28th April 2009




So that French board would whine instead of us?

Guys, seriously, they even promised that EU event would be different from US one, which hardly qualifies as "not giving a damn". And as I understand unfortumnate down-timing this week is related to AE cross-server nature (and the fact that it touches more of the game than market servers do. ) and would be there even if NC and PS were all right in the middle of the UK.



So that French board would whine instead of us?

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Hold on. French? W(h)ine? I am sure you missed a great pun opportunity there.



Given that people on the Eu Continent seem to be better at speaking multiple languages that the majority of the people in England, I wonder how bad the French and German community would take it if the english version of the announcements were posted a few hours in advance?

I would imagine most of them would be able to read the English version, so wouldn't worry too much about it.

And yes, I know I'm generalising somewhat, but my experience of friends around the world online is that they usually seem to speak english far better than my english friends do other languages

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



So that French board would whine instead of us?

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Hold on. French? W(h)ine? I am sure you missed a great pun opportunity there.

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DAMN! - pun of the century just waiting to be plundered and I'm afk!. /em,shucks.

*Mails a Beer to Ghostraptor with the attached note: "Only a week to go, take it easy!."



true. english native speakers are generally quite lazy... not intentionally though. I went out with a portuguese girl that had perfect english. all the songs she liked growign up, all the tv shows (they subtitle, not dub) were in english so its easier to learn ebcause they have more exposure. English speakers have to go out of their way to find media in foreign languages and most of us (unfortunately) cant be bothered.....



I normally prefer to post all EU announcements at the same time (so, EN, FR and DE all together). I'll publish the EN version shortly, however.

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It's five o'clock on a Friday, GhostRaptor. Forget the silly announcement and get thee to a pub already.



It's five o'clock on a Friday, GhostRaptor. Forget the silly announcement and get thee to a pub already.

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Will be here until 6pm. UK version of the announcement is up.



Ghosty, does that mean that we get Devs on our test server as well?
And competitions etc?

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There will be devs on EU Training Room. One of the competitions is global, there's a US-only competition, and an EU-only competition.

Avatea and myself should be kicking around on the Training Room as well.



One last thing GR, will we have to get our "best moments" in before tuesday or is that when it starts? My bet is thats when it starts but just to make sure!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



One last thing GR, will we have to get our "best moments" in before tuesday or is that when it starts? My bet is thats when it starts but just to make sure!

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That's when it starts ... full details will be announced in a separate post to the website.



Ghosty, does that mean that we get Devs on our test server as well?
And competitions etc?

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There will be devs on EU Training Room. One of the competitions is global, there's a US-only competition, and an EU-only competition.

Avatea and myself should be kicking around on the Training Room as well.

[/ QUOTE ]


Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



This all sounds very exciting. Looking forward to Tuesday. I would imagine the servers are going to be much busier than usual.



"CHAOS is going to break loose in-game on our anniversary date"

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Cripes! Haven't Any Original Selebrations!

Ok - it wasn't "Cripes!" originally...

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Did I win the acronym competition?

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



There will be devs on EU Training Room. One of the competitions is global, there's a US-only competition, and an EU-only competition.

Avatea and myself should be kicking around on the Training Room as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

Any rough guestimates of times when we might see someone? It's just a pain swapping servers every half hour or so.

And to save starting a new thread, the reactivation week doesn't seem to have happened.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



Any rough guestimates of times when we might see someone? It's just a pain swapping servers every half hour or so.

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Probably not while it is still barely morning in the USA.

I really should do something about this signature.



Probably not while it is still barely morning in the USA.

[/ QUOTE ]

So GR can't say when he's be on the server because it's still morning in America?

I would've thought there would be some kind of schedual or action plan for today's appearances though.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



What have i asked him to adapt? I haven't asked for anything to be changed

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



So GR can't say when he's be on the server because it's still morning in America?

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Why would you want to see GR? He isn't alowed to say anything.

I really should do something about this signature.



And to save starting a new thread, the reactivation week doesn't seem to have happened.

[/ QUOTE ]

Doesnt it say in the email that it starts 2moz?

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



So GR can't say when he's be on the server because it's still morning in America?

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Why would you want to see GR? He isn't alowed to say anything.

[/ QUOTE ]

Plus, why the test server, does that mean even the Reds cant be arsed to log in to the game?

Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.

Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966



Sorry Zortel. i should've noticed :P

I don't want to ask him anything Praf.

And it it definitely says 28th Damz.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle