missions is NOT farming.

We may have to agree to disagree.
Words Mean Things independent if you agree or are aware of their proper meanings. We don't just get to form an opinion about the meanings of words.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
I actually feel kind of bad for the farmers.

I play the game in a way I find entertaining and enjoyable.
Your opinion of my playstyle has no impact on that fun or enjoyment.

So spare me your condescension, thanks.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I play the game in a way I find entertaining and enjoyable.
Your opinion of my playstyle has no impact on that fun or enjoyment.
So little impact, in fact, that you had to go out of your way to point out how little impact it is. Because it's just that non-existent that it needs to be pointed out. How much it isn't there.

So spare me your condescension, thanks.
It's honestly how I feel. I'm sorry if that makes you feel condescended to.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
So little impact, in fact, that you had to go out of your way to point out how little impact it is.
A self important comment from a non-farmer who thinks their style of play is superior in a thread I've been following is actually directly in my way.

The quality of your logic is at least consistent.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I feel guilty enough about powerleveling my new character :P

only had him about a week and I'm level 30 :/

grante it is a buff and heal focused emp def. and I have a hard time soloing him (seriously I'm level 30 and died 3 time doing th cape mission :P )

and I'm not taking to many contacts with him, so he is mostly team based. I took rick davies, the start contact. Montague, I'm taking pilgrim next. basically just contacts that introduce you to specific area or game play mechanics.

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
I only cared about enjoying it. That's not farming.
So, if I do the same mission over and over, but I'm doing it for the enjoyment, and drops and tickets are purely secondary, and I'm actually having fun, then its not farming?

Also, heaven forbid some farmers actually find getting rewards to be their largest fun. That was the entire basis of Diablo 2's longevity. "What'd I get this time?"

Running the SAME paper mission over and over without ever completing, but rather exiting and resetting, it IS farming. Running a series of random paper missions is NOT farming.
So, AE missions are never farms then, since you always complete them?

Words Mean Things independent if you agree or are aware of their proper meanings. We don't just get to form an opinion about the meanings of words.
I agree, I just think you happen to be using a limited version of the definition. A situational subset. The term is more broad than whether the missions happen to be back to back.

Farming is repetition for results.

In fact, Farming is repetition for results, whether it is back to back or not, just like in the real world. Farmers usually alternate crops, and they alter the plots of land (the maps).

If running a specific mission 10 times is farming, what if I run that mission only 7 out of 10? What about only 2 out of 10? What about 2 in 100? What about 5 in 10? What about 2 in 10, where they happen to be back to back?

Farming is slang, when it comes to gaming. I think using the term for "any repetition of content for rewards" is valid. I also happen to think using the term to mean "any back-to-back repetition of contents for rewards" is a valid use of the term. Since the term was coined as slang for gaming, people have been all over the map on which one they mean. Therefore I view it as a term inappropriate for blanket condemnation.

I suggest a new term for the kind of farming which some find distasteful: Chicken Farming.

It fits on multiple levels, doesnt it? Evil + Cowardice?


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan