NPCs and Heavies in RV PvP




Fix the NPC's in RV so they no longer do epic 20 second holds. Please. Trying to PvP when your perma mezzed is extremely hard.

While your at it. Fix the heavys too. In fact, remove them.


CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



Fix the NPC's in RV so they no longer do epic 20 second holds. Please. Trying to PvP when your perma mezzed is extremely hard.

While your at it. Fix the heavys too. In fact, remove them.


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Thats being looked at "soon"

So during the next 9-12 months, just do your best with what you got.



Thats being looked at "soon"

So during the next 9-12 months, just do your best with what you got.

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Last thing that was mentioned about zones being looked at was when i13 hit. In PD on test last week, Posi said he was happy with how PvP was. I assumed he meant everything.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



Thats being looked at "soon"

So during the next 9-12 months, just do your best with what you got.

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Last thing that was mentioned about zones being looked at was when i13 hit. In PD on test last week, Posi said he was happy with how PvP was. I assumed he meant everything.

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Oh well thats it then, if hes happy it must be all good.




While your at it. Fix the heavys too. In fact, remove them.

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Tbh, it's the morons who use them in PvP that ruin it. Tis for an equal fight m'lurd.

My ar£e.





While your at it. Fix the heavys too. In fact, remove them.

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Tbh, it's the morons who use them in PvP that ruin it. Tis for an equal fight m'lurd.

My ar£e.


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I disagree If you can use insps and temps in pvp the there should be no problem with someone using a heavy.




While your at it. Fix the heavys too. In fact, remove them.

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Tbh, it's the morons who use them in PvP that ruin it. Tis for an equal fight m'lurd.

My ar£e.


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I disagree If you can use insps and temps in pvp the there should be no problem with someone using a heavy.

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I musta missed the "One shot [censored]" temp power, where can i pick that up?




While your at it. Fix the heavys too. In fact, remove them.

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Tbh, it's the morons who use them in PvP that ruin it. Tis for an equal fight m'lurd.

My ar£e.


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I disagree If you can use insps and temps in pvp the there should be no problem with someone using a heavy.

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Am I the only one that thinks that Temps, Insps, Accolades, and heavies are for those who lack everything else in PvP ?

em, skill?

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Heavies and Temps maybe. Insps are easily bought and everyone can have a stash of them. Seems to me that correctly knowing when and how to use certain Insps are part of the skill set needed in PvP.

But I'm a PvEer. What do I know?



I'd be tempted to agree Donna_ but with PVP being alittle unbalanced some of us need a little help, not to the extent of heavies, but Insps an accolades are a big help at times.

Effy On Hot Sauce Fire/Cold Corr
Effy On Hot Chilli Fire/Dark Corr
Effy On Heat FM/SD Before FoTM
Effy Unleashed DP/EN Blaster 1st 50 @ Union




Am I the only one that thinks that Temps, Insps, Accolades, and heavies are for those who lack everything else in PvP ?

em, skill?

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Heavies, temps, for sure. But in 1 vs 1 PvP, which was never the intention for this PvE MMO, some toons *need* certain insps to survive. Would you call me unskilled if I refused, on your principle, to use a Break Free when a controller used a hold on my corruptor?

Just food for thought



I brought my dom into RV about a week ago and was fighting 2 scrappers , I Lost a few times. Than I saw a heavy, hid behing the atlas city hall sent in my heavy first and than I joined in once they were distracted. I killed one and the other ran away. I dont regreat it or think its unfair.



If they had heavy's and you used one as a distraction then that's absolutely fine. Quite a smart thing to do actually.

It's when people pick one up and just stand next to it, making them self 3 times harder to kill as both hero and vill heavy's have perma holds and one shot kill.

Everything else like insps and accolades, even temp powers are all fair game. In zonal and arena fights.

Oh, and Xem. Break frees don't work any more

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



Zonal and Arena PvP are different. Zone = anything goes, Arena = Rules definated at start of match.

@Sweet Chilli



Zonal and Arena PvP are different. Zone = anything goes, Arena = Rules definated at start of match.

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Yes to this.




Oh, and Xem. Break frees don't work any more

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Oh that's right.

Sorry Rent, I'm stuck in the golden days



I wish we all were..... I12 PvP roll back pl0x.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



Seems to me that correctly knowing when and how to use certain Insps are part of the skill set needed in PvP.

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Spamming greens before you die is not skill thank you. I agree with donna that insps are for nubs. If a controller "CONTROLS" you and you don't have mez protection tough, wait for it to wear off and kick his [censored]. Since, at the moment they don't stack like that used to.

That said, even with mez protection i still get held/immob at times but thats ghay [censored] grounded for you.



That said, even with mez protection i still get held/immob at times but thats ghay [censored] grounded for you.

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Mez protection doesn't exist in standard PvP at present, aside from Knockback protection.

It's all mez resistance now. (Protection = you don't get mezzed unless they overcome it. Resistance = you still get mezzed but for a shorter time, the duration reduction depends on how high your mez resistance is)



I wish we all were..... I12 PvP roll back pl0x.

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I also like this




Am I the only one that thinks that Temps, Insps, Accolades, and heavies are for those who lack everything else in PvP ?

em, skill?

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Heavies, temps, for sure. But in 1 vs 1 PvP, which was never the intention for this PvE MMO, some toons *need* certain insps to survive. Would you call me unskilled if I refused, on your principle, to use a Break Free when a controller used a hold on my corruptor?

Just food for thought

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Would you consider it fair if a blaster popped 10 rages and 10 lucks before you start your 1 v 1?

Or if you have an SR ir Def based toon if I popped 20 Insights??

Bf's are a bit different, but controllers get holds to conpensate for low Hp and Low Dmg... So yeah if you pop a bf I would feel very put out.

Same if you work very hard to get a tanks life close to within beating and you see him hitting the respites to full Hp.

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Break Free's don't work in PvP.

Tbh mez is wrecked in PvP in my opinion. I've still managed to combat it though.

Would you consider it fair if a blaster popped 10 rages and 10 lucks before you start your 1 v 1?

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Some people do that in zonal, since it's still reasonably fast-paced there's no point popping 10 of them. Just wastes your tray.




Agreed - mez is broken. Now there is no point slotting for mezz duration which is stupid. Fair enough - its no fun being held for an entire match, but with bf protection, that never happened unless the person ran out of bf's or forgot to bring any.

Its like saying to a blaster, all your damage gets repaired after 4 seconds to your opponent and they are immune to damage for 10 seconds (or however long it is now).

@Sweet Chilli



Would you consider it fair if a blaster popped 10 rages and 10 lucks before you start your 1 v 1?

Or if you have an SR ir Def based toon if I popped 20 Insights??

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Yes and yes. If i was fighting a blaster who popped all that then i'd phase.... Seeing as the inspirations only last 30 seconds that's that problem sorted.

As for the defence based toon scenario, pop purples or keep your distance till they drop.... You now know they don't have any insps.

Bf's are a bit different, but controllers get holds to conpensate for low Hp and Low Dmg... So yeah if you pop a bf I would feel very put out.

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Your using i12 PvP logic Donna. As it stands, controllers do very respectable damage. I wouldn't call 260 damage from blind low.

Same if you work very hard to get a tanks life close to within beating and you see him hitting the respites to full Hp.

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And when he runs out, then you kill him. Simple.

If inspirations were unlimited then i'd agree with you guys but with only 20 available and available to everyone insps are fair game.

If you choose not to patch up your characters weakness then more fool you. When i'm at a store on my blaster i always grab 16 greens and 4 blue as those 2 things are what i lack the most. I don't quickly run to the store and refill when i'm empty and will play without them but if i'm passing a store, i will fill up. It's common sense to strive for survival.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



Agreed Rent. Insps make the game fairer - not unfairer.

@Sweet Chilli