


Howdy, I have just come back after about a year and obviously things have changed but one thing I have noticed is that there is a real lack of rp on Villain side. Most ending up in Pocket D's.

There used to be a Clocktower gathering much like GG's but it seems to have died.

As a Villain rp'er I was wondering if there was an interest in getting this meeting back up and running?

Also which RP Supergroups are still up and running as I need homes for my chrs and finding decent groups seems next to impossible.



The difficulty with villain RP is that villains tend to be loners who only team together for a good reason. As such a 'casual' or 'coffee shop' RP sitation like GG is unlikely, as you have to answer the question of WHY the villains are getting together.

Plus, I've personally noticed, villains RP better when there are heroes to 'play off' against. This is what makes Pocket D a good place for villain RP, as they can meet heroes there, also.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



I feel your frustration. The lack of villain RP is frustrating, mainly due to villains not playing well together as Shadowe points out. The Clocktower was a great idea but never quite established a regular meeting or a purpose for being there. There was also the fact that it ran alongside the Galaxy Girl meet so there was always ‘competition’ for players if you will.

As for villain RP groups, The Cadre has just started, a bunch of crooks blackmailed into working together by some shadowy overlord. Their boss holds some incriminating evidence on all of them, thus overcoming the problem of an IC reason to work together. They don’t really want to but do so under duress. It’s early days, but it seems to have worked so far. Hopefully in time we’ll be in a position to oppose some of the established hero groups, maybe even indulging in some RP-PVP if we’re lucky.

I think the Corporation is still running as far as I’m aware but it’s hard to tell from the stickied list at the top of this forum who’s still running and who isn’t.

If the Clocktower was to restart, I’d definitely try to get along to it where I could.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



I love villian RP. I would like to see more of it. But perhaps it would be a good start to get a regular meet up going in pocket D (then we can indulge in the hero bashing ) Then the meet up can be moved out of pocket D when we have an established group. (Just a suggestion)

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



The Corporation is still going strong. Send a tell to @Quildo, @Synth, @John Sebastian, @CX-1233 or @Shadow Phoenix for an IC interview. Tell them 'Ms Flage' sent you.



I'd love to see more and engage in more myself but as has been said I think you need Heros present to forge a reason for villians to cooperate.... while every enemy in the game has the facility to be labelled a villian for hero's the same is not really true of villians. Ideally an rp villain needs an rp hero or SG to play off of???



i have to agree with Spyte .. the only times i have found any worthwhile villian RP has been either as part of a plot line ...and the best one of those involded villains fighting villians ... or as a themed SG situation....
the problem then is it needs some one to lead them to move anything forward

Also the type of crime our villians are based around thens no to make for good interaction .... ie the lone assasin , the gangland boss, the evil gene splicing professor and the demonic werewolf just dont go to the same places and have no reason to meet ...

a lot of the RP at GG is a new hero turning up and meeting the veterans to learn the trade ... not really going to happen on the villian side ...



I have found with my chrs that either I am meeting villains to get contacts or find potential threats/allies. Even villains need a social group, else things like Arachnos etc would not exist. I agree that turning up to the Clocktower to 'chat and socialise' wouldn't fall into the realm of normal for 'evil' types.

I would suggest having it viewed as more like a getting your name on the map.If it was known that the area was being watched and the visitors getting the chance to gain better contacts and tips.
It should play to any chrs ego, want of money, fame etc.

Take the examples given previously.
Lone assassian, apart from being awkward to find any social reason for him to show he/she/it would go to get possible leads on contracts and competition in his field. He just has to play nice a little to show hes not a threat.

Gangland boss, looking for employees and possible work.

Psycho professor, apart from looking for test subjects, can you imagine all the juicy ideas he would get from listening and engaging in conversation with all those mutants, aliens and other odd beings?

Demonic werewolf, eh not really sure but maybe to be in the company of others that wouldn't judge him? Thats assuming it has a brain.

Also your saying that GG is about new people showing up to be shown the ropes. If your new to the Isles who is better to let you know what your in for, just remember to watch your back and any deals you make better be air tight.

I would like to see more Villain rp and not in Pocket D's, considering most heroes rp at GG, there are only a few that turn up at D's and they tend to be more anti-hero



I have some weekly rp in the base... But as its holidays... we skipped a few times.

For a villain its own place is actually the easiest place to rp. There should be a bar in the outside zone that you can just travel too and enter. Aside of Pocket D.

I would be ok to choose an outside zone location for my meetings... if 1 or 2 other rp sg's would do that too it would be alive again... But...

The Court of the blood countess and the Cooperation hate each others guts. I thing Liz and Sebastian would end up ripping each other apart.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Even villains need a social group, else things like Arachnos etc would not exist.

[/ QUOTE ]

Arachnos exists because one man made it and is powerful enough to hold it together by controlling and manipulating those below him.

Traditionally, comic book villains operate alone, or in small groups (often with a single, powerful leader). Groups without one obvious leader often fight among themselves. Villain groups are often far more temporary than hero groups.

The crazy thing is (or was, haven't looked at the figures recently, but this thread is a good indication) that everyone wanted to play a villain before CoV came out. We used to have loads of people annoying the hell out of us at GG pretending to be villains (which we could do nothing about, since they were just heroes with a bad attitude). CoV came out and people ran off to play villains... except they didn't roleplay them because being a villain is no fun if you don't have some good guy to bounce off. Eventually, it became quite apparent that actually playing a villain was not as much fun as first thought and the population on the villain side has always been lower than the hero side.

What people really like roleplaying is anti-heroes, and CoH is really bad at that.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



I think the design of the game seriously undermines villian RP. A hero is a protagonist defined by his actions and reactions, saving someone, beating up a villian, putting out a fire etc etc all of these reenforce the hero character.... villians are antagonists but there is noone to really antagonise - they may do dastardly or selfish deeds but as everyone around them both player and npc is braodly doing just the same there is no real focus or definition... The world needs more integration so one group can play off and in turn create content for the other.

We really need some dedicated rpvp areas - zones that present locations and buildings some of which allow pvp and some which restrict it (with accompying excuses such as the busy bar where you can go taunt your opponent but out and out combat would simply draw too much heat or too many innocents are at risk etc). Whereby a variety of different interactions are encouraged and promoted beyond the one dimensional slugfest.

I'm not saying villian rp is impossible as we have it, but its more overtly challenging and filled with more obstacles than the hero side.



I think villain RP would be far easier if a normal meeting in Pocket D could be made. I myself have a character I love roleplaying, but you rarely get the chance with other villains, and its pot luck in Pocket D. If GG became located at Pocket D, then it could be the primary roleplayer gathering for both sides, making plots easier with heroes AND villains roleplaying together.
I have never been good at roleplaying a hero, I just don't know how, but anti-heroes just don't work as they're too self centered to be liked by heroes, but with far too much good intention to be accepted by villains.

If you could combine GG for villains and heroes together, RP could become easy for both sides.



But then, why would heroes go and relax somewhere that they can practically bet on being goaded by villains and not be able to do a thing about it?

I know that's not what's going on every night in PD, but it's happened and will happen.
If it's not that, it's those smelly zombies that have to be paraded about.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



I think villain RP would be far easier if a normal meeting in Pocket D could be made. I myself have a character I love roleplaying, but you rarely get the chance with other villains, and its pot luck in Pocket D. If GG became located at Pocket D, then it could be the primary roleplayer gathering for both sides, making plots easier with heroes AND villains roleplaying together.
I have never been good at roleplaying a hero, I just don't know how, but anti-heroes just don't work as they're too self centered to be liked by heroes, but with far too much good intention to be accepted by villains.

If you could combine GG for villains and heroes together, RP could become easy for both sides.

[/ QUOTE ]

Many people's heroes have no reason or desire to go to PD, and to be honest, GG has been established pretty much since EU launch, and it's really not going to change. People have suggested it before and nothing has or will, ever become of it.

Besides, there are plenty of hero RPers who don't like the GG scene, and either RP in PD, or amongst their own circles.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



If GG became located at Pocket D, then it could be the primary roleplayer gathering for both sides, making plots easier with heroes AND villains roleplaying together.

[/ QUOTE ]

[...snip...]GG has been established pretty much since EU launch, and it's really not going to change. People have suggested it before and nothing has or will,

[/ QUOTE ]

Just to correct FFM a little, last time I poked my head into Union before giving up entirely for a year or so, GG had basically died out for the most part. RP had shifted into bases and Pocket D, and I expected that to be the case when I came back last week. I still haven't been back to GG since I'm enjoying the content (and I've had a bit of a disrupted schedule due to visiting relatives), but I'm informed that GG is back up and running. This surprised me, but there you go.

Point is, it hasn't just been suggested that "GG move to PD", it has actually happened to a large extent. It apparently didn't work, and I suspect for the reasons FFM listed. Pocket D may be a logical game environment, and it works for heroes with a slightly dark edge to them, but CoH is based around Golden Age heroes and they would not be seen dead in a bar next to someone who was robbing a bank in Paragon City last week.

(Pocket D seems like a good idea, but it's one of those things Cryptic put in without considering the background they created purely for game mechanics. If they had set the game more around the Iron Age comic period, it would have been far more logical, but they didn't. Hero side missions paint you as a Real Hero, and Real Heroes don't have drinks with Villains. And, yes, Cryptic painted Pocket D as an example of things they were putting in which were useful for Roleplay, but Cryptic never did understand what Roleplay was, even if they said they did.)

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



There are some co-op zones that provide some interaction: Cimerora, Rikti War Zone, Midnight Club. Of course they all require a certain amount of effort to enter, whether it be level or performing certain tasks.

To be honest there is nothing particularly stopping any of us from RPing anywhere we like, it's just that GG is in a starting zone and just happens to be less populated so we're less likely to encounter tools. PvP zones are, obviously, more difficult.

Pocket D for me is okay, but it's far too shiny and distracting to get anything done plus I find a lot of different types of RP there that don't gel well with how I like to RP. The main example is, imo, emote rp (smiley faces etc). It is very picky of me, but I just don't like it.

I'd like to think that as time progresses more zones will open up (not necessarily new ones, but perhaps redevelopments of existing ones - Boomtown anyone?) that give us the all-important space away from the 'regular' game to RP in. For example, the intermediary building between Faultline and the Overbrook Dam is, for the most part, quiet. Sure it takes some effort but the option is there.

Just my 2 million inf



So if a reasonable justification could be provided. Would anyone be interested in an organised meet up/event. Perhaps starting at once a month for Villian RP? if the once a month has a good turn out and works, we could make it a more frequent event. but there is no use running before you can walk .

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Sure... I would like a first of the month for instance. And in a dark/broody place.

Mercy is then best... clock tower would be ok... but any place in Mercy would do. I suggest a spot with some benches... Would be nice if there was an outside snackbar or something.

Roleplayers need more love in this game... (We still need to run when we relax and talk to each other too)

I remember the Marvel Comics 'Bar with no name'. It's a bar that villains frequent in NY. I would love an open zone bar we can enter in Mercy. I will be sure it would be better visited by Rp-ers then Pocket D ever was.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



I'd happily bring Enherreza out to play, she's funny. She makes a much better Stalker than she ever did a Scrapper. And she gets asked to hunt stuff, it's all she ever wanted.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



In Sharkhead Isle, North of the Pocket D truck, is the old monkey bar. It is marked on the outside of its warehouse door by a red monkey with boxing gloves on. Its only drawback is the level of zone mobs, which may or may not be lurking near the PD truck when you zone.

Inside is a seedy, rough-looking bar [censored] casino, with craps tables, roulette, and slot machines, plus a grime-covered bar. In the centre is a large cube-shaped cage, with Rikti Monkey fights in there every five or so minutes. The spam from the fights, and the inccessant chatter from the two Family owners can be mitigated by removing NPC dialogue from your global channel.

I like the old monkey bar, as it's emtpy of heroes, and not often used. But it could pick up if enough people are willing to run the gauntlet of possible zone-mobs.

Whether this use is likely to pick up, is something that remains to be seen.



Hmmm - I will check it out Hairy as it may very will fit in with some of the ideas floating in my head. Thanks

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Issue 13 brings the prospect of player designed many ways Villians creating challenges for heroes is the perfect jump off point for ongoing rp, we need more info on how it will be implemented but I see a lot of potential there and its something the RP community can really embrace.



It was an interesting development, when I first joined the game, Pocket D was full of life with RP and had my first encounter with the CoX RP community there. Over time the place slowly lost people, the idiot count grew and grew, people went there purposefully to annoy RPers because it was quick and easy to get to thanks to the GvE edition of the game and the fact that RPers hung out in their masses at Pocket D became widely known to every [censored] who got their kicks out of annoying other people.

Pocket D is a shadow of it's former self from one year ago, it is true, Pocket D was the viable alternative for those unable or unwanting to attend Galaxy Girl meetings (for whatever reason be they villain or just didn't enjoy the atmosphere).

Pocket D was also inherently easier to break into RPwise than Galaxy girl since it was the atmosphere of the place because it was more of a freeforall, lots of people coming and going as the evening went on. GG meetings are quite static in their membership and (I'm also guilty of this) it's hard to achknowledge newblood RPers when your in your own little groups and chatting away.

Still Pocket D could be glorious again and is a viable venue for those of the villainous persuasion most villain RP tends to be within VGs and in bases though a lot do attend at Pocket D.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I can't wait for the designer missions it makes me bubble with joy. But I digress

I have to say that the RP community as a whole, the game, is a very friendly, warm and welcoming place. I am also slowly learning that not all rp'ers mesh together. wether that be RP style or just the general opinion to rp. I would like to see some more common ground with out the obligatory eejits.

I would love to see more villian rp. Sometimes all it takes is one person to start the ball rolling . I have a possible idea that may or may not work, it needs a lot of work. I am willing to put the effort in, especially if it pays off . I just want to know what everyone thinks atm.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



happy to try anything once .. is this the idea from ggooc the rp black market swap meet idae ?