Some ideas

Blue Rabbit



I know most will be very unpopular but imo they would imrpove overall fun again...

1) Lower damg cap on trollers, they were never intended to be damg dealers, this would get rid some troller farming builds since they wont benefit much from dmg buffs.

2) Make tohit in rage +acc like in focussed accuracy, and either make rage unstackable or ad a 30% -regen - recovery debuff for each additional rage stacking. And no its not unfair to players with high recharge since rage is a clicky and you dont have to stack it and get the debuff.

3) Remove inf from MA missions that arent devs choice.
inf doesnt fit the theme anyway, the mobs are supposed to be hologramms, why should they give something apart from xp and tickets anyway ?
That would at least partly adress the insane abuse of the MA as easy farm maps these days.

4)Buff elusivity for defensive sets in PvP again or remove deminishing returns just for def sets, atm def sets are back to be a bad joke in PvP since everyone can hit them like there were no def at all, even without rage or foc acc.

5)Add some love to the tier 9s of pure defense sets, like SR, Ninjitsu.
Considering how easy it is to softcap defense on these, a tier9 that ads 70% def is pretty useless. Actually it only helps a tiny bit against high accuracy mobs or mobs with crazy +tohit.
Defese/resist mixed sets like WP or SD get much more out of tier9s since they really buff up survivability.
Maybe ad some +res into defense tier9s or a +regen.

7) For gods sake buff Assasin strike damg in PvE a huge amount.
Its totally stupid und beyond me, that most brutes can deal more damg with their attacks that cant be interrupted than a stalker can deal with AS.
If a whole AT is centered around a single attack like AS and therefore is more squishy than the other meele classes, that attack had to be truly outstanding in terms of damg.
As it is AS is pretty gimp compared to normal brute attcks.

Those are just my views how to improve the game a bit, so pls dont flame if you dont like them, just explain why you think it would be bad to implement those.

Btw why the hell are the forums in french now, pls change them back to english......



They are in English. And this should be in the Suggestions section.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



They are in English. And this should be in the Suggestions section.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



They are in English. And this should be in the Suggestions section.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ups right sry hope a mod moves it to suggestions.

My forum is in french, no idea why, not the posts, but the descriptions like search, post, explanations etc.
Its says bienvenue moghedien and repondre instead of welcome and replie etc .

Edit: Found the bug lol.....appears i14 closed beta forum did set my preferences to frech, problem solved :-)



Re: the forum language, it's set by the url. If you end up with French or German forum interface text, the quick fix is to check to make sure the start of your forum URL is:

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre></pre><hr />

If you're seeing French text, that URL will have //fr instead of //uk. Just change the fr back into uk and your problem is fixed.



I know most will be very unpopular but imo they would imrpove overall fun again...

1) Lower damg cap on trollers, they were never intended to be damg dealers, this would get rid some troller farming builds since they wont benefit much from dmg buffs.

2) Make tohit in rage +acc like in focussed accuracy, and either make rage unstackable or ad a 30% -regen - recovery debuff for each additional rage stacking. And no its not unfair to players with high recharge since rage is a clicky and you dont have to stack it and get the debuff.

3) Remove inf from MA missions that arent devs choice.
inf doesnt fit the theme anyway, the mobs are supposed to be hologramms, why should they give something apart from xp and tickets anyway ?
That would at least partly adress the insane abuse of the MA as easy farm maps these days.

4)Buff elusivity for defensive sets in PvP again or remove deminishing returns just for def sets, atm def sets are back to be a bad joke in PvP since everyone can hit them like there were no def at all, even without rage or foc acc.

5)Add some love to the tier 9s of pure defense sets, like SR, Ninjitsu.
Considering how easy it is to softcap defense on these, a tier9 that ads 70% def is pretty useless. Actually it only helps a tiny bit against high accuracy mobs or mobs with crazy +tohit.
Defese/resist mixed sets like WP or SD get much more out of tier9s since they really buff up survivability.
Maybe ad some +res into defense tier9s or a +regen.

7) For gods sake buff Assasin strike damg in PvE a huge amount.
Its totally stupid und beyond me, that most brutes can deal more damg with their attacks that cant be interrupted than a stalker can deal with AS.
If a whole AT is centered around a single attack like AS and therefore is more squishy than the other meele classes, that attack had to be truly outstanding in terms of damg.
As it is AS is pretty gimp compared to normal brute attcks.

Those are just my views how to improve the game a bit, so pls dont flame if you dont like them, just explain why you think it would be bad to implement those.

Btw why the hell are the forums in french now, pls change them back to english......

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Must say i agree with all of these also could some elusivity not be added to def sets would that not help them vs Mobs whith high To-Hit values



3) Remove inf from MA missions that arent devs choice.
inf doesnt fit the theme anyway, the mobs are supposed to be hologramms, why should they give something apart from xp and tickets anyway ?

[/ QUOTE ]Inf is not money.



1) Getting rid of farming will never happen. Dont make other suffer to try and hit a minority. /Unsigned

2) Don't really see the point in this. If this is inspired by PvP, another massive /Unsigned

3) Again, stop trying to harm others to harm farmers. All you will do is screw things up. /Unsigned

4) How about ignore PvP till it gets fixed? It won't remove the fact that Post I13 PvP will still suck.

5) You forget that there are plenty of attacks that do -def, sometimes in large ammounts. This sounds like another PvP inspired idea, so /Unsigned.

6) (Or 7, seeing as you missed 6.)
Stalkers are not meant to be, nor ever were meant to be, the same as Brutes/Scrappers. They are totally different ATs, with massively different styles. Stalkers have low end costs and hide capabilities. Brutes have mass hitting powers, but need the Fury bar and have high end cost attacks. /Unsigned, it works fine as is.

The above post may/may not contain Pure Opinion.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



3) Remove inf from MA missions that arent devs choice.
inf doesnt fit the theme anyway, the mobs are supposed to be hologramms, why should they give something apart from xp and tickets anyway ?

[/ QUOTE ]Inf is not money.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, it is.

Please fight My Brute:

Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.



3) Remove inf from MA missions that arent devs choice.
inf doesnt fit the theme anyway, the mobs are supposed to be hologramms, why should they give something apart from xp and tickets anyway ?

[/ QUOTE ]Inf is not money.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think this was kind of the point influence in some way represents your standing within the community hence the bigger the challenge and the more active you are the more influence you acquire (not sure how getting enhancements factors into that)

So as your only facing virtual foes why would you receive as much inf as you would receive fighting the real thing.

Tho you could argue that its like TV stars they don't really do what there portrayed as doing but are famous for it any ways.

(oh dear i seem to arguing with my self again)



So as your only facing virtual foes why would you receive as much inf as you would receive fighting the real thing.

[/ QUOTE ]You don't.



1) Getting rid of farming will never happen. Dont make other suffer to try and hit a minority. /Unsigned

[/ QUOTE ]

the thing is trollers aren't supposed to be a high damage AT there not even supposed to be a medium damage AT according to theis
they should be the bottom of the damage pile behind tanks and defenders yet most trollers easily out damage tanks and defenders of course maybe its a case that tanks and defenders need a damage buff?


2) Don't really see the point in this. If this is inspired by PvP, another massive /Unsigned

[/ QUOTE ]

ok your probably right it doesnt really need changed as very few can stack rage more than twice without serious investment in IOs

But i do wonder if it was ever intended to be stacked and it may just be a matter of time before the Nerf bat comes its way


3) Again, stop trying to harm others to harm farmers. All you will do is screw things up. /Unsigned

[/ QUOTE ]

see my last post


4) How about ignore PvP till it gets fixed? It won't remove the fact that Post I13 PvP will still suck.

[/ QUOTE ]

i think that's what the OP is suggesting


5) You forget that there are plenty of attacks that do -def, sometimes in large ammounts. This sounds like another PvP inspired idea, so /Unsigned.

[/ QUOTE ]

just look at super reflexes and it should be obvious why this is a valid point ask for build advise and the general reply is ignore elude and soft cap your defences there for whats the point of the tier 9 at least with the likes of energy it brings a health boost and endurance recovery with it.


6) (Or 7, seeing as you missed 6.)
Stalkers are not meant to be, nor ever were meant to be, the same as Brutes/Scrappers. They are totally different ATs, with massively different styles. Stalkers have low end costs and hide capabilities. Brutes have mass hitting powers, but need the Fury bar and have high end cost attacks. /Unsigned, it works fine as is.

[/ QUOTE ]

No there supposed to be a glass cannon (or sword i suppose in there case) but so much of there play stile is reliant on the build up/AS/placate trinity which seems a bit limiting when i think about it and yes you can play the non AS stalker but that only works with energy really or you have the scrappy stalker but often your still stuck within a very rigid frame work of powers you need to do your job. At the very least a successful AS should match a brutes maxed out fury attack for damage. tho maybe a better idea would be to shorten the animation time of AS (so that its possible to AS a mob before a maxed out brute slaughters the entire spawn) and increase its debuff/fear effect back up slightly.



So as your only facing virtual foes why would you receive as much inf as you would receive fighting the real thing.

[/ QUOTE ]You don't.

[/ QUOTE ]

don't you? seemed to me that i was reciving the same tho to be honest i never pay a great deal of atention to what im getting in inf.



I have a feeling that this thread will just derail into a pro-farm vs. anti-farm flame war.

Just a feeling. Yeah.

I do agree about Rage being a bit OP not because it gives ToHit but because it can be perma'd with SOs only. The thing, IMO, they should do is fix the crash somehow. The -DEF doesn't hurt all the sets equally.

The rest of the stuff; why? I don't see any point in nerfing inf/XP in MA or increasing AS damage. AS basically 1 shots everything aside from bosses, EBs and AVs anyway.

And, IMO, there is absolutely positively zero need for a buff in defensive set tier9s. You say they should need buffage because soft-capping defense is so easy, but you seem to ignore the thing that soft-capping, in effect, is having perma Elude. What for would you need something on top of that?

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

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Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



1) Getting rid of farming will never happen. Dont make other suffer to try and hit a minority. /Unsigned

3) Again, stop trying to harm others to harm farmers. All you will do is screw things up. /Unsigned

6) (Or 7, seeing as you missed 6.)
Stalkers are not meant to be, nor ever were meant to be, the same as Brutes/Scrappers. They are totally different ATs, with massively different styles. Stalkers have low end costs and hide capabilities. Brutes have mass hitting powers, but need the Fury bar and have high end cost attacks. /Unsigned, it works fine as is.

The above post may/may not contain Pure Opinion.

[/ QUOTE ]

1) Explain to me why a nerf to troller damg cap would make non farmers suffer ?
It would only really affect THE troller farm combo, all other trollers wont be affected at all.

Of course you cant get rid of farming alltogether, but atm the whole game suffers cause all people do is MA farm missions. Tf/sf are hardly ever been run these days.

Its hard to deny that 90% of all broadcast tells are, looking for farmteam, farm team looking for more etc.
It wasnt this bad before I14

While some pots contain oure opinion like mine do too, your totally wrong about point 6.

Stalkers and brutes hav EXACTLY the same end cost on their attacks, so much for low end cost on stalkers.....
Even the secondaries the ATs have in common have EXACTLY the same end cost for all 3.
So brutes dont have ANY higher end cost than stalker at all.

Furthermore their end cost is very likely much lower if you compare that you have aoe attacks in most brute sets which allow you to kill many mobs much more end efficient than killing them one by one like a stalker.

Take into account that Regen and Wp for stalkers lack the end recovery brute and scrapper get.

So its not an opinion to say stalkers have lower end cost than scrappers or brutes its simply wrong.

Only thing stalkers have is AS which is lousy compared to the damg brutes and scrappers can dish out.

Sure AS almost 1 shots a lt but only with buildup, and you need to be hidden to do it, it takes 3 sec animation which can be interrupted.
Almost all brute primaries have an ST attack that kills a lt in one shot at full fury without having to hide and using an interruptible attack like AS.

As for fury unless the brute player isnt a total noob you can build 90% fury with 6 mobs.



I have two-shotted EB's with my AS before.

cry some moar




I know most will be very unpopular but imo they would imrpove overall fun again...

1) Lower damg cap on trollers, they were never intended to be damg dealers, this would get rid some troller farming builds since they wont benefit much from dmg buffs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh yes, because every troller is a mean, lean, killing machine... no, a thousand times no!

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



I have two-shotted EB's with my AS before.

cry some moar

[/ QUOTE ]

Most likely a brute with full fury could have done the same.

To the above poster concerning trollers.

Yes some trollers are mean killing machines, and the lowring the damg cap would only affect those specific killing machine farm combos.

If your not playing those specific builds lowring the cap wont touch you.
If you playing those builds you wont be affected until you fight huge spawns made for big teams that gives your secondary the chance to buff your damg into crazy lvls.

If you fight such huge spawns solo its most likely that you farm, if your in a team doing normal missions your main role as a troller isnt intended to be main damg dealer but crowd control/buff/debuff.



I play my main which is a Mind/Emp. I don't farm, never did and never will. He was created in Issue 5, and was soloed until level 35(ish). I take a lot of time to kill anything that comes up against it. I've already suffered through a nerf to Psionic Tornado because, apparently, it was being misused by players.

I don't want to be nerfed again, in any way, because of the way other people choose to play the game they are paying for. So, leave well enough alone, mind your Ps and Qs, and once more... no, a thousand times no.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



I play my main which is a Mind/Emp. I don't farm, never did and never will. He was created in Issue 5, and was soloed until level 35(ish). I take a lot of time to kill anything that comes up against it. I've already suffered through a nerf to Psionic Tornado because, apparently, it was being misused by players.

I don't want to be nerfed again, in any way, because of the way other people choose to play the game they are paying for. So, leave well enough alone, mind your Ps and Qs, and once more... no, a thousand times no.

[/ QUOTE ]

Aehm well i guess you didnt get what lowring the damg cap means then.

Cause as mind/empathy you wouldnt be nerfed at all.
It would only lower the effect of huge damg buffs like fulcrumshift etc, which puts the damg on par with pure damg classes, which isnt intended.



Even mind/empathy would suffer, if they where teamed with a kineticist. This is a multiplayer game, remember?

I also vote no to any global nerfs to counter farming. It just doesn't work. If farming causes a problem for the economy, then it is the economy that needs to be fixed. If you just don't like people farming, get of your high horse. It's thier money, let them enjoy themseleves how they like.

I really should do something about this signature.



Even mind/empathy would suffer, if they where teamed with a kineticist. This is a multiplayer game, remember?

I also vote no to any global nerfs to counter farming. It just doesn't work. If farming causes a problem for the economy, then it is the economy that needs to be fixed. If you just don't like people farming, get of your high horse. It's thier money, let them enjoy themseleves how they like.

[/ QUOTE ]

I dont like people farming cause its bad for the game.
Will people leave in masses when they notice they cant farm as good as before, i doubt it.

But for new players it depressing to see the prizes on the market that gone up like no tomorrow because of farming, and they realize they need a year to afford some sets.
or they are forced to make a farming char just to get the inf they need to io out the char they really want to play and pimp out.

I dont mind if people play as they like as long as it has no negative impact on the game as a whole, but excessive farming does have a negative impact since it destroys the economy.

If you want to PvP your almost forced to farm very often just to be able to buy some sets that let you compete with others.




If you want to PvP your almost forced to farm very often just to be able to buy some sets that let you compete with others.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you STILL want to PvP, post I13, I would voice the opinion of getting your head examined.
And also leaving the rest of us out of it.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



You know why it's so easy to Perma Rage with just 3 generic SOs...

...because the set was built around it, SS damage outside of the rage buff isn't all that great, infact because it's smashing which it seems like everyone and their dog resists except robots, you're not going to be hitting hard anyway.

The whole set was designed around perma-rage, it's why it has the annoying crash in it...yes they could drop the -def which does hurt some sets more than others, a /WP tanker isn't going to feel the defense debuff half as much as an Ice tanker would do.

I takes a LOT of inf and +recharge in order to get Rage to stack for anywhere beyond 10 seconds when you're solo, now with buffs you have longer periods of double Rage BUT then you can say the same thing for 8 x AM buffs that a Rad/X superteam has, due to the magnitude of buffs AM is effectively perma.

Also Controller damage is fine as IS it's just the combination of Fire and Kin that make it go into farming territory.

Here's a little fact, have you played a Fire/Kin through the early levels, soloing with one is like pulling teeth, infact soloing with any controller is like that, I've gotten my fire/Kin up to 14 and soloing with her is so painful I'm probably just going to delete her, I can't be bothered to wait 38 levels until she becomes good (meanwhile my Dark/Dark corruptor has remained steadly good for the last 19 levels). It's not until they get their pets and Transference that they actually become AoE damage gods.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



You know why it's so easy to Perma Rage with just 3 generic SOs...

...because the set was built around it, SS damage outside of the rage buff isn't all that great, infact because it's smashing which it seems like everyone and their dog resists except robots, you're not going to be hitting hard anyway.

The whole set was designed around perma-rage, it's why it has the annoying crash in it...yes they could drop the -def which does hurt some sets more than others, a /WP tanker isn't going to feel the defense debuff half as much as an Ice tanker would do.

I takes a LOT of inf and +recharge in order to get Rage to stack for anywhere beyond 10 seconds when you're solo, now with buffs you have longer periods of double Rage BUT then you can say the same thing for 8 x AM buffs that a Rad/X superteam has, due to the magnitude of buffs AM is effectively perma.

Also Controller damage is fine as IS it's just the combination of Fire and Kin that make it go into farming territory.

Here's a little fact, have you played a Fire/Kin through the early levels, soloing with one is like pulling teeth, infact soloing with any controller is like that, I've gotten my fire/Kin up to 14 and soloing with her is so painful I'm probably just going to delete her, I can't be bothered to wait 38 levels until she becomes good (meanwhile my Dark/Dark corruptor has remained steadly good for the last 19 levels). It's not until they get their pets and Transference that they actually become AoE damage gods.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well Battle Axe and Dualblades is lethal which is even more resisted, stone meele and warmace is smashing too....

There has to be a reason why SS doesnt get ported to scrappers, maybe its because it would be way to overpowered on them like many people claim in many threads.

As for kin/fire trollers, the damg cap lowering would only really adress this combo, which btw only really shines in big teams or doing farm maps anyway, since you need big spawns for fulcrum shift to turn you into a killing machine.

Without big spawns fulcrum shif isnt that great and you wont reach the damg cap of 300%.
So lowering the damg cap to 200% would only really adress farmers or trollers in big teams who act as main damg dealer.