Community Information Terminals
I did noticed that a couple of days ago. Not that I check them regularly though. I just clicked on it.
The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games
I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
They're pretty much a waste of space, tbh. Back in the day you would look at who was today's hero but frankly, it's pretty much useless now.
I thought they'd been broken for a while now ?
This happened around issue 13's release.
Theres my post in the known issues thread Also further along someone mentioned they made a thread about it in the player questions section (iirc). You sir have just been thread busted
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Couldn't they be used to give out... y'know, -Community- information? Or help in the game or something?
I always found it a little pointless before.
Couldn't they be used to give out... y'know, -Community- information? Or help in the game or something?
I always found it a little pointless before.
[/ QUOTE ]
Glad i'm not the only one who thought this
Couldn't they be used to give out... y'know, -Community- information? Or help in the game or something?
I always found it a little pointless before.
[/ QUOTE ]
Glad i'm not the only one who thought this
[/ QUOTE ]i still waiting for it to come to villain side, so i can turn it upside down and see if it rains inf everywhere or hack into and change my prestiege earned maw ha ha ha
I must admit I've never really seen the point of them... a very under-used resource. I can't even say I know anyone who refers to them or checks them out or anything.
Maybe they need to do something funky with them and the telephone terminals too

Thelonious Monk
I must admit I've never really seen the point of them... a very under-used resource. I can't even say I know anyone who refers to them or checks them out or anything.
Maybe they need to do something funky with them and the telephone terminals too
[/ QUOTE ]well i did do a monthly concest with them if your name appeared in the top 3 for kills enemy you get inf for it......was a good and fun event
I must admit I've never really seen the point of them... a very under-used resource. I can't even say I know anyone who refers to them or checks them out or anything.
Maybe they need to do something funky with them and the telephone terminals too
[/ QUOTE ]well i did do a monthly concest with them if your name appeared in the top 3 for kills enemy you get inf for it......was a good and fun event
[/ QUOTE ]
Never even got a whisper of that
I'd like to see them far more community based... maybe picking the newest events for the server etc. (Probably too labour intensive sadly)

Thelonious Monk
Maybe they need to do something funky with them and the telephone terminals too
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, the telephones are there to support patrol missions.
And if they actually did do anything useful with them, they would need to implement something similar red-side, and, let's face it, anything like that on the Isles would need built in chain guns to keep the vandals off.
Let them rot, says I.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
Maybe they need to do something funky with them and the telephone terminals too
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, the telephones are there to support patrol missions.
And if they actually did do anything useful with them, they would need to implement something similar red-side, and, let's face it, anything like that on the Isles would need built in chain guns to keep the vandals off.
Let them rot, says I.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah they'd have to, and I'm not saying it's easy but it could be a very good community linkage - from, for example, the game to the forums etc.
Since they are there, let's make the most of them

Thelonious Monk
Linking the forums to the game would be... how to put this... a significant technical challenge.
Far more likely would be the ability to drop notices into the game database which would then be shown on the terminals on the servers concerned.
Now, I can see this working for some things, like a calendar of standard events, though it would be a little immersion damaging that you could do to an in-game terminal and ask when the Rikti were invading next.
It could be used for more character-based 'adverts' like announcements of costume competitions or PvP events organised by players. That would likely work well in the US where the staff is bigger and someone could spend a little time once a day (or week) adding in new events, but over here the staff have enough strains on their resources.
The other big problems are:
1. If there aren't any events to display, it makes the game look less used and is bad for PR.
2. The terminals would suffer from the fact that everyone thinks they are useless and don't look. The only people likely to notice they have a new purpose would be those who read the forums... and they can already find out about these events from the forums.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
I certainly agree with the challenge aspect but I think they could be used as a good way of generating interest in the forums which then helps grow the community. It might be something of a "chicken/egg" discussion but you never know til you try. A few well timed broadcasts etc would soon spread the word... but yes, revelations of the next rikti invasion etc would be a bit self-defeating.
But equally, Supergroups could advertise, community event (ski times, for example?) and similar stuff could be done.
Man hours seems to be the biggest issue.

Thelonious Monk
Maybe they need to do something funky with them and the telephone terminals too
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, the telephones are there to support patrol missions.
And if they actually did do anything useful with them, they would need to implement something similar red-side, and, let's face it, anything like that on the Isles would need built in chain guns to keep the vandals off.
Let them rot, says I.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah they'd have to, and I'm not saying it's easy but it could be a very good community linkage - from, for example, the game to the forums etc.
Since they are there, let's make the most of them
[/ QUOTE ]sorry i should of said it was a SG thing
I can confirm it was me! In the bustling arena!
Did anyone notice that the Community Information Terminals don't list any recorded information anymore?
I couldn't even select other timeframes, just 'today'
Oh, the only bit of info that's not 0 or null was on the Arena Gladiator entry: Mr Carpenter and Volyova both had 1500.
This was on Union, 22:20pm UK time, btw
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.