New GM to spawn in Atlas
/signed mainly because I hae always agreed with the idea of Gms for nearly all sections of the city. Something to encourgage teamwork and add flavour to each segment...
for Atlas:
I reckon, if the sewer trial isnt completed successfully for X number of days, Hydra's tentacles start popping up around atlas (anywhere there is water or a drain) and attack random passers-by.
If the trial is completed the tentacles stop and the counter is reset.
For Galaxy:
Vahzilok put together a frenkenstein's monster. a type of flesh golem, not much bigger than a person (well, 8ft, huge frame, mismatched dead flesh) that goes on a rampage through Galaxy, attacking anything and everything it comes near.
Kings Row already has paladin
Steel canyon: how about a tsoo oriental dragon ? something outcast related? it has the burning buildings so how about a gate being opened to the Fiery Pits and a Fire Demon emerging and going on a stompathon (along with a load of suitably levelled (like rikti invasion code) demons/imps . This would be triggered every X number of times the fire alarm goes past un-contended. or every X number of buildings that burn down
IP: has Lusca
Perez: has the blob in the park
Hollows: giant stone golem that goes on a walkaround. big cheese of the minions of igneous (I posted about this before)
Skyway: has Babbage (but only on TF completion) . set babbage to trigger every now and then without trigger.
DA: somethign flying (although it already has ADAM but he doesnt really do much).
basically, make the current GMs actually do something rather than stand around waiting to be pulped. we're heroes not thugs! make us save stuff...
/signed mainly because I hae always agreed with the idea of Gms for nearly all sections of the city. Something to encourgage teamwork and add flavour to each segment...
for Atlas:
I reckon, if the sewer trial isnt completed successfully for X number of days, Hydra's tentacles start popping up around atlas (anywhere there is water or a drain) and attack random passers-by.
If the trial is completed the tentacles stop and the counter is reset.
For Galaxy:
Vahzilok put together a frenkenstein's monster. a type of flesh golem, not much bigger than a person (well, 8ft, huge frame, mismatched dead flesh) that goes on a rampage through Galaxy, attacking anything and everything it comes near.
Kings Row already has paladin
Steel canyon: how about a tsoo oriental dragon ? something outcast related? it has the burning buildings so how about a gate being opened to the Fiery Pits and a Fire Demon emerging and going on a stompathon (along with a load of suitably levelled (like rikti invasion code) demons/imps . This would be triggered every X number of times the fire alarm goes past un-contended. or every X number of buildings that burn down
IP: has Lusca
Perez: has the blob in the park
Hollows: giant stone golem that goes on a walkaround. big cheese of the minions of igneous (I posted about this before)
Skyway: has Babbage (but only on TF completion) . set babbage to trigger every now and then without trigger.
DA: somethign flying (although it already has ADAM but he doesnt really do much).
basically, make the current GMs actually do something rather than stand around waiting to be pulped. we're heroes not thugs! make us save stuff...
[/ QUOTE ]
Although, maybe not always a GM. For instance, in Atlas, you could have a Hellion gang try and do something big, with an AV/GM level Boss leading them.
An Arachnos/Villain attack on the bank. Seeing as, y'know, that place gets robbed so much it makes sense to have some sort of synergy.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
GM in Atlas, well it would just have to be the statue of Atlas going bowling with the globe.... Strike!!
problem with babbage is he's often found in the north end of Boomtown stomping around not doing much.
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
Any GM in atlas would probably have to be relatively week so as not to be to much for low level heroes to fight.
Perhaps instead of a full blown GM Atlas could get a selection of Invasion conning EBs that could spawn at random
Hows about
Tic-Toc Prince
From time to time This larger than normal Clockwork Prince will appear within the area of Atlas park Perhaps its in answer to the destruction of its smaller kin but know one knows for sure. once he has appeared the Tic-Toc begins to roam the Atlas park area collecting his fellow clockwork before marching City hall
Charged Bolts
Lightning Bolt
Tesla Cage
Gather Clockwork The smaller clockwork will naturally follow Tic-Toc if he passes near them (a kind of clock work taunt power that makes clocks follow Tic-Toc
Summon Clockwork (this would be a more powerful version to that used by Assembler Princes instead of just summoning 2 clockwork the Tic-Toc Prince would summon a small group of random clockwork every 1-2 mins
He's a bit like ghost of scrapyarder and will wonder around the Zone gathering clockwork before marching on city hall (of course if he makes it there he'll be zapped so he wont stay spawned for ever more)
Demonic Portal
The hellions are always getting dabbling with things that should be left well alone and this Demonic Portal is a perfect example as long as its open all kinds of Horrors will crawl from It So it bets be destroyed Quick
The Portal would appear in a area of Atlas park and Demonic nasties would start to come thrue it things like Minions of Bat'Zul, Fire Imps, Daemons and Spirits of the circle of thorns.
50-foot-tall "Old MacDonald"?
Cancelled in Three - MA ID #34608. Please play and comment! Top 10 placing in Projectionist's MA contest!
Perhaps instead of a full blown GM Atlas could get a selection of Invasion conning EBs that could spawn at random
[/ QUOTE ]
I'ld find the invasion of EBs more troublesome than a single GM 2bh. Especially on a low character in which you can easily outrun the GM.
More GMs for atlas is always good in my eyes so /signed
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
A time portal opens up from the seventies and brings a mass demonstration by a bunch of hippies and unwashed students that can only be stopped by players using the temp powers of "tear gas", "water cannon", "Soap" and "Get a job"(VERY temporary against most hippies). Bonus xp is given for excessive use of radiation(hippies hate that) and increased carbon emissions(all those fire powers must be burning something!). Enemies would have powers such as "Summon tofu", "Wave placard", "Tree hug" and "Stink".
Defeating the demo earns players the "Crypto-fascist boot boy" badge.
or maybe not...
"Live forever or die tryin'"
for Atlas:
I reckon, if the sewer trial isnt completed successfully for X number of days, Hydra's tentacles start popping up around atlas (anywhere there is water or a drain) and attack random passers-by.
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That's a interesting idea there. However, I feel that a new signature villain or something would appeal more to new players rather than a group of tentacles scattered over Atlas.
There's currently one negative thought I have towards this. This idea was suggested to form more enthusiasm to new players, but it could backfire; the new player could just walk into the GM and die instantly, which would usually put the new player off the game. This would obviously happen occsaionally, it isn't as if this would never actually occur.
Anyway, I'm still gonna support this suggestion for the positive outcomes of it. /Signed
That's a interesting idea there. However, I feel that a new signature villain or something would appeal more to new players rather than a group of tentacles scattered over Atlas.
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When faultline revamp first came i had never seen the tentacles and i actually spent literally ages fighting those things in the water. Bit confused by it though because after you defeated one it dissapeared then came back with one less. I must've spent ages defeating them all trying to see what would happen if i did Was good fun though!
Moral of that statement? Tentacles be good for atlas/new players!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Moral of that statement? Tentacles be good for atlas/new players!
[/ QUOTE ]
I guess this all differs on your opinion, to be honest.
I still feel that something large and crazy would seem more exciting, eg: Fluffy from Harry Potter
I'd love this, or more events like the burning buildings or superadine raids. The idea of hellions attacking or gang wars sounds like great fun. More chances to play the hero are always appreciated.
/signed love the idea but as Jeff said it could put new players off.. Well, if they've done the tutorial they'll know not to go near the purples
Like the idea's of the GM's suggested by Evangel. Also suggested something like this in the General Discussion forum on the topic "If you could create the next issue" or something to that effect.
/signed love the idea but as Jeff said it could put new players off.. Well, if they've done the tutorial they'll know not to go near the purples
Like the idea's of the GM's suggested by Evangel. Also suggested something like this in the General Discussion forum on the topic "If you could create the next issue" or something to that effect.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, the purples in the tutorial do nothing but hang there. No great indication of attack power
What they should do is have a sort of 'Combat sim' section. Where a palyer is attacked by all level cons of enemy.
So, first off, a grey hits them a few times, to show that they are pretty weedy. The character is then auto-healed.
Same with green, then blue, then white conning. Yellow, orange are the same, until they hit red and purple, where it might well be that ther character gets faceplanted. Again, they get auto healed/rezzed, but its an indication of how fast your health can go down.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
had some other ideas while daydreaming during lunch
Dask Astoria:
the MistWraith :
An invisible GM that manipulates the mist into tentacles. Moves quite slowly maybe its a form of giant slug with acidic attacks?(detectable by a disturbance in the mist).
Boomtown: Konnekt'd :
has babbage but how about a mutated psychic clockwork that was thought destroyed. instead it is a mechanical orb that , through telekenetics creates a body for itself out of rubble and goes on a rampage, every now and then, it manages to break through the gates in the war wall and has a spree in Steel canyon attacking everything that moves (tsoo, ppd, hellions etc).
not exactly a GM for oro but one that spawns in oro and then moves to any one of th ezones (red or blue) that has an exit from there. the GM is actually a flock of reptillian birds (or ghostly flying worm things) that swarm through (about 20 to 30 of them) into a neighbouring real world region and start attacking (with flying creatures a preference). attacks would be bite and claw attacks with a poison secondary that include stun/hold/immob effects. the mobs are quite fast but not very maneauverable leading to some fun aerial combat situations (flying toon decoys leading them into an ambush? flying squads having dogfights around tall buildings and under bridges? SJ Tanks jumping, smashing and trying to taunt an enemy down to hittable range)
Croatoa: Fomorian beserkers. Deformed humanoid ogre-like giants driven insane by the binding energy in Croatoa. They are controlled by Balor who lives in the crystal spire, a magical cage that blinks randomly through the northern part of the map. Balor is a huge black armoured (invuln) fomor giant with one single huge red eye (laser eye blast) and a massive sword (BS set). Defeating Blaor forces the fomor to retreat until their master can recuperate enough to punch through the binding spells into the real world once more.
Brickstown: Megamech!
a megamech is unleashed from Crey's folly. goes on a stomping spree to the zig. did the crey send it or has someone in the zig got a contact that sent this to break him out?
not exactly a GM for oro but one that spawns in oro and then moves to any one of th ezones (red or blue) that has an exit from there. the GM is actually a flock of reptillian birds (or ghostly flying worm things) that swarm through (about 20 to 30 of them) into a neighbouring real world region and start attacking (with flying creatures a preference). attacks would be bite and claw attacks with a poison secondary that include stun/hold/immob effects. the mobs are quite fast but not very maneauverable leading to some fun aerial combat situations (flying toon decoys leading them into an ambush? flying squads having dogfights around tall buildings and under bridges? SJ Tanks jumping, smashing and trying to taunt an enemy down to hittable range)
[/ QUOTE ]
You do know there are 6 or so floating islands around the side or Ouroboros
More threats in the city zones instead of the instances is a good thing to me.. Please yes!
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

simply NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you might think "now the higher lvls have something to do" but the GM's attack too, and lvl 1-20 die like flies.
it's both not good to attract new players and makes it more like a battlefield rather then a city.
keep the GM's away from beginner places, keeps everyone happy.
I always Like the idea of more GMs and zone events they just feel more hero-esque than a lot of the instanced missions
but it could be dangerous to new players who either skip the tutorial or blitz their way through it (think i did that when i started)
But for the most part despite a few kinks it could be workable
Random thought here.
I remember the first day I played cox, it was in December and within the first hour of play Winter Lord spawned near Atlas Plaza, a large number of heroes all appeared to take care of it, I must admit that impressed me a lot at the time. Also on the 5th anniversary day we had a blast.
So why not create a new Giant Monster to occasionally spawn near atlas plaza, it might well give new players that wow factor while also giving experienced players (who tend to hang around there) something to do.
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