Stalker Kill Tactics
Nuke them from space. Its the only way to be sure.
I usually work in a team to take Stalkers out. Have high perception and bait the stalker then hit him when he's getting ready to hit you. Usually they run at this point so its best to hold, immobilise or just hit them harder. Its when Stalkers start working in teams that you have to be worried lol.
Drop some tripmine, stick an empath ontop of em in full view, and then hide, works on pretty much all villans but especially sweet on stalkers
Keep Moving
If your soloing in a PvP zone, stay in the water you can see a stalker in the water.
Take insights.
Aim+BU bonesmasher energy punch blast=dead stalker.
Drop some tripmine, stick an empath ontop of em in full view, and then hide, works on pretty much all villans but especially sweet on stalkers
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i can say this works as i was the empath
Two words.
Devices Blaster
Really, its that simple, i can solo stalkers in Sirens with my Fire/Dev blaster, i admit that they get me now and again too, but its not 1 sided kills.
The trip mines are good, but takes time, 4 or 5 will pretty much assure you a kill, having assault and tactics running from the leadership pool will do 2 things. 1. assault has a chance to resist placate, i remember all too well the time i got crit'd then the stalker i was against used palcate, in my standard fashion i start cycling tab, and was pleasantly surprised when i immediatly targeted the staker. they ran in, i used blaze, defiance did the rest . 2. tactics increases your perception, as does the 2nd tier temp power Infra-red goggles. so does the devices power Targetting Drone. run that and tactics and its very hard for stalkers to sneak up on you.
Depending on the moment, my attack chain is either close ranged blasts ending in snipe as the stalker tries to SJ away, or starting with an AIMed snipe that takes alot of the stalkers life down, then SS up close, and close ranged blasts normally finishes them off. Regen stalkers last longer as they can heal much faster in that time it takes to get close. Alternatively use Web Grenade and plant them in 1 place, Congratulations, you just lit up a stalker to every hero on the map and they cant move.
Devices are on of the easier ways to detect stalkers, but there are some others.
Keep Moving
If your soloing in a PvP zone, stay in the water you can see a stalker in the water.
Take insights.
Aim+BU bonesmasher energy punch blast=dead stalker.
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Your never gonna get 2 melee attacks with aim and bu on a stalker is you dont get the jump on him/her.
By far the easiest thing to do as a blaster without access to perception *2 is to just jump arround and wait until stalkers attack someone else and then get the jump on them. It worked quite nicely on Freon.
controllers: Ill rad , grav rad, fire kin, ice kin
blaster: ice em
scrapper: spines sr
True dat, both melee attacks is overkill i guess, however if you hit them with bonesmasher it suppreses hide a little longer to tail them for another few attacks.
Follow key for the win!
Stryka and Mr not so nice eat /Dev /SR /DA for breakfast, we are on the speed cap and have invis friend so no one can see us untill a hit is made and by then we are miles away and target is dead (well SR has a good chance of living).
Tactic is this, no one can see us (literally, we dont go within 10 ft) we run at a pre determined target with our best strike preloaded and jump at last minute, we fly over caltrops and PBAOEs dont have time to hit us, due to our speed the animation root doesnt affect us untill we are WELL past the heros. Then its run, reapply invis and pick next target.
I admit I stole this from some friends on the US servers who were literally the best stalkers I have come across I know this is showing stalker kill tactics but I cannot think of a strategy to counter this tactic, I would be interested if anyone can come up with a decent one
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
Which makes me think that if u guys were both spines, u wouldnt have to run and jump in the last minute (as blappers used to in arena to apply detogglers). U could just have 2 Bu'ed critic impales and that's it (Heh, that's what i do actually )
Keep Moving
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Unless of course you're trying to use a PBAoE to save your behind from an imminent attack, in which case you have to hold still or all but perhaps one of the ticks will miss (distance).
If your soloing in a PvP zone, stay in the water you can see a stalker in the water.
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Isnt this just a myth? I've been trailed by a stalker before, tried baiting them into striking me whilst we were in the water (I had my PFF up), and I heard them splashing, they kept nudging me... and evidently they must have been bored because they started jumping up and down right next to me, sound-spamming the splash after a while, but I didnt even see the remotest shimmer, even a non-targettable one. The sound helps you figure out if a ground-bound stalker is following you, but thats about all that water is good for. Outside of that, the water is more likely to hinder your ability to combat a stalker due to the targetting bugs that a load of people get.
If your soloing in a PvP zone, stay in the water you can see a stalker in the water.
Isnt this just a myth? I've been trailed by a stalker before, tried baiting them into striking me whilst we were in the water (I had my PFF up), and I heard them splashing, they kept nudging me... and evidently they must have been bored because they started jumping up and down right next to me, sound-spamming the splash after a while, but I didnt even see the remotest shimmer, even a non-targettable one. The sound helps you figure out if a ground-bound stalker is following you, but thats about all that water is good for. Outside of that, the water is more likely to hinder your ability to combat a stalker due to the targetting bugs that a load of people get.
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Nah there is a definite ripple effect. That targetting bug will affect you but is more than likely to affect the stalker to - if you are a ranged AT then you can sometimes get a good advantage over your opponent. I hate fighting in the water - also it means you cant see traps such as trip mines, caltraps and the like.
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
Stryka and Mr not so nice eat /Dev /SR /DA for breakfast, we are on the speed cap and have invis friend so no one can see us untill a hit is made and by then we are miles away and target is dead (well SR has a good chance of living).
Tactic is this, no one can see us (literally, we dont go within 10 ft) we run at a pre determined target with our best strike preloaded and jump at last minute, we fly over caltrops and PBAOEs dont have time to hit us, due to our speed the animation root doesnt affect us untill we are WELL past the heros. Then its run, reapply invis and pick next target.
I admit I stole this from some friends on the US servers who were literally the best stalkers I have come across I know this is showing stalker kill tactics but I cannot think of a strategy to counter this tactic, I would be interested if anyone can come up with a decent one
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only u can't get the flyers tho botty even your 3 slotted cj + hurdle cant reach us
and considering u both have energy as primary
and with the mines stoof, trops + mines (maxed at 15) + tp foe when we see u and bOOMZ0RZ!
problem is tho, if alot of peeps (and lets face it there will be) keep doing what u do, people are just not gonna want to play in pvp as theres nothing we can do against it if on floor etc...just removes all the fun at all
Stryka and Mr not so nice eat /Dev /SR /DA for breakfast, we are on the speed cap and have invis friend so no one can see us untill a hit is made and by then we are miles away and target is dead (well SR has a good chance of living).
Tactic is this, no one can see us (literally, we dont go within 10 ft) we run at a pre determined target with our best strike preloaded and jump at last minute, we fly over caltrops and PBAOEs dont have time to hit us, due to our speed the animation root doesnt affect us untill we are WELL past the heros. Then its run, reapply invis and pick next target.
I admit I stole this from some friends on the US servers who were literally the best stalkers I have come across I know this is showing stalker kill tactics but I cannot think of a strategy to counter this tactic, I would be interested if anyone can come up with a decent one
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only u can't get the flyers tho botty even your 3 slotted cj + hurdle cant reach us
and considering u both have energy as primary
and with the mines stoof, trops + mines (maxed at 15) + tp foe when we see u and bOOMZ0RZ!
problem is tho, if alot of peeps (and lets face it there will be) keep doing what u do, people are just not gonna want to play in pvp as theres nothing we can do against it if on floor etc...just removes all the fun at all
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The way I'd get around this is to stand on a smaller piece of raised scenery, buildings and towers. No doubt there is an equally lethal stalker strategy which can be used there. Anyway, I'm kind of hoping it will become the norm and will put people off the zones, I know i havent been in for a while except as a stalker. 90% of my time in the zones is spent hunting stalkers (the other 10% playing a stalker). I do this partly because I cant really use my defender in the zones, and partly to get an idea of how balanced the game is. My logic is that if I cant create the rock to the stalker scissors then something has gone wrong. So far I've come to realise that stalkers CAN be played in such a way to make themselves unhuntable. That leaves baiting and reactive kills, the rest of the time, stalkers not at the stealth cap, best make good use of it, but be aware you could be geting baited.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
dunno what your secondary is, but if its /nrg, just put bonesmasher on auto and wait till the stalker gets near.. you'll be able to hit him with BS before he activates placate.
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
I am led to believe that fear is the only mez-type that no Stalker type can resist - is this true?
If it is, I'm sceptical as to how well it would work, I've used it a few times and seen it hit, but the villain has still been able to move away and attack with no apparent ill effects.
dunno what your secondary is, but if its /nrg, just put bonesmasher on auto and wait till the stalker gets near.. you'll be able to hit him with BS before he activates placate.
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Dunno if that was for me or the OP as I was going to give the OP the same advice
In general that would work, but probably not in the example stalk gave a few posts back, I would have to test it to be sure. BTW, my secondary is dev, obviously taken for the +perception so I can see stalkers from a whopping 10ft away.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
I am led to believe that fear is the only mez-type that no Stalker type can resist - is this true?
If it is, I'm sceptical as to how well it would work, I've used it a few times and seen it hit, but the villain has still been able to move away and attack with no apparent ill effects.
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Ninja have a clicky fear resist (i believe there weakness is knockback).
I've seen some odd thing happen with fear where I could actually move while having fear on my blaster. The effect is so short I've never really had any time to figure out whats going on.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
BOOM! AS strike
use a self heal, FAST!
tough of fear
BOOM! AS strike
use a self heal, FAST!....
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BOOOOOOOOM! His mate stabs you to death... OH NOES, it's one of those cheating Stalkers that teams
Stryka and Mr not so nice eat /Dev /SR /DA for breakfast, we are on the speed cap and have invis friend so no one can see us untill a hit is made and by then we are miles away and target is dead (well SR has a good chance of living).
Tactic is this, no one can see us (literally, we dont go within 10 ft) we run at a pre determined target with our best strike preloaded and jump at last minute, we fly over caltrops and PBAOEs dont have time to hit us, due to our speed the animation root doesnt affect us untill we are WELL past the heros. Then its run, reapply invis and pick next target.
I admit I stole this from some friends on the US servers who were literally the best stalkers I have come across I know this is showing stalker kill tactics but I cannot think of a strategy to counter this tactic, I would be interested if anyone can come up with a decent one
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only u can't get the flyers tho botty even your 3 slotted cj + hurdle cant reach us
and considering u both have energy as primary
and with the mines stoof, trops + mines (maxed at 15) + tp foe when we see u and bOOMZ0RZ!
problem is tho, if alot of peeps (and lets face it there will be) keep doing what u do, people are just not gonna want to play in pvp as theres nothing we can do against it if on floor etc...just removes all the fun at all
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guess my secondary, I take one power from the set (aside from hide) We can smack those standing on caltrops and trip mines with impugnity
they will find tping me doesnt work
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
Anyway, how good is Assault vs Placate out in the field? What sort of ratio are people getting resisting Placate.
In honesty, Placate's the one thing that stops me smearing dead Stalker all over the tarmac.
Stalker: HA! AS!
Mighty: That tickles!
Stalker: uh-oh... EAT PLACATE!
Mighty: *Shakes fist*
guess my secondary, I take one power from the set (aside from hide)
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Hmmmm, interesting. I've been toying around with a stalker build set up for working as part of a very mutually supporting duo. It meant cutting very far back on the secondaries though, in favour of a bunch of other stuff. Bascially the pair would set up targets, buff each other with invis, hit target & get out etc...sshhhh... secret plans & stuff . Another set up would be alternating targets, one making the hit, & then getting an evac, zapped from the other. There's a couple of other things I chucked in for mutual support, but it was all so low on the secondary set I just stared at it all for hours & thought "This is madness!". However, worked & deployed properly with an identical build in a pair I'm pretty sure you'd be racking up far more kills than the actual take downs you'd suffer back again, & the kills would be executed so quickly, with an equally quick evac, the lack of secondaries shouldn't be an issue.
I don't know though, what is your secondary?
guess my secondary, I take one power from the set (aside from hide)
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Hmmmm, interesting. I've been toying around with a stalker build set up for working as part of a very supporting pair. It meant cutting very far back on the secondaries though, in favour of a bunch of other stuff. Bascially the pair would set up targets, buff each other with invis, hit target & get out. Another set up would be alternating targets, one making the hit, & then getting an evac, zapped out again by the other. There's a coupl of other things I chuked in for mutual support, but it was all so low on the secondary set I just stared at it all for hours & thought "This is madness!". However, worked & deployed properly with an identical build in a pair I'm pretty sure you'd be racking up far more kills than the actual take downs you'd suffer back again.
I don't know though, what is your secondary?
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Been thinking of respecing ghostblade into a more team friendly stalker, basically taking recal friend to pull out team mates and grant invis for the stealth cap. Problem is i can see myself sitting in a hideyhole recalling and GI'ing every 2 minutes.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
Anyway, how good is Assault vs Placate out in the field? What sort of ratio are people getting resisting Placate.
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It doesn't protect you from Placate, it just lowers the duration. It's the same as what AM does for some mez effects.
Actually i have none, but want to know some, well i was playing earlier with a good stalker friend, i was on my blaster, and it was the same over and over, AS...Placate,then a final hit...I can just about handle an AS but placate gets me every time, even tried popping 4 BFs...nothing...may be u cant solo kill them, but would like to know