I feel Guilty.




I've done this arc once, with my purely evil evil villain who has no morals at all. However my villains with morals avoided the arc, as they wouldn't sink that low, and felt it would cheapen them to do it.




Now what we really need is a hero, or even a co-orp arc where we lovingly get to beat the snot out of him! Heck, if it had that at the end rather than a rare recipe, it could be a 20 hour Shadow Shard Marathon and people would still be clamouring to do it!

[/ QUOTE ]

*thinks* Westin, despite being thoroughly, thoroughly evil, is also (a) smart enough to get everyone to do the work for him or (b) a coward, depending on your POV. Getting him to break cover, even to other villains, would be tricky.

One of the things that hasn't been mentioned about him yet is that he's not exactly a good guy to pal up with long term either - the ultimate fate of his Fortunata ally and spy should be a lesson to anyone who wants to work with him...

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



Problem with Philip to me is still the idea that I am doing evil acts like taking candy from a baby.

True evilish sure and one of the arcs where the depravity of evilness is shown. Still it is taking candy from a baby. Not something a level 40+ villain should be considering doing. I miss the whole rising above petty crime thing in the arcs. This arc would be more fitting for a lower character though.



Westin Phipps is very likely a contact i will skip on some of my villains..
Luckily, my first villain to 50 was/is straight out demonic (or should i say Draconic) and so had no moral issues with it.
But some of my Villains are just plain misunderstood by society and would have to much conscience to carry out some of those missions.

Officer Cuffz lvl 50 Inv/Nrg Tank
Badge lvl 50 dwarf/human Peacebringer
Dark Air lvl 50 Ice/Cold Corruptor
Ayre lvl 50 Storm/Elec Defender

Total Cat: @Officer Cuffz

"When I say interview, I mean engage in combat and defeat..." -Laura Brunetti, on how to deal with Warriors.



Westin Phipps for me is one sick twisted git. But he is also an importent reminder. I would advice everyone to do that arc and when you have done those missions it is all right to feel guilty or ashamed.
Had you not its something wrong. The story is so well written that it is baffling. So even if I have only done it once it stands out. This is evil.. this is evil pettiness in the form of one sick mind. Its almost as i can hear alot of emphesis on the "s" like a snake.
Westin Phipps is actually the closest to real evil that we get in the game.
Do the arc or do not its up to you and then feel the anger afterwards boiling towards this npc
But perhaps he is abit misplaced.. here you are, soon too take your fight and be part of Project Destiny... and your sent do destroy schoolbooks and various other petty stuff.
And yes Dreamweaver the comment you gave about those who work with/for him.. just makes him even more evil.
Somehow when the mission creator comes... perhaps there will be some stories around westin phipps.

My other big favourite is Vernon Von Grun. As allready mentioned by other players. He is fun. He is mad and he treats you well, for he needs you. His laughter makes you grin "laugh with me".

I also like Dmitri Krylov, (pity Boris the russian is only a broker), Psymon Omega, the ruthlessness of Efficiancy expert Pither. Pity most of the npc's treat you like an inferior grasshopper or tool...

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Westin Phipps for me is one sick twisted git. But he is also an importent reminder. I would advice everyone to do that arc and when you have done those missions it is all right to feel guilty or ashamed.
Had you not its something wrong. The story is so well written that it is baffling. So even if I have only done it once it stands out. This is evil.. this is evil pettiness in the form of one sick mind. Its almost as i can hear alot of emphesis on the "s" like a snake.
Westin Phipps is actually the closest to real evil that we get in the game.
Do the arc or do not its up to you and then feel the anger afterwards boiling towards this npc

[/ QUOTE ]
I never felt guilty or ashamed. And i feel no anger towards the NPC, is there something wrong with me?

@Jaw Dropper - Toons of all levels so drop me a line!

Imaginary Inc.

Twitter me!



Yep. On all 3 of my villains that have gotten that high on CoV. Its the best arc in the game imo.

@Jaw Dropper - Toons of all levels so drop me a line!

Imaginary Inc.

Twitter me!



Weston Phipps isn't *that* evil. I only giggles in glee as i did his story arc. Tho i will say his was the most evil i've found yet in CoV... but being a villain is much being evil-lite imo, feel more like a schoolyard bully than a villain.

The only evil act in game which made me feel a little remorse was in kotor near the end, where i mind controlled zaalbaar to murder mission cause she wouldn't follow me. This being shortly after killing that annoying pilot guy whose name escapes me. His death was quite satisfying tho... whiney git!



Weston Phipps isn't *that* evil. I only giggles in glee as i did his story arc. Tho i will say his was the most evil i've found yet in CoV... but being a villain is much being evil-lite imo, feel more like a schoolyard bully than a villain.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, I didn't find him that distastefully evil - what makes him seem worse is that he enjoys his role a little too much compared to other manipulative contacts like Kelly Uqua, troublemakers like Viv Verandi, institutional tyranny like many Arachnos contacts practice, or the stone-cold assassins like Captain Mako and Mage-killer ZuhKara - Phipps never flat-out orders you to kill anyone (unlike the latter two - Mako actually instructs you to "rip out" a target's heart), even though he has inventive ways of getting others to dispose of his problems (poor Fortunata Millia...).

But then I even found myself cackling with glee at Mako's briefings/debriefings (he's my favourite patron now for dialogue, and I've only done half of his arcs) so maybe there's something wrong with me



Hmm I don't know, the End mission of Arbiter Daos somehow comes across as a tad more evil.

"Here's an Arachnos issue shotgun...now go shoot my own son in the face with it."


Seriously that's just plain, cold hearted evil even compared to Phipps.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Tough love

My Brute wanted to murder Phipps at the end of the arc.




I never felt guilty or ashamed. And i feel no anger towards the NPC, is there something wrong with me?

[/ QUOTE ]

That's jaw-dropping

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Weston Phipps isn't *that* evil. I only giggles in glee as i did his story arc. Tho i will say his was the most evil i've found yet in CoV... but being a villain is much being evil-lite imo, feel more like a schoolyard bully than a villain.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, I didn't find him that distastefully evil - what makes him seem worse is that he enjoys his role a little too much compared to other manipulative contacts like Kelly Uqua, troublemakers like Viv Verandi, institutional tyranny like many Arachnos contacts practice, or the stone-cold assassins like Captain Mako and Mage-killer ZuhKara - Phipps never flat-out orders you to kill anyone (unlike the latter two - Mako actually instructs you to "rip out" a target's heart), even though he has inventive ways of getting others to dispose of his problems (poor Fortunata Millia...).

But then I even found myself cackling with glee at Mako's briefings/debriefings (he's my favourite patron now for dialogue, and I've only done half of his arcs) so maybe there's something wrong with me

[/ QUOTE ]

Bah Scirrocco is great, I love the tone of defeat you get from him in the later arcs, but then not done Maco yet.......... damnit I need to get me someone to 40 now. GWs tone is fairly dull, and Scorp is just fairly dull. At least there's something to look forward too 40-45 for me now I guess. Maco!

I also really liked Viv Varandi as I am sure I said elsewhere, perfectly written. Phipps may be nasty but he lacks style

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"




I never felt guilty or ashamed. And i feel no anger towards the NPC, is there something wrong with me?

[/ QUOTE ]

That's jaw-dropping

[/ QUOTE ]

I swear, if I had a tomato, it would be heading your way right now.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Hmm I don't know, the End mission of Arbiter Daos somehow comes across as a tad more evil.

"Here's an Arachnos issue shotgun...now go shoot my own son in the face with it."


Seriously that's just plain, cold hearted evil even compared to Phipps.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah but we've all felt like that where family are concerned - perfectly understandable Ok I forgot Daos (my list wasn't meant to be totally exhaustive, heh), but at least he did show some emotion and remorse - he wasn't laughing maniacally like Vernon or gleefully satisfied like Phipps after you took his son down - he genuinely seemed upset that his duty to Arachnos had conflicted with his own personal feelings to the extent that he had to order that.

Ok he made the wrong decision morally, but I'd imagine that Arachnos isn't too gentle on senior officers that betray them, especially Arbiters who are supposed to be beyond reproach - plus he'd devoted his life to Arachnos and then his son goes and joins Malta and starts causing trouble for him - what would you do in that situation?

As for patrons - I haven't done Scirocco myself, but done all the missions for/with a friend twice and read the briefings (just obviously haven't read all the debrief text) and the second arc's ending felt somewhat like kicking a puppy. I find Black Scorpion very dull and unlikeable and look forward to betraying him, yet for gameplay reasons I've taken him as patron 3 times now /sigh. Ghost Widow I did ages ago on my MM and because I like her tragic story/situation I liked her arc.

But Mako takes cruelty to new levels and his dialogue on the McKnight arc in particular was rather... refreshing (but maybe I need a psychiatrist ). Best of all out of all 4 patrons, [SPOILER]it is Mako that betrays you, more than you betraying him, at the end of the 2nd arc - which is a nice twist compared to the other 3 patrons and reflects Mako's personality perfectly... [END SPOILER] - even though that end of second arc mission does suck a bit if you're solo - I had to get a friend to help my stalker with it - first mission I've ever really struggled to solo.



Done the arc in question, twice I think, it's a good insight on how people can be. You want to sit in a perfect bubble where people aren't cruel, going to encounter quite a few problems with that.

Scirocco: I enjoyed playing the patron arc, even tho it was coming up on several years ago, or 1.5, can't put it precisely, and it's again a good insight on how people with good intentions, or bad, have the world react to them. Scirocco was never really classed as evil, moreso falling into the grey sections, and yet when he tries to re-write the world in effect, he's stopped. For the will of Arachnos and Lord Recluse, yes, but you don't hear the whole story. You are given a brief that it's to make the world "better", yet the question then stands, "Better for whom?"