Insp/No Insp
Because certain people can't deal with it when their plans don't work because of something they didn't take into account.
Because they are told so by the people described in MaX's post.
pfft! forget inspirations, some people dont even want you to use your powers!
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
pfft! forget inspirations, some people dont even want you to use your powers!
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Yep using your tier one secondary power for stalker (hide) is disgraceful while scrappers using all of their powers is fair game I found out yesterday in WB. Always makes me laugh when lvl 50 regens are moaning in pvp
*edit* and i like BFs, nothing makes me smile more than seeing people pop them in the pvp zone as its another one down and I will refear them in another 30 seconds
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
I don't really have a problem with insps at all as the only ones that really make a difference are BF's and a good troller can spam you enough to wipe your supply out in no time(I'll never forget my integration running scrapper burning through almost an entire tray in the first three minutes of an arena match against Double)
Not too sure what I think of people leaving zones every 5 minutes to go and get a new set though.
I use insp if I have the right one, but I don't purposefully go out and buy them. I'll farm mobs and use the ones i don't use in fights, till i have enough of what i want.
I think the people most likely to complain are the ones that can't cope with your health suddenly going back to full. Even some powers that look like insp get frowned on lol.
Just don't talk in PvP.
With Warburg, I have too bring BF's with my blaster, otherwise I just get mezzed then it's over for me. A full tray of BF's lasts around 30 minsish if i'm not being picked on too much. And by the time it's all used up that's me normally bored/had enough of pvping for that moment in time. So it works out well.
Inspirations are ment to be used some why not use them
Inspirations are ment to be used some why not use them
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Precisely, the game is designed on balance. You attack. I defend. Move and counter- move.
Simply put; bad losers. Marquand Dance was bang on the nail, it's so daft, you're not allowed to use your powers!
Stryker had a good rule too, don't talk.
Mine is, if you are an orange name to me, i will do anything and everything in my power to put you down
"Like War_Hero said, leave it as it is, it toughens up the softies." - Naz Nomad
Union Heroes
War Borg - Leader of The Paragon Knights
Union Villains
McCabe - Co-leader of The Rogue Knights
Defiant - Supreme Hero
Mine is, if you are an orange name to me, i will do anything and everything in my power to put you down
[/ QUOTE ]
....and back to hospital for you.
"Like War_Hero said, leave it as it is, it toughens up the softies." - Naz Nomad
Union Heroes
War Borg - Leader of The Paragon Knights
Union Villains
McCabe - Co-leader of The Rogue Knights
Defiant - Supreme Hero
if you are an orange name to me, i will do anything and everything in my power to put you down
[/ QUOTE ]
This needs to be put on the door to all pvp zones.
I'm becoming tired of people telling me not to use hide, people who complain about being attacked by another player in a PVP zone and the endless streams of people who think it's ok to swear at a stalker for doing what the AT was designed to do.
The topper for me was this week when I received a tell from a recently dead hero which, basically, suggested I'd completely misunderstood the point of a pvp zone when I killed her. Because I didn't call her out, tell her somewhere to meet me, then switch off hide and fight with my pants around my ankles, I wasn't pvping "properly."
Having killed her, I received a tell saying "Why do you even bother coming to pvp if you're going to do that?"
Now I can tell her, succinctly. "You are an orange name to me. I will do anything and everything in my power to put you down"
pfft! forget inspirations, some people dont even want you to use your powers!
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QFT. I remember a villain who kept complaining that my ice blaster was holding him in Siren's...
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
I was in Sirens Call the other night with 2 heros and 4 Villains. Dualing !!! when i tried to attack one i became a noob.... and told RESPECT the right for us to dual
PvP Zones means Heros. VS Villains(Unless Warburg - Free For All).... its not the arena...
Theres just too many new players to PvP that dont simple understand you get attacked no matter what you are doing if you are ready or not if you are in a PvP zone
Stryker has the right idea dont say anything... too many people big themselfs up or like to argue why they lost.. simple they are a bad losers.
like every1 says insps are there to be used, if ppl restock fair enough, its not exactly fair but when have the zones ever been fair? zones are for a bit of fun pvp action, want a fair balanced fight go to the arena. if i ever see any1 moaning at me i'll just attack them more
I was in Sirens Call the other night with 2 heros and 4 Villains. Dualing !!! when i tried to attack one i became a noob.... and told RESPECT the right for us to dual
PvP Zones means Heros. VS Villains(Unless Warburg - Free For All).... its not the arena...
Theres just too many new players to PvP that dont simple understand you get attacked no matter what you are doing if you are ready or not if you are in a PvP zone
Stryker has the right idea dont say anything... too many people big themselfs up or like to argue why they lost.. simple they are a bad losers.
[/ QUOTE ]
indeed i never talk in zones mainly cos if i do i die while typing in that case i would just attack them more and if theres to many call in the reinforcements
I was in Sirens Call the other night with 2 heros and 4 Villains. Dualing !!! when i tried to attack one i became a noob.... and told RESPECT the right for us to dual
PvP Zones means Heros. VS Villains(Unless Warburg - Free For All).... its not the arena...
Theres just too many new players to PvP that dont simple understand you get attacked no matter what you are doing if you are ready or not if you are in a PvP zone
Stryker has the right idea dont say anything... too many people big themselfs up or like to argue why they lost.. simple they are a bad losers.
[/ QUOTE ]
Recluses victory at the moment is even worse, majority of people in there seems to be farmers/badgehunters of some sort. :/ So far Ive only met one stalker in there who attacked us regardless what we were doing. Although I try to hunt her/him down at every opportunity, I sorta like what she/he did
As for the inspiration thing, I laugh at every one who complains because I use insps. And then I 'arrest' them
inspirations are good... although it always made me laugh when someone would swallow about 10 purples when I was chasing them in sirens with my defender. Oh noes, I might hit them for 12 damage!
Stryker has the right idea dont say anything... too many people big themselfs up or like to argue why they lost.. simple they are a bad losers.
[/ QUOTE ]
Amen to that. There are too many egos out there who feel they have to try and justify a loss.
In homage to that, think i'll start a thread in here on 'Funny things in PvP'
Any & all Insps', Accolades & Temp' Powers welcome . Toys are for playing with
I didn't tend to insp's at all apart from whatever BFs I had lying around at the time and I don't particulary stock up unless we're playing base raid. I just had the view that an Insp' was fair game if there wasn't a normally available counter to what I was being attacked with. Well, it seems it's cheating to do so, so may as well go right ahead and forego the formalites - quaff a sack of purples, zip up the ice armour, fire up the void rifle, the MKII Sapper prototype, Rikti cannon, chuck some stun grenades, wave a magic wand, use the medkit, phase out & jump/fly away .
I rarely used insp back in the day when I started PvP'ing & if I did it was mostly when outnumbered. Now though I tend to use them, wont go out of my way to get the right ones but I use what I have. Before the trip to the hospital was just a clicky and a short trip away to the fight again. Now it isn't and I hate the wait.
Saying that I never had problems with people using them, its what they are designed for. I do find it amusing though to see peeps leaving and coming back to the zones with a full tray again. Some take it more serious then others
I don't see anything wrong with using inspirations in PvP, though sometimes it does get annoying when an opponent maxes out on reds constantly.
Deffo nothing wrong with insp's in PvP zones if there was why would they be given as a reward in sirens?
Arena 1on1's are extremely unbalanced without insp.
Going into the zones on a squishie without bf's kinda makes it less fun. You can team with emps, kins, therm rads and so on, but they arent allways arround, and a lot of them seem to forget using their powers.
A Paragon Defender
Lets just get this sorted now... Why are there so many people out there that think using Inspirations is cheating in PvP? Lets face it if Scrappers didnt use a breakfree after being held by a Dom/Troller they would die ? If a scrapper didnt use b reakfrees he would no chance against a
anyone with holds that stacks them ?
Lets face it certain power sets cant beat other sets without the aid of insp or temp powers.
The game allows you to use inspirations so use them i dont want to hear no more about using Inspirations is cheating as it IS part of the game..