NPCs and Heavies in RV PvP




You haven't taken into consinderation the controllers secondary at all. Try playing on a blaster where a rad really neufs your acc, damage, res and def everytime you get close. Or fighting a kin thats drained your endurence, dropped your toggles and made it so you are unable to attack really (i have beaten and even annoyed so many blasters on my fire/kin just by draining his endurence)
So a blaster with nurfed accuracy, slowed right down, nurfed damage, no endurence etc doesn't stand a chance.

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I had taken all of that into consideration.

Simple answer to both of those.

Rad toggles drop, without them you have nothing but a heal.
Kin - Yes transference can hurt but if your not in melee range you've not got a heal and any good blaster, holds or not won't allow you to get that close.

So again, the blaster should win, every time.

But i guess that's Defiant PvP for you.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



You haven't taken into consinderation the controllers secondary at all. Try playing on a blaster where a rad really neufs your acc, damage, res and def everytime you get close. Or fighting a kin thats drained your endurence, dropped your toggles and made it so you are unable to attack really (i have beaten and even annoyed so many blasters on my fire/kin just by draining his endurence)
So a blaster with nurfed accuracy, slowed right down, nurfed damage, no endurence etc doesn't stand a chance.

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range you've not got a heal and any good blaster, holds or not won't allow you to get that close.

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And a good kin controller will not give that blaster any choice..

Its still quite easy to stop them from jumping, and with a couple of siphon speeds, that blaster isn't going anywhere.

Also as a good kin, you should easily be able to keep up with the blaster.

I faced an AR/Energy yesterday. He gave up at 4-0 because of how quickly i was beating him (he'd done quite a few pvp matches before and was quite good, he'd just never been killed that quick before)

He tried jumping and flying around alot, Using his stuns, boost range and attacking, allsorts. But still being able to play a kin well, i was able to get into meele range with ease, and able to halt his travel with ease. A Blaster not able to travel is a dead blaster.

So i'll still have to disagree with your post. I still believe that a blaster verses controller of equal skill level and build dependant, the controller should win, and it shouldn't be too much trouble either.

It's now Issue 21 and I am back!
My new Global is @Zyhar
Currently enjoying the Exalted Server!



AR lol.... Say no more.

Please use a good example of a blaster when your trying to make a point.

Would you care to do a test on test? As i have no current toons on Defiant.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



My money is on Rent. Syphon speed doesn't do that much to prevent someone from jumping which is all it takes for a heal to miss and it also does a lot less if they have resistence to slows too.

@Sweet Chilli



Transferance is [censored] compared to what it was thanks to DR. think max is like 36% -end now.



Isn't that what it was before? (remember kids, -end gets halved in pvp as well lol) correct me if I'm wrong tho, 36% max end drain in one go doesn't seem to be at all bad compared to the rest of pvp at the mo lol


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



You know, if we did shut down pvp all together, there'd be "nothing" left for the farmers to farm for. Think about that for a second.

People would be out there, enjoying regular missions, leveling in an awkward pace, and having to work as a team (well, to some degree). People would team with even-level guys against, and possibly, just possibly, not fight against purples :P

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Remove PvP, you remove the PvP'ers.

If they removed Pve would you hang around because you must now only play the part of the game that you don't enjoy?

I think not...
obviously you not think...

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Rent would still hang around - only so he could 'groom' young boys though!

@Sweet Chilli



Shuuuush! You promised not to kiss and tell!

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



:'( - He made me trombone him...

@Sweet Chilli



If Castle cared about the game, he would implement new content and improvements. Not introduce MA, where the players create his content for him, he doesn't care about the game, it's clear.



Castle is the powers guy - it's Positron who directs the game
I'm sure Castle and the other devs can and do have an input for future ideas, but it's up to Positron to decide if, when and where they might be used, as he's the game director.
For example, it's quite possible that it was Castle who came up with the dual build idea, as it's directly related to his area of work, and he'll very likely have a say in the rumored super special "theoretical level 60" enhancemnts, as his input on balancing them for the current power sets would be vital.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Castle is the powers guy - it's Positron who directs the game

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This game is directed?

@Sweet Chilli



Castle is the powers guy - it's Positron who directs the game

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This game is directed?

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I think so

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Now you know you are lying!

@Sweet Chilli



If Castle cared about the game, he would implement new content and improvements. Not introduce MA, where the players create his content for him, he doesn't care about the game, it's clear.

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quite true actually...

MA is really just like valve releasing the Source engine. True it's easier to manage than valves effort, but it is still not an addition to the game. 99% of us play games, not sit around writing them.



If Castle cared about the game, he would implement new content and improvements. Not introduce MA, where the players create his content for him, he doesn't care about the game, it's clear.

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quite true actually...

MA is really just like valve releasing the Source engine. True it's easier to manage than valves effort, but it is still not an addition to the game. 99% of us play games, not sit around writing them.

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But it only needs a small percent of our player base to generate good content for the MA, which is what's happening now - the novelty of making missions just because you can, or need to for the badges, is less now, and the players who genuinely want to make missions are getting more familiar with the tools available to them - plus, the threat of losing an avatar that's been leveled too fast has helped reduce the PLing a bit.
And I'm pretty sure there'll be more tweaks, chnages and upgrades to the MA in I16 and beyond, as the devs get it more like the way they want it.

So the MA is an addition to the game - a very big one too - but it's still not quite right yet.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Now you know you are lying!

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I don't lie

PvP has been chnaged for a reason, and I think that reason is connected to this "special enhancements to make you like a level 60" idea they've been mentioning - it's a long term goal, but they've started the basic work for it in I13, I think.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Don't give me that long term pile of shabba!

@Sweet Chilli



Well, they can't do everything at once, especially as they're working on a new expansion, so it's probably easier for them to add chnages in stages.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



or reroll i12 pvp that would take 0 effort

Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab



or reroll i12 pvp that would take 0 effort

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That might mess up their work on new stuff to make 50s more powerful - Positron said that since NCSoft bought them, they've been able to plan ahead longer - like around 4 Issues instead of 2, so we won't see the full benefits of some changes until some time in the future.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Future smoocher! W want results now! Stop trying to denfend the undefenable. PvP will be messed up now and will still be messed up in 10 issues time. Stick your empty future promises where the sun don't shine!

@Sweet Chilli



or reroll i12 pvp that would take 0 effort

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That might mess up their work on new stuff to make 50s more powerful - Positron said that since NCSoft bought them, they've been able to plan ahead longer - like around 4 Issues instead of 2, so we won't see the full benefits of some changes until some time in the future.

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Why should i pay to beta test pvp? It's like making someone pay for a book with empty pages and say the words will be released soon(tm)!