


Nice one Wild, looks great. But, Chum Island? I thought it was going to be at the clocktower am I missing something?



Earlier in this thread FFM recommended Chum Island. Several people have looked at the location and liked it, so it was moved. It is closer to Kalinda, Burke and a base portal. Also it should be quieter as it has a mission door but no mission contact. On the way, there are hardly any mobs to get past for that level one character that is purely for rp only .

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Well, the first night of the villain RP meet 'The Market' went off last night. At the start, around 10 or 12 people showed up, which seemed to be pretty good for a start. However, we hadn't really discussed how the market was actually going to RP, and people seemed to take it as an actual event, rather than an excuse to meet up and RP with each other like GG.
So I myself took the job of Market guy with Walter, taking invites and sorting out peoples problems and finding them contacts "For a price... naturally". It seemed to work well, and I felt the whole 'shady exclusive market' came off pretty good. However, it seemed like most people left not long after it started, bringing the numbers down to around 6 people. This could have been due to the fact that an actual event wasn't prepared, or that since I was the only Market representative, and I could only cohearantly deal with about 2 people at the same time (and that was pushing it RP wise). It would probably work better with more than one Market representative. I think that the locstion worked fine, it was a remote island that seemed a plausible enough location, if a little small. The gigantic rock made things a little difficult, but if people wanted privacy, they could easily get it without leaving the island.

I think considering it was the first day, was largely 'off the cuff' and that people were not at all sure what to expect, I think it came off rather well. Those that stayed gave me good feedback that they enjoyed it. So long as people keep coming, it could become something excellent.

However, maybe there should be less annoying imps that go round insulting everybody. It just makes things difficult. We all know who I mean. >.>



ok this is just my view .. i stand ready to be shot down in flames .... as i got the date wrong as was unprepared for the event .....

If you watched the Imps they were IC rping all the time , and they had collective plot about needing to buy a body was a nice touch .....of all those there they did as much RP as anyone ..

You did a good job as the broker , and thanks go to you for stepping up and doing that, but as you say it did tie you down to one person at a time , ...and with the number of Arachanos dressed ,on duty, guard toons around i felt as a whole it came across a bit formal and not a relaxed place of bussiness ....
i only found one of the spider toons who seemed to want to chat and that was about her uniform ....

GG works because the Char chat about stupid stuff and gossip .. . .

i think we need the Market to be the excuse to go to Chum .. but the reason to go is to relax , drop ones guard a tiny tiny bit and be social ... ok that will not work for some villian characters but then GG does not work for some heroes characters.....

we need to bring the right sort of villian along to Chum who can interact at some level .. even if its just to debate who has the best ultimae doomsday weapon , or does the crab spider cossie make your bum look big ..

so post up the next Date and i will try harder to get it right ..



I absolutely agree.

If you watched the Imps they were IC rping all the time , and they had collective plot about needing to buy a body was a nice touch .....of all those there they did as much RP as anyone ..

[/ QUOTE ]

The imp in question was the small black one insulting everybody. The two who I thought were demons, who needed a body for his friends spirit to inhabit (two of my personal friends, very happy they came ) They did a very good job, no problem with them.

Arachnos was a big problem, sinse it put everybody under pressure as they're under watch from Arachnos. In fact, omy said after, that he left because he had no idea why he would be there on his Arachnos character. IC we could say they were coming to the first one to make sure it was a market and not a forming of a secret anti-arachnos group, or even to show they knew about it, even if it was exclusive.

On a good note, I think that Chum is an exellent RP point, later on in the night me and three others went there to do some extra RPing, which ended up in a big RP fight. I think it's a great spot.



I thought it went ok for a first meet. A lot of people didn't seem sure of what to say or do but I think partly that was just because it was a new situation, and people were meeting outside of usual groups. It actually fit the atmosphere of a meeting of villains, who are likely less inclined to trust.

I agree it was too centralised, one character had to do most of the work but if there are more meetings I think as people get more comfortable with the situation that would change.

I actually think having it as a meeting place for jobs and acquiring things people want might still be a good idea, it is a way in for characters who are strangers to one another. A new character has a reason to show up and meet other villains that way.

I also think we should be open to using it as a place for people to request help with missions, perhaps someone could pick up a mayhem mission for example and arrange a bank job. Those are good ways for characters to work together and begin to trust. It could be a useful tool and enforce the reason to keep the meetings going. (The mission itself wouldn't have to take place on the same day but a date could be arranged) Or alternatively a job could be set up and played out on the forum which would have a similar effect but take longer. In time as characters get to know one another the chat will be easier but I do think it helps with villains for them to have a purpose.

I didn't mind Arachnos being there made my character wary but if Arachnos characters want to turn up we should try to accommodate it. Again the work thing is a good way in for them, Arachnos hires outside people for some jobs, maybe they might want to do the same, or are there to ask where something they are looking for can be found.

Does anyone think a sort of rumours, heresay thread would be a good idea? A thread where people can post what other villains might have heard about their character, any rumours or what their reputation is. Or alternatively where someone could post that no one would have heard anything about their character, that they are entirely secretive and hide their involvement in any job. I just thought it might help people feel more at ease and more certain of how to treat or address other characters.



yes i like the idea of a rumours, heresay thread ,go for it .. fully open or mod run ?



yes i like the idea of a rumours, heresay thread ,go for it .. fully open or mod run ?

[/ QUOTE ]

Mod Run!

Mod Run!

And the mod must post like the DJ from Jet Set Radio!

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



I think we used to have this, but nobody used it :P



Does anyone think a sort of rumours, heresay thread would be a good idea?

[/ QUOTE ]

*Blows dust off of thread and passes it back to the community*

What, like this one?

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Gimme the date of the next meet up and I will bring Agatha Darke along. She'd suit the black market operator role along with others.



I think Emp was planning on every friday from 7pm. I should be online with one of my characters this friday.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



na .. me thinks ( yes ok i have been wrong before ) a new thread .. for Chum based gossip .. not so much IC story telling .. just hints and tag lines to set up RP at the market ... keep the IC thread as it is ...



I think this coming friday would be a good idea to try a second one, iron out a few problems last time. I'll be there again. Another thing I thought of at work today was that we could make the 'market' side of things a sort of event. Say every fourth friday (just an example) we could do the proper market thing, with Reps and deals and all sorts. This could be good for the coming together of plots, and people could tell the plots/jobs/missions/events/whatever to us in UVRP channel and we could incorporate them into the event. Just an idea.

And the mod must post like the DJ from Jet Set Radio!

[/ QUOTE ]

I would SO love to do that. Like a pirate radio station for villains! That they could tune into... like... through a channel... and listen to it through the channel! Ooooh. Anyway, will think on that some more, might want to finish one major gathering project before starting another :P



I am with friends in Rome who are also COX players.. I will try and be there. But I cant promise anything.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



So, hang on, having finally got onto the official Forums (only too me 21 months >.&gt whats the current status of the Red-side RP? Just when and where are all im asking, so I can dally on down sometime. I got the Chum island location, but asides from that I got a bit lost in the sea of posts =P

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



sad to say Chum island is very hit and miss .. been there with no one turning up or just three or four people ......

i find apart from Pok D most CoV RP is in SG or small groups who already know each other ...

in other words there is very little open RP ...

we did have a long debate about this and came to the conclusion that most villian charaters are not that social.. beyond their imediated friends ie SG ..

Chum was tried as a neutral ground meeting place but support seems very thin ...

my thoughts are that it appears that villians need a good hard reason to get together and interact .. ie a on going Plot line .. which needs some one to run and moderate ..and requires a time commitment by the players ...and then global agreement on the plot events effects on the game world ... so cant see that happening ..



Hmm...Its a shame they dont open a Monkey Bar in Mercy or Oakes, because that would probably work.

One idea I just had was maybe use Oakes Arena/Roof as a sort of stomping ground. Let Villains meet up to cut deals/size up the oposition/settle differences.
Just one idea. But I guess the question is do people really want to start dedicated place like GG or not. If not, then theres not much point. If yes, then we should get something organised.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



It *seems* like a lot of people want it. There was a lot of support for the Chum island UVRP spot ((By the way, we set up a channel for this, named simply "UVRP" if you're interested)) yet once it had started going, only very few people turned up. It seems that despite wanting it to be available, they don't want it enough to actually turn up.

That aside, when people did come, for the most part we had pretty fun RP. Not being sociable does not mean they won't talk with anybody, in fact if you go along the premise that Chum is supposed to be a meeting point for those who want work/people to work for them/parts for stuff/mutual allies etc etc, then everything works quite nicely.

Also, being villains, IC fighting is allowed, just keep it to "if you really have to". In theory, it should all work very well, but it won't work at all if NOBODY TURNS UP!




Unfortunatly with my life being a little unstable, as always. I can't guarentee to be available, so my attendance is very hit and miss. When it came to the Chum Island meet, it was always miss . I think it is a fab idea, I just wish I could have been more of a driving force, I just did not get the time.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



I can pretty much add that the few times I been at chum no one (who wasn't long term afk) has been around, not that I am the best at showing up every time.

EU Global: @Night Druid
Little Squeak: Little Squeak talked to Me and Me said that Me is Me when Me thinks of me and Me is Me's name
Toxic Glow: I was tryin' ta teach her not ta refer ta herself in the third person, an it backfired