A realistic solution to MA Farms




In the style of Sid from the Vicar of Dibley...

"Yes.. yees.. yes..yeees....... No"

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sorry hun but its Jim not sid




How about putting a sensible cap on xp per hour game wide?

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That gets an even bigger no.

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Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



Well the introduction of the MA has certainly brought up issues as to whether it is good for the game or not.Most of the negative comments seem to be that people are using the farm missons to level up at an accelerated rate I did hear that someone went form level 1 to 50 in about 6 hours,if this is true what did they learn about the game or the way to play their characters to get the most fun.The main thing is that we all like to play differently,I play the MA arc,s but also play the normal missons as well,but if someone wants to speed through to level 50 thats up to them,I personally think that the MA is good for the game as it allows you to have fun with something that has been put together by other players.I do find the farm arcs a bore to play more than once and sometimes I will quit before I have finished, when all is said and done you pay your subs and play as you want if that is to see as much content as you can fine if you want to rush through and brag that you went from 1 to 50 in X hours thats fine too but please don,t say that it is bad for the game,this is my opinon anyway thankyou for reading ,now get back to playing and have fun.

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s



nice welcome to the forums "i'll definatly be coming back"
from now on i'm stayin away from here and stickin to the game

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You call this unwelcome? HAH!
You should have been here when I first entered the scene.
Now that was nasty.



How about putting a sensible cap on xp per hour game wide?

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That gets an even bigger no.

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It completely flies in the face of risk vs. reward to have any kind of flat cap. As someone posted above, there are very difficult arcs in the MA that net you a lot of XP - and rightly so. If you put the effort in, you should get the rewards, and a cap ruins that.

The issue isn't people getting a lot of XP, it's people getting a lot of XP for very minimal effort. Again, the issue is that the risk vs. reward is completely out of whack. That's what people want fixed - so a cap is very counter-productive. You're just breaking it in a different way.

Edit: Oh, and also, who is going to judge what constitutes a "sensible" amount?



How about putting a sensible cap on xp per hour game wide?

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That gets an even bigger no.

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It completely flies in the face of risk vs. reward to have any kind of flat cap. As someone posted above, there are very difficult arcs in the MA that net you a lot of XP - and rightly so. If you put the effort in, you should get the rewards, and a cap ruins that.

The issue isn't people getting a lot of XP, it's people getting a lot of XP for very minimal effort. Again, the issue is that the risk vs. reward is completely out of whack. That's what people want fixed - so a cap is very counter-productive. You're just breaking it in a different way.

Edit: Oh, and also, who is going to judge what constitutes a "sensible" amount?

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There is no RISK in farming. There, for by your account the xp should be zero.

Sensible amount? How about what you can earn in a normal 8 member team doing varied missions per hour set at mid level difficulty? Still fast, but hitting lvl 50 in 6 hours should be a bit harder.



How about putting a sensible cap on xp per hour game wide?

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That gets an even bigger no.

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It completely flies in the face of risk vs. reward to have any kind of flat cap. As someone posted above, there are very difficult arcs in the MA that net you a lot of XP - and rightly so. If you put the effort in, you should get the rewards, and a cap ruins that.

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I understand what you're saying but don't agree. In the normal playing game, (disregarding farming and pling) regardles of what you face, there is only so much xp you can physically attain per hour.

The issue isn't people getting a lot of XP, it's people getting a lot of XP for very minimal effort. Again, the issue is that the risk vs. reward is completely out of whack. That's what people want fixed - so a cap is very counter-productive. You're just breaking it in a different way.

Edit: Oh, and also, who is going to judge what constitutes a "sensible" amount?

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The devs have metrics and data mining for that sort of thing. It's just a personal view but I think a "high" cap would do it.

I dont think that'll put off gamers because most people would hardly ever reach that cap anyway. (unles they are in MA or are farming pretty hard core.)

But it would deter hard core farming and MA abuse and maybe steer the game back on course.

I get concerned because the more farming goes on the less teams there are for "ordinary players" and a vicious circle will form (maybe has formed) that would be very hard to break.

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



I get concerned because the more farming goes on the less teams there are for "ordinary players" and a vicious circle will form (maybe has formed) that would be very hard to break.

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Well said. This is exactly the problem that the game faces.

Farming has always been around, and even if MA was completely removed from the game, farming would still continue as it used to.

As I've said before, apart from getting blind invites to PI farm teams in the past, I had no real issue with farmers. If they want to farm then let them get on with it.

The problem isn't the farming aspect. It's the hyper levelling and specifically the ease that it can be done with MA now.

When that becomes the normal thing to do, this is where the longevity of the game starts to get into real trouble.

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



I don't encourage endless farming: as in I don't encourge people to JUST farm and not trying out other contents in the game. But as it currently stands, there seems to be no effective solutions to it.

Anyway, there is a new 'Union MA Farming' channel where at least we can seperate the MA farmers from those who want to do something else.

You can use that channel to form farm team; recruit for more while inside mission or across zone; asking to join a farm team; or talk about farming in general.

You don't have to spam the Broadcast for invites or painfully fending off blind invites.

Have to accept that there is a sizeable population of MA farmers now. Just want to give them a proper place to organise their farming activities, whilst others non-farming players can get on with their game play as per usual (as possible).

Not a prefect solution. But at least we can sort out who is doing what in a relative neatly manner; and get on with what we want to do.

SO, if you are a MA farmer or want to get involve in some MA farmings, please make the most of the Union MA Farming channel and avoid spamming the Broadcast.



nice welcome to the forums "i'll definatly be coming back"
from now on i'm stayin away from here and stickin to the game

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You call this unwelcome? HAH!
You should have been here when I first entered the scene.
Now that was nasty.

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yeah but we knew you were coming

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



nice welcome to the forums "i'll definatly be coming back"
from now on i'm stayin away from here and stickin to the game

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You call this unwelcome? HAH!
You should have been here when I first entered the scene.
Now that was nasty.

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yeah but we knew you were coming

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Can't spell disaster without Chat!



1.)little noobies is a bit offending, it's newbie.
2.)only because players farm doesn't mean others that don't have to take the beating.



I don't encourage endless farming: as in I don't encourge people to JUST farm and not trying out other contents in the game. But as it currently stands, there seems to be no effective solutions to it.

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The simple problem is that the game now DEMANDS you farm in order to play it to its max.
While not everone wants to "uber " their char, most people (including me) do. It's one of the attractions to a game like this.

Once, this was done by 6 slotting and aquiring single origin enhancements that you aquire through game play (and if you really want to rock) Hamidon.

That was dispensed with, as we all know, (or certainly diluted) and a year later inventions took its place.

And the way they are laid out, you have to farm.

Playing the game doesnt give you the right set IOs as drops, even if you play a year.
And, occasionally you do get the right set IO, you have to slot all at once because the balance of that particular set drops if you have single iOs or old fashion enhancements and replace them with one or two set enhancements as you play to gather a full set.

So you farm. And farm and farm until you finally have enough inf to buy them at Wentworths.

And there is no other way to realistically do it.
And as you farm, your XP goes up expodentially alongside your inf and lo and behold you hit 50.
And then what?

You feel you've done your char so you either get bored or reroll.

I think the way round all this is to cap xp and redistribute the way set IO enhancements drop through natural game play.
So they are not so hard to aquire and consequently not as expensive to buy (should you wish to do so) andso you dont need the same level of farming to do so.

The desire to farm will decrease and therefore the culture of the game should gradually revert back to its purer and overall more attractive form.

That's my tuppence anyway.

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



There is no RISK in farming. There, for by your account the xp should be zero.

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Not sure what your point is when I'm not defending farming here. But no, that's not the case anyway - there are two things we know the devs care about; risk/reward and time/reward (look at the way merits are decided). Farming easy and high XP mobs with auto-SK certainly is broken on both of those points, but it shouldn't give nothing.

Sensible amount? How about what you can earn in a normal 8 member team doing varied missions per hour set at mid level difficulty? Still fast, but hitting lvl 50 in 6 hours should be a bit harder.

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And that's exactly what I'm worried about with a cap. What you, or the average person/team gets in XP/hour, not all of us do. You put in a cap like that, you'd impact a lot of people not farming - people who run at higher difficulties, people who run through things very quickly, people who are very good at the game, people who've spent time to really optimise their builds, etc. Or, as I said above, people doing things in MA that have intentionally made to be a real challenge, but give appropriate rewards.



The devs have metrics and data mining for that sort of thing. It's just a personal view but I think a "high" cap would do it.

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You'd have to set the cap very high on the bell curve to not get in the way of people who are just playing well - at which point I just don't see the use of it. So it takes someone three separate days instead of one to level. Oh well.



Lionsbane... the MA has actually drastically reduced the price of most recipes on the market, so you don't need to farm to buy things anymore, so I really don't see your argument at all. Sure, salvage has gone up, but so a normal, non-farming MA mission and do a few random salvage rolls and you're set. It's a lot cheaper to make a build now than it was in I13.

Also, if you're farming for inf, do it on a 50. There you go, problem solved, you're not being unwillingly levelled. Plus you get better inf.

I really don't think the ability to farm is the problem; it's always been here, and it stocks the market, as we've seen with I14. The problem right now is that it's too visible and too easy to do, potentially sucking in people who'd not have PLed otherwise, from too early in their CoH life. I honestly think that's the problem the devs should be looking to solve. Simple things like moving MA into its own zone would help prevent unaware new players getting caught up in it.



I really don't think the ability to farm is the problem; it's always been here, and it stocks the market, as we've seen with I14. The problem right now is that it's too visible and too easy to do, potentially sucking in people who'd not have PLed otherwise, from too early in their CoH life. I honestly think that's the problem the devs should be looking to solve. Simple things like moving MA into its own zone would help prevent unaware new players getting caught up in it.

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But isn't the really high rewards an issue right now? Admitedly with a good Freak&CoW team we can level really fast, as fast or faster then the old Dreck farms, however we could never reach the xp gains attainable from the current Commtastic farm.

Shadowplay - Scrapper DM/DA SL 50
Doctor Storm- Brute SS/Elec SL 50
"speed boosts someone in the face" - Cognito



And that's exactly what I'm worried about with a cap. What you, or the average person/team gets in XP/hour, not all of us do. You put in a cap like that, you'd impact a lot of people not farming - people who run at higher difficulties, people who run through things very quickly, people who are very good at the game, people who've spent time to really optimise their builds, etc. Or, as I said above, people doing things in MA that have intentionally made to be a real challenge, but give appropriate rewards.

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I highly doubt there is way to get more inf or xp then doing ritki farms the way they are now.

Even with maxed out builds and great players you wont get more xp and inf doing normal missions and content ever..



But isn't the really high rewards an issue right now? Admitedly with a good Freak&CoW team we can level really fast, as fast or faster then the old Dreck farms, however we could never reach the xp gains attainable from the current Commtastic farm.

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I'm not saying the current rate with Comms is sensible, just commenting that capping anything is likely to either get in the way of people who aren't actually farming, or be so high that it's ignorable.

But while we're on the topic, no, I don't think the rate of XP gain is really the main issue at all. It was possible to level (especially on DXP weekends) very quickly anyway. Mostly, what's changed is how available it is. You can do it without any specialist knowledge, saved farm missions, toons sat in the late 40s to use as SKs, etc. Why do you think you used to see people sat in PI begging for PL, or PL sellers? Because it wasn't that easily available.

Even after the next patch, I highly doubt we'll see the end of MA farming. The rate of levelling will slow down a little, but does that change anything, really? If people are bothered by the broadcast noise, and less low level teams available, I can't see the Comms patch changing much. That said, I think it's still sensible (perhaps the MA farms will be slightly less easy with that sorted out), and I like the idea that was posted of vastly lowering XP for certain mobs found to be farmable, in the short term, while bigger fixes are found. (Think it was Judgement Dave? Much better idea than the current tack of removing things entirely.)



One way to stop people making farm missions that consist only of high XP mobs would be to stop people adding standard mobs to custom groups.

As far as I can figure it that seems to be the only way to force Comms Officer (or any other standard mob) only spawns.

To take some of the sting out of it for legitimate users of standard mobs in their custom groups, perhaps we could use their costumes and set our own power sets for them. Basically make out own custom mobs that look like standard mobs.

Another thing that might help cut down on longer term players not wanting to mash their way through the admittedly tedious first 20 levels would be to give the option to start new character at certain levels, as part of the vet reward scheme.

So, as an off the top of the head example, after a year you can start new characters at level 14, after 18 months, at level 20, after 2 years at level 32.

It's a bit of a controversial idea but maybe that'd help everyone and help ease the acceptance of PLing and the need to do it. If you're the sort to need to do it.



One way to solve the farming issue, or at least put a dent in it, would be to take action against the players that repeatedly create farming missions. You can already report a mission for being a farming mission and it will get taken down. This way the game doesn't have to suffer any nerfing.



Keeping in line with the game

XP should be halved in M.A your going into combat with a simulation, not taking on foes in paragon, may not seem alot of differance in-game but keeping in line for what M.A contacts tell you it is.

No Infamy/influence for defeating foes, again M.A is a simulation to the real paragon, how can you gain Inf for defeating simulated foes.

Tickets should only be allowed to purchase unlockable content for the M.A only.

If that dosen't stop the farmers, devs hold your hands up and withdraw and hit the delete button on the M.A folder on your way out.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt




I get concerned because the more farming goes on the less teams there are for "ordinary players" and a vicious circle will form (maybe has formed) that would be very hard to break.

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Well said. This is exactly the problem that the game faces.

Farming has always been around, and even if MA was completely removed from the game, farming would still continue as it used to.

As I've said before, apart from getting blind invites to PI farm teams in the past, I had no real issue with farmers. If they want to farm then let them get on with it.

The problem isn't the farming aspect. It's the hyper levelling and specifically the ease that it can be done with MA now.

When that becomes the normal thing to do, this is where the longevity of the game starts to get into real trouble.

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I have now been playing this game for 51months and farming has been going on as far back as i can remember. One of the first chars to be nerfed to hell the old Fire / Fire Tanker; which now is as end heavy as a sledge hammer and as strong as a glass slipper. Youre saying people will find it hard to find teams due to all the farming going on, Well i dont know about Union as i dont go on there but on Defiant its dead and has been for a long time. PvP on Defiant dead, now like a ghost town, and the amount of people i see screaming for farm teams on there is unreal.

The vicious circle you face is if you stop farming as you have all tried to do for years and eventualy succeed; then get ready for even more people to leave this game. As from the majority i see on the server farming is what makes them happy and makes them pay their subscription each month. Take their fun away from them and you loose their custom and you loose an even bigger chance of finding a team as there is no bugger left on the servers.

What i suggest is you get new contacts to do new story arcs to do and some new powersets in the game. Make the game more enjoyable as for me after 51months i cant face Frostfire or any of the others im sick to the back teeth of them. Get the Devs to get PvP back into action sort out the Market and the prices of IO sets. For a normal person who plays the game say 2hours a night for him to save up 300Million for 1 of the new PvP IOs would probably take him 2 months; to buy the whole set would take him 6 month thats a real insentive for a new player to game not to farm. How else are they supposed to get that sort of money to buy their IOs playing the normal Arcs. Salvage 1 fortune (white) going for 300k lmao, you cant just say no more farming without sorting out the other aspects of the game that are just so stupid.

Sort all the basics out first and farming will take care of itself in dying out as there would be no need for it and wouldnt be a temptation for new players if there is a real chance of them getting to 50 and IO setting out there chars that wont cost them 2Billion +.

You should'nt be moaning at the farmers, their doing what they love to make the game fun for themselves. NOT everyone loves doing the same old story arc's. You should divert youre chritism at the Dev's and make them get some fresh blood in the story lines and get PvP back they are their to give the game a breath of life so all new players are not tempted to farm.

OR you can just ban farming and watch people leave in droves again and then try and find a team thats the vicious circle you face nothing more.





I get concerned because the more farming goes on the less teams there are for "ordinary players" and a vicious circle will form (maybe has formed) that would be very hard to break.

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Well said. This is exactly the problem that the game faces.

Farming has always been around, and even if MA was completely removed from the game, farming would still continue as it used to.

As I've said before, apart from getting blind invites to PI farm teams in the past, I had no real issue with farmers. If they want to farm then let them get on with it.

The problem isn't the farming aspect. It's the hyper levelling and specifically the ease that it can be done with MA now.

When that becomes the normal thing to do, this is where the longevity of the game starts to get into real trouble.

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I have now been playing this game for 51months and farming has been going on as far back as i can remember. One of the first chars to be nerfed to hell the old Fire / Fire Tanker; which now is as end heavy as a sledge hammer and as strong as a glass slipper. Youre saying people will find it hard to find teams due to all the farming going on, Well i dont know about Union as i dont go on there but on Defiant its dead and has been for a long time. PvP on Defiant dead, now like a ghost town, and the amount of people i see screaming for farm teams on there is unreal.

The vicious circle you face is if you stop farming as you have all tried to do for years and eventualy succeed; then get ready for even more people to leave this game. As from the majority i see on the server farming is what makes them happy and makes them pay their subscription each month. Take their fun away from them and you loose their custom and you loose an even bigger chance of finding a team as there is no bugger left on the servers.

What i suggest is you get new contacts to do new story arcs to do and some new powersets in the game. Make the game more enjoyable as for me after 51months i cant face Frostfire or any of the others im sick to the back teeth of them. Get the Devs to get PvP back into action sort out the Market and the prices of IO sets. For a normal person who plays the game say 2hours a night for him to save up 300Million for 1 of the new PvP IOs would probably take him 2 months; to buy the whole set would take him 6 month thats a real insentive for a new player to game not to farm. How else are they supposed to get that sort of money to buy their IOs playing the normal Arcs. Salvage 1 fortune (white) going for 300k lmao, you cant just say no more farming without sorting out the other aspects of the game that are just so stupid.

Sort all the basics out first and farming will take care of itself in dying out as there would be no need for it and wouldnt be a temptation for new players if there is a real chance of them getting to 50 and IO setting out there chars that wont cost them 2Billion +.

You should'nt be moaning at the farmers, their doing what they love to make the game fun for themselves. NOT everyone loves doing the same old story arc's. You should divert youre chritism at the Dev's and make them get some fresh blood in the story lines and get PvP back they are their to give the game a breath of life so all new players are not tempted to farm.

OR you can just ban farming and watch people leave in droves again and then try and find a team thats the vicious circle you face nothing more.


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Good post, well said.




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"Here, take some more bees with you. You may need them."
Union: FU//LoUD

"that Syn is that that" - Mothers Love