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  1. GFood to see another thread taken over by back biting. Thank you to those with genuine comments. You never know what the future holds, may see you around.

    PS I have no problem with GG, its just a random comment.
  2. Gonna make some noobs day with a cossie competion with a 200 mill first prize.

    or maybe a full set of numina's
  3. Hi All,
    Not many people know me although I have been playing on Union for nearly 4 years. I find it a little self congratulatory when people announce they are leaving. So in that spirit I am leaving hte game too.
    MA was the death for me. Every weekend I and my housemate would play with our flame rads and get a level or so for a few hours. Our third member was a friend who moved to the US who I introduced to the game when we lived together and COH was a great chance for us to have a chat and catch up for a few hours on a saturday afternoon (much to GF's annoyance). Now we level too quickly, the tempatation is to go to MA (as we are supposed to do) and grind the mishes. Hollows is not what it was, and I never could get into villains.

    My housemate has faded leaving me and my US friend and I cant bear to play on my own when there is no one else there. I havent even downlaoded I15.

    So I retire, still clutching my hard won badges on Mr C.

    Tried playing warhammer but it feels lonely. Not as lonely however as the streets I once walked which were teeming. I played with everyone in a PUG at some stage no doubt. SO I wish you all luck.

    So self immolation done I'm out. It will seem nothing for everyone else reading this but for me it's a lot of time and investment I'm ending now.

    Writing is on the wall people, bear that in mind and it won't hurt as much when the end comes.

    PS I never could get over having my main char name changed from Hersoos. Religious line crossing my [censored]!

    <over and out>
  4. Everyone is pointing the finger at one another farmers, anti farmers shouting at each other.

    We are actually all on the same side if you think about it. The onus is with the devs. Its their game and we play it. We play the content they provided. What they have provided has led to an explosion of new content, player created, some of which people like some of which people hate.

    The devs are responsible whether or not they are right or wrong. Irrespective of whether you love farming, dont care or hate it THEY have introduced a devisive update which has split the community.

    At least the community which can be bothered to post about it.
  5. If you dont want people to exploit the game then dont implement an update with such massive scope for exploitation. Im sick of being talked too like a child like this. I pay you the money, you make the game, I play it any way I enjoy, pay you money again, ensure I am respectful to others. full stop. Do they really want me to leave after all this time?

    I pay my money, I play the game as I wish within the boundaries of common decency.

    What next? Banning people for being to eager to get xp, joining too many teams, talking to too many people? Banning books?

    5th column
  6. Very upset I have been charged twice for this.

    Support has been contcted.

    Not good at all after I loyally bought this product.

  7. carpenter_EU

    The Money Pit

    Yeah, to clarify Im not begrugging it at all. For that amount of money to keep me entertained of an evening and weekedn is literally nothing. Plus all the women who have left me over COH has saved a fiar amount in dinner, flowers etc
  8. I had a dream about standing under a giant man holding a huge ball. When I woke up I was covered in sweat and was gripping a CD-ROM.

    Im on my 3rd girlfirend since that day.....
  9. carpenter_EU

    The Money Pit

    You are correct sir, it was a random stab to get the ball rolling and I hadnt considered that (it was 3 years ago!)

    I actually had a different account starting at the beginning so that another chunk I forgot.

    Look more like:

    Original game 24.99 24.99
    City of villains 24.99 24.99
    Valkyrie pack for 2nd account 9.99 9.99
    Cyborg pack 5.99 5.99
    Bonus items pack (mmm badges) 5.99 5.99
    36 month main account 8.99 x 36 305.66
    Ols account 80.91
    3 month Bot account 3 x 8.99 26.97

    to think I bought my first computer game on tape for £1.99, of course it only worked the first 10 Loads but hey...
  10. carpenter_EU

    The Money Pit

    Add up all your accounts and game purcahses for COX and post the total. Its eye opening. I hope the kid who bought that kidney I sold is doing well.....

    Original game 24.99
    City of villains 24.99
    Valkyrie pack for 2nd account 9.99
    Cyborg pack 5.99
    Bonus items pack (mmm badges) 5.99
    36 month main account 8.99 x 36
    3 month Bot account 3 x 8.99


    There has to be someone who has done a grand not including internet time and new PCs to run it(cos that makes mine over a grand to play this game for 3 years)?

    <Throws down Gauntlet>

    Have a go, lets see the fibre of your fabric!
  11. opens the door....

    music stops......

    everyone looks up from their keyboards.....
  12. I forgot the 13th step

  13. No GR posts today either not since 6:11 last night, only redname to have posted at all yesterday was the mysterious Administrator in the US......erm.....

    Quick recap of the tthread so far

    1. Speculation
    2 . Inuuendo and jokey Doom
    3. Fact creeps in
    4. Doom solifies
    5. Facts confirmed
    6. Specualtion
    7. Wild speculation
    8. Panic at the disco
    9. Blame
    10. Arm waving
    11. Conjecture
    12. Sleep

    How many more stages are there?
  14. carpenter_EU

    Follow AI

    I wasnt trying to suggest that Id be AFK the whole mission, again this falls into categories of people wanting useful things and it being spoiled by people who want to exploit. Selfishly I'm not interested in what other people do to exploit the game, I pay my money to play how I like and there are things i think could be better. Having my char level as they follow someone is not my idea of fun. Besides i wouldnt expect them to auto enter missions and the like when teaming arcs, just be able to get over a [censored] wall once in a while.

    I am talking mainly from a second account buff bot way, thats how I have found myself having fun on the game as a fresh thing to do many years after I started my subscription.

    I think this is pretty reasonable.
  15. carpenter_EU

    Follow AI

    Just a quick suggestion.

    I like to twin box with my little buffer and I. The follow AI sucks though. My little mate keeps getting caught on the smallest of steps and well dont even mention trying to do a cavern mish. I'm not just talking about boxing here, following a team mate to a mission is pointless if you need a BIO or something unless you have fly turned on and even then you come back to find yourself like a bee trapped against a glass window on some building.

    So my suggestion is, why can't the follow AI be attuned to teh AI for rescued NPCs? They aren't perfect sure and do get lost but its a damn site better than the follow AI.
  16. Just got my 500th on the weekend on my main Mr Carpenter! thanks to the Sals badgehunters channel for all the advice and teaming to get this far!
  17. Same thing happened to me trying to hunt skyraider engineers in Striga, how to attracted their attention without mashing them to a tiny little SR pulp. Thought Id use my bow and arrow temp, sadly it went clean through the engineers chest. Poor little guy didnt have a chance.
  18. carpenter_EU

    I miss......

    I miss golden girl....she hasnt posted for over 15 seconds
  19. carpenter_EU


    Out of interest, what with lots of people saying goodbye and what seems like an equal amount of people returning what were your reasons for coming back???

    Im writing a book on this (not really)

    Was it personal?
    Were you on a nother MMO?
    Did you miss us?
  20. Hey, did this happen, ive been wracking my brains trying to get these badges
  21. I can confirm it was me! In the bustling arena!
  22. A question came up on the other thread.

    That the application of the Valk pack bumps up your vet reward time by a month?

    Have I misunderstood or would it be the case if I have 2 months left to my next vet reward (important one this, nemesis staff) that applying the valk code would reduce this to 1 month till reward.

    Doesnt seem right but great if its true?????
  23. carpenter_EU

    Graphics cards

    Your best bet is, they look monthly at old and new cards and compare them in tables and the like. There is also a lot of background reading if you need to brush up too.
  24. Posi TF for me tonight with my sepcial built Def and my mates blaster. Looks like we can get in done in 2 hours for a decent amount of merits.....but it's not farming as I havent done it before!!!

    I think the new IO set is Winters something

    More merits for completing things = less random roles, but it is all still random, theres no selecting luck of the gambler!