Arachnos costume pieces in the extra costume slots
So I guess having a Wolf/Bane/Crab without a helmet is totally off the cards . That's a really big dissapointment in my book
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totally agree, i agree even more for wolf
I can really see where they're coming from when it comes to "not designed for the PC" thing.
I just wish it made it easier to swallow and less diasppointing.
I wanted to make an Epic AT with some sort of style instead of a generic lookalike.
Guess I'll have to make do.
Friends are just enemies that haven't betrayed you yet.
Q: But isnt there some stuff that will work in the regular costume creator.
Yep, but only a few. Lets take the widow for example. Most of the widow stuff will work in the regular costume creator except the chest piece and high collar. So, if I put all the pieces that will work in the regular costume creator the player would then ask Well this stuff got in there why not the other stuff? Its a slippery slope and the costume creator would get sloppy. So the VEAT has its own costume creator and the regular costume creator stays the same and never shall the two merge.
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Q: Well then, why dont you just port all the stuff that will work into the VEAT costume creator?
If I was to do this then we would basically have two costume creators. One regular costume creator and other one to accommodate for the VEAT costume pieces. Again, very sloppy and unprofessional.
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Er... wow, way to follow your own logic there Jay.
Aye is quite depressing in the sense your customisation is gonna be very limited if trying to incorperate any VEAT pieces on you first costume, only not to be able to use them on any of your other costumes.
I was hoping the VEAT AT would be able to create any of thier costume slots with any of the VEAT armour pieces right throughout all 5 slots, alas Sexy j has told us how its gonna be.
Defiant: Snow + many other alts
Arc ID 61069
I'd just like it so we could select the whole armour as one of the top level preset ones and then it would swap to the outfit - i really wanted to have 2 full widow looks but one without the armour and the mask i made for him, why not make it that way? So then both cossie creators are seperate and the choice of Soldier or Widow preset respectively would then swap to the VEAT cossie creator. That way it wouldn't break the existing architecture and people could make several different coloured outfits/armours. Still won't intermix but at least people have the options of a full arachnos style look with the badges and one alternate multicoloured armour say.
So far my main gripe is i wanted the widow shoulders and collar on all my chars outfits as well but meh.
1) This is not news. Anyone who understands the costume editor knew why it was done this way. I posted to explain it as soon as the feature was anounced.
2) Helmetless Crab and Bane where always off the cards. However helmetless wolf uniforms shouldn't be a problem. My feeling is they weren't added because soldiers already have far more options than widows.
3) Personally, I would like to see 2 uniform slots, but this would lead to whining by people who wanted more than 3 non-uniform slots, and the coding to add a 6th slot is a whole other job, and not something Jay can do. Maybe later, whith a larger team, a 6th slot can be added, and made a uniform slot of SoA.
I really should do something about this signature.
Q: But isnt there some stuff that will work in the regular costume creator.
Yep, but only a few. Lets take the widow for example. Most of the widow stuff will work in the regular costume creator except the chest piece and high collar. So, if I put all the pieces that will work in the regular costume creator the player would then ask Well this stuff got in there why not the other stuff? Its a slippery slope and the costume creator would get sloppy. So the VEAT has its own costume creator and the regular costume creator stays the same and never shall the two merge.
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Q: Well then, why dont you just port all the stuff that will work into the VEAT costume creator?
If I was to do this then we would basically have two costume creators. One regular costume creator and other one to accommodate for the VEAT costume pieces. Again, very sloppy and unprofessional.
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Er... wow, way to follow your own logic there Jay.
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No, I understand his logic here..
The VEAT costume creator is just a fraction, a very small part of the TRUE costume creator. So small, it can't really be called a costume creator at all.
It also dont take up much space with all the variant costume parts ( i think)
But suddenly adding all the stuff that does work would make this "almost-costume-creator" into a "Full-blown-costume-creator" and while its certainly possible.. it would make the ordinary costume creator obsolete, and give none-VEATs access to all the SoA cossie parts.
Officer Cuffz lvl 50 Inv/Nrg Tank
Badge lvl 50 dwarf/human Peacebringer
Dark Air lvl 50 Ice/Cold Corruptor
Ayre lvl 50 Storm/Elec Defender
Total Cat: @Officer Cuffz
"When I say interview, I mean engage in combat and defeat..." -Laura Brunetti, on how to deal with Warriors.
/e cry
'Tis a disappointment
Good thing I didn't have any plans for cossies xD
Not thread stealing here, but since we're on the subject of VEAT costume pieces, why don't Widows have the hipcape and widow heels?
Contact Information!
Twitter: @TonyParkeze
Ideally what I'd like is being able to select Widow/Crab etc... from the drop down menu in the normal costume creator.
That way you could (or at least, should in my opinion be able to) set it so that it only has those options available with that set. You've already got certain costume pieces that can't be used with others, so I imagine it's not that far of a stretch.
I could be wrong though, I'm neither Jay nor a code monkey.
The widow cape, because they havn't managed to get it working properly yet. It probably wont make it in for issue 12 release, but will be added later.
There was a personal message from Jay, saying helmetless wolf spiders would probably also be added after issue 12 goes live.
The heals? That remains a mistery.
I really should do something about this signature.
Any news on widow high-heels while we're at it?
ummmmm something i noticed a couple of hours ago
banes dont have necks :/
maybe crab spiders too
Yeah I personally would have hoped for a choice to have more than one VEAT costume as well (for helmet/no helmet or colour changes etc.) but I guess we cant ask for too much. We wernt even supposed to be getting VEATs this issue anyway so what the hey, I guess I'll just be wearing my first costume a lot and visiting the tailor a lot when i want to take my helmet off or whatever
The only other gripe I have with the costumes is how banes are just crabs without the backpack (and as a result are a little too on the 'beefy' side)
Also I will be looking forward to helmetless wolfs and particularly 'buttcapes' for widows post I12 release
@Clara Finch
yip would like the heals on the widows, no idea why they have not got them on the costume.Hope they get them included in the coming updates.
I did read something of the widows getting tails as well, but as Praf says might be after i12
Defiant: Snow + many other alts
Arc ID 61069
I wanted the fancy coat
Long Answer: Yep, but only a few. Lets take the widow for example. Most of the widow stuff will work in the regular costume creator except the chest piece and high collar. So, if I put all the pieces that will work in the regular costume creator the player would then ask Well this stuff got in there why not the other stuff? Its a slippery slope and the costume creator would get sloppy. So the VEAT has its own costume creator and the regular costume creator stays the same and never shall the two merge.
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right if I'm understanding this correctly Jay is saying SoA costume parts aren't going into the costume creator because some of them would clip? And putting costume parts that clip into the costume creator is unprofessional?
Say what has he looked at the costume creator any costume piece that isn't skin tight clips at some point almost all large shoulder pads clip, large chest details clip most facial accessories clip specially the vanguard and exo stuff
would adding more clipping stuff really matter when compared to the ability to create a wider variation in costumes?
Personally i say no it wouldn't i don't mind if pieces clip ocasionaly hell some pieces even work when clipping into each other. So please jay (not that i believe he'll be reading this) add those SoA costume pieces to the costume creator let us the player decide if they work or not.
Guys, found something with the extra costumes.
Hope it's not a bug that gets fixed, but when you get your second costume at level 10 DON'T AMEND IT. The first costume gets copied to the second slot, so if you instead alter your primary costume you end up with two Arachnos uniforms.
Please DON'T fix this devs!
YAY!!! This is better than the LGTF bug
Guys, found something with the extra costumes.
Hope it's not a bug that gets fixed, but when you get your second costume at level 10 DON'T AMEND IT. The first costume gets copied to the second slot, so if you instead alter your primary costume you end up with two Arachnos uniforms.
Please DON'T fix this devs!
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/e plot
@MidnightGuard - on Union you may know me as:
Mr. Vile - Electroman X - Zenodorus - Battler
Naga Knight - Stinkspitter
Hope it's not a bug that gets fixed, but when you get your second costume at level 10 DON'T AMEND IT. The first costume gets copied to the second slot, so if you instead alter your primary costume you end up with two Arachnos uniforms.
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This second costume should then propagate when you get your third costume, etc.
Of course, the trick is how does it react to having the Crab Spider Backpack... Anyone high enough level to test?
Crab Spider backpacks become your only back option if you select the Crab Spider powers. There's no way to get rid of them either once the choice is made - though I'm not sure what happens if you respec into the Bane branch.
It's possible to have a cape and the Crab Spider backpack. A guy on the US forums showed some pics of his "Crab Spider" (which was in a Huntsman costume) with cape and the backpack.
It looked awesome
@MidnightGuard - on Union you may know me as:
Mr. Vile - Electroman X - Zenodorus - Battler
Naga Knight - Stinkspitter
I found this user post on the US forum:
. That's a really big dissapointment in my book
I can't use (or at least, haven't seen any options to use) Arachnos costume pieces outside of the singular required slot. So if I want a guy in a trenchcoat and a fortunata helm guess what: Can't do it!
Worse, it appears I can't even have multiple uniforms! Maybe I want my Bane Spider to have Bane and Wolf costumes.
Can't do it! Blood widow and fortunata costume slots? No way.
Now, I'm not doom saying or knocking the AT. They're fun to play, and I got a spider up to lvl 10 with ease and enjoyed doing it. But I was really disappointed to have so many potential neat ideas that involved playing around with the Arachnos costume bits cut short by the devs. It was such a let down.
Please devs, make those pieces freely available to the VEATs!
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I think this stands as an explanation from JLove (Sexy Jay?):
Q: Why cant we miss match our VEAT costume with all the other costume options?
Short Answer: Wont work together
Long Answer: Players on villain side have long asked for Villain Epic Archetypes (VEAT). And the way to appease the masses, we decided to give players and chance to look likes a WoldSpider. Then someone said why dont you add the widows, oh and while youre at it, add the Crab and Bane spiders too.
I gave it my best effort to fit all of these pieces into the regular costume creator but it just would not mesh well together. For example: the Crab spider chest thing breaks all the costume borders and clips into almost every other costume piece we have. Having this amount of clipping is unprofessional and just plain looks bad; also you the player, will and should demand better. The Crab/Bane/Wolf/Widow all were originally made to be NPC only, they were never intended to be intermixed in the costume creator like the Roman and Vanguard set is. NPCs that use the Huge/Male/Female as a base can break the player costume boarder rule.
Q: But isnt there some stuff that will work in the regular costume creator.
Short Answer: Yep
Long Answer: Yep, but only a few. Lets take the widow for example. Most of the widow stuff will work in the regular costume creator except the chest piece and high collar. So, if I put all the pieces that will work in the regular costume creator the player would then ask Well this stuff got in there why not the other stuff? Its a slippery slope and the costume creator would get sloppy. So the VEAT has its own costume creator and the regular costume creator stays the same and never shall the two merge.
Q: Well then, why dont you just port all the stuff that will work into the VEAT costume creator?
Short Answer: Shut up and look away
Long Answer: If I was to do this then we would basically have two costume creators. One regular costume creator and other one to accommodate for the VEAT costume pieces. Again, very sloppy and unprofessional.
Q: Why do you smell so awesome?
Short Answer: Hey, I though I told you to shut up
Long Answer: Luffa every nook and cranny everyday. Also for about a dollar more I buy Axe hygiene products, they really are the best. Kisses
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(thanks to Snow for the find).
So I guess having a Wolf/Bane/Crab without a helmet is totally off the cards
Lack of the ability to have even an alternate armour costume seems dissapointing if true.
1 work uniform and 4 sets of Civvies I guess? Civvies with great big mechanical claws for Crabs ofc
OFC I'll wait for such opportunity to see for myself, but I wondered if anyone's so far been able to try anything that would confirm or deny this?
At least Jay smells awesome.