Omega Maneuver




Anyone else wondering about the exact nature of this top-tier Crab Spider power?

From the video this is obviously a very powerful blast, which would indicate a nova of sorts for the resilient Crabbies. However, the thing I find curious is the fact it has an in-game model of its very own and is evidently deployed by the Crab.

This could indicate a Trip Mine-like power, or maybe (*shudder*) a Time Bomb.

Please, please please don't let it be a Time Bomb...



Didn't they have one of these in Galaxy Quest?

I really should do something about this signature.



Please, please please don't let it be a Time Bomb...

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If it is the above then I'm typing /em suicide

Maybe its a location-type Nova?




Didn't they have one of these in Galaxy Quest?

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Good call! I knew it soudned familiar...

I should clarify my last post: If it's a Time Bomb with say a 2 second deploy time (4 seconds if non-interruptible) and approx. 3 second fuse (just enough time to cry "OH NOES!" and try to run away), I could probably live with it.

But if it's a 6 second interruptible lay with a 15 second fuse it'll be a joke.



Thats why I suggested location nova



However, the thing I find curious is the fact it has an in-game model of its very own and is evidently deployed by the Crab.

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Looks like those mines/missiles/thingies you can find in the tunnels below Grandville. The very slow moving mines/missiles/thingies.



However, the thing I find curious is the fact it has an in-game model of its very own and is evidently deployed by the Crab.

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Looks like those mines/missiles/thingies you can find in the tunnels below Grandville. The very slow moving mines/missiles/thingies.

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Oooh, I've never seen those.

So... maybe it's an exploding pet, like a Photon Seeker?



Didn't they have one of these in Galaxy Quest?

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"I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last."

It's a biblical thing. Strap Omega next to anything suitably foreboding and you have an appropiate explosive name lined up.



It's used in the bible, it's not specifically biblical. Omega is simply the last letter of the greek alphabet, and so has come to mean "the last". In fact, it was already used in that context when the greek version of the bible was wrtten. Hence it's inclusion (Jesus spoke Aramaic, not Greek).

I really should do something about this signature.



I wonder if the Greeks ever got around using pocket Alpha to Omega maps of Crete...?

"Hard pressed on my right. My centre is yielding. Impossible to manoeuvre. Situation excellent. I am attacking." - General Ferdinand Foch






Didn't they have one of these in Galaxy Quest?

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Or like 'The Death Blossom' manouveur in The Last Starfighter - showers an area in lasers?..... either which way, whatever it is, I can imagine the airwaves turning blue when someone throws down Caltrops and drops one of those beauties.



ooh, nice combo attack. I guess it would work just as well with wide-area web grenades and tar patch.



Can't we just put all these words into one? (Ownage)



Can my 50 blaster trade his Timed Bomb for one of these please?

I suppose the other end of the spectrum would be Alpha Poke, with Beta Nudge and Gamma Noogie right up to the Omega.

It's not running away. It's advancing in reverse!



anyone else starting to think that the crab spider is not going to be the Tank-type we thought?

it looks like it should be the heavily armed able to take lots of damage tyoe however, with a Nuke and blaster powers he would have to trade off survivability for it.

Im very intrigued as to precisely what these epics can do.





I don't think crabs can have anything like tank defenses, and have ranged aoe atacks, and be anything like balanced!

They are probably the least squshy of the SOA though.

I really should do something about this signature.



I don't think crabs can have anything like tank defenses, and have ranged aoe atacks, and be anything like balanced!

They are probably the least squshy of the SOA though.

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And the most likely of all to get a resistance based tier-9 (sort of thing, tiers in epics are wierd )


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



From paragonwiki, Crab Spiders are supposed to be like SWAT. They roll in with the specialist stuff to take out big threats, the better armour and the bigger guns. But they also provide the support (Supression power) to others. So probs more of a mix between Brutes and Corruptors it would seem.



Yeah, and like SWAT they shoot everywhere and hit nothing. The amount of times in my storid villains career I have been hit by any Crab Spider's ranged attack (let alone Supression!) I can count on ONE hand.

They got a good right claw though.

@Drakmarth & @Drakmarth2
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Yeah, and like SWAT they shoot everywhere and hit nothing. The amount of times in my storid villains career I have been hit by any Crab Spider's ranged attack (let alone Supression!) I can count on ONE hand.

They got a good right claw though.

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Unlike our chars.. they have not been able to put enchantments in their slots

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Looks to me like a buffed-up Photon Seeker/Seeker Drone



It will probably end up being some kind of Snipe nuke, massive charge up for a massive effect with massive recharge

