DXP Weekend always brings out the worst...




I was grouping with a friend doing newpaper missions in Cap au Diable yesterday evening. She was trying to keep the team full, and there was a lot of chatter in the zone, so she sends a broadcast message like this once after every mission:

"Level 18 NON-AE mission team looking for 3 more"

We got a few and lost a few as is the way of running PUGs.

Then one really sensitive and caring individual sent her a tell:

"r u running a farm?"

She replied, "No, we're running newspaper missions."

"Then NO TEAM!"

The simple fury of the rebuke stunned us all.

Why not share your 'Worst of DXP Weekend' moments?



This DXP weekend hasn't brought anyone out.



I completely agree. As if the game isent EXP EXP EXP orientated enough as is DXP turns ppl into EXP zombies (must eat EXPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP) I dont even log on during DXP anymore!



Ok so like, we were running a farm (Battle Maiden) in PI. And I made a yanno post thingy in broadcast... Said something like...

"Battle Maiden Farm room for 3"

Cuz yanno the other 3 were me, our extra account, and him...

This guy sends me a tell, "Why arent you doing AE"
I said, "Cuz I dont want stupid tickets"
This guy says, "Why not, what else is there to get?"
I said, "um... drops... like salvage and recipes and purples"
This guy says, " cuss word after cuss word and then starts telling me how awesome "Competitive Game" is gonna be so much more awesome than this game..."

I ended up throwing him on IGNORE as a SPAMMER.

Anyways... I was irritated.
Damn you DBL EXP.

(Cuz I have to blame it on something)



Lol, it's not a PP post unless CO is involved.



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
Lol, it's not a PP post unless CO is involved.
He was talking about Aion >.> Which made me even more irritated.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
He was talking about Aion >.> Which made me even more irritated.
I apologize. Also, Aion is NCsoft, so that guy is still giving money to us. DXP people ARE stupid.



Yay! PP changed her avatar!

Pinnacle: Hold my beer. Watch this!
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
MA arc #117314!! Try it nao!!



Originally Posted by Cloud_Surge View Post
Yay! PP changed her avatar!
iz cuteh puppeh cute enuff?



Thanks to prior experience of the sheer asshattery that DXP brings out in people, not to mention the massive lag, server disconnects and all sorts of other issues endemic to DXP weekends, I haven't logged in at ALL, and probably won't until DXP is over.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post

Why not share your 'Worst of DXP Weekend' moments?
Haven't logged in yet.

However, at work, my boss moved some photos around on the web server. Really sucks for the guy who was hotlinking off our space, while directly competing with us

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
I apologize. Also, Aion is NCsoft, so that guy is still giving money to us. DXP people ARE stupid.
To the people upstairs in Seattle, yeah, but not to Paragon Studios.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I actually had a very pleasant teaming experience this weekend. It was about lower teens and I started a group for scanner missions in KR. Completely PUG team mind you. One thing we all noticed was that nearly everyone on the team had upwards of 40+ month vet badges. We all joked that while the newbies were in AE, the old-folks came outside to play

Anyway, one of the team member suggested that we do his Frostfire mission and everyone agreed. We found out later that it was set for Invincible and that he was one level higher than the rest of us so the mobs were +3 to most of the team.

It was rough at first: many deaths to be had and lots of careful pulling. By the time we got halfway done with it, everyone had already advance 3 levels because of Double XP. So by the time we got to Frostfire, we just stream-rolled right over him. Needless to say it was probably one of the best Frostfire run I had in a long time. We struggled and collapsed many times at first. But by the end through the results of our efforts, everything just fell before us. It felt like being an actual super hero



No bad experiences for me this weekend. I managed to avoid almost all contact with other people, which means no-one has been bugging me about all that powerlevelling nonsense and I haven't seen anyone lose his mind over it. So it's been good times all around, and I managed to get a Mastermind from 18 on Friday to 30 last night. That's probably not a big achievement for most of you, but it's pretty fast for me.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I've actuallly had some quite fun experiences this week. DXP has helped me push some characters out of the 30's into the 40's. Especially ones that are fairly tough to Solo. Today, looking to get my TA/Archery Defender up some levels, along with others. There's been a few incidents of people speaking with their rear instead of their brain, but other than that, things have been nice.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
"Level 18 NON-AE mission team looking for 3 more"

We got a few and lost a few as is the way of running PUGs.

Then one really sensitive and caring individual sent her a tell:

"r u running a farm?"

She replied, "No, we're running newspaper missions."

"Then NO TEAM!"
I think if you read the replies in the Soup Nazi's voice, you'll feel a whole lot better

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I had an interesting experience tonight. I decided to join a AE team since I was that bored, and they gave me the star. Since I couldn't find a mission I liked, I noticed that the team were mostly in the same level range and decided to drag them out of the AE building to do missions. The team was surprisingly competent, besides the 13 year old with a terrible build and typical attitude, but even he was fairly well behaved, and eventually left with the other newbie to try to get his next costume slot, and we were left with mostly competent players. Pwnage ensued, though I had to tell the Corr to go get his nuke.

I'm starting to get the hang of my Dark/Dark Corruptor too. It's weird, but effective.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
Then one really sensitive and caring individual sent her a tell:

"r u running a farm?"

She replied, "No, we're running newspaper missions."

"Then NO TEAM!"

The simple fury of the rebuke stunned us all.

Why not share your 'Worst of DXP Weekend' moments?
Quite literate and well written compared to some tells.

Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
This guy sends me a tell, "Why arent you doing AE"
I said, "Cuz I dont want stupid tickets"
This guy says, "Why not, what else is there to get?"
I said, "um... drops... like salvage and recipes and purples"
This guy says, " cuss word after cuss word and then starts telling me how awesome "Competitive Game" is gonna be so much more awesome than this game..."
Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Thanks to prior experience of the sheer asshattery that DXP brings out in people, not to mention the massive lag, server disconnects and all sorts of other issues endemic to DXP weekends, I haven't logged in at ALL, and probably won't until DXP is over.
Lag's been a bit worse for me, but other than that aren't these three just examples of what occasional idiots you get in the game?

I don't think the dxp brings out any more pillocks than usual, and maybe this one's had even less impact than usual as many of the noobs and newbs keep themselves to AE farms anyway - so if you enjoy non-farming AE or dev-content you're not likely to interact with them apart from the odd tell.

Personally, Friday was much as usual - ran a few TFs of varying quality.

Saturday I had a fun team of c.18-22 villains for a few hours, mainly doing the cape mission in Sharkshead. A fun, competent team that I would have stayed with a lot longer if I hadn't been feeling a little unwell and needed a break. I usually find CoV a lot harder to get teams on than CoH, so if dxp helped this team form then it did me some good.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Thanks to prior experience of the sheer asshattery that DXP brings out in people, not to mention the massive lag, server disconnects and all sorts of other issues endemic to DXP weekends, I haven't logged in at ALL, and probably won't until DXP is over.
You know there is something inatley wrong when me and FFM agree 100% on a topic.
TBH i dont actually see the point in DXP i wouldnt know why i would want to level twice as fast. you cant even do every story arc in the game on 1 pass through let alone when your leveling too fast!



I just noticed that this thread is tagged "aebies raetarded" (sic). Why is this?

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
iz cuteh puppeh cute enuff?
A Cavilear King Charles Spaniel, unless I an quite mistaken, and hence; most definatly Cute Enuff

Also; mu only experience of Double XP weekend is a few instances of loggin on, finding my friends not logged in, casting an eye about for any non-AE-farming teams, and loggin out shortly thereafter



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
This DXP weekend hasn't brought anyone out.

It's been rather quiet as compared to most double xp weekends.

As for personal experiences, I haven't been as gung-ho as I usually am. But I've made some progress nonetheless. I've got a kat/regen Scrapper I really like, whom I brought from 24 to 30 yesterday. Ran the Moonfire TF for the first time ever (kinda embarrassing that I've been here since the beginning and had never run it), and had tons of fun with a great team. When I log in today, I'm hoping to do some stuff with my VG.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Got my Spider from 20-27 and Widow from 27-31 yesterday, and my Corruptor to 50 Friday.

Nothing bad besides me being on a team with 2 people who didn't know how to get to Nerva from Sharkhead, but that wasn't really a problem.



Originally Posted by DKellis View Post
I just noticed that this thread is tagged "aebies raetarded" (sic). Why is this?
...you can tag threads? With public tags visible to anyone?


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