Follow AI




Just a quick suggestion.

I like to twin box with my little buffer and I. The follow AI sucks though. My little mate keeps getting caught on the smallest of steps and well dont even mention trying to do a cavern mish. I'm not just talking about boxing here, following a team mate to a mission is pointless if you need a BIO or something unless you have fly turned on and even then you come back to find yourself like a bee trapped against a glass window on some building.

So my suggestion is, why can't the follow AI be attuned to teh AI for rescued NPCs? They aren't perfect sure and do get lost but its a damn site better than the follow AI.



/afk entire mission
Now with an addad twist! Stand in the way of people trying to get fight.
Which is why I say /unsigned



I hoped this was suggesting an upgraded to the shocking AI used by NPC hostages and pets...obviously not. That DOES need a fix, however. If a player is set to follow, for whatever reason, you may as well tell the person you are following. That way they can keep an eye on you. If you're following simply to afk an entire mission, you deserve whatever hits you, IMO

Fix pet and hostage AI please? That'd be more worthwhile.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I wasnt trying to suggest that Id be AFK the whole mission, again this falls into categories of people wanting useful things and it being spoiled by people who want to exploit. Selfishly I'm not interested in what other people do to exploit the game, I pay my money to play how I like and there are things i think could be better. Having my char level as they follow someone is not my idea of fun. Besides i wouldnt expect them to auto enter missions and the like when teaming arcs, just be able to get over a [censored] wall once in a while.

I am talking mainly from a second account buff bot way, thats how I have found myself having fun on the game as a fresh thing to do many years after I started my subscription.

I think this is pretty reasonable.



Oh I was just mentioning a possible problem with it.

If you go afk you go afk... Rather than running a couple of macros/commands playing the game while you are getting a drink.(oh boy this line will probably get abused alot now...)

spoiled by people who want to exploit.

[/ QUOTE ]
second account buff bot

[/ QUOTE ]
= *head asplode*!



You mentioned your reason in the first post. Fair doos to, I personally have no problem with that, nor anyone elses play style so long as it doesnt detract from my own enjoyment.

But if they impproved the pet and ally AI first, they could probably apply that a bit to those on follow. Its just thta Pet and Ally AI is a much bigger problem (Imo at least) right now, seeing as certain ATs like MMs rely heavily on Pet AI which, when borked, can cause major havoc.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.