Known Issues: 3rd December 2008; 18.20081105.7T3
[ QUOTE ][*]Changing chat bubble color through the Options menu will not change the appearance of the player's chat bubbles in-game.
[/ QUOTE ]
w00t, hope that it will be fixed soon as this particular one is driving me nuts!

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide
Regeneration/Resilience lacking smashing resistance (it's always had it).
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, that sucks. It least it's not like there's much smashing reistance missing...
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
I don't actually know if this is a bug or it's just me but i was playing my WS today and the fall damage is huge. Usually it takes a bit off and thats that. Today i didnt fall far after TP and it was knocking me down to 1hp, it was like i'd jumped off a skyscraper or something.
it's probably just me, but thought i'd let you know.
The above is only my opinion, please don't hate me for it

SG: Suicidal Maniacs @Aurealis
GhostRaptor: Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.
Seems you also cant break Co-als anymore
[ QUOTE ][*]Shields/Costume: Lots of glove costume pieces clips into ALL/some shields.
[/ QUOTE ]Can we keep this for the Enforcer gloves? Looks awesome with Tech Shield 1.
[ QUOTE ][*]Costume: Female>Lower Body>Pants>Flared Pants are no longer available in the costume creator or tailors
[/ QUOTE ]This happened with the Office Belt for all characters when i12 was launched. Can we get that back, too?
[ QUOTE ][*]Protector bots pretty much always get stuck on Seeker Drones.
[/ QUOTE ]Fixed that for you.
[ QUOTE ][*]Regeneration/Resilience lacking smashing resistance (it's always had it).
[/ QUOTE ]Funny, this bug was actually reported during Beta...
There's a few other bugs I'm sure your aware of but I'll put them anyway...
Consignments don't load properly, sometimes I have to open it then close and reopen just to view my consignments, also if I've been viewing another of my toons consignments it will load their consignment and I have to reload the window again.
Base editing has a few, main ones:
Already specified is the 'unable to move' which I find annoying but easily sorted by clicking the tile on the floor next to me whenever I want to move. There's also placement of items where they don't follow the placement size to space ratio and some items can overlap, the height placement was already listed.
Moving rooms location: if a room contains a couple of items the room will not move to a new location even if the door blocks are free from obstruction, it can be very frustrating having to build another room to empty the one your trying to move. Also after editing the base then exiting the editor and leaving the base the game crashes, it's happened to me far more times than being a co-incidence.
Server and power lag: Powers when activated either don't display the action or display the action and keep the activation in progress circle running until that power has been re-used once it's able to or you zone. Sounds for powers repeat on a loop once they're activated for a few seconds before finishing the files sound.
Other players run on the spot, even if they have already stood still, or stutter past like an echo of their passage.
Vehicles and pedestrians stutter around like they're not sure where they are supposed to be at that particular second. And all this happens even if your just stood still watching it happen.
Crashes: I have on a few occasions been forcibly disconected from the server with no reason or warning but a message saying that I have, only to log on to find that the server is still running and players are still playing, I've crashed from looking at badges, zoning and taking a sip of my drink while stood still doing nothing.
Character Creation: some tile sets have been mentioned as not loading or unavailable, along with some colour problems.
Loading a saved creation also leaves both colours selected as black no matter what sub-catagory you select or what colour that catagory already is. Also when your using the new sets some of them will not show both weapon and shield when you select one of them to edit while others do... not to mention an unknown error that reverts your selected weapon and shield to it's origional unselected set before you go ingame. My brother ended up ingame with the base selected weapons other than his choice twice before he gave up making his toon. I myself had it happen once, but didn't get ingame (name already taken so went back to change colour scheme a little) and noticed the selected weapons had reverted back.
Now before anyone starts saying things like "it's your machine" I'd like to add here that I thought that too...
I run on Windows Vista 32-bit operating system, Dual-Core Intel Pentium D CPU 3.20Ghz processor clocked to 3.84Ghz, 2g Ram, GeForce 9400 GT Graphics card with 512mb GDDR2 128bit dedicated memory and realtech High definition sound. All drivers fully updated.
I even tried re-installing windows vista and all the drivers incase something was faulty within one of them.
Not sure if these errors have been reported and solutions are being made (though I hope they are) but I thought i'd address them here so other people can clarify any of this and they can get sorted if not already being done so
Server and power lag: Powers when activated either don't display the action or display the action and keep the activation in progress circle running until that power has been re-used once it's able to or you zone. Sounds for powers repeat on a loop once they're activated for a few seconds before finishing the files sound.
Other players run on the spot, even if they have already stood still, or stutter past like an echo of their passage.
Vehicles and pedestrians stutter around like they're not sure where they are supposed to be at that particular second. And all this happens even if your just stood still watching it happen.
[/ QUOTE ]
So its not just me
Any idea when, if ever, this is going to be fixed? Its a really nasty problem at times, especially in missions on higher diffs and such. Complete lock up resulted in a team faceplant one time, which really sucked.
Surely to goodness this could have been fixed by now?
-sits back and waits for the flamestorm-
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Sorry for double-posting GR, as I had created a specific thread, but as this seems to be the proper place, you can delete my other thread... my point is that some double-badge Day Jobs locations don't work properly in comparison to test server, at least the few I've already checked, like Vanguard Base in RWZ; it should award 2 badges for logging out INSIDE Vanguard Base and NEAR Portal Base, but when I logged in last night only the Vanguard one showed a progress bar.

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).
My alts:
anyone having auction house problems? I just managed to place several overlapping bids in the same slot on WW.
I got the auction house busy message a few times first, then way more cash than I had entered was used to buy the item, went back through my chat log and they added up to the amount the acution house deducted :'(

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide
I've noticed a couple of minor issues with the recipe window.
1) The minimum width has increased by about 50%. This makes trading and crafting rather fiddly. The reason is that I can't have the Wentworths, recipes and salvage windows open at the same time without them overlapping.
2) If you are on the "All" tab in the recipe window, change the selections and then close the window then the selections return to the default when you re-open the window.
Please can we return to the old behaviour.
just another issue in case its been missed..
[*] you cant actually load a costume in the costume editor and then buy it for some reason.

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide
Wentworths badges are not tracking properly - at least I hope they're not.
I just gained the badge for selling 5000 items, and decided to take a look at it, and then I found... THIS.
By my understanding of how these badges work, I should have 5090, not 90.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

Wall items are obscenely hard to place on walls. They either insist on sticking in midair, or just not placing in a majority of cases. Base editing is generally alright, but the wall items are incredibly jittery.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
[ QUOTE ][*]Changing chat bubble color through the Options menu will not change the appearance of the player's chat bubbles in-game.
[/ QUOTE ]
Probably related to this but its different enough for me to point out.
While playing I have noticed that the colour of the bubbles for lackeys getting out of range have gone to the standard white background with almost black text. They no longer show the yellow and red backgrounds (which is vaguely annoying when fighting near the edge of lackey range)
öhm i hope this is the wright place for it..
ok, i have also a new problem/bug since was on the test and now on the live...
the instructions-invention-window obove the power bars is my problem.
when i open it, it has the the sice of more than the half monitor und i only can make it bigger, not smaller.
also the window dont remember if one of the flags has been set. vor example the invention-instruction flag. normally i open it and view if there are new one's, but now i have to open it again, and again , and again...
does someone else know this issue?
hello, i have noticed that my scrappers are doing less damage in i13 than thay were in i12.
I first noticed it on the day of release of i13 when i was fiting a lvl 50 CoT death mage on my fiery melee, fiery aura scrapper, i used to get 770 points of damage out of Incinerate on a Death mage and menny other NPC's, now i get 550 damage from Incinerate when both build up and Fiery Embrace are active and all my attacks are weaker, alos i notice that build up only adds an extra 40 points of damage to my attacks, im sure it used to add alot more than that, i think its all to do with build up.
My attacks do the same damage as thay used to in i12 when not buffed but build up seems much less effective for me now. I have done a bug report but nothing has been done, others i speek to say thay havent noticed any difrence in there powers damage.
anyone els having the same problem?
Arachnos Soldiers that choose Crab Spider as either a primary or secondary build will not be able to remove the backpack from their costumes.
[/ QUOTE ]
will be be able to remove them after a patch?
Story arc bonus not being awarded in some cases - I get Merits, but no bonus for some story arcs. But I still get the bonus AND merits at other times.
"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon
Myopic Aardvark on Twitter
The problem with the base editing, in particular the placing of items on 2 sides (east and south I think) is rather annoying, but you can get around this until it is fixed by getting the height you want on one of the other two walls and moving the item onto the wall you want at that height, since it won't change height on those walls it'll stay at the height you set.
[ QUOTE ][*]A rare bug can cause tells to appear with incomplete player names and messages.
[/ QUOTE ]
Any idea when this 'rare' bug will be fixed please, as it's happening 90% of the time for me at the moment! It's getting rather frustrating receiving Tell's when i don't know who they're from (eg, "[Tell]nna"), can't reply as i don't have a name and hitting backspace doesn't seem to work, and i'm not getting enough of the message for it to make sense :/

Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097
I think you can type /r to reply even to fragmented Tells.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
yes you can, at least theres a way around it.
Unlike the random crashes :/
The south and west walls of Supergroup bases do not allow players to change the height of objects while editing the base.
This is becoming a real problem now that I am slowly building my base into something huge.
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

The problem with the base editing, in particular the placing of items on 2 sides (east and south I think) is rather annoying, but you can get around this until it is fixed by getting the height you want on one of the other two walls and moving the item onto the wall you want at that height, since it won't change height on those walls it'll stay at the height you set.
[/ QUOTE ]
This will help a lot.. thanks for the tip.
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

Added items in red below. Items in blue have been resolved.
<ul>[*]Day Job P-strings may be visible in some cases.[*]Players cannot make open trades without some cases resulting in storage errors. Players can make drag and drop trades, but should be aware of the surroundings and make sure to select the correct target. This issue appears to be limited to trading salvage, inspirations, or recipes.[*]Renaming a character may result in lost Day Job progress. Any player wishing to change a character name should first log in on that character to update the progress before logging out to proceed with the name change. Please note that any CS action in game may result in lost Day Job Progress that will not be reimbursed. Please abide by our EULA in regards to player names.
[*]In the French and German versions of City of Heroes, players cannot move inside their bases. However, players may still access the base editing tools to make changes to the bases.[*]Arachnos Soldiers that choose Crab Spider as either a primary or secondary build will not be able to remove the backpack from their costumes.[*]Selecting the "Hide...Recipes missing ingredients" option in the Merit Vendor will affect the "Hide...Unowned Recipes" option in Invention Tables. This can cause players to believe they cannot purchase generic recipes from Invention tables because they have inadvertently hidden all unowned recipes.[*]Changing chat bubble color through the Options menu will not change the appearance of the player's chat bubbles in-game.[*]The patron plaques have not been updated.[*]After accessing a patron plaque once, the scrollbars for the window disappear for future accesses of both that plaque and the other plaques.[*]The "Copy Current Colors Across Body" button does not function correctly unless a subcategory is selected.[*]If unpinned, the Friends window will continually reopen when closed.[*]The south and west walls of Supergroup bases do not allow players to change the height of objects while editing the base.[*]The chat box may not always display a notification to inform players they have earned Merit Rewards.[*]A rare bug can cause tells to appear with incomplete player names and messages.[*]Shields/Costume: Lots of glove costume pieces clips into ALL/some shields.[*]Art: Pocket D Super Group beacon is missing art.[*]Costume: Female>Lower Body>Pants>Flared Pants are no longer available in the costume creator or tailors[*]Global Chat Channel colors can change or rearrange randomly when zoning.[*]Protector bots can get stuck on Seeker Drones.[*]P-strings sometimes incorrectly appear in Hero Zone Event channels.[*]Icon: Genin incorrectly do not show a buff icon after Train Ninjas is used on them.[*]Mace art is missing for Arachnos Widows who acquire Patron Mace Mastery powers.[*]Fly poses do not work with some toggle powers.[*]To create a Villain Epic Archetype, players may need to log in with their Level 50 villain first, and then log back out to the log-in screen. Occasionally, access to Villain Epic Archetypes can be reset by a publish of a new build, server, or network maintenance.[*]To create a Hero Epic Archetype, players may need to log in with their Level 50 hero first, and then log back out to the log-in screen. Occasionally, access to Hero Epic Archetypes can be reset by a publish of a new build, server or network maintenance.[*]Ice Slick does not show up on Riktitileset.[*]Mace art is missing for Crab Spider Soldiers who acquire Patron Mace Mastery powers[*]Regeneration/Resilience lacking smashing resistance (it's always had it).
[*]Currently, any mission that can be accessed via Flashback, and any mission in a shared zone that is available only to Heroes or Villains, can only be selected as the active mission of a team if every member of that team is in the same zone.[/list]