RATE each AT at PVP!!!




Which ATs generally are better in team, dual or arena PVP? Im asking this cos i had a lvl50 defender (dark/en) who owned in PVP, i hadnt realized it was the character that owned, i thought i played good lol. I have a lvl38 corrupter (fire/kin) ive been owned lots of times (many times by defenders). And my other lvl50 grav/emp cont isnt very good at pvp too. My PVP rating would be:

1)Defenders (due to unresisted buffs and though less base dmg they can cap their dmg much easier than corrupters (by power buildup and buffs/debuffs)

2)Controllers (i have a friend who has a lvl 50 ill/storm, confuse and hurricane is just sick!)


4)Dominators (perma doms, which will probably be fixed with next issue)



7)Doms (without perma dom)







Dont know much about the villain epics yet so im excluding them.



Dark/en doesnt own in pvp, infact, its [censored]. Dominator's perma dom wont ever get fixed because it needs effort, cash and IOs to make it happen. That rating you gave to the ATs implies to Solo? Team? Team arena? What?



lol at master mind and eacebringers rating.



That list is very hard, pretty big difference between Zone, Arena, solo and team.




Don't forget that.

World of Jackcraft.



You are joking about peacebringers yeh?
If not bring your peacebringer and I will destroy you repeatedly with any of my scrapper,brute or tanker.



If I have to rate then this is mine

Defender, Unresisted debuffs, awsome buffs and ranged damage. Can get powerbuild up and telkineses
Blasters, Awsome ranged damaged and melee too.
Controllers, Secondary support, and can get power boost and psi epic.
Corruptors Scourge buffs debuffs.
Dominators, Perma domination can be very scary.
Tanker Taunt is always nice and fiery embrace build up et can hurt.
Brute decent taunt and theyll be fixing fury soon
Stalker EM is just lol and these are nice in zones
Scrappers Spines has range and confront recharges fast
Masterminds can be good in the office map since it will be so hard to target, decent in zone with tp foe.
Peacebringers, fun factor? Gets build up.
Warshade, just dont



You'd need different rankings for level, zone, role in PvP, team size and then combinations of all the different catergories. Bit pointless really as player skill does come into it too. You can't have a team of all the same AT as you won't win. Some defenders do more damage, others are better at surviving and you really can't put them all in the same catergory.




Don't forget that.

[/ QUOTE ]

They can kill full empath defenders when -fly'd i heard.



Dark/en doesnt own in pvp, infact, its [censored]. Dominator's perma dom wont ever get fixed because it needs effort, cash and IOs to make it happen. That rating you gave to the ATs implies to Solo? Team? Team arena? What?

[/ QUOTE ]

Lol you have no idea what youre talking about dude. With the dark miasma i will debuff ur acc so bad that u will miss like %90 of the time. Want numbers? Check this:

Darkest night (toggle debuff) base slotted -%25 acc debuff + -%30 dmg reduction (that means i automatically have the res scrappers have with their shields on, im not even mentioning the def)

Fearsome stare (fear which is very rarely resisted and -%7 acc debuff)

Twilight Grasp ( HIGHEST pbaoe heal in game , with -acc debuff and -regen too, yeah its missable but almost never happens with 2 accs slotted and tactics running)

Petrifiying Gaze (Mag 2 hold)

Tar Patch (-%30 res to you, which makes me hit for %30 more to you)

Shadow Fall (The only team buff that gives PSI resistance and fear too)

Dark Servant (oh and i have a pet too, i cant count the times this fluffy has saved my life in 1on1 pvp, when im held and about to die, he heals me :O, or holds the enemy, and oh it has a darkes night of its own (another -%25 acc) and has a power (not sure about the name) which acc debuffs if ur near him, so i keep staying close to him.

And /energy, yeah yeah its not as "good" as psi maybe, but it has good single target dmg (better than dark and rad) and, knockback, which is quite useful at times.

Oh and whats more i have temp invul, tactics, assault (%12.5 more dmg), conserve power, POWERBUILD UP , and TOTAL FOCUS .

Im recently back to game, after issue 8, so i had no IOs on my lvl50, i thought id suck at pvp, so i wanted to give it a try, i killed a claw/regen scraper , and a plant/firs dom, and easy too.

And b4 issue 8 , ive had lots of solo fights the ONLY guy that has owned me was an ice/ice blaster, (i was out of break frees and he had 2 holds). Other than that i have lost to noone in 1on1 pvp.

Now can you please give the reasons why you think dark/en sucks?! And what u have against this build. Oh and your ign pls too .

My IGN is Sir Cervantes (pm me when u see me online, im always ready for pvp), but i wont log in tillthis thursday, got finals , see you after that ^^



You are joking about peacebringers yeh?
If not bring your peacebringer and I will destroy you repeatedly with any of my scrapper,brute or tanker.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, ill fight you with my pb (all human) but hes lvl 24 now. Does your scrapper have a hold, 2 heals (1 recharging pretty fast). But still i havent had any pvp experience with this one so i may be wrong.



Dark/en doesnt own in pvp, infact, its [censored]. Dominator's perma dom wont ever get fixed because it needs effort, cash and IOs to make it happen. That rating you gave to the ATs implies to Solo? Team? Team arena? What?

[/ QUOTE ]

Lol you have no idea what youre talking about dude. With the dark miasma i will debuff ur acc so bad that u will miss like %90 of the time. Want numbers? Check this:

Darkest night (toggle debuff) base slotted -%25 acc debuff + -%30 dmg reduction (that means i automatically have the res scrappers have with their shields on, im not even mentioning the def)

Fearsome stare (fear which is very rarely resisted and -%7 acc debuff)

Twilight Grasp ( HIGHEST pbaoe heal in game , with -acc debuff and -regen too, yeah its missable but almost never happens with 2 accs slotted and tactics running)

Petrifiying Gaze (Mag 2 hold)

Tar Patch (-%30 res to you, which makes me hit for %30 more to you)

Shadow Fall (The only team buff that gives PSI resistance and fear too)

Dark Servant (oh and i have a pet too, i cant count the times this fluffy has saved my life in 1on1 pvp, when im held and about to die, he heals me :O, or holds the enemy, and oh it has a darkes night of its own (another -%25 acc) and has a power (not sure about the name) which acc debuffs if ur near him, so i keep staying close to him.

And /energy, yeah yeah its not as "good" as psi maybe, but it has good single target dmg (better than dark and rad) and, knockback, which is quite useful at times.

Oh and whats more i have temp invul, tactics, assault (%12.5 more dmg), conserve power, POWERBUILD UP , and TOTAL FOCUS .

Im recently back to game, after issue 8, so i had no IOs on my lvl50, i thought id suck at pvp, so i wanted to give it a try, i killed a claw/regen scraper , and a plant/firs dom, and easy too.

And b4 issue 8 , ive had lots of solo fights the ONLY guy that has owned me was an ice/ice blaster, (i was out of break frees and he had 2 holds). Other than that i have lost to noone in 1on1 pvp.

Now can you please give the reasons why you think dark/en sucks?! And what u have against this build. Oh and your ign pls too .

My IGN is Sir Cervantes (pm me when u see me online, im always ready for pvp), but i wont log in tillthis thursday, got finals , see you after that ^^

[/ QUOTE ]

My Accuracy from bonus is higher than tower of Eiffel. Energy blast sucks for pvp, powerbuild up and Total focus wont do a [censored] to me. Anytime you wanna test your toons, come RV and ask for me. Dark/en sucks for pvp hands down. Maybe with another attack powerset and that still MAYBE. Also, your fear wont work one me. Plus your darkest night will be like it doesnt exist. At least it has a good GFX effect. Tar patch is laughable, you cant mez me with anything and on another note, i have phase too. Wont do much i am afraid. Your heal is ok, if you can see your target. The only real thing that could save you is maybe darkest night but as noted before its laughable with my accuracy on my stalker. In an emergency i can easily pop phase and drop Darkest night off. Now, energy just plain sucks in pvp. No damage and [censored] animations.

You are joking about peacebringers yeh?
If not bring your peacebringer and I will destroy you repeatedly with any of my scrapper,brute or tanker.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, ill fight you with my pb (all human) but hes lvl 24 now. Does your scrapper have a hold, 2 heals (1 recharging pretty fast). But still i havent had any pvp experience with this one so i may be wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are.

Shadow Fall (The only team buff that gives PSI resistance and fear too)

[/ QUOTE ]

So does mind link.

Oh and whats more i have temp invul, tactics, assault (%12.5 more dmg), conserve power, POWERBUILD UP , and TOTAL FOCUS .

[/ QUOTE ]

Means nothing against a stalker with 16% damage buff and the next patch. The only way you could damage my EM/WP stalker is with tar patch's -res but as noted, you dont have a way to keep me in.



Lol you have no idea what youre talking about dude.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am sorry but i laughed at this.Do you really think dark pwns?Lol....against what?Warshades?Seriously reroll.

Im recently back to game, after issue 8, so i had no IOs on my lvl50, i thought id suck at pvp, so i wanted to give it a try, i killed a claw/regen scraper , and a plant/firs dom, and easy too.

[/ QUOTE ]

Seriously omg lol.Claws regen is so overpowered makes me cry.Hope i meet you in a pvp zone so i die laugh at dark.



lol dark en, you could atleast say dark/psi, and any thing with focused accuracy will murder uuu



Hi Crystal Cat

I would like to try my ma/wp against your defender if you dont mind?

I am a Defiant baby, so if need be I can copy him over to Test and we can try there.

You can pop me a tell on @Thabo when you have the chance



id liek to try my rad/psi vs ur dark/en im on union give a tell to @psydock



id liek to try my rad/psi vs ur dark/en im on union give a tell to @psydock

[/ QUOTE ]
Can we place some bets on this?

CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>



sure,i'd like to try my ice/em blaster as well, would like to see if you can kill my illusion empath too.



put your e-peens away

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



You are joking about peacebringers yeh?
If not bring your peacebringer and I will destroy you repeatedly with any of my scrapper,brute or tanker.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, ill fight you with my pb (all human) but hes lvl 24 now. Does your scrapper have a hold, 2 heals (1 recharging pretty fast). But still i havent had any pvp experience with this one so i may be wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

I really, really wish PBs were even slightly feasible in pvp. I have had a few kills on mine but tbh they were all either cheap hits or sheer luck.
As part of a regular team with buffers etc PB can be effective. Otherwise for random arena and zonal it pretty much consistently underperforms.



put your e-peens away

[/ QUOTE ]




I don't fully agree with you on that. My mate build a pvp orientated PB on Defiant called Techno PB, and I am sure a lot of people who have seen him in RV and Sirens on Defiant will agree. Those heals are impressive, as well as his recharge rates, resistances and stuns.

You might want to talk to him about his build or just take him on for the fun of it



oooh i wanna have a shot at this as well, send @stagefright a tell to fight either my corr or scrap.. see if your -30% res beats my +30% res to energy and my own -60% res and slows..

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Ok lol, theres a LOT of demand to fight me, Well all will be returned , ill be online thursday night, my character is on Defiant and im repeating i have no IOs, just SOs, so if you have uber IO sets, well i may lose , consider that.

I especially want to fight the lovely Greeks, cos i like them sooo much :P.

If i lose i will come here and say my build sucks, and i dont know anything about the game and ill apoligize for being such a noob. But if one of you loses too, id expect the same (id love an apology especially from Zaldor, and Tainted_Greek). Oh and id like to fight in arena, not in zone, arena 1on1 rated matches.



My Accuracy from bonus is higher than tower of Eiffel. Energy blast sucks for pvp, powerbuild up and Total focus wont do a [censored] to me. Anytime you wanna test your toons, come RV and ask for me. Dark/en sucks for pvp hands down. Maybe with another attack powerset and that still MAYBE. Also, your fear wont work one me. Plus your darkest night will be like it doesnt exist. At least it has a good GFX effect. Tar patch is laughable, you cant mez me with anything and on another note, i have phase too. Wont do much i am afraid. Your heal is ok, if you can see your target. The only real thing that could save you is maybe darkest night but as noted before its laughable with my accuracy on my stalker. In an emergency i can easily pop phase and drop Darkest night off. Now, energy just plain sucks in pvp. No damage and [censored] animations.

[/ QUOTE ]

How come nothing of me does anything to you? lol You know the devs?! :P

Oh and the only reasonable statement you made (about how youd work against my build) was your phase shift, yeah i hate when that happens, but remember you might be held, me and my pet has a hold, 2 holds stacking.

Oh and b4 i knew you were a stalker i doubted i could beat you, lol now im relieved.