How did your Dbl XP go?
I played Fallout 3 most of the weekend. I know - bad Obsidius!
Still couldn't get to 51, and I only pulled in about 60 or 70 million, which I used to place a bid on a Purple recipe I need.
I think more than a few people are in the 'wait and see for I16 and/or Going Rogue' holding pattern. I'm still playing, but not as much as I used to. Although, I'm personally VERY stoked that I'll get in on the first wave of closed beta for GR.
As to my 2x weekend? Jumped around a bit, nothing too impressive. Managed to get on a pickup Citadel tf that was quite fun, probably only picked up about 5-8 levels total. But, I do think all of that was in the post-35 range, so that's not so bad. I did have a good time, overall, and isn't that what it's all about? :^)
Basically too many 50's to count, but I'm generally a brute/scrapper/tank kind of guy.
Well.. Got a few alts up into the 20's or 30's. But one in particular 1 hr before the xp shut off was 8 or 9 I think got up to lvl 40! :O My scrapper I was on got up to 48 from 38. :P
Thank you Vego, and Jade for the invite!
"every defender needs to fight. I don't care if you have to use BRAWL!"
Oddly enough the most productive Double XP Weekend i've had yet. Got a toon from 42 to 50 by doing TFs all day Friday (2nd Respec, 3rd Respec, ITF) ending with a LGTF where 6 people dinged 50. Then on Saturday got a toon from 40 to 50 by doing the same thing (Dr. Q, 3rd Respec) also ending with a LGTF where 7 people dinged 50. It was pretty epic feeling both nights! =D
I loves me some Kay Parfait! <3

I agree with the Issue 16 holding pattern. I found myself deleting more toons over the last two weeks to save room as name holders to the point I didn't madly go after leveling much (Fire/WP scrap 14 to 20, an ITF got my Mind/elec dom 39 to 41 and my Sonic/Mental blaster went 39 to 44).
Played the main through lots of exemping down, Bloody Mary runs, task forces and other just general playing for 220 million in influence badge credit (sighs and still 680 million to go for 2 billion).
I didn't do nearly enough random newbie PL'n Sunday night. Killed Behemoth's in Peregrine Island (yes Non-AE) for about 2 1/2 hours for anyone willing to join.
Favorite sentence of the weekend: "Hey! There are people in PI?!" or "There's non-AE farming?"
Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.
Well.. Got a few alts up into the 20's or 30's. But one in particular 1 hr before the xp shut off was 8 or 9 I think got up to lvl 40! :O My scrapper I was on got up to 48 from 38. :P
Thank you Vego, and Jade for the invite! |
I heard you completed the STF for the first time, too.

I griefed people with Cath, Sun, Fo, FG, etc. Then I got my brute two levels.
I griefed people with Cath, Sun, Fo, FG, etc. Then I got my brute two levels.
Got my Doppleganger toon to 50: Cathzarro
I went nuts this weekend. I gots:
- Psi/Mental Blaster to 40
- Cold/Ice Defender to 40
- Mini Turbo to 25
- MA/SD Scrapper to 32
- Claws/SR Scrapper to 32
- Elec/Nin Stalker to 48
Foley and I did a Sister TF too.
Shadow-Force made just shy of 1.5 mil prestige too, so I'm happy.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper
Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."
I got my MM from 41 all the way up to 42!
I know I ROCK!

Only have one toon here on Triumph - a psy/MM blaster. Got her from 13 to 20 soloing - mostly the Jim Trembler/Penelope Yin/Doc Delila arcs. Not only that, but thanks to this weekend, she was able to more than double the SG prestige prior to getting my RL friend's toon on as the second member of the group.
Only put in about 12-14 hours over the course of the weekend - busy with RL as well as getting ready for a convention next weekend out of town. Got another toon on Virtue from 12 to 21 on Virtue last night - even with all the mapservers - and a couple of villians on Champion that I hadn't touched in months (except to move around to new day-job locations) up to at least lvl 6
Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.
Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind
There was a double xp weekend?
Made some cash on two my 50s, got to team up with Cath's Shield Tanker on a Manny TF, and finally got my brute from lower 20s to the lower 30s on Sunday. Yeah. And I had fun. The only question I have about the whole weekend was why was I follow Sun all the time on the TF? He keep running away from the group and jumping into the biggest group he could find on his own and for some reason I keep jumping in behind him.
Most productive double XP weekend ever for me as I actually played for more than an hour. I got a Elec/SR brute to 50... And that's about it.
Although I did enjoy watching Beta Sword flip FG's world completely upside down. Classic.
"Kickblast: Known as the first to die, last to die, and one to die every time in between." -Sun Splitter
Freaked us all right out.
I didn't have any goals. Just wanted to help out.
With the storms running through NC this weekend I had tons of issues. Lost internet Friday night. Lost power yesterday after finishing all the defeat alls in a Synapse. That really ticked me off
Other than connection issues I had a fun weekend. I don't get excited over the 2xp like I use to. But it does bring people out. Thats not a bad thing.
Meh I worked all weekend, I got a level each on two characters and that's about it. More and more my time is limited here.
Played Redside all weekend, got my Spider to late-20s and Widow to mid-30s, also my Fire/Kin Corr to 50. Met a few people along the way that were fun to play with.
I had fun.
I had a really good double xp weekend. Special thanks to Vego and Jade for the teams. I got my dominator, corruptor and mastermind to level 50 and my defender and widow to 46.
Couldn't get on as much this weekend, only small spurts here and there. Was nice to see some names on my global list light up that I haven't seen in a while- sucked that I really didn't have much time to team and just had to solo it each time I logged on
Was only able to get my WS from 27-31- felt weird to use DXP weekend to level up a lowbie rather than grind for influence w/ my level 50!
Mission Architect arc: The Hive Connection, Arc ID: 96660
Triumph: (@UltraBatz)
UltraBatz, lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper (1355 badges)
UberBatz, lvl 50 Peacebringer (769 badges)
SG: The Steel Paladins, Fusion Force
Another hundred million or so progress for Sun and got my MM from 11 to 44... Why do I need badges so badly?
I played Aion beta instead of dbl xp weekend. Cox has become kinda yawn for me lately.
I must confess: double xp just isn't that exciting to me anymore. By the looks of the server status, it looks like I'm not the only one. The loads seemed pretty standard. At least when I played.

I got a stalker from 26 to 32. That's about all I did. I did enjoy seeing many people on who I haven't seen in a while however.
What did you get done?
Arc 185502: Who Killed Snow Globe? a mini mystery Put together the clues to solve the case!
Arc 22832: And Hell Hath No Fury (extreme)
Will you be the key to the Knives of Artemis' survival? or the instrument of their destruction?