A realistic solution to MA Farms




Make the game more enjoyable as for me after 51months i cant face Frostfire or any of the others im sick to the back teeth of them.

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Have you tried the Mercedes Sheldon arcs? They won't get you loads of levels or inf, but they're damn good fun.

I'm a bit confused about what you say about market prices and having to farm to pay them, because whenever I bring that up I get shot down. By farmers, funnily enough.



Keeping in line with the game

XP should be halved in M.A your going into combat with a simulation, not taking on foes in paragon, may not seem alot of differance in-game but keeping in line for what M.A contacts tell you it is.

No Infamy/influence for defeating foes, again M.A is a simulation to the real paragon, how can you gain Inf for defeating simulated foes.

Tickets should only be allowed to purchase unlockable content for the M.A only.

If that dosen't stop the farmers, devs hold your hands up and withdraw and hit the delete button on the M.A folder on your way out.

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Sorry, but 1/2 the xp and no other rewards? The MA would be as deserted as the PvP zones.




I get concerned because the more farming goes on the less teams there are for "ordinary players" and a vicious circle will form (maybe has formed) that would be very hard to break.

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Well said. This is exactly the problem that the game faces.

Farming has always been around, and even if MA was completely removed from the game, farming would still continue as it used to.

As I've said before, apart from getting blind invites to PI farm teams in the past, I had no real issue with farmers. If they want to farm then let them get on with it.

The problem isn't the farming aspect. It's the hyper levelling and specifically the ease that it can be done with MA now.

When that becomes the normal thing to do, this is where the longevity of the game starts to get into real trouble.

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I have now been playing this game for 51months and farming has been going on as far back as i can remember. One of the first chars to be nerfed to hell the old Fire / Fire Tanker; which now is as end heavy as a sledge hammer and as strong as a glass slipper. Youre saying people will find it hard to find teams due to all the farming going on, Well i dont know about Union as i dont go on there but on Defiant its dead and has been for a long time. PvP on Defiant dead, now like a ghost town, and the amount of people i see screaming for farm teams on there is unreal.

The vicious circle you face is if you stop farming as you have all tried to do for years and eventualy succeed; then get ready for even more people to leave this game. As from the majority i see on the server farming is what makes them happy and makes them pay their subscription each month. Take their fun away from them and you loose their custom and you loose an even bigger chance of finding a team as there is no bugger left on the servers.

What i suggest is you get new contacts to do new story arcs to do and some new powersets in the game. Make the game more enjoyable as for me after 51months i cant face Frostfire or any of the others im sick to the back teeth of them. Get the Devs to get PvP back into action sort out the Market and the prices of IO sets. For a normal person who plays the game say 2hours a night for him to save up 300Million for 1 of the new PvP IOs would probably take him 2 months; to buy the whole set would take him 6 month thats a real insentive for a new player to game not to farm. How else are they supposed to get that sort of money to buy their IOs playing the normal Arcs. Salvage 1 fortune (white) going for 300k lmao, you cant just say no more farming without sorting out the other aspects of the game that are just so stupid.

Sort all the basics out first and farming will take care of itself in dying out as there would be no need for it and wouldnt be a temptation for new players if there is a real chance of them getting to 50 and IO setting out there chars that wont cost them 2Billion +.

You should'nt be moaning at the farmers, their doing what they love to make the game fun for themselves. NOT everyone loves doing the same old story arc's. You should divert youre chritism at the Dev's and make them get some fresh blood in the story lines and get PvP back they are their to give the game a breath of life so all new players are not tempted to farm.

OR you can just ban farming and watch people leave in droves again and then try and find a team thats the vicious circle you face nothing more.


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very well said, i totally agree.

49 level 50's(CoH/V), cant be arsed to list em all :P



I've had no trouble (most of the time), despite dwindling numbers, over the last X number of issues running 8 man teams. I've said before in here it's been pretty easy. Keep your contacts up to date, keep firing out invites and keep the missions ticking over. Until now.

Non farming teams can't provide anywhere near the 'rewards' from farming MA missions. People will join my team and leave a mission later looking for a farm. And I can hardly blame them, you want the best possible xp from the game then why would you bother playing in my team?

What I do blame is the auto sk thing. I'm not sure but I'm assuming it would be an easy thing to fix. The devs have no interest in changing that though. The rate of levelling in the game currently means that more slots are being bought. It also allows them to rig the figures showing how many of the playerbase have lvl 50s.

I don't give a hoot if some people want to farm. Doesn't effect me in the slightest. What I do care about is when the MAJORITY are farming and all of a sudden that becomes the only desirable way to play the game.



One way to solve the farming issue, or at least put a dent in it, would be to take action against the players that repeatedly create farming missions. You can already report a mission for being a farming mission and it will get taken down. This way the game doesn't have to suffer any nerfing.

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Bit objectionable TBH. I'm given a tool to create content I want to do, as long as I label it clearly I fail to see why you or the devs have an issue with it. Objectionable? As objectionable as poor grammar or stupid plots IMO. And there are as many of those as there are farms.

XP should be halved in M.A your going into combat with a simulation, not taking on foes in paragon, may not seem alot of differance in-game but keeping in line for what M.A contacts tell you it is.

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And while you're at it make it half as hard?

No Infamy/influence for defeating foes, again M.A is a simulation to the real paragon, how can you gain Inf for defeating simulated foes.

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Inf(luence/amy) isn't cash its how well liked/hated you are by the populace, and just as people in Korea get paid for playing games (Starcraft et al) the in game reality allows you to earn people's respect from being good at crash tests and combat simulation.

Tickets should only be allowed to purchase unlockable content for the M.A only.

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After being back in game for what four days or so and playing not that much, I have unlocked all the MA content on both accounts, if you remove the use of them for anything but unlockables you would either need some other reward (because face it half XP is not going to attract the punters) or make the unlockables much more expensive. IMO best option for tickets would be to allow purchase of reward Merits at a set rate... or better yet remove the three different reward tokens you have now and just add one that does everything.

If that dosen't stop the farmers, devs hold your hands up and withdraw and hit the delete button on the M.A folder on your way out.

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Oh it won't stop the farmers, not even pulling the plug on the whole MA she-bang will stop them... I farmed far more pre-i14 than since. Worse if you remove most peoples reason for going into MA a)It'll be wasted like PvP and Arenas and b)People will go back to farming Harvey Naylor daemons or something similar. I'm all for giving the RP community something nice after all these years but a whole issue is a bit much.



The unfortunate fact of the matter is that there is no single game mechanic you can change to stop farming, because it's the mentality of the players that cause it.

Too many people are of the impatient "I want everything now" mindset, and will farm and shortcut their way to everything no matter what changes are made to the game.

It's the same with every MMO out there and largely why they've lost their appeal for me.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Sorry, but 1/2 the xp and no other rewards? The MA would be as deserted as the PvP zones.

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Yep, QFT, I don't care if the need a significant percentage of the dev team working on it to keep it healthy, it's time well spent. The MA is the significant feature that will set it appart from it's competition.

Shadowplay - Scrapper DM/DA SL 50
Doctor Storm- Brute SS/Elec SL 50
"speed boosts someone in the face" - Cognito