NPCs and Heavies in RV PvP




Completely disagree there. As it stands the games already unbalanced pvp wise when it comes to different AT's. Granted insp's can balance that difference but unfortunately as you mentioned *everyone* is able to purchase them. Therefore the balance can be unbalanced again.

"and when they run out kill him" - For some people you either kill then or be killed. Lasting fights toe to toe with someone who can take more punch (double meaning) than my uncle joe was not the intention of some AT's. And thats even more gimped by the travel suppression thats in effect atm, so running isn't an option.

"Controllers do respectable damage" - One power out of several, compare the damage overall and tell me your findings between a troller and anyone else. And considering the fact that as a troller you struggle into the bargain to hold/immob someone the -statres isn't that great.

Requiring a power to outlive someone's insps isn't what i'd imagine to be. great pvp. Although donnas example was rather inaccurate at least of common sense (who would pop all 10). Which voids that really, as you'd still have to combat someone who already out damages you in every way...who has now poped a rage.

Whats your suggested tactic if they now have a +%15 or whatever damage boost. Say on a fire blaster, against me the troller? Now lets put this in perspective, the damage bonus gained by the blaster from this on top of his attacks are going to be more than mine as a troller no? Now how is that fair?

Ultimately in my opinion PVP is on the mend, they've balanced some issues with each AT but a lot has to be desired when it comes to overall fluidity. Insps are just another one of those things that really shouldn't be included as they are not required and people shouldn't have to use them. Just like NPC's shouldn't be included in a bloody PVP zone but thats never gonna be addressed. (seriously PVE and PVP don't mix) >.>



Completely disagree there. As it stands the games already unbalanced pvp wise when it comes to different AT's. Granted insp's can balance that difference but unfortunately as you mentioned *everyone* is able to purchase them. Therefore the balance can be unbalanced again.

"and when they run out kill him" - For some people you either kill then or be killed. Lasting fights toe to toe with someone who can take more punch (double meaning) than my uncle joe was not the intention of some AT's. And thats even more gimped by the travel suppression thats in effect atm, so running isn't an option.

"Controllers do respectable damage" - One power out of several, compare the damage overall and tell me your findings between a troller and anyone else. And considering the fact that as a troller you struggle into the bargain to hold/immob someone the -statres isn't that great.

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all have access to inspirations, they are not broken.
Troller damage is not high spiking like doms lol thunderstrike(250 unenhanced lol) but mostly fast activating and containment helps out.
For an example char activates in 1,32 with a-time does about 147 damage with 95% dmg enhanced setting up a containment giving you the possibilty to hit your opponent with a mental blast for about 283 damage.



Tbh if your pvping and you constantly have to go to the shop to fill up every time you use them, and I mean in a short duration, your doing something wrong. Constantly filling it up for the whole benefit of your toon's PvP clearly means your build is poor.

Otherwise I wouldn't care, my stalker always keeps the odd purple to make up for the fact my DEF is too low at toggle-value. I've always found the game a little fast-paced for an insp to do that much.




I know this is a forum for discussion but your wrong. As it stands, the PvP part of this game is far too "balanced" than is needed. Inspirations are the only thing that can break a deadlock. Something of which there's too much of. It all comes down to preparation.

I was basing all my examples on zonal PvP as when i started this thread, that's what it was concerning. So yes, "When they run out, kill him" is a 100% valid option still. There's nothing stopping you from playing smart and biding time. Waiting for whatever the barrier is to drop.

Blind was just one example as i'd just been using it only 2 minutes before i posted. Here's a few more.

Fossilize: 229
Lift: 143
Block of ice: 214
Even char does a respectable 155

Most of those are higher dps than i can get out of my ice blaster. True, controllers don't hold for very long now, but they don't need to. Treat the hold as an offensive toggle drop and nothing more. Containment really doesn't have a job in PvP anymore, hence the higher base damage.

There's such powers as rage that are really annoying and can lead to a defeat but that's where skill and experience come into it. If you know you won't survive standing there, then move. Use range and use the terrain to your advantage. Blasters bunny hop for a reason.

If your fighting a fire blaster with a troller then no matter what individual bonuses each player has, the blaster should win every time (depending on skill level and or build). And that's how it should be, and that is fair. Blasters are the "offensive juggernauts" and controllers are support toons. Expecting them to be equal is naive.

So my tactic for that would be pop purps or run to your team. Even i'd lose to a blaster with a controller if it was a decent player. I would never duel one and expect it to be an equal fight or to win.

PvP is more broken now than it ever has been. And it's about time the developers saw that fact.

Just use your npc example.... They're that dedicated to the PvP game they can't even be bothered to sort that out. And when i asked Posi about PvP he said he was happy with everything and that he won't answer any more questions on the matter. Go figure.

Remove travel suppression, base resistance and heal decay and they might actually have something worth fixing.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



Bf's are a bit different, but controllers get holds to conpensate for low Hp and Low Dmg... So yeah if you pop a bf I would feel very put out.

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But control is only a small arsenal of the controllers pvp input. A good pvp controller will know that they will not out damage/out survive their enemy.

Their strength is that they make the opposition defeat themself. Now i only have pvp experience with 2 of my controllers, an ill/rad/fire and a mind/ta and the basic principle is always the same . . . . . . Make them come to you.

Can a blaster still bunnyhop with glue arrow on it? [Which is then followed by the quick assault resulting in blasters death]

Can a willpower tank really survive an ill/rad/fires onslaught with lingering radiation on it?

The point being is that a good controller will NEVER really rely on holds/immobs to pvp. Its just impossible to expect to win against a skilled enemy then.

Know i dont pvp with you lot (as its more of a now and then thing for me) but i do consider myself skilled in the controller pvper aspect and get a bit whenever someone says BFs are a controllers worst enemy. When in fact they're our best friend! If a player brings a LOT of breakfrees you know they dont have much else to raise health/to-hit/def/resis/attack which plays right into our hands!

I'll be quiet now, but that has made me want to play my ta/mind again

Edit: And before someone says it, its VERY easy to withstand a burst high damage from the start even as a controller, to get your tactics in.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Sorry but I have to re-iterate but 'Break-Frees' do not work. Period.




Holds used be a a useful part of a controllers PvP way back in i12, but sadly are no longer these days.

The battle with a controller used to be if you can kill him before he makes you burn through too many bf's.

A lot of matches would go 5-0 to the blaster then end up 5-7 to the controller by the time the 10 mins was up. This seemed fairer than what goes on these days.

@Sweet Chilli




If inspirations were unlimited then i'd agree with you guys but with only 20 available and available to everyone insps are fair game.

If you choose not to patch up your characters weakness then more fool you. When i'm at a store on my blaster i always grab 16 greens and 4 blue as those 2 things are what i lack the most. I don't quickly run to the store and refill when i'm empty and will play without them but if i'm passing a store, i will fill up. It's common sense to strive for survival.

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As always, Rent has his head on straight. QFT the above



I also think heavies are fine, and i want to make a point of people either avoiding them, working as a team to take them out (whenever there is enough) or just tactically retreating.

Running in and getting killed and then complaining doesn't help anything. The only guy that ever ran in guns a-blazin and survived was Rambo.

Or get your own heavy. It's not like the field isn't equal.



Rent is so on the ball I may have to kiss him!

@Sweet Chilli



I also think heavies are fine, and i want to make a point of people either avoiding them, working as a team to take them out (whenever there is enough) or just tactically retreating.

Running in and getting killed and then complaining doesn't help anything. The only guy that ever ran in guns a-blazin and survived was Rambo.

Or get your own heavy. It's not like the field isn't equal.

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But we're playing CoH PvP not pokemonz.

I've got Pokemon Stadium on the N64 if i want to do that.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



This is of course all moot due to the inherent suckiness of post i13 pvp. Close pvp forums tbh.



"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



But keep pvp open because omg some people still pvp

But wwaaaaa everybody thinks its the suxs right? But noooooooooooooo the hardcore pvpers dont like, us casual pvpers still think its cool! Though we did think the old pvp was cool too though.

This is worse than being in a nursery, waaaahhhh waaahhhhh they stole our fun!!!!! Can people stop moaning about pvp and just either dont pvp or HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!! People will NOT pvp if all they hear is "it sux, i hate it, i will moan about it". Want people to pvp again? MAKE IT FUN

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I call it how I see it dude, I ain't gonna try and con people into pvping when it's less fun than reorganising your hard drive. I also can't tell myself something is fun when it isn't to make myself enjoy it. Kudos on you for having that ability if it does in fact exist tho (Y)


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



Such a mature response from such a mature person.




Umm actually i'll think you'll find that i am a mature person, i have to be in my job position. I only come across as immature/stupid ingame or on these forums because i dont have to "act" mature.

Think you missed the point of my post completely though, how was my post in any way different to the nonstop "we hate pvp" posts that the large majority of the pvpers make?

I look through these pvp forums a lot and im yet to see any serious threads on how to fix pvp with a mature and sensible argument for it. They are pratically all moan fests so how does anybody know how to fix it if all the people will do is moan?

Ok yes the pvp suggestions on how to fix it was ignored at i13 but what was the main suggestions? Add stuff to pvp zones/arena? That doesnt change the actual gameplay/values of the powers now does it? Want to be seen as actually caring for the pvp and not just moaning, then come up with serious ideas and be prepared to work around them.

Now i have a LOT of respect for some of the pvpers out there (like rent + massive muscle for example) as they seem to be the ones who are trying more to make pvp fun and showing the ropes to new pvpers (rent even gave me a good few tips a while back on a cold/psy defender) however there is just non stop moaning on these pvp forums!

Guarantee if you made a thread about how to fix pvp it'ld turn into a "lolz @ pvp suxorz" one.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Why bother when devs have made it clear that they like it and don't care what customers think.



People will NOT pvp if all they hear is "it sux, i hate it, i will moan about it".

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They also won't PvP if there is grounding to this sentiment



Anyone who doesn't think PvP sucks now must be a very "special" person.

And its true what dams says - whoever is in charge of the fries must be one of the most mature people in there so I hear.

@Sweet Chilli



I'm sorry, this is no way a direct target but I just think theres several opinions that are in my view incorrect:

Think you missed the point of my post completely though, how was my post in any way different to the nonstop "we hate pvp" posts that the large majority of the pvpers make?

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But wwaaaaa everybody thinks its the suxs right? But noooooooooooooo....This is worse than being in a nursery, waaaahhhh waaahhhhh they stole our fun!!!!!

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Goes without saying.

I look through these pvp forums a lot and im yet to see any serious threads on how to fix pvp with a mature and sensible argument for it. They are pratically all moan fests so how does anybody know how to fix it if all the people will do is moan?

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As TRT says, it falls on deaf ears. I've seen a tonne of obsessive PvPers leave due to the incessant needs of developers ignoring the majority. For example, I-13, I rest my case. PvP was perfect for everyone, to an extent, it had nothing wrong with and the general consensus was that people are happy with pre-I-13 PvP.

Ok yes the pvp suggestions on how to fix it was ignored at i13 but what was the main suggestions? Add stuff to pvp zones/arena? That doesnt change the actual gameplay/values of the powers now does it? Want to be seen as actually caring for the pvp and not just moaning, then come up with serious ideas and be prepared to work around them.

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The people who said "Oh lets add content to PvP" are morons, PvP as you correctly said is about numbers and tactics. The PvPers that care, have made a lot of noise using a hell of a lot of data ( especially on US forums ages ago, they've all gave up now ) trying to convince them they went wrong.

Now i have a LOT of respect for some of the pvpers out there (like rent + massive muscle for example) as they seem to be the ones who are trying more to make pvp fun and showing the ropes to new pvpers (rent even gave me a good few tips a while back on a cold/psy defender) however there is just non stop moaning on these pvp forums!

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The reason?

Guarantee if you made a thread about how to fix pvp it'ld turn into a "lolz @ pvp suxorz" one.

[/ QUOTE ]

Because :

Why bother when devs have made it clear that they like it and don't care what customers think.

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Now I've just had to make do with PvP as it is, and to an extent you just put up with the changes, albeit arguably they are over the top- such as supression. But the problem nowadays is PvP gameplay is a complete Case for the oblivity of the devs'.

This is not a vent/rant towards you _damz, don't take it that way please.




As most of these "Discussions" end up...

People have their opinions, fact. Some like it, some hate it. Personal i don't like it all. But I'm happy to pvp none the less.

I'd like some things changed too but for all its worth all your doing now is beating the dead donkey.



Insps are fair as everyone has access to them and they directly counter each other.

Red = Orange/Green
Yellow = Purple

For other things like end drain there are blues, mezz there are bfs (though not as useful now they can still be used).

@Sweet Chilli



You know, if we did shut down pvp all together, there'd be "nothing" left for the farmers to farm for. Think about that for a second.

People would be out there, enjoying regular missions, leveling in an awkward pace, and having to work as a team (well, to some degree). People would team with even-level guys against, and possibly, just possibly, not fight against purples :P



Edited by Avatea

Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab




If your fighting a fire blaster with a troller then no matter what individual bonuses each player has, the blaster should win every time (depending on skill level and or build). And that's how it should be, and that is fair. Blasters are the "offensive juggernauts" and controllers are support toons. Expecting them to be equal is naive.

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Unfortunatly i have to disagree.

You haven't taken into consinderation the controllers secondary at all. Try playing on a blaster where a rad really neufs your acc, damage, res and def everytime you get close. Or fighting a kin thats drained your endurence, dropped your toggles and made it so you are unable to attack really (i have beaten and even annoyed so many blasters on my fire/kin just by draining his endurence)
So a blaster with nurfed accuracy, slowed right down, nurfed damage, no endurence etc doesn't stand a chance.

Out of a controller and blaster at the same skill level, the controller should win everytime. If the controller doesn't win, then either the other player has alot more pvp experience, or you shouldn't be playing a controller

Edit : And now i've read the rest of the forum, and people have already spoke about this. That'll teach me to read all posts first.

It's now Issue 21 and I am back!
My new Global is @Zyhar
Currently enjoying the Exalted Server!