Warning: Issue 12 Free Slots Won't Last Forever!

Blue Rabbit



I was browsing the US forums, as I'm wont to do, when I came across this post from Ghost Falcon.


Actually, the two free slots that were launched with the Character Slot service / Issue 12 *will* end at some point in the future.

If you have not claimed or assigned those slots to a server, then after the window closes, you won't get those two free slots.

This was noted in the Issue 12 Release Notes.

We have not yet announced when the window for claiming the two free character slots will end, but we will give advance notice prior to ending it.

[/ QUOTE ]


So, for the 2 slots granted with i12 (not the Veteran ones), you should use them before they close the window. What we don't know yet, is how long that window will be open for, or whether the system uses the free slots before the veteran or purchased ones.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



whether the system uses the free slots before the veteran or purchased ones.

[/ QUOTE ]That's what I need to know, I've used two slots so far but still have a few veteran ones left.



Wow thanks for the heads up FFM! guess i'll just whack'em all into Union



Hmm .. and it seems i cant at the moment, as there is no option to add existing or buy new slots ... i really hope i havent missed out



Nah, it's not yet. They'll announce it before the do it, just thought I should give people a heads up as I totally missed that in the release notes.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



You tell us now, while we can't actually unlock anything because of the whole server maintenance thingy...?!

If anyone needs me, I'll be in the Angry Dome

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



Already went through those, bought a 5 pack, and have two left... thanks anyway Your Rotund Floatiness.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Am pretty sure I just assigned all my free slots to defiant when I saw them but will double check.

Thanks for the heads up

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



I was browsing the US forums, as I'm wont to do, when I came across this post from Ghost Falcon.


Actually, the two free slots that were launched with the Character Slot service / Issue 12 *will* end at some point in the future.

If you have not claimed or assigned those slots to a server, then after the window closes, you won't get those two free slots.

This was noted in the Issue 12 Release Notes.

We have not yet announced when the window for claiming the two free character slots will end, but we will give advance notice prior to ending it.

[/ QUOTE ]


So, for the 2 slots granted with i12 (not the Veteran ones), you should use them before they close the window. What we don't know yet, is how long that window will be open for, or whether the system uses the free slots before the veteran or purchased ones.

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Maybe the patch notes were wrong in this regard as ours stated:

For a limited time, all accounts that log into the Live Servers will receive 2 free Character Slots. This is for a *Limited* time only.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which is partly why I made sure I logged in on all 3 of my accounts on I12 launch day - as the patch notes state that you receive 2 free slots when you log in your account. It does not state that there is a time limit upon assigning the 2 slots that you have been awarded for logging in within the time limit.

AFAIK We were not told that we need to assign slots within a time limit at I12 launch (and most definitely not in the EU release notes).

To me, it looks like Ghost Falcon is wrong when they state This was noted in the Issue 12 Release Notes and it would be very good to get some clarification upon this.

I'm sure that if the patch notes were incorrect or too ambiguous that NC will grant us a decent amount of time (from the time of clarification) to assign slots.

Surely the 2 I12 launch slots get assigned before vets rewards... the only possible effect of doing Vets before I12 launch slots would be to annoy some vets who end up missing out on the I12 launch slots by virtue of being long-standing customers. NC wouldn't do that... would they?

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)




For a limited time, all accounts that log into the Live Servers will receive 2 free Character Slots. This is for a *Limited* time only.

[/ QUOTE ]

... AFAIK We were not told that we need to assign slots within a time limit at I12 launch (and most definitely not in the EU release notes).

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm confused... I thought the patch notes were quite clear in that the 2 slots would only be able to be claimed for a limited amount of time (emphasis in original quote is mine) and I also read that as need to be assigned too. I automatically read that as NCSoft would stop giving out the slots to accounts that did not claim/assign them before a set date. I assigned the slots straight away but I was expecting this sort of announcement at some point anyway.

I personally don't have an issue with this announcement because as far as I can see this was made quite clear right from day 1.

Kalis Elfling - Inv/Axe Tanker. [i]Kevin is watching... Always[/i]
Proud member of [url="http://www.honourableunited.org.uk/"]Honourable United[/url]
@Tellis - I reserve the right to be ridiculous![/center]



Thanks for the info, however i just logged in to claim my free character slots and they are not available, neither is rename character or server transfer or buy new slots, is everyone else getting this as well ?



Known issue.

In announcements

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Ahh thanks a lot for info. i thought i had lost everything there for a while



You tell us now, while we can't actually unlock anything because of the whole server maintenance thingy...?!

If anyone needs me, I'll be in the Angry Dome

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can i come too?



I suppose I should claim them, just for the sake of it

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Yeah you should - on Union




For a limited time, all accounts that log into the Live Servers will receive 2 free Character Slots. This is for a *Limited* time only.

[/ QUOTE ]

... AFAIK We were not told that we need to assign slots within a time limit at I12 launch (and most definitely not in the EU release notes).

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm confused... I thought the patch notes were quite clear in that the 2 slots would only be able to be claimed for a limited amount of time (emphasis in original quote is mine) and I also read that as need to be assigned too. I automatically read that as NCSoft would stop giving out the slots to accounts that did not claim/assign them before a set date. I assigned the slots straight away but I was expecting this sort of announcement at some point anyway.

I personally don't have an issue with this announcement because as far as I can see this was made quite clear right from day 1.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think this is were the problem is. You have emphasised what you read as being they would be available only for a limited time.

I read the same in the release notes and saw more emphasis in the first part. I logged into my account on the day i12 was released and received my 4 slots (2 free, 2 vet). I took the wording of the statement to be that I had now secured my slots to do with as I pleased at a later date. I saw the second part of the statement as emphasising the fact the first part was making that you this was a limited time offer and if you didn't log into your account within the time frame you wouldn't receive the extra slots, not that you would lose them again if you didn't immediately assign them.

The wording to me was similar to for example receiving the anniversary badges, you had to log into your characters within iirc a month of the anniversary to be awarded the badge otherwise the window would close and any characters not logged within that time frame would not receive the badge.




For a limited time, all accounts that log into the Live Servers will receive 2 free Character Slots. This is for a *Limited* time only.

[/ QUOTE ]

Reading that I would be tempted to interpret it as 'you will get two free character slots but these two character slots shall exist for a limited time only'

Like many English phrases this can be read in so many ways when considered closely that it is necessary to talk like Janet and John to make the intended meaning clear, unfortunately.



They told us this right at the start, good that people get a reminder though.




For a limited time, all accounts that log into the Live Servers will receive 2 free Character Slots. This is for a *Limited* time only.

[/ QUOTE ]

... AFAIK We were not told that we need to assign slots within a time limit at I12 launch (and most definitely not in the EU release notes).

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm confused... I thought the patch notes were quite clear in that the 2 slots would only be able to be claimed for a limited amount of time (emphasis in original quote is mine) and I also read that as need to be assigned too. I automatically read that as NCSoft would stop giving out the slots to accounts that did not claim/assign them before a set date. I assigned the slots straight away but I was expecting this sort of announcement at some point anyway.

I personally don't have an issue with this announcement because as far as I can see this was made quite clear right from day 1.

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I think this is were the problem is. You have emphasised what you read as being they would be available only for a limited time...
(cropped to save space)

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Yeah, I can see how the statement can be interpreted in both ways. Though now I reread Ghost Falcon's post I think from this line...

If you have not claimed or assigned those slots to a server, then after the window closes, you won't get those two free slots.

[/ QUOTE ]

He's saying that if you just log your account in within the requisite time period then you'll keep the slots even if you don't assign them (again my emphasis). It would be nice if a redname could clear up any ambiguity though

Kalis Elfling - Inv/Axe Tanker. [i]Kevin is watching... Always[/i]
Proud member of [url="http://www.honourableunited.org.uk/"]Honourable United[/url]
@Tellis - I reserve the right to be ridiculous![/center]




I stand corrected.

I checked with our Engineering team to make sure that this is accurate. I didn't want to state something and then have to correct myself again.

1) If a player logs in during the two free character slot "gift" window, then those slots are placed in player's character slot inventories. Character Slots within your inventories can never be removed, even after the gift window closes.

2) If a player NEVER logs in during the character slot "gift" window, the window closes, then any new or re-activated player will never get the two free slots.

Please note that the free two slots are only being given to "active" accounts that Log into the game during this gift window. If your account is active, but you've never logged in, you're not getting your two free slots when the window closes.

3) Once a character slot (via Veteran Reward, free gift or purchased slot) is placed within a Player's Inventory, then the order in which they redeemed is irrelevant.

When we decide to end the two free character slot window, we will give advance notice.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not quite as first thought.


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



That'll be a redname clarification then

Kalis Elfling - Inv/Axe Tanker. [i]Kevin is watching... Always[/i]
Proud member of [url="http://www.honourableunited.org.uk/"]Honourable United[/url]
@Tellis - I reserve the right to be ridiculous![/center]




I stand corrected.

I checked with our Engineering team to make sure that this is accurate. I didn't want to state something and then have to correct myself again.

1) If a player logs in during the two free character slot "gift" window, then those slots are placed in player's character slot inventories. Character Slots within your inventories can never be removed, even after the gift window closes.

2) If a player NEVER logs in during the character slot "gift" window, the window closes, then any new or re-activated player will never get the two free slots.

Please note that the free two slots are only being given to "active" accounts that Log into the game during this gift window. If your account is active, but you've never logged in, you're not getting your two free slots when the window closes.

3) Once a character slot (via Veteran Reward, free gift or purchased slot) is placed within a Player's Inventory, then the order in which they redeemed is irrelevant.

When we decide to end the two free character slot window, we will give advance notice.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]That's how I thought it was - getting two free slots would be for a limited time but once they were credited they are yours.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Yup, and the way Cryonic explained it above was how I read it too: working just like anniversary badges.



But still a big thanks to the OP for bringing it to our attention so we could get clarification. Better to get it sorted now than have potential screaming later