Any New Booster Packs On The Way?




Ok daft Question - just had a new card so had to redo my details, but once my card details have gone through and it states "transaction approved" I dont need to click the "apply serial code" button do I?

Just currently sitting on that page, not knowing whether to advance or not to make some more coffee while I wake up and figure out why im being so dumb today.

(edit - never mind, didnt need to, just being daft)

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



So whats gonna be in the Magic booster pack? My money is on a Tommy Cooper style Fez hat costume piece!

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i remember reading an interview with Posi (but not where it was), and he mentioned that this pack would have content linked to the stage magician as well as the arcane. so my guess would be, yes. something like a fez probably some new emotes for using a wand and a pointy hat! we desperately need a pointy hat! (with stars on it) and perhaps even a robe

jbWarsmith out!

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Yes.. but we need the possibility of SHOWING HAIR with them hats. We do have the sorceress hat, but im NOT going to use that on any char that actually has long hair. I would only use it on chars who are bold, and since i don't have any chars that are bold, so much for that... meh!

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Apply Serial Code > Apply to your account (I have 3 CoH ones listed, the 3rd being an odd error, the second being my second account that I don't use, so I applied it to the first.


I can finally make a cool looking swordsman with decent armour.


The Valkyrie glove bump over the fists appears through the shield.



don't have any chars that are bold

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They all sniveling cowards then?

PRAF from the future says: Odds of pointy hats with hair: Very high

I really should do something about this signature.



I hate splitted US and EU servers. Now i have to choose wich side to continue, not gonna buy 3 valk packs..

So i chosen my US account, dispite my 42 and 45 vet EU accounts. Servermerge.. please.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



So whats gonna be in the Magic booster pack? My money is on a Tommy Cooper style Fez hat costume piece!

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i remember reading an interview with Posi (but not where it was), and he mentioned that this pack would have content linked to the stage magician as well as the arcane. so my guess would be, yes. something like a fez probably some new emotes for using a wand and a pointy hat! we desperately need a pointy hat! (with stars on it) and perhaps even a robe

jbWarsmith out!

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Yes.. but we need the possibility of SHOWING HAIR with them hats. We do have the sorceress hat, but im NOT going to use that on any char that actually has long hair. I would only use it on chars who are bold, and since i don't have any chars that are bold, so much for that... meh!

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i get your point, but i dont think this is the right place to bring up that subject. hats showing hair or not is a completely different subjuct, as it should be a complete makeover of all hats available, and not an option included in a pack bought seperately from the core game.

jbWarsmith out!



well i just got the new pack, im pc not mac and its works fine. well worth it.



I hate splitted US and EU servers. Now i have to choose wich side to continue, not gonna buy 3 valk packs..

So i chosen my US account, dispite my 42 and 45 vet EU accounts. Servermerge.. please.

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Hey, now don't start THAT again.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I hate splitted US and EU servers. Now i have to choose wich side to continue, not gonna buy 3 valk packs..

So i chosen my US account, dispite my 42 and 45 vet EU accounts. Servermerge.. please.

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To go of topic slightly (sorry) is it not now more expensive to play on the US servers what with the rather poor exchange rate? I would imagin any booster pack is also more expensive as well?

Quick edit to change the censored word to something not censored



I hate splitted US and EU servers. Now i have to choose wich side to continue, not gonna buy 3 valk packs..

So i chosen my US account, dispite my 42 and 45 vet EU accounts. Servermerge.. please.

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To go of topic slightly (sorry) is it not now more expensive to play on the US servers what with the rather [censored] exchange rate? I would imagin any booster pack is also more expensive as well?

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Yeah, it is. Still, he's the one who made that choice.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



To go of topic slightly (sorry) is it not now more expensive to play on the US servers what with the rather [censored] exchange rate? I would imagin any booster pack is also more expensive as well?

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Not really. The Mac pack is 19.99 USD, while EU i believe its 15.99 Euro. My convert rate for the US mac was 13,52.

So saves me like 2 euro.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



ah so your not UK based so don't have our naff exchange rate lucky you.



Valkyrie pack also contains sword, but no mace or axe...not even a shield...



To go of topic slightly (sorry) is it not now more expensive to play on the US servers what with the rather [censored] exchange rate? I would imagin any booster pack is also more expensive as well?

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Not really. The Mac pack is 19.99 USD, while EU i believe its 15.99 Euro. My convert rate for the US mac was 13,52.

So saves me like 2 euro.

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except you have to pay tax for the Us version as well, so there goes those 2 euro.




except you have to pay tax for the Us version as well, so there goes those 2 euro.

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Ermm no? I only payed $19.99, nothing more.


The Valkyrie glove bump over the fists appears through the shield.

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Easy fix, select smooth/bare -> Valkyrie, you get the 'flat' ones (but with the 'graphics') that work for shields just fine.

Edit, and for those who wonder, the mission teleporter is usable from any place, even outside the zone the mission is. recharge is 2 hours.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Some random thoughts on the Valkyrie costume pieces.

Overall they look awesome. But something i noticed when i was playing around in icon for a couple of hours.

- I want boots without that big bump on knees. I can go without the bump on gloves, shoulders and wings. But not boots. Two versions without the bumps, wings and no wings.

- For the top and bottom valkyrie pattern, i'd like to see the scales being larger so they actually match the scalemail skirt.

- I'd like to see shoulders without the bump but with the wings on em.

And lastly, most a curisoity, why are the wings so much bigger on males than females? female wings are perfect size imo, on the males they just look ridiculously huge.
Also there's alot of clipping issues with these new wings. Specially when they flap (they go thru my head) and when standing idle, they clip into my legs and back.



A question came up on the other thread.

That the application of the Valk pack bumps up your vet reward time by a month?

Have I misunderstood or would it be the case if I have 2 months left to my next vet reward (important one this, nemesis staff) that applying the valk code would reduce this to 1 month till reward.

Doesnt seem right but great if its true?????



Seems hugely unlikely; the vet rewards are granted for the time that's actually elapsed while your account's active, not the amount of paid for (but not elapsed) time "in the bank".



it's not true. It does bump veteran rewards time by one month. Says 4 years 4 months on my account, and paid time 4 years 2 months. I'm supposed to get 51 month reward on 11th jan and i did not get it when i applied valk pack. Might look see if 54 month will come on 11th march instead of april. But gotta wait until i get to that billing period to see it.



Jay has spilled some of the beans about the "magic" pack:

Just so you know, because knowledge is power. Robes, skirts, and other shoot that goes beyond the knee looks like trash. I have tried to make a long skirt but it just doesn’t work out to my high standards of fine quality. If I think it looks bad that means you; the players, will loathe it even more.

What I have going on for the magic set; that is done and complete, is a compromise. I wouldn’t call it a robe per say, it’s more like a cloak of sorts. I don’t know when marketing is going to release pics and [censored], but I think that you guys will like what I did.

Magic is a pretty broad theme and trying to wrap it up in a single costume set was a bit of a task. I ended up breaking what I had in mind in to male and female sets. I try to please the masses but I know somebody out there is going to say “oh man, why didn’t he include this, or that?” and to that I say tough nutz.

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I really should do something about this signature.



Jay has spilled some of the beans about the "magic" pack:

Just so you know, because knowledge is power. Robes, skirts, and other shoot that goes beyond the knee looks like trash. I have tried to make a long skirt but it just doesn’t work out to my high standards of fine quality. If I think it looks bad that means you; the players, will loathe it even more.

What I have going on for the magic set; that is done and complete, is a compromise. I wouldn’t call it a robe per say, it’s more like a cloak of sorts. I don’t know when marketing is going to release pics and [censored], but I think that you guys will like what I did.

Magic is a pretty broad theme and trying to wrap it up in a single costume set was a bit of a task. I ended up breaking what I had in mind in to male and female sets. I try to please the masses but I know somebody out there is going to say “oh man, why didn’t he include this, or that?” and to that I say tough nutz.

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[/ QUOTE ]sound like we getting a bath robe....come out fighting crime with a Loofah and a rubber duck....don't underestimate the duck power's



A question came up on the other thread.

That the application of the Valk pack bumps up your vet reward time by a month?

Have I misunderstood or would it be the case if I have 2 months left to my next vet reward (important one this, nemesis staff) that applying the valk code would reduce this to 1 month till reward.

Doesnt seem right but great if its true?????

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Not the case, as said its put in 'reserve'. Likewise, if you got a brand new account and pay 12months straight away, you wont get veterans untill your playtime reach the needed vet.months (so 3 months after your payment you will get your first one).

Jay is good, unlike many games that just trash in huge clipping clothing, his standard is a taddy higher. Like the valk set, you can use different gloves to counter the shield clipping.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



I'm agreeing with the above post, before I applied the CoV collectors edition code (also comes with a months free game time) and the dates for my Veteran rewards haven't changed...will double check my PlayNC account now to see if they vet rewards have been bumped back a month

Edit: hasn't been bumped back a whole month, it's gone from the 26th of Feb to the 2nd of March...interesting...though I have the theory that because the monthly bump date puts it during the Christmas holidays (normally get vet rewards on the 26th of November) they've only bumped it a bit.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Great pack, Jay is so sexy! Provided the perfect finishing touches to a couple of my characters. Havent used the complete set for a character yet. Oh and the cape is pure awesome. Mission tp is great and is worth the price alone.

- I want boots without that big bump on knees. I can go without the bump on gloves, shoulders and wings. But not boots. Two versions without the bumps, wings and no wings.

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You also get a valkyrie option under Tights/Smooth(?) for boots if you want a less over the top version. Gives the valkyrie scale pattern with a bit of shiney metal on the front.



Great pack, Jay is so sexy! Provided the perfect finishing touches to a couple of my characters. Havent used the complete set for a character yet. Oh and the cape is pure awesome. Mission tp is great and is worth the price alone.

- I want boots without that big bump on knees. I can go without the bump on gloves, shoulders and wings. But not boots. Two versions without the bumps, wings and no wings.

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You also get a valkyrie option under Tights/Smooth(?) for boots if you want a less over the top version. Gives the valkyrie scale pattern with a bit of shiney metal on the front.

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Aye i know, but i want the awesome style of the lower part of the boot, the triangle looking styling without the over the top kneecap bubble.