Base wish list
Recipe storage.
End to random base kick bug.
More salvaged from the other thread:
From Mac_Scarf:
[/ QUOTE ]Oh where to start?
1) Hospital beds that don't come with restraints
2) Gym equipment
3) More textures for the walls and floors etc ( talking of the tech/magic bridge in the suggestion mentioned above wouldn't it be nice to have a bridge over something like water)
That's three without even thinking ..... there's more much much more .....
4) cobwebs for the arcane and sewer style bases for example?
White Bear
5) Tech wall panels so i can finally have that lab looking like a ..... lab and not a room with a collection of box's in it.
They just keep coming!
6) An actual way in to the sg that dosn't look like an old startrek teleporter.... how about a door?
Going now
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
Cheaper recreation rooms!
You have some good ideas ther ShadowGhost, especially the cobwebs and the Lab,
I personally quite like the vortex entrance, so I would leave that as it is....
I would like to see...
More construction particular larger stairs (raised platform down to sunken one)
Personalised workbenches, teleport pads...etc...
Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body
Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Cepheus Defender Nilus Scrapper Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker
You have some good ideas ther ShadowGhost, especially the cobwebs and the Lab,
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Thanks, but I'd like to point out that idea, and infact that entire post wasn't mine... just copied from the other thread.
I would like to see...
More construction particular larger stairs (raised platform down to sunken one)
Personalised workbenches, teleport pads...etc...
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Hmmmm... to add to those ideas...
A DIY nut's workbench (with the tools and such, both cluttered and neat?)
As for the stairs... how about making them modular?
We have the normal 'one tier' stairs that go from ground to 1 up? How about we get a from 1 up to 2 up, which would bridge the gap between the first stairs and the 2up floor level? And of course the 2up to 3up stairs?
And while I'm at it... a square to fit in with that theme, stackable with itself so you can make stairs go in a corner as well as straight?
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
in base tailor!!!! i mention this a while back but didn't get any good feedback
I've been thinking about this, as I've been decorating my base a little. Workrooms are easy enough to make look good, as with generator rooms, etc. Medi-bays are a bit of a challenge, 'less you fill'em with plants and bondage beds...
However - I then realised that the control room lacks... well, CONTROL.
In our base, we have enough control items to run what we need. Thus, database, mainframe, and one control terminal (we needed an ickle bit more for the last telepad!). Now, I put the terminal in front of the mainframe, and made it look a bit more 'interactive'... but it's really not!
See - the control room isn't exactly the 'hub' of the supergroup base. If you don't use the Mega Monitor or the computer with the Holodisplay (which look good, but aren't as useful with the prestige / resource balance) - then your control room turns into some kind of IT office's 'server room' - a place you rarely enter, except when you need to reboot something.
Now - I'd love to build a mega monitor and a holo display - but I'd rather save the prestige for our base expansion, so that when we upgrade to a better control system, we'll have fewer items (and thus, an even MORE boring room).
The SG Mission Computer is USEFUL, but POINTLESS with the CoP trial working. Granted, once the other upgrades are made, I'll chuck it in - but for now, it has no purpose other than looking 'useful', and giving you something to 'click' in the control centre.
Then it hit me. Field Analysts. You always have to find one to change your difficulty setting. But what if you could do it from your base? Hell, make it a supergroup badge - tie it to Hero / Freedom Corp badges / missions, etc. A 'communications array', or maybe a 'priority line' (anything from a computer terminal (with chair?) and a hero-corps screen display, or maybe even a small red phone in a glass bell case (very Batman TV show!) ((I prefer the terminal idea - tech base ;o) ))
A comms. array would allow you to contact the Field Analyst from your base - so that you can build your team, set the mission and the difficulty from the base, and then use your base telepads to get to the zone - no messing around gettin' the analyst to change it in person.
Why not improve the communication array? Contact Atlas City Hall to deal with SG things? Rent? (Direct debit influence transfer! ) ), INF / PRESTIGE conversion, etc.
I know the devs probably want us to 'carry on exploring zones and travelling around', but after X-years in game, some people have seen it all. My SG base is the home of my SG - aside from wanting to finish tweaking my medi-bay (and resisting the urge to waste prestige on a holodisplay and a mega monitor...) I want to be able to feel as though it really is the 'control centre' of our operations - sitting in the control room in front of a communications station, and contacting people - that would give it a bit more of a use - and keep people in the base a little more, should they desire it!
Bases for SG's should allow people to get a lot of the 'faffing around' stuff done, without the 'faffing around' - as I have given an example of. If the devs are worried about this making everything all too easy - then make it an SG badge - at least we'd have to work for it!
ADDITION: Also - like the in-base talior idea. Make it a little booth? In the original Secret Wars (Marvel), on the 'Battle Planet', Spider-Man uses a machine to fabricate his new black costume when his old one got shredded. Granted, it turned out to be an evil symbiote that constantly tries to kill him now - but hey... I'm sure the devs can work that minor bug out of the system if they add this!
[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]@Winter Flare[/COLOR] - [url=""] The New Guardians[/url] - [url=""] 1211 Badges [/url][/B]
A split level/two (or more) floor base.
Defiant 50: Blonde Justice inv/ss; Lady Aminta emp/elec; Sierra Colt merc/traps; Tess LaCoyle elec/elec (blaster); Powerstorm elec/elec (brute);
Union 50: @Steel Dancer WP/DB; Blast Pulse Fire/Rad (corr); Bitter Twilight Earth/Psi (dom); Compassionate Emp/Psi;
Freedom 50: Incandescent Blaze ElecAm/Fire;
following on from comm idea, how about adding a customisable PvE raids, you could select the type of raid, the enemy type, and reward type, the difficulty etc.
it would work something like this.
SG group (Villain) creates party and enters base.
Party leader activates console and selects 'Longbow Base' as target, selects 'Salvage' as reward, the game then creates an appropriate mission (like a newspaper mission) and activates the teleporter to it.
the SG completes the mission and gets a list of suitable (level/archetype) rewards to choose from.
Base raids, Mayhem, Bank missions etc would all be available (maybe tied to SG badges for completing so many of that type of mission)
Rewards could be Salvage (base and invention), Infamy, Prestige (its a SG mission after all)
I am sure these have been covered elsewhere but here are some suggestions for decorative items for bases:
Spiral stair case.
Water Features (fountains, swimming pool)
House plants
Garden room.
Gothic style base details\items. (this might be covered by magic).
Right, I'm sure this has been mentioned - but not just split bases! I would like the chance to 'upgrade' tot a 2-level base, with a lift as standard. That way you could effectively keep 'downstairs' for sotrage etc and upstairs for the social areas that obviously no-one wants*.
*that was a cheap dig at the Dev who had 'not considered bases for social interaction' compared to the number of people, including non-RP'ers, who are impressed when a base has a bar and/or relaxation area.
So, my top priority wish is to have 2-level bases with an elevator as standard (not a power/control issue, if at all possible)
I always thought the Tiki lounge was a good place for social interaction - although I understand that it is not SG-restricted...
[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]@Winter Flare[/COLOR] - [url=""] The New Guardians[/url] - [url=""] 1211 Badges [/url][/B]
The SG Mission Computer is USEFUL, but POINTLESS with the CoP trial working.
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It's only pointless-without-the-CoP for Heroes; for Villains, it grants access to Silver Mantis's Strike Force.
DCUO and CO will never see my money. The Citygame will keep seeing my money for as long as I keep enjoying it

i'd like staff in the base!
New option, like the base decoration tabs, but for 'staff'. You then pick the npc skin you want, and place them. They dont do anything other than saying things like "Hi there <hero name>, nice going with <villain group> the other day!" etc... when you walk past. You could have various npcs to use; random pedestrians, lab technicians, butler/barman, wizard/mage, longbow dude, doctor etc.. some could walk round the room, and some could stand still so you could place them at workstations or as guards at the entry to the base
I would like to see a Notice board that you could leave more inforation for your SG, sure we have message of the day but lets face it once youve said hello and great going guys your out of room, a Noticeboard that lets you actually leave messages for each othere would really help with keeping in contact with other sg memebers better than email and word of mouth. oh and of course Doorways...
And beds - we must have doors and beds.
And fountains/water features too, of course
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
- interactive training equipment (targetable/indestructible)
Shooting target, round arrow (wall item)
Shooting target, soldier gun (wall item)
Wooden Dummy (Mook Yung, chinese practice dummy)
Straw man
- Fountain (water colorable)
- Chains (wall item, this should be within 12+ still)
- Pool (water colorable)
- Bath (water colorable)
- Curtains (wall object)
- Lasergrid cage
- Iron bar cage
- Normal bed (one and two-person)
- Candles
- keyboards (servers are now without)
- boxes (audio ssyetm is without)
- Weapon rack without the glass (it should be an armory item)
- more library items
- dinner table
- in-base able to normally (easy way) interact with furniture
- better stairs and more floating platforms to build in layers
- trapdoors (even if it just decorative)
- windows (a variation of the tp beakons but as animated view screens wall mounted)
- fire cauldrons
I sure will think up more in time....
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

"danger room" for training - rehearsing attack chains and team tactics (no XP, rewards or debt ; Available spawns based on badge/task?)
Ordinary cabinet space that can be interacted with, causing it to flip over and turn into sophisticated tech equipment - I want my secret appartment HQ!
Intermediate stage between tiny SG power/control combo unit and current 1st tier Power and Control units and rooms for smallish SGs.
Vehicle hanger that is used as one-stop TP for all locations once all beacons are collected and unfeasibly large fee has been paid.
Cant remember if it was this or the other thread that mentioned it but shared SG storage for invention salvage would be ideal - I realise that there're issues of "ye stole me lucky charm!" incidents, but it's shared storage, if you don't want to share, don't use it. And if you can't trust eachother, what are you doing in the same SG? A shared inf pool would be great too. Both would make it a little too easy for high level sugar daddies to fund their underling alts, but that's half the appeal
A sharkpit. For the villains. The heroes can have one of those giant pianos from Big or something equally pointlessly nice.
Aren't there already chains as a wall decoration? I'm sure I've seen them in the arcane section of decorations.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Rocket construction workshop and labs. Giant Robot construction workshop and labs. Doomsday machine workshops and labs. Giant Death Ray construction workshop. Storage rooms for parts. Emergency shelter, and an alarm system. Thanks. :-)
World domination on your mind?
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Hmm, I forgot the pool with sharks, or another suitable aquatic life form. For the sake of entertaining visitors. :-)
Not sure they'd be that entertained - unless you were having Mako over for a visit
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
If you want great base design, look at some of the stuff in "Evil Genius". I feel the bases in this game is just a shadow of what they can be.
Yeah, real living quarters, with small personal storage units. Get debt protection for 20 minutes by using the bed for a second. Generates more life inside. ;-)
Some NPC minions here and there for flavor, especially in such rooms there is nothing for the player to do.
The ability to capture NPC's and put them in prison for interrogation, granting buffs, temporary powers, or even enhancements. Or extracting information that generate a newspaper type mission, with a base trophy reward at the end.
More sound, more lights, more life.
As started in the base section by This thread
A list of things that would improve bases, and/or base functionality.
First posted by other:
PvE base raids...?
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The CoP Trial working.
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And my list under that:
[*]Flagging the base for PvE invasions?
[*]More 'house hold' decorative items. (for god's sake, a normal bed...)
[*]Tighter fitting boxes around the items.
[*]Better stacking ability on objects.
[*]More lenient rules for obstructing 'auxiliaries' (heck, even for primairies would be great
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[*]Flagging the base for PvE invasions?
Discussed in this thread
[*]More 'house hold' decorative items. (for god's sake, a normal bed...)
As it says... more things to be able to make a 'home'. Whether the SG base is a stately manor, some one's mom's garage/basement or a high tech lab/base with a living area. It would be nice to be able to make a homely feel in a base without fudging 60% of the things.
[*]Tighter fitting boxes around the items.
Just as an example.. try and put counters against the wall,
in a corner...
and make it look good...
it's just not possible at present.
[*]Better stacking ability on objects.
Maybe I want to stack 2 shelves high, maybe I want to put one counter on top of the other...
Shelves can't stack and the counters have a larger 'base' size then the 'stackable' size.
[*]More lenient rules for obstructing 'auxiliaries' (heck, even for primairies would be great
I realise it can be needed for base raids, but the "could not place because it obstructs a raidable object" is darned annoying when trying to make a base look good as well as functional.
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.