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  1. Easy option to this would be if Khelds could get access to a new form dependant on the patron

    Ghost Widow would give you a stalker form

    Scirocco would give you Dominator form

    Black Scorpion would give you a Mastermind form


    Mako would give you a brute form

    obviously they would all be alien looking (perhaps the stalker form would look like a praying mantis with blades for arms)
  2. Dark_Ebon_Spider

    Standard IO's

    the only IO ive seen stronger effectively than a regular IO is Hecatomb Damage superior - Level 50, Damage +53.0%


  3. thing is though what if the colour change for powers isnt slot based like it is for auras? what if its one colour choice per character.

    just dont want to set myself up for a fall and hope for things that may not happen, just like im sure my plans for a Villain Warshade will be dashed.


  4. I wonder is there a possibility that were going to get SUPERGROUP colors for powers? so the whole SG when in SG mode can all have the same coloured powers and cossies.


    Im looking forward to the issue however for 2 reasons, 1) i want to change the Super reflexes colour of my main Dark Ebon Spider but 2) I want to change the Psionic shield from Dark Armour from a god aweful Pink Halo to something darker, perhaps even Red (that would work for Dracula)
  5. end of the day what we need to do is that those that find banes good and fun to play, need to post their exact build and their style of play or better still post a vid of them playing so we can see where others are going wrong.

    speaking from personal experiance a friend of mine tried a bane and said "its pants and really squishy" when i saw how he played it he just simply ran in and started spamming his melee attacks, So i had a go and ran in started with Shatter for the ES then Pulvarise then bash then retreat and fire off Mace beam (Or better still Poison ray) then close in and repeat


  6. *looks at Razors Build.......BEGINS MOCKING PROTOCOLS*


    looks like you have yourself a fairly servicable build there, I managed to get by with my lvl 29.

    I took Bash, Pulvarise, shatter, Mace Beam (maybe take Poison ray instead), Wolf armor, Bane Armor, TT: man, TT: Assault, Placate, Surveillance, Combat jumping, sj, Swift, Health and Stamina. (not in that order)

    I get by but I have to move in, start with shatter, then pulvarise, then bash then cycle melee to that foe allowing the Venom to slowly kill em (Very satisfying when they run only to sucome to the venom and drop down dead about 10 feet away) if theres too many drop back and either pull or use your ranged attacks to keep em at bay, if I want to pull off a quick Exec or stealth strike or if I need to take the heat off fire off placate

    hope that helps even though its probably illegible


  7. Lord Ebon Spider sat weakly inside his personal flier the "pit spider", his lungs weazing as they slowly regenerate, his respirator inhaling and exhaling in a metalic pitch as the sounds bounce off the interior metalic surfaces.

    His Night Widow servant looked to him and uttered "My Lord Spider.....are you alright, would you allow me to give you some painkillers?" Lord Ebon Spider looked up, previously lost in the encroaching cacophony that was slowly creeping into his mind, His metalic tone rose up as he looked to the Widow with one fiery crimson eye, the other a dim flickering in the gloom "no....the pain is inpart staving off the corruption" the night widow nodded, Spider lowered his head and he forced himself to try and remember the "corrections" his Lord had made on his mind but it was all blank, a Black space, an abyssal spot in his mind where thoughts and memories should reside, where once the dark killer would have grown quick to anger in this situation now he merely sat trying to understand what was going to happen to him, his mind reaching out and glancing over peoples minds picking up their surface memory, for a moment he glanced over the pilots mind and for a brief time knew exactly how to fly an Arachnos flier in any situation even in combat but when that faded so did the pilots skills, Spider knew that if there was a way to shield his mind from the Hive-Mind he would retain his free will and possibly gain control of his newfound gifts, however he would first somehow find a way to get the Hive-Mind to run through the dormant parts of his brain that way it would be undetectable to the rest of the collective the question was How.

    To be continued

    P.s. when i can think of more lol
  8. Within the crowd a man watched on hidden within the gloom, cloaked in a full length leather coat with a hood that obscurred his entire face, he watched the fight and as Infinitron unloaded the bullet into the combatant the dark man smiled he could feel Infinitrons mind flowing to him showing him brief subtle flashes of mental anguish.

    Turning his body while limping slightly, he raised his hand and clutched his chest his respirator from under the hood gave an audible mechanical sigh. he moved through the crowd, his newfound power stretching out and glancing over peoples minds around him, already he could feel Lord Recluse' "Corrections" upon his shattered mind taking hold, the Hive mind was coming and threatened to claim him... but first he thought....first he wanted revenge.

    he Laughed darkly and stumbled away from the eyes of the crowd before tapping a button on his wrist and using up the last dying hours of his Stealth suit to cloak him as he made his way to his Personal flier.

    He weakly arrived at the door to his flier stumbling as he neared the vessel, a slender yet strong hand grasped him by the arm stabilising him, it was a Night Widow "Lord Ebon Spider?...are you alright?" The dark man dropped the hood revealing his bettle Ravaged Arachnos helm with only one fiery eye the other flickering "Yes.....take me home" stepping onto the Flier they took off and soared into the sky.



    P.s. sorry if this was a closed RP just thought i would add a lil bit in that didnt really affect you two lol
  9. Ok Got Arachnophobia saved onto Union Live now

    So im gonna try n get my Bane in either there or in the horde.



    P.s. when I12 hits anyone that wants in just send a tell to Lord Ebon Spider or Global @Dark Ebon Spider


  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Archon is gr33k for ruler! wahaha

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know I was making a joke based on ALLLL those god darn Archon foss missions from the papers "go here and defeat Archon foss...." who happens to be a soldier then the next time i fight him hes a Vampyre then the next time a Warwolf then a mechman and then a Hoverbot lol

    anyway back on track, What is saddening me so much is that all this talk of Banes being COMPLETELY useless *which they arnt* will lead to Banes most likely being shunned from teams which is sad to say the least.

    then again one thing that goes in any SoA's favour is that merely by being on the team they boost the team vastly making it ALMOST like godmode if theres more than three on a team.

    Im looking forward to levelling my bane on live, they are a challange to play and they look good too.


  11. I think the problem is in part due to the fact that people went to the VEATs with preconceptions of what they would be (for example people thought that Banes would be Scrapper/stalkers or that even they would be Scrapper/MM's judging from the vid) instead of going in and analysing the class and working out stratagies on their own. in saying that I dont contest that Banes do pale in comparison to their brothers and sisters but they can be made to work well but never GREAT.



    P.s. Archon?? you playing Arachnos or Council Razor
  12. Hear me out lol

    I dont mean more uniform bits but unique costume parts that can only be used by VEATS that are used on their other cossy slots, things that have an Arachnos air to em but not be soldier armor.

    like kinda make new Bane Spider armor for (Destined Banes) and also the same for all the others.

    Obviously this wouldnt be for this issue, but would it be a good idea?


  13. Sorry just me being thick

    I have tried a few tactics while playing as my bane, like staying at distance and shooting to draw them in then exec strike to finish them off, that as before results in lots of people rushing in and pummelling me, tried the rush in an Exec strike, then placate then pulvarise then bash which while leaves me open to attack strangely works better than the first option


  14. which again is sad since we have less damage we can deal anyway.

    the dots are nice though


  15. ok take the ammount of times that a foe is able to resist what should be Irresistable damage, then have a look that Bane Spider Executioner strike IS resisted by all that can resist the type and do the math.

    we have a creature that has low shielding, low HP's and less damage than a stalker that finds its attacks for the most part resisted whereas stalkers only have a FEW baddies that resist your AS.

    exception not the rule, maybe Banes were introduced so that Stalkers didnt feel bad any more....that a class was even worse than they are :P *joke* I jest I really do love my Bane and actually like it more than my Main Stalker, but I do want Banes at least given some love pre-release.


  16. what you also have to take into account is Assassin strike is unresisted whereas Executioner strike is resisted and since its smashing damage with a hint of toxic, 40+ is gonna be hell.


  17. [ QUOTE ]
    So far I have been thinking about all this and have only 1 real question - has anyone ever even vaguely paid attention to what a bane does when they attack you? They open with strongest ranged attacks usually involving KB and then either wait for you to come to them for them to then placate/AS you or charge a fallen KB'd foe to AS them - I've seen 3 players use this style of play and have no trouble fighting alongside anything. Beginning to believe the stuff of banes being underpowered is actually untrue - people are trying to use them as low level stalker/brutes and thats not what they are. They are a sup'd up corr with an AS.

    I believed the placate nerf was a bit odd but seeing as I've never been placated twice by the same bane it all makes sense. I urge people to try opening with ranged blasts as funnily enough the ranged def of a bane is much higher i believe than their melee (whereas widows its the other way around). I'd recomend trying this method really I do - and regarding the widows & banes comparitive def - how many times have you had trouble hitting a widow and how many times have you had trouble hitting a bane? Think about it seriously and you'll see it all makes sense balance wise in my eyes. Only thing I think banes could do with is a small res increase to bring them a shade more in line with the bane spider executioner bosses, aside from that though they are perfectly fine as is.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    that would be great Starscream, save for the fact i tried that and while it "WORKS" it is very flawed because you open with your strongest ranged which tends to be an AOE which then drags a load of foes towards you, wow your placates gonna be awesome in stopping one from hitting you just in time for the other 4-5 to stamp you into the floortiles lol

    and again if you try n lead with a single target ranged it still draws in a large group of foes making placate and stealth useless.

    see I tried to play that way and was hurt badly on a Mayhem, I still ended up knocking down one foe only to have the other Mobs near him rallying to stomp me. so it means that Banes rely on pulling one foe from a pack of them and since 40+ foes start getting resistant to smashing damage it gets worse as you level.

    but in saying that maybe im just doing it wrong could I team with you sometime and just show me what im doing wrong please mate

    Kind regards


    P.s. Starscream, sorry if this sounds sarcastic, its not mate.
  18. The only thing I tend to see in the US Forums are the people who like us, would like to see the Banes looked at in view to balance...we are not looking for a bloody overpowerment or even a complete rehaul and then you have the people who are saying nah you all suck im finding Banes perfect because they want to be seen to be super leet and show that they are playing an unbalanced AT and thinking its perfect when in reality they probably think its as unbalanced as we do.

    problem with that mentality is that if the devs see all these posts and then see ours, it makes us look like we are whining since they think all these people cant be wrong..can they?.

    it frustrates me that also thanks to these people Banes will probably be Nerfed into the ground when they hit live.


  19. I can see that tempers are flaring due to the fact we feel, and sometimes rightly so that our opinions dont count at all.

    I do feel however despite the large portion of people calling for Banes to be looked at will go unheard and they will enter live being as "broken" (i know they arnt totally broken, but their balance is in question).

    I do wish as others here that a Redname would post and advise what they were thinking when they created the Bane AT what is it they are supposed to do with their strange strong melee power and yet their strongest defence is against ranged....which seems a little weird for a class that excells in stealth damage from melee strikes, Im adapting but i just want to know whats being done because as a Villain I feel we are being singled out again, in that Banes do underperform in referance to other classes and other VEATS.


  20. I wasnt trying to diffuse your Conversation by saying its only a game, I just dont understand why the aggression is turned inward when you stated your displeasure about the devs.

    as I stated before I find banes fun, I dont understand however why they have more defence against ranged when they are melee based as a primary.


  21. I admit that Banes are very squishy and that their attacks dont echo their defence in that they do alot of damage in melee but have more defence against ranged, that said I look forward to trying to work out a viable build like I did for my Stalker.

    Its nice to finally have a challanging build since my Last main was a Claws/SR stalker, I mean Banes have so many things that set them apart and yes they are not balanced but as has been so popularly stated alot of things in this game arn't balanced, but are at that same token still fun.

    I also wish that the ferocity would just end, why is everyone decending into venomous words when this is a Discussion about the potential plusses and minuses of an AT from an MMORPG, at the end of the day its only a game, there is no need to get angry and abusive over it.

    just my two inf


  22. I mean I have heard alot of people saying Banes are awesome, Any who have been on this board for any length of time will know how much I wanted Banes to become playable and to be honest I thought they were great at 24 then at 25-27 im strangely starting to struggle. I got to the mish where you get into midnight

    ****POSSIBLE SPOILERS********

    where I was attacked by Statues that all conned Yellow to me, they proceeded to rip me apart as they surrounded me.

    Im sure I Have just made a mistake with the build but heres what i have so far

    Combat Jumping
    Super jump
    Wolf Spider Armor
    Bane Spider Armor
    Cloaking Device
    Combat Training: Offence

    ***Not in that order***


  23. Yeah I assumed that Praf I also assumed the *Simply dumping you in Mercy* was an indicator on a new Tutorial (albeit not really a tutorial just a lead in to the story since we all have over 50 chars )


  24. I dont sorry Praf, I also understand that this is possibly not supposed to be posted into this thread but i feel its an important one to us SoA's as im sure we will come into contact with Khelds and I for one would like to know what were helping them with....we might not have any at all due to our secondary who knows


  25. what benefits do khelds get for teaming with SOA's? in re of their inherant?

