What will a MA arc need to gain 5 stars?




What do you think will be your personal criteria that a MA arc will need to meet to get a 5-star rating?

Not going to go into much detail here before I actually get a chance to try the MA, but in rough order of importance to me...

Difficulty balance (equivalent in difficulty to the rest of the game for the most part. Advanced challenges are fine if you give a warning in the arc description, for EG "warning, this arc forces a Void Slayer boss to spawn, solo Kheldians may have problems" or "warning, 5 AV ambushes in a row." I'm guessing that MA arcs will lock us in Task Force mode and we won't be able to buy insps or get allies to help us.)

Plot (originality is not TOO important, as there only so many basic stories to tell, but you should have something to set your arc apart. Plot should also be appropriate to the game's theme and age rating IMO)

Variety (not 5 warehouses in a row, or a custom faction made up of enemies with exactly the same powers. Don't make playing your arcs boring please)

Consistency with the real game-world (arcs where Statesman beats up civilians and worships Satan probably wouldn't wash)

Spelling/grammar (spell check your writing please)

Enemy power choices (a good challenge and interesting)

Enemy costume design (not an eyesore)

Of course, any of the above might be ignored if the arc is meant to be funny, satirical or just weird, but they'd have to do it well.

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



I think I'd be inclined to rate an arc higher if it produces some form of emotional reaction in me - if it makes me smile (for tongue in cheek or just plain awesome reasons) or if it tugs my emotional heartstrings (ala Wretch).

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



Difficulty balance (equivalent in difficulty to the rest of the game for the most part. Advanced challenges are fine if you give a warning in the arc description, for EG "warning, this arc forces a Void Slayer boss to spawn, solo Kheldians may have problems" or "warning, 5 AV ambushes in a row." I'm guessing that MA arcs will lock us in Task Force mode and we won't be able to buy insps or get allies to help us.)

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Wouldn't have thought a warning need be so explicit that it becomes a spoiler! If it's possible to do then I'd actually expect many MA arcs to be harder than most existing dev-created content. I'd expect this from the number of threads you often see about how the game has become too easy (in the posters opinion, obviously) and MA may give players a way to rectify this perceived problem.

Consistency with the real game-world (arcs where Statesman beats up civilians and worships Satan probably wouldn't wash)


Of course, any of the above might be ignored if the arc is meant to be funny, satirical or just weird, but they'd have to do it well.

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Glad you included that last line.

From an in-game rationale some funny/satirical/weird arcs could be expected as AE (the company running MA mission simulators) is an entertainment company. Surely it's produce (MA missions) would stand a good chance of surpassing cinema/TV for mass entertainment... And like cinema/TV I'd expect some serious arcs (the dramas/thrillers) and some comedy and light entertainment. If done well my character wouldn't necessarily want/need this spelling out explicitly in the arc description - of course me (the player) wouldn't object to a pointer if an arc is too subtly tongue-in-cheek.

Game-world consistency can only go so far, especially in a game-reality where multiple dimensions and timelines are known to exist. I'm pretty darn sure that in the infinite possible universes the multiverse has a smaller infinity subset of universes where Statesman does beat up civillians and worships Satan.

And if the devs love a well-written arc which has Statesman doing this then it could become a devs choice and even become elevated to canon... Maybe unlikely - but PCC can lead to additions/changes to canon, so what is 'consistent' will have chance to change.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



I think I'd be inclined to rate an arc higher if it produces some form of emotional reaction in me - if it makes me smile (for tongue in cheek or just plain awesome reasons) or if it tugs my emotional heartstrings (ala Wretch).

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/em nod

Very true. one of my favorite arcs in CoV is "High Roller's Last Gamble for this very reason - [spoilers] the slot machine's almost puppy-like devotion to High Roller, and his Letter from Ploughkeepsie[/spoilers] There's nothing special about about the arc's missions themselves, it's the writing that makes that one special.

The main reason I put difficulty over plot though is that no amount of good writing will make an unwinnable battle fun.

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



My personal criteria for 5 stars is probably going to be a more overall impression of 'If this were a normal in-game mission, would I go out of my way to play it through again on a new character, and be disappointed if I levelled past and missed it?'

Although, on that basis, not all that many of the offical missions would get 5 stars.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



It needs wisecracking DOOM KITTENS. Obviously.

Other than that, I'd say: surprise me. I've been playing this game an awful long time and have tackled some of the harder challenges it's thrown at me. One of the best things about MA is this: no matter how much content the devs could put together in a lifetime, it's never going to be a match for what the community can do as a group mind... plus the very twisted minds of some of those folks out there. Ready to see what you lot can come up with.

...now, how do I build a forensics lab set, and where can I hide a nice comfy cardboard box for an NPC ally?

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



The main reason I put difficulty over plot though is that no amount of good writing will make an unwinnable battle fun.

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Further to my earlier reply about the difficulty - obviously shout it loud in the description if you write something that is meant to be nigh-on impossible to complete, or to be some sort of iron man challenge for only the hardiest characters.

But there's maybe no need to mention increased difficulty if it's just going up a couple of notches from usual missions - like a anti-khled boss or several spread-out AV ambushes would possibly be.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Hmm my own personal story arc I'm creating probably wont be original (hell there's rarely an original idea left in the world) but I plan to make it a homage of certain video games with the explanation that the games companies have become heavily invested in the Architect Entertainment as the next form of video games, players can experience their latest games as part of the game.

You, as a hero or villain, are given the opportunity to test these out for yourself as a means of blowing off some steam and then rate the overall feel of the game demo to provide feedback to their respective corporations.

Each mission will have a complete custom faction which will be a homage to a certain game.

I do hope we can include 8 Unique bosses and 1 EB, I need that to work for the second mission (which features such people as Fire Baron (Damned powerset), FlashFreeze (Lead Chiller powerset), Speed Master (hmm that'll probably be custom), Necrolord (BP Death shaman powerset), Electrocutioner (Juicer Chief powerset), Claw man (Mynx minion powerset), Red Demon (SS/WP set with eye laser) and finally Dr Y Lee in his battle suit (Dr Aeons powerset)).

Still hopefully I can get into EU closed beta and see if all this is actually possible...who knows...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



You can have up to 25 objectives per missions, so 8 bosses and an EB should be doable. And that sounds like a mission I'd like to play

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



awesome...also need 2 EBs for the first mission, one arriving as an ambush after you rescue (non-escort) Jill (old female veteran), Franchesca (Biker chick who hates everything), Louise (office worker) and the only male of the group, Joey (gamer guy) and then click on a Radio glowie...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I think it just needs to be unique. No "aaaaa x is trying to take over the world clear this building so you can find information oops you didn't find any go into another" and vice versa.

But here's the full critera;

Make it unique - No arc I play is gonna get 5 stars if it's some "go here, kill them" thing. A story has to be different from the other missions.

Act like the character would act - If you're going to write to something, write something that fits in with the character that you talk to is like. I don't want a drug dealing ganster to act all "Go and save them!" more like "Hey dude? Go and save dos b*****s who have my crack." (of course, not that kind of stuff would be allowed...)

Spelling and Grammar - If English is not your first language, I'll gladly accept any spelling mistakes. If so, then I'll be a bit annoyed if it's all "go adn kill da l33t vellain" or something. Remember, use real words. OK, fine, you can use supercariflighdealistcexpalidoeshus... (that's the one in Mary Poppins for anyone who can't understand it)

Micesllaneous - Don't make it too funny. Please try to keep it as friendly family as possible (that doesn't mean you can't have swearing, drugs etc depending on what the arc's about). And finally...doomkittens.



A miracle.

I really should do something about this signature.



Spelling and Grammar - If English is not your first language, I'll gladly accept any spelling mistakes. If so, then I'll be a bit annoyed if it's all "go adn kill da l33t vellain" or something. Remember, use real words. OK, fine, you can use supercariflighdealistcexpalidoeshus... (that's the one in Mary Poppins for anyone who can't understand it)

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Honestly If i see any arcs that are like that with the whole l33t bull dropping I aint going near it hehe



you can use supercariflighdealistcexpalidoeshus... (that's the one in Mary Poppins for anyone who can't understand it)

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Glad you clarified - as it was spooled wrnogly I didn't know what the heck it was.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)




Length: 5 missions is not too many, but I really dislike all the "prolongued missions", as in, "go there, well you found something but now go into this exactly same looking map with same enemies to find a similar glowie".

Story: In one word, enjoyable. Be it tongue in cheek, really well written roleplay'ish scene, or anything else.

Spelling and grammar: As Phantoms said earlier, no one will play through an arc all in l33t. At least I wont. Small spelling/grammar mistakes wont annoy me (even though I've developed an eye to spot them out. Unintentionally!) because I do that sort of mistakes myself, too.

Difficulty: I like challenging arcs. Praetorian AV arc solo against proper AVs was nice, but it was more like a test of endurance instead of a test of skill. I'm looking forward to rooms filled with high resistance/defense turrets or such with limited range attacks to make good use of positioning yourself.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



I think I'll rate almost everything as 5 stars - I'm pretty easy to please
Although, leet speak , unless it's to do with Freaks, will probably not get 5 stars

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Question, wasnt it just 3 missions in the arc? or I am thinking wrong, and GG I doubt you would rate a arc 5 stars if it was slagging people off now would you.



I'm quite sure it was 5 missions max per arc. Could be I'm wrong, though.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Question, wasnt it just 3 missions in the arc? or I am thinking wrong, and GG I doubt you would rate a arc 5 stars if it was slagging people off now would you.

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5 missions per arc.
3 arcs per account. Gain more by getting your arcs promoted to dev's choice or hall of fame.

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



Ahh thanks Leese, I knew it was 3 of something.



I think I'll rate almost everything as 5 stars - I'm pretty easy to please
Although, leet speak , unless it's to do with Freaks, will probably not get 5 stars

[/ QUOTE ]

That'll make Days and his planned Freak arc done entirely in leet speak happy.

He's a braver man than I!

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



Question, wasnt it just 3 missions in the arc? or I am thinking wrong, and GG I doubt you would rate a arc 5 stars if it was slagging people off now would you.

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5 missions per arc.
3 arcs per account. Gain more by getting your arcs promoted to dev's choice or hall of fame.

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Hall of fame = 1,000 5 star ratings, I think.

And no, I wouldn't give 5 stars to missions that seemed to be abusive

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



L33t has its place... E.g. a note written by a Freak may well be @11 1337$p3/\K. Other than that, - well, what everyone said. U wanna be top-rated u use spelcheker. it isn't an in-game chat or even forum, after all, no one rushes you. (That comes from someone who makes alot of typos and still doesn't understand why English has definite article, but no true subordinate clauses. )

Although, I wonder... Would mission texts in languages other than English be possible? Could be useful...



Hall of fame = 1000+ ratings with an avarage rating of 5 (rounded to the nearest whole number, so actually 4.5).

That's probably even harder to get than 1000 5 stars though.

I'm not even going to think about getting in the HoF (I think the devs will find they need to ajust the criteria for anyone to get in). I'm just going to create what I enjoy, and hope others enjoy it too.

I really should do something about this signature.



Apparantly there are badges for getting a mission in the Hall of Fame or Devs Choice. I forsee rating conspiracies springing up in the badging channels... remember when I9 was released and for days the only thing people talked about in the badging channels was trading alien tech back and forward? :P

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.