No recipes after TFs?
It is because of the merit system, which has replaced the old TF rewards.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

Oh dear, well saves getting Trap of the Hunter a 1000 times over.
No, 'cos you can buy random rolls.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
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I ran Citadel in Defiant last night, at the end I was awarded 30 Merits and no selection window (recipes and/or enhacenments list, I mean) showed up. Then I went to a Merit Vendor and bought a Random Task Force recipe, which was a new IO set one, I can't remember its name.

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).
My alts:
Posi TF for me tonight with my sepcial built Def and my mates blaster. Looks like we can get in done in 2 hours for a decent amount of merits.....but it's not farming as I havent done it before!!!
I think the new IO set is Winters something
More merits for completing things = less random roles, but it is all still random, theres no selecting luck of the gambler!
Did they finally name an IO set after me? Fantastic!
'Winter Flare's Sarcasm' - High level knockback for blaster attacks?
[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]@Winter Flare[/COLOR] - [url=""] The New Guardians[/url] - [url=""] 1211 Badges [/url][/B]
Did they finally name an IO set after me? Fantastic!
'Winter Flare's Sarcasm' - High level knockback for blaster attacks?
[/ QUOTE ]
More likely a sleep
Whatever works :P
[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]@Winter Flare[/COLOR] - [url=""] The New Guardians[/url] - [url=""] 1211 Badges [/url][/B]
Posi TF for me tonight with my sepcial built Def and my mates blaster. Looks like we can get in done in 2 hours for a decent amount of merits.....but it's not farming as I havent done it before!!!
I think the new IO set is Winters something
More merits for completing things = less random roles, but it is all still random, theres no selecting luck of the gambler!
[/ QUOTE ]
If it's the Winter travel set then that's been around for a while - it gives universal movement plus some fairly meh set bonuses.
I think the new IO set is Winters something
[/ QUOTE ]
There are several new IO sets. Three 'Accurate XXX Buff' sets and a couple of Universal Travel sets that I remember. Probably more than that.
It probably was not the Winter Travel one, which is to be given away during the Winter event, AFAIK.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
Going to try an "slightly quicker" ITF tonight and I might just buy a random tf rewqard recipie for giggles.
Being told that People are not getting the option for Recipes after doing TFs, is this because of the new merit system? or did someone [censored] up?