Quite shocked
Im logging in soon, i'll tell them off for you Snow dont you worry. We'll get our atlas back!!!!
We beat the rikti invasions, we beat the zombie invasions, we WILL beat the farmers invasion!!!! This is OUR atlas!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
lol @damz
I tried telling them to get a proper team already.
Now if only the RV confuse exploit still worked....
I agree snow, I started a new toon a couple of days ago and all you could hear in Atlas local was LFF spammed by many players, I even saw level 1's yelling for a farm team.
Since when could a lvl one make a contribution to a farming team other than to increase spawn numbers.
They could at least make the effort to get it right and say lvl one looking for someone to power level me because i can't be bothered to play myself.
I sent a trial mail to an experienced MMO player last week thinking they might like to come and give CoX a go, I am cringing now to think he might, and be confronted with our new Atlas AKA old McDonalds.
Nothing to do with AE unless its AE and if it wasnt AE those ppl will probably be requiring a filler for something else. Having altitis and started so many toons + levels that few can compete with, its been pretty rife.
Any mission could do with a limit on the number of times you can crack at it and just to be fair more chance of rewards could be given for proceeding and doing different missions.
For anyone under 12, finding out that after say 9 lvls their first team invite is to fill must be cack.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Sad to see Union atlas this way.
[/ QUOTE ]
Which is why I got my Ninja like butt out of there the moment I could!!!!

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide
Must admit i agree totally and i am a veteran farmer, but to me there is a huge difference that really winds me up that people don't seem to understand and this goes for all Altas noobie farm beggers,
Why do I get tells and blind invites from stupid lvl 3 characters with no vet rewards in their badge list saying come farm with us, or do you wanna farm??
if i wanted to farm i would not need the help of a lvl 3 blaster with flares, !!!!!!!!!!!!
May I make a suggestion to the devs.
AE = LVL 50's only!
Strange for me to say something like that but, it has gotten rediculous!
There was always a lowbie in PI trying their luck, but now its like there is nothing sacred, and if I get 1 more /t "farm team" ? from a toon that isn't high enough to even follow me round a map without help ima SCREAM
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
Nothing to do with AE unless its AE and if it wasnt AE those ppl will probably be requiring a filler for something else.
[/ QUOTE ]
I have to disagree here.
2/3 of my globals sucked in into AE, either filling or soloing/creating and can't be arsed to join me in TFs or even regular missions. And those globals was carefully selected. Imagine what the percentage is when I am trying to find people outside my global list...
It's really pity.
CoH seems that will never be the same again...
I am not sure that I am willing to wait for AE FOTM to pass.
AE should have been a zone, not building. Those windows are neat and all, but...
/me hides in Galaxy, FF, Faultline and other places where tractors aren't as noisy.
Even on Defiant i get back to my roots and start in Galaxy nowadays. Maybe it is same in Union too.
I don't know of spams on BC in Atlas as i left the place when i14 hit. Both WW and AE making there a lag heaven for me.
Funny thing is i am getting more tells for team invites on Defiant than Union. With this i mean proper tells. Union and Defiant feels like two different games for me.
I logged an alt onto Union, this weekend. Very low alt so was in Atlas park. How things have changed on Union atlas. I guess its the AE building that all the broadcasts where orginating from. But if i was a new player to the game and made my first char on union id really be shocked to be flooded with nothign but farming requests all over broadcast the minute i logged in.
Is sad times now when one of the major meeting places, your first zone of the game is now crawling with the farmers and the like not a very welcoming place at all any more is atlas if folks then get caught up with farming at low level , and even tho if new the game is not gonna do much for them all taht content zones they will miss as the farmers bag them for thier ill gotton gane.
Sad to see Union atlas this way.
[/ QUOTE ]
Absolutely agree. I'm having a blast playing 4 star missions in the MA but when I switched to my level 5 defender to get a lowbie team going I was basically spammed into insignificance by the MA Farming broadcasts haunting Atlas.
Sad, sad state of affairs that the initial thing a new player sees is this.
The MA in Atlas should be for level 10 and lower only IMO, no-one else should be able to access missions there.
The MA in Atlas should be for level 10 and lower only IMO, no-one else should be able to access missions there.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thats good idea as if can put a vanguard security dude to stop low levels getting into a buildin in Atlas they can put a AE security guard to stop players of a certain level gaining acces to the building as well.
Would prob move the broadcast spam to another zone but least wouldn't be the first zone you enter as you start the game.
Defiant: Snow + many other alts
Arc ID 61069
The MA in Atlas should be for level 10 and lower only IMO, no-one else should be able to access missions there.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thats good idea as if can put a vanguard security dude to stop low levels getting into a buildin in Atlas they can put a AE security guard to stop players of a certain level gaining acces to the building as well.
Would prob move the broadcast spam to another zone but least wouldn't be the first zone you enter as you start the game.
[/ QUOTE ]
Exactly. It's depressing when you start a new alt and Atlas is being swamped by farming chatter and no teams. At least move it to another zone and let people ease into the game.
You get MA contact on level 5.
Even if they put some level restriction to the Atlas, same thing will happen in Galaxy. Then Kings etc. etc. The list goes on.
You get MA contact on level 5.
Even if they put some level restriction to the Atlas, same thing will happen in Galaxy. Then Kings etc. etc. The list goes on.
[/ QUOTE ]
You've missed the point Knightly. I don't mind particularly if people want to farm until their fingers bleed. But the main farming point for 50s should NOT be the starting zones.
The starting zones should be for new toons to form teams and do challanges. Not for 50s to spam broadcast looking for farms or bodies for farming. A newbies intro into the game really shouldn't be some Carnie map stuffed full of Headsmen with them auto-SKd and earning XP from standing at the doorway.
You get MA contact on level 5.
Even if they put some level restriction to the Atlas, same thing will happen in Galaxy. Then Kings etc. etc. The list goes on.
[/ QUOTE ]
You've missed the point Knightly. I don't mind particularly if people want to farm until their fingers bleed. But the main farming point for 50s should NOT be the starting zones.
The starting zones should be for new toons to form teams and do challanges. Not for 50s to spam broadcast looking for farms or bodies for farming. A newbies intro into the game really shouldn't be some Carnie map stuffed full of Headsmen with them auto-SKd and earning XP from standing at the doorway.
[/ QUOTE ]
To be fair, it's not the 50's that are spamming farm me!
It's the plan beggers, and noob amatuer farmers runing auto sk maps.
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
You get MA contact on level 5.
Even if they put some level restriction to the Atlas, same thing will happen in Galaxy. Then Kings etc. etc. The list goes on.
[/ QUOTE ]
You've missed the point Knightly. I don't mind particularly if people want to farm until their fingers bleed. But the main farming point for 50s should NOT be the starting zones.
The starting zones should be for new toons to form teams and do challanges. Not for 50s to spam broadcast looking for farms or bodies for farming. A newbies intro into the game really shouldn't be some Carnie map stuffed full of Headsmen with them auto-SKd and earning XP from standing at the doorway.
[/ QUOTE ]
To be fair, it's not the 50's that are spamming farm me!
It's the plan beggers, and noob amatuer farmers runing auto sk maps.
[/ QUOTE ]
I've seen plenty of 50s doing it in Atlas. Or 40-somethings. But you're right, the auto-sk "feature" of the MA is a horrible, horrible mechanism which only encourages abuse.
Regardless there's only one way all of this can go. Rewards in the MA will be brutally culled meaning all the really fun arcs out there will go unplayed.
Over the last few days I've soloed quite a few excellent 1-10 arcs including an "anti-hero" intro one. Currently I'm enjoying Arctic Princesses Twisted Tales #1 arc and it's brilliant. There's tonnes of great new starting arcs there for new toons. But barely anyone seems to be bothering with them, preferring instead to be auto-sked and PLed in farming maps instead.
Regardless there's only one way all of this can go. Rewards in the MA will be brutally culled meaning all the really fun arcs out there will go unplayed.
[/ QUOTE ]
I hope devs won't do something this stupid, not blatantly, anyway. (but stealthy ticket roll nerf will come, I fear...)
As for disabling of auto-SK, - /signed, /signed, /signed. Most pointless and abuse-prone feature of the MA. I mean, there's just no reason anyone would want that on a regular basis except for PLing themselves, you have no powers to match that level anyway. Or, even better, make it a sliding scale: auto-sk for uop to +2 levels works as is, for +2-+10 rewards are halved, and so on. So, if someone absolutely dies to see how Malta sapp gun looks like, yes, he can.
(I suspect that devs truly didn't suspect how popular MA would be, they thought in terms of maybe a few dozens good arcs and a few thousands dross in the first month. They missed it by the order of magnitude, and instead of lowbies needing auto-SK to do anything in the MA we got what we've got.)
And the idea to make MA buildings unusable for high-levels in Atlas and Galaxy is perfect.
It's the plan beggers, and noob amatuer farmers runing auto sk maps.
[/ QUOTE ]
I use an auto SK map.....
CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.
Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle
It's the plan beggers, and noob amatuer farmers runing auto sk maps.
[/ QUOTE ]
I use an auto SK map.....
[/ QUOTE ]
Contact me on kawaiii tonight after 6 ish and I'll show you why auto sk is a noobie map, 1 run with me and I'll get you a lvl 1 to 29 and it will take me about 30 mins x
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
And the idea to make MA buildings unusable for high-levels in Atlas and Galaxy is perfect.
[/ QUOTE ]
Im against this, i know i broadcast a LOT of garbage in atlas but to me its a community talk zone. Some of my funniest times in paragon have been from random times there.
It keeps me from getting bored and theres always a chance you'll meet someone there you know randomly, so while im against the constant blind invites/lvl 1 lff broadcasts, im also against banning high levels access.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
i have o complaints with the auto sk maps.... and tbh it help the part time players. who are fed up of being stuck inthe 20-40 range.
i dont mind admiting i farm/pl but i dont go advertising every other second to ppl on broadcast i just farm/pl with a group0 of friends or by myself. i can understand the complaints, but the novelety of i14 wil ware off soon. give it a few weeks and hopefully everyone will be bored of it. and those "farm" teams 95% o them ont have a cluse what they are doing. the ones that do stay realatively quiet. all that i want is toon i can use at the high end - i ate 20-45 as it sucks.
i have my own arcs as well. one of which isnt fully complted but after almost 20 plays has got 4star rating. so i do both in ae.
i stick to quiet ones when i do farming so i dont hear the incesant pl or farm me bullcrap
Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab
I was always against farming. But now having a farm zone in pretty little Atlas, where new players should have their first steps and first impression with the game, it's just inadmissible.
To the DEV's: Pls do somting like move the AE building off the low lvl zones (best option by me). Or at least restrict access to the building to either low lvl or high lvl toons
Why not make AE buildings into a zone, that you enter by using the door? That way you could also allow people to meet inside, even if they enter from different zones.
Black Light, Electricity/Devices Blaster at Union
White Knight, Illusion/Radiation Controller at Union
Obscurum est absentis lux lucis. Ego sum lux lucis!
Why not make AE buildings into a zone, that you enter by using the door? That way you could also allow people to meet inside, even if they enter from different zones.
[/ QUOTE ]
I consider this an ideal solution. Two thumbs way up!
For me, little destroys immersion quite so comprehensively as reams of OOC chatter, particularly when riddled with poor spelling, incomprehensible grammar, and all too often witless banter.
Occasionally it's grand, and I've seen some hilarious exchanges in /Broadcast... but it's a terrible first impression to give.
Just my two cents, anyway.
I logged an alt onto Union, this weekend. Very low alt so was in Atlas park. How things have changed on Union atlas. I guess its the AE building that all the broadcasts where orginating from. But if i was a new player to the game and made my first char on union id really be shocked to be flooded with nothign but farming requests all over broadcast the minute i logged in.
Is sad times now when one of the major meeting places, your first zone of the game is now crawling with the farmers and the like not a very welcoming place at all any more is atlas if folks then get caught up with farming at low level , and even tho if new the game is not gonna do much for them all taht content zones they will miss as the farmers bag them for thier ill gotton gane.
Sad to see Union atlas this way.
Defiant: Snow + many other alts
Arc ID 61069