IC rumours




(( This thread is for IC rumours. A few tips and pointers.

1) Indicate where the rumour circulates. GG? Pocket D? Docks of St. Martial? ICON in Steel Canyon?

2) The rumour does not have to be true. It can even be completely false. Or just terribly misleading.

3) Make sure it makes sense that this rumour exists. If a discussion was held in complete privacy and no party spoke to outsiders, no one can talk about it. You can of course use NPCs to overhear stuff: peds, bartenders or just imaginary people. Just make sure that it suits everyone involved. You can't say someone walked by and heard about something if others think that no one came within earshot. If the rumour is not based on anything that happened ie. is complete bogus, it doesn't much matter where it originated from.

4) You can write rumours about other people than your own characters but be certain that you don't offend anyone. Either ask in advance to be sure, or have an understanding based on trust that it is alright to do so.

Have fun. ))



"It was the darnest thing I saw inaa while. I was minding my own business in Kings when this van pulled over near me and the backdoor was kicked open. I was waiting for a bank robber squad but they just threw out this bald guy. They guys who dunnit was wearing haz-mat gear, the three or five of 'em. Then they just drove off.

And get this, the guy who they tossed out, it was this bloke from the Inquirer, the robot lover. The leader of the gang who brought that super virus among us. Of course some others recognized him too, started screaming and all. The guy himself got the move on and vanished behind a corner.

You think I should go and get myself checked for this virus?

Hey, come back! I ain't bloody infected. Last time I buy you a drink!"

- as told by a street punk to a Skull raver in Pocket D, heroside ground floor bar late night of 24.2.2007



There's a rumour circulating around the streets where people are most worried about the virus that the docs now let all the rest of the Silent Tempest guys loose. Yet there is no official word about the risk of contamination being over or even less.

What's going on? And Should people keep their distance from those guys? And if the officials aren't doing anything about it, should the citizens take the initiative? Damn diseased heroes infecting the normal folks.

That's what the street rabble says all round the place, anyway.



(( Great idea here! ))

"Hahahaa! Did you hear what happened to him? He did something baaad and now he's paying for it! 40 years I heard he got, all in the zig by his lonesom. It was that tin can that put him in! Poor poor Ef.. Hope he doesn't lose it in there, hahaa!"

This came from a villain known as Spruk in the villain side of Pocket D, he was talking to a buisnessman known as Lord Darvek.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



((A simple but very good idea. this will be an ideal place for the Pocket D bar staff pass on stuff they have overheard too. /em smacks self in forehead and shouts Doh!!!, me and my big mouth im just asking for trouble now!))


"Some of them heroes really have a death wish dont they. A few days ago I saw that limey boyscout Britanic making out with Ghost Widow's sister down by the elevator doors."

-As told by villain Robo Rawhide to a somewhat unconviced off duty Wolf Spider, Pocket D, villain Bar, late night 23/2/07.


-"You aint gonna believe this but I saw a couple of them Lost bundle this armoured cop into the back of a van down by the Sewer main gates."

"You're right I dont believe ya. How many Lost you know have a van. Now shut up and hold that flashlight straight will ya!"

-Conversation between a couple of Skull thugs trying to break into a car, in the Gish, Kings Row early morning 24/02/07 moments before they were arrested by one of Paragon's costumed champions.


"Hey did you know Britanic actually wears Union Jack boxer shorts?"

-Mentioned by one of Pocket D's bar staff to a female customer late night 24/02/07.



"Hey, yeah, you know that fit new bird they got in Pocket D serving? Alrane or something like that? Yeah, guy I know heard from a guy he knows in Port Oakes that she was spotted fighting a bunch of people in a factory! Yeah, I know, she had like, spines coming out of her everywhere. What a turn off. They say she had a real beef with them for dumping chemicals so went to shut them down. That's what this guy's brother's girlfriend said, as her brother works there!"



"Hey Mikey some girl dressed up like Little Red Riding Hood busted up a big Marcone party, robbed them, then tear gassed the lot before making her escape. You can bet your backside they aint gonna let that one go anytime soon."

-Conversation between unknown street thug and Mikey the Ear in Port Oakes late evening 25/02/07.


"I was in Pocket D and I overheard this Mad Scientist guy say he was going to poison Paragon's donut supply. Soon as all them cops go down im going to get my self a new TV!"

-mntioned by a Hellion gangmember to a bunch of his friends outside the Atlas Park Yellowline station.



"The authorities must think we are stupid. If there is no Tespest Virus why they got Soldiers in them hazard suits picking up Lost and throwing them into the back of black vans?

-Citizen speaking to a newspaper vendor near Kings Row Yellowline early morning 27/03/07.


"Hey you hear some kid egged Blue Steel outside PPD HQ last night?"

"No freakin' way! I bet he went ballistic. Wish I was there to see that one."

-Conversation between two Police Officers in the 122nd Street Precinct House early morning 27/02/07



Isaac the bartender at Pocket D's mutterings at odd occasions:
"I've got the wrong job... what does that Roselin chick do or got that she gets women's underwear thrown at her..?"

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



"Hey, ya hear 'bout that biotch chica, Nightsparrow. Judge gives her freedom ta walk the streets like common people. She's a murderer, that's what she be's. As good as free now. That ain't justice, travestry that be's if ya ask me. I ain't feelin' safe no more. Broke me cousing back she did, last year."

- as said by Tommy Harelip in Pocket the in the early evening.



"Oy! did ya 'ear ta' loada info goin' aroond 'bout tha' there pick-pocket Carrion?"

"Na mate, 'aven't 'ear 'ide nor 'ear of 'im since tha' bust in Atlas"

"Well apparently tha' little sods rich 'n' all!"

"Cor' blimey... sa wha's he doin'?"

"Mopin' apparently..."

{conversation in Pocket D between two Rogue Isles street thugs}



"how you doing Love?"

"ok thanks... just got off work, working on this poor girl in Founders."

"Oh really? which one?"

"Ebon Tear, nice girl, hero of course. She's on life support and everything now... just dying off, bits just slowly stopping ta work, we're trying our best but short of a miracle we ain't holding out much hope"

{chat between a doctor and his wife in Pocket D}



(( I love this topic, Coile you are a genius ))



"Here, you'll never guess what my brother saw in Perez last night? Well, you know he's a hero? He came across a bunch of those robed guys trying to summon something. Apparently, as he said, soon as he punched one of them a big flash of green happened and a loud groan echoed through the park! He got those guys, but he never did find out where that groan came from."

This came from the drunken sister of a small time hero, in Kings Row at 2 in the morning. She was found sleeping on top of what she was talking to, a police drone guarding the tram station..

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



[Could be heard being discussed throughout Port Oakes from this afternoon]

"Hey, you know that blonde chick that works in the bar? Friend of mine said she was spotted nude on the roof of a building, get this, sunbathing. At this time of year?"



"Britanic has become a vampire, or else was one all along. Not only has he been seen hanging almost exclusively with Vampires in Pocket D lately, but he's actually dating one of them too!"
- The statement of one of the bouncers at Pocket D, overheard by several customer who were entering or exiting the club at the time.




"hey, you heard about that tall dark coated hunter person who comes here from time to time to buy magical stuff?
Yea, what about him?
Someone told me hes got loads of problems at the mo..
Yea, like what?
Like a ghost for a girlfriend and crystals growing on his hands.. oh and some big important mission thing.
Mission thing?
Yea, seems someone told me, that there these other realms to this place and theres going to be some sort of big event with them.

- said in the magical store in talos isle, by the two store people, overheard by several customers from the back room.



"Sir? Very well, understood.

Listen up, an escapee from the Zig has been reported as missing. He has been known to meet up with heroes around this area, and if he is to turn up we arrest him on sight, understood? His name is Efranof, search him on your scanners for more information."

-From a Longbow captain receiving orders via intercom, then giving orders to surrounding Longbow, at the Galaxy Girl statue, 5pm

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



"Look I got a guy back in Paragon willing to pay decent money for enough nerve agent to affect thirty or forty people. Guy doesnt care if its lethal or not. Its just got to have some freakin' scary visual symptons. You know foaming at the mouth, blisters, that sort of thing."

-As said by info-merchant "Word on the Street" to a Port Oakes Blackmarketeer.



"Yeah I'm bloody hurtin'! I was dealin' some narcs with dis customer, goes by name Red Hands, and suddenly dis fishbowlhead guy comes startin' gettin' all tough guy onna us. Says he's Captain freakin' Carmine from Cardinal freakin' Force and wants a word with dis customer. I tell him da go play with his moustache.

Den me mate tries da sneak up onna him, knife and all, and den dis Carmine just turns fast and kicks me mate right inna chest, sends him offa roof and smack down da ground three stories below.

Den I reckon I blow him off with me piece and den this shadow just comes outta nowhere, hissin' and den I get all air beaten outta me. Cracked five ribs dem docs say. Me mate's even worse off.

And guess if we ever see dis customer again. Damn Cardinal freakin' Force."

- as told by Gidi Shanks in Mercy Island infirmary in the morning and in Pocket D later tonight



"You seen that ghost in the alleys here? Comes drifting down, then gets ya with it's ghostly fists! It goes after us, all of us, so ya'd better be bloody scared!"

A crey vigilant adressing new recruits.



"Urgh.. Gimme another, and make it a double.. Times like this I wish I could turn back time, to before I became a Hellion. Our entire headquarters, stripped and taken away to the Zig.. Only a hand full of us got away, it happened so fast.. Bah, if I meet him again I'll just hand myself in, I swear!"

This came from a slightly drunk Hellion in the Pocket D bar villain side at noon, 9th of March.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Rumours circulating around many of the Skulls members lately concern Jimmy "Blackheart" McGee, who was apparently pushed out of a 6th story window by his own boss. Although there are many wild rumours about what earned him such treatment, the most common version is that he had brought a lot of heat to the gang, resulting in a massive bust up of a gang safe-house, and the arrest of over 40 gang members.

Almost all versions of the story say it was over a woman, some ex-girlfriend of another Skulls member that Blackheart wanted to get at.

Unwisely, Blackheart had neglected to take into account that girls who have gained both super-powers, and super-powered friends, are not easy pickings.




The Museum of London was recently attacked at night. Little is known, other than two forces were involved, and a large-scale shootout occured destroying most of the 'London before London' wing. It is hard to tell if anything was stolen, given the scale of destruction.

Reported in all British newspapers, Frontpage news.



"You wanna hear something real loopy?"
"Sure, what?"
"Well, my friend's brother's cousin hear that one of Kalida's Chosen is going to take over Paragon's entire media network!"
"Naah! Can't be! Any idea how big that is?"
"Yeah, s'pose."

Conversation between two Wolf Spider Commandos, Spider City, Grandville