NPCs and Heavies in RV PvP




or reroll i12 pvp that would take 0 effort

[/ QUOTE ]

That might mess up their work on new stuff to make 50s more powerful - Positron said that since NCSoft bought them, they've been able to plan ahead longer - like around 4 Issues instead of 2, so we won't see the full benefits of some changes until some time in the future.

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I don't see how it could mess up the mechanic of making your toons more powerful... The 'Going Rogue' or open-world PvP concept perhaps.

Actually, In retrospect it may even make things more interesting. You know some toons are supposed to be more powerful within melee-range, some are deadly at range if you don't close on them fast enough, some are supposed to be more survivable and evasive.

That was the variety in I12 pvp. All this was lost in the mass-genericism that was I13.



or reroll i12 pvp that would take 0 effort

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That might mess up their work on new stuff to make 50s more powerful - Positron said that since NCSoft bought them, they've been able to plan ahead longer - like around 4 Issues instead of 2, so we won't see the full benefits of some changes until some time in the future.

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I don't see how it could mess up the mechanic of making your toons more powerful...

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Because if you can have some perma powers like Hasten at level 50, another 10 levels of increases would be insane - you could end up with some way overpowered builds.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Future smoocher! W want results now!

[/ QUOTE ]

I think we'd all like GR now - but that doesn't mean it's ready yet

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Because if you can have some perma powers like Hasten at level 50, another 10 levels of increases would be insane - you could end up with some way overpowered builds.

[/ QUOTE ]

Everythings relative, you talking about a theoretical ten levels of new powers and slots or just an increase in enhancement strength?.



Edited by Avatea.

Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab



I love you Saphi +1

@Sweet Chilli



Because if you can have some perma powers like Hasten at level 50, another 10 levels of increases would be insane - you could end up with some way overpowered builds.

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Everythings relative, you talking about a theoretical ten levels of new powers and slots or just an increase in enhancement strength?.

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It could be both - they've not said enough yet
But what they have said is that the I13 PvP changes were for something they're working on for the future, so it seems likely it's connected to the ability to make your 50 more powerful.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



sorry u said what ... +1 okies i get u

Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab



Could we please try and find more explicit titles (as well as not addressing developers directly!)? I have changed the initial title to "NPCs and Heavies in RV" as an example.

Also, if you want to talk about/make fun of/disparage other members of this community, ask yourselves if bullying makes it all worthwile. I personnally have an issue with psychological harrassment.

Support Centre for our English European players
Support Centre for our North American players
Plateforme d'assistance pour les francophones
Support-Center f�r deutschsprachige Spieler



Could we please try and find more explicit titles (as well as not addressing developers directly!)? I have changed the initial title to "NPCs and Heavies in RV" as an example.

Also, if you want to talk about/make fun of/disparage other members of this community, ask yourselves if bullying makes it all worthwile. I personnally have an issue with psychological harrassment.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think you'd better speak to 'The Top Dev' about i13 then cos if that isn't bullying I don't know what is!

@Sweet Chilli



Could we please try and find more explicit titles (as well as not addressing developers directly!)? I have changed the initial title to "NPCs and Heavies in RV" as an example.

Also, if you want to talk about/make fun of/disparage other members of this community, ask yourselves if bullying makes it all worthwile. I personnally have an issue with psychological harrassment.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think you'd better speak to 'The Top Dev' about i13 then cos if that isn't bullying I don't know what is!

[/ QUOTE ]

*Braces for impact when Avatea reads that*


Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



/e sits and eats some popcorn

but your right Sweet Chilli .. that is emotional abuse from The Devs. im crying right now

Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab



You guys...

I understand that changes to the game or bugs can elicit a lot of agitation, but we are all passionate about something in City of Heroes, something that differs from one individual to another. Let's just not project our frustration at one another on these forums. Some say this is inevitable given the number of people and personnalities but we can at least minimise the casualties.

Support Centre for our English European players
Support Centre for our North American players
Plateforme d'assistance pour les francophones
Support-Center f�r deutschsprachige Spieler



minimise! theres no one left in pvp!



If the servers could cope, we would. Last time we had an event in RV it resulted in unplayable lag.

Seems 50 people in one zone is breaking point.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



If the servers could cope, we would. Last time we had an event in RV it resulted in unplayable lag.

Seems 50 people in one zone is breaking point.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nothing new, sadly
Hells, I had a full scale Arachnos invasion planned on Union (ableit as a partly RP event)
Pity that fell through, tbh, woulda loved to have seen that happen.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Nah, was going to have various levels of invasion across all PvP zones. Lots of covert Op stuff in Warburg to secure the missiles, then use said missiles to carpet bomb the Longbow Bases in Sirens, Bloody Bay and, to a lesser extend, RV. RV would have been a bit mmore entrenched, namely around the pillboxes.

Ah well

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Nah, was going to have various levels of invasion across all PvP zones. Lots of covert Op stuff in Warburg to secure the missiles, then use said missiles to carpet bomb the Longbow Bases in Sirens, Bloody Bay and, to a lesser extend, RV. RV would have been a bit mmore entrenched, namely around the pillboxes.

Ah well

[/ QUOTE ]

Can you do that? Pretty please?



Not at all because we have the one thing that haunts RV; Stalkers!



Nah, was going to have various levels of invasion across all PvP zones. Lots of covert Op stuff in Warburg to secure the missiles, then use said missiles to carpet bomb the Longbow Bases in Sirens, Bloody Bay and, to a lesser extend, RV. RV would have been a bit mmore entrenched, namely around the pillboxes.

Ah well

[/ QUOTE ]

Can you do that? Pretty please?

[/ QUOTE ]

I would still like to. All I would need it the attendance. I did post a thread about it a while back, when I first had the idea, but no one really showed.

And GG, thats what I was counting on Hero intel showed mass mobilisation villain side, and was returned with mass force. Boom, instant open warfare =]

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.