Operation MA 50




Problem is that when you try to plug every hole, you will hurt the normal players. The only way to stop these types is to completely remove the competitive thing from the game. Which would make the game rather boring.

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Only if you are really bad at finding reasonable solutions to problems, by your argument any form of algorith /rule /code debugging is silly. I'm not going to use examples from PC games because it's obvious that for some people any tampering is bad, however I can give table top RP examples, 3rd edition D&D had numerous problems with both the Harm spell and Hasten spell, I was using my own house rules for both of those spells that turned out to be very close to the rules concerning these spells that where published in 3.5 edition. I don't think I harmed my players in any way by doing that, you could say it was a nerf I was doing there, but I think everyone benefited from it.

Shadowplay - Scrapper DM/DA SL 50
Doctor Storm- Brute SS/Elec SL 50
"speed boosts someone in the face" - Cognito



That would leave the MA as the place to go to experience new story lines.

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The trouble is, with the rewards removed/lowered a lot, no one will bother with it, it will just be another empty zone.

Which means 2 issues wasted.

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Your post is funny.

The irony...

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Sorry i missed the irony in what i said?



Give a kid a pencil, he will draw you a nice picture. Give a convict a pencil, he will kill his inmates.

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The "people kill people" argument is flawed in so many ways it's almost unbelievable. Don't even go there.

That would leave the MA as the place to go to experience new story lines.

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The trouble is, with the rewards removed/lowered a lot, no one will bother with it, it will just be another empty zone.

Which means 2 issues wasted.

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The irony is that it's not a "trouble" at all. That would be a good thing, not a "wasted" issue at all. At the moment it is a wasted issue.

Surely it's better for people to be playing the non-virtual content, i.e. the actual game, rather than the MA?

Please fight My Brute: http://2hero.mybrute.com

Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.



That would leave the MA as the place to go to experience new story lines.

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The trouble is, with the rewards removed/lowered a lot, no one will bother with it, it will just be another empty zone.

Which means 2 issues wasted.

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Your post is funny.

The irony...

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Sorry i missed the irony in what i said?

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Because plenty of people are already ignoring(read as not bothering with it) MA and thinks the last 2 issues have been wasted.
Guess it's only a facepalm moment if you are ignoring it.



That would leave the MA as the place to go to experience new story lines.

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The trouble is, with the rewards removed/lowered a lot, no one will bother with it, it will just be another empty zone.

Which means 2 issues wasted.

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Your post is funny.

The irony...

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Sorry i missed the irony in what i said?

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Because plenty of people are already ignoring(read as not bothering with it) MA and thinks the last 2 issues have been wasted.
Guess it's only a facepalm moment if you are ignoring it.

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Sorry, with you now, lack of coffee



It is human nature to wand the things we desire now rather then later. Normally most of us can temper that “wand it now” feeling with realistic expectations, but when it is possible to get it now most will choose that option. It is common sense really.

Simply reworking the xp gains when you are auto SKed would solve a lot of this. Part of the problem is that you can fight level 45 mobs from level 1, with out another player to power level you.
And an over all XP and Inf reduction in the MA would take care of the abuse of specific mobs. That would leave the MA as the place to go to experience new story lines.

Lets just hope the problems are fixed soon after the anniversary issue goes live (that will properly be the DEVs first priority at the moment)

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Yeah, probably not the Dev's brightest idea. "Say now, how about we let level 1 players get auto SK'ed to fight level 40 mobs?" "Hey-ho, that's quite a good idea!"
They really could've thought it through a bit better.



Surely it's better for people to be playing the non-virtual content, i.e. the actual game, rather than the MA?

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Why? I mean I can see how some people have hang ups about canonical versus player created content, but using "surely" in there, that I don't get.

Shadowplay - Scrapper DM/DA SL 50
Doctor Storm- Brute SS/Elec SL 50
"speed boosts someone in the face" - Cognito



Because plenty of people are already ignoring(read as not bothering with it) MA and thinks the last 2 issues have been wasted.

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I am willing to bet good money that more people have spent more time playing with the MA then in Cimerora or Ouroboros combined.

Course I can't prove it, and neither can you disprove it.

Shadowplay - Scrapper DM/DA SL 50
Doctor Storm- Brute SS/Elec SL 50
"speed boosts someone in the face" - Cognito



Because plenty of people are already ignoring(read as not bothering with it) MA and thinks the last 2 issues have been wasted.

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I am willing to bet good money that more people have spent more time playing with the MA then in Cimerora or Ouroboros combined.

Course I can't prove it, and neither can you disprove it.

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Because Cimerora lacks content and Ollonborre is... Not really content?

Ehh... *shrug*
But it is true as you can say that neither you or I can prove any of it.




So your point would now be that the last four issues didn't have much content. Last time we had serious content would be Issue 10 the invasion?

Shadowplay - Scrapper DM/DA SL 50
Doctor Storm- Brute SS/Elec SL 50
"speed boosts someone in the face" - Cognito



For me the MA is great. It's a quick way to get over that level 1-21 hump, which to me is a source of annoyance more often than it is pleasure. (mostly because of no travel power the first 14 and no stamina the first 20.)

What other people do with their toons is really not my problem. If I get a level 30+ with no idea in my team, well, there are options of how to deal with it. One is helping the player understand what he clearly doesn't, or there's a nice "Kick" button on the bottom of the team tab. In reality though, there's not much difference from before i14, because there were PLENTY of clueless higher levels then too. (Fire Blasters opening up with rain of fire before the tank has attacked, anyone?)

I do, however, see the point which the more competitive players make that it invalidates their earlier 50's, and any future 50's leveld in the "legitimite" way. I just happen to disagree with this as much as I do the "instant gratification" crowd. The thing is I don't understand why I should care either way. The game is still fun to play when you get in a good team, which I still do more often than not. And that is, to me, the whole point of the game. That it's fun when I actually play the game, not when I hang around atlas, impressing all the level 5 n00bs with my uber level 50's..

[edit] Just for clarification; I'm not in an SG, so I mostly ONLY play PUG's. Still I more often than not find good teams, or at least players willing to listen to advice.



Give a kid a pencil, he will draw you a nice picture. Give a convict a pencil, he will kill his inmates.

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The "people kill people" argument is flawed in so many ways it's almost unbelievable. Don't even go there.

That would leave the MA as the place to go to experience new story lines.

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The trouble is, with the rewards removed/lowered a lot, no one will bother with it, it will just be another empty zone.

Which means 2 issues wasted.

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The irony is that it's not a "trouble" at all. That would be a good thing, not a "wasted" issue at all. At the moment it is a wasted issue.

Surely it's better for people to be playing the non-virtual content, i.e. the actual game, rather than the MA?

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I think now its here they might as well leave the thing alone or its just been a waste. Waste is when something is unused, at the moment its very popular.

The thing that makes me laugh is now people (players and devs) are saying its being abused, did you REALLY think it was going to end any other way?

Offer 10 people an auto sk and the option to get to 50 quick and 7 of them are going to take it. It dont matter if its to get their 1st level 50 or their 20th, people are going to do it.

Of course i think the whole thing was a mistake, which i said at the time because i knew this was how it was going to end up.

Not that i mind abit of farming, iv done plenty of it myself, i just think the time this was given should have been spent on content.




So your point would now be that the last four issues didn't have much content. Last time we had serious content would be Issue 10 the invasion?

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The zones lack content. Not the Issues.
Cimerora=A co-op Tf and a few missions(repetable does not count) Just that... Ends fast.
Ollonborre=A couple of TF/SFs wannabes and old content with a new filter!

I liked the issue that came with Cimerora(whatever its name was...). The TF is one of the most fun I've had in ages.
The Ollonborre issue... Well umm... Was that Issue *insert number here*: Travel made easy!

Issue 13=when I started to consider to put my money elsewhere... Which I have done now for a loooooong time.
Issue 14=THE END!

No more Chat after reactivation weekend is over.



Removing the mob breaks any 'legitimate' arcs that used the mob. As MA practically is I14 any changes that break a reasonable number of legitimate arcs could be argued to break I14.

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True, hence me saying: as long as we get them back....I guess this is where better communication comes in. As for saying that breaking a few arcs effectively breaks I14 that's just blowing the whole thing out of proportion.
You remove a mob: people get irritated and some arcs will need correcting, that's litterally all that will happen. The only way to break I14 would be to remove the Architect altogether....something I sincerely hope they never do.

I'd love it if they were able to fix any exploit elegantly in game without effecting some other part of it, but the whole thing seems so interconnected that unfortunately I suspect the only way is to remove it and deal with it seperately.

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Way I see it:
- You remove a mob and break some arcs;
- authors alter broken mobs to use another mob;
- Farmers move onto next easiest mob;
- Devs nuke the next mob breaking some more arcs;
- authors alter broken mobs to use another mob;
- Farmers move onto next easiest mob;
- Devs nuke the next mob breaking some more arcs;

Every time the devs remove a mob the total number of available mobs is reduced. So the total number of mobs that will be picked up on by farmers is smaller. So, if mobs are used in pretty much equal amounts by legitimate arcs, when the next mob is removed it affects more legitimate arcs.

And why remove the mobs at all? Doing that also reduces the diversity of legitimate arcs - as 1 mob is removed the author of an affected arc either:
- edits the arc to use one of the smaller set of admissable mobs (reducing mob variety);
- unpublishes the arc (reducing arc diversity).

I treat not doing anything as effectively unpublishing the arc as it will be invalid and cannot be played (and may not appear in searches).

When the mob is eventually edited and returned to the MA it may not be clear to the authors who had affected arcs (returns don't tend to make the patch notes - if the authors even read them) and a number of arcs that were edited to remove the original mob may not re-add the mob. Many of the original arcs will not be restored to their intended state.

You don't get the same effect by nerfing rewards on a mob rather than removing it entirely. Nerf rewards drastically whilst a more permanent solution is found and the arcs remain valid but the mob becomes unattractive for farmers.

When Prisoners were removed it messed up a few peoples arcs that I know of. The patch notes never mentioned when Prisoners were returned. If it hadn't been a bee in my bonnet I may never have realised that they were back... heck if I had space free in the arc for 2-3 custom prisoners I would have made them - probably resulting in a much harder time for soloists/squishies which would have gone against my general design intentions.

Maybe we'll have to agree to differ on this...

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



18 after 2 missions dear god thats poor

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He clearly never used 'Onion'.


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Yeah. MA noob here

I got kinda bored with it after a while.

So far here's exactly what I've done. I joined 4 of my mates who were two thirds into a mission. I went from lev 1 to 10 in the remaining third of the mission.

We then did a Rikti comms full mission. I went from 10-18 in that one.

I then did a short Rikti Comms mission and went from 18-22.

So two and a bit missions and I'm level 22. Gameplay time is around an hour.

You need to bear in mind that these haven't been full teams either. They were 4-5 player sized teams only.

If I had went for 8 player teams, I don't know what level I'd be now.

I'll continue later tonight and see what happens.

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



Can I just ask why you're choosing to do something you've said you dislike?



Can I just ask why you're choosing to do something you've said you dislike?

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For the sake of scientific experiment.

My old mate Cobra, is one of those selfless, tough job, someones gotta do it , type of guys!



I thought the complaint was that too many people already are doing it.



Can I just ask why you're choosing to do something you've said you dislike?

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For the sake of scientific experiment.

My old mate Cobra, is one of those selfless, tough job, someones gotta do it , type of guys!

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London is, as ever, correct.

I want to see exactly what the hell is going on with MA farming. The only way I could think of to see it for myself.

As for normal MA - i.e non farming - I don't have a gripe against it really. It's not my cup of tea but in the right context it can be fun for people. I prefer game canon content but I have played some of my SG friends MA arcs for fun.

My gripe about MA is that it makes hyper farming very easy.

This isn't good for the game at all - IMHO - of course.

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



That's true, it does make farming very easy - but you already know that, and so does... probably everyone reading this thread. So why put yourself through doing something you dislike, probably deepening your dissatisfaction with the game, rather than getting on with canon story arcs?

Not that I want to tell people how to play - which is, after all, a fairly big part of the farming vs. MA vs. canon vs. whatever issue... it just strikes me as very odd. But if masochism's your thing, go for it.



My gripe about MA is that it makes hyper farming very easy.

This isn't good for the game at all - IMHO - of course.

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The best thing about the farming of MA missions, for me, is the fact that I've not had one single email pestering me about paying money for farming/PL - though most likely unintentionally, by making farming accessible to everyone they've made farming profitable to no-one - except possibly, themselves.

If it keeps the spam out of my inbox, I'm all for it.

"Here, take some more bees with you. You may need them."
Union: FU//LoUD

"that Syn is that that" - Mothers Love



That's true, it does make farming very easy - but you already know that, and so does... probably everyone reading this thread. So why put yourself through doing something you dislike, probably deepening your dissatisfaction with the game, rather than getting on with canon story arcs?

Not that I want to tell people how to play - which is, after all, a fairly big part of the farming vs. MA vs. canon vs. whatever issue... it just strikes me as very odd. But if masochism's your thing, go for it.

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Well, see I've never farmed before. If I'm going to be critical of something, I should at least make the effort to see exactly what's wrong.

My intent is to get it to 50 and delete it.

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



He just wants a sly "PL PL0X". :P
We know yer game son.




He just wants a sly "PL PL0X". :P
We know yer game son.


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With MA farming you don't even need to be PL'd. That's part of the problem.

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



I've thought of the exploit before, but didn't bother to test how doable it was. Yesterday I heard people talking about NC removing that particular critter and decided to give it a go just to see if there's any thruth to the "lvl 1-50 in 2 days" whining....

...apparently there is! I tried it with two MMs that are actually XP pacted to two dominators (love them at 50, hate levelling them) and doing a single Dreck-map lvl 42 mission with only two players I still managed to ding twice at lvl 28ish in one go.

This was probably not the best arc for it, not the best alts, pitiful team. Add a double XP weekend to this and we're in bussiness!

Personally I've never liked that particular critter, so if they end up removing it totally from the game, I wouldn't mind. As for exploits per say: I'm sort of happy I've found a way to get some boring, old alts to a level where I might end up playing them, but that's another point: We wanna play our 50s and we're bored!

If some people wanna get bored even faster by getting their first alt to 50 this way, good for them, but they'll get perma-ignored so fast once they start asking n00bish questions at 50.

I personally bet NCs gonna do some data digging and kick people back to level 1 or harsher for this, which would of course be stupid since they're not cheating, just using what's there. I still bet they're gonna do something evil like that.

Edit: I was even on low fidd setting btw!