Age old Tp Foe Discussion




So, yes here we are again......

Tp foe in pvp zones, now i know what your thinkin, another "i want it fully abolished post" well actually no, just in 2 certain areas, they are the hero / villain bases, i'll explain..

You have sirens call, 1 hero (me) flies into zone takes a peek on /whoall : oh dear outnumbered by about 5/6 - 1 >.<

Gets rdy to fly round corner only to see bout 2/3 stalker, 2 brutes, 1 or more mm's fully buffed with bots poking they're heads round obviously being only hero i flew bk to wait on anyone else. Now up to now perfectly fine, until a certain idiot (you know who u are) deicdes that staying inside your base when outnumbered isn't on, so he/she tp's me out to them and WHAM:gank, pvp timer goes to 0 few mins and again >.>

Now correct me if i'm wrong but a base isnt a safe zone if that can happen, even if u say its not 100% safe; tp'ing from it is just plain absolutely pathetic >.>

And on this same day, it ahppened loads throughout, until someone came along and tp droned these villains, now heres the best part.....

tp'ing us out and ganking is OK, but tp'ing them in is reallllllly wrong >.> hypocritical or bloomin what!? >.>

So, what i and many others suggested is tp supression, in council base prisions u cant tp anyone out u have to break them out, now i and many many many others would like to see this put into base areas in each of the 3 (possibly all pvp future zones), maybe in the drones themselves, this would stop, and form of droning AND base tp'ing less arguements would happen, less petitions = less hassle for anyone...

Why do i think it wont happen? because the dev's do NOT listen to they're players who pay they're wages effectively, this has to stop, they HAVE to listen, its not just this but would be a push in the right direction.

Now i also know alot of you will say its valid to tp etc, and i say bk. riiiiight, so being tp'd perma cuz some people are impatient to me is selfish




Stay out of line of sight or go into the hospital? I don't see the problem here. If you're going to stand out in the open, expect to be TP'd. This is exactly why you always spawn just to the right or left of the main doors, rather than in plain view of the villains.



For me it´s totally OK, it´s like when I 3 shot villains in their own base, well... and I have also TPd them out of it =P
You could have just gone to the hospital or around the wall of the entering area



I know what you mean Tylantia. I've had similar issues, not with TP foe specifically but the bases in general.

My idea is that all defences are abolished as it makes it too tough for attacking teams if the other side just camp their base. The alternative is to simply make a 100% safe zone. None of the opposition can enter none of those in there can use powers.

The same as when you enter a PvP zone and can't actually do anything for 25 seconds, just implement that same status whenever in that zone.



It's easy to get clear of your own base if that's what you want to do or position yourself out of TP range if you want to wait around. Fighting near the base for either side has a risk of being attacked by base defences and/or being droned.

More people get droned simply because they get too close than are actually TPd in.



keeping target of u permanetly is something u can remove ay xan? even if u die the enemy can keep target, and as long as u stand in correct place, i.e. just right of gates u can keep target always, as was so that day; and i shouldnt ahve to stay in hos becuase of that



I personally dont mind tp foe too much, as even when it happens, you have a chance to survive, and I have even killed the other person who thought they were invulnerable.

When I hate it, is when you get a group of either villains or heroes who gangbang you as they are too cowardly to fight you properly. 6 to 1 or something like that isnt good pvp its just proving how crap you really are.

Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.

Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966



who mess with tyla!!!!KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLZ0rz!!!OUT!!

Imho bases need better design to protect from situation like this.



Base TPing is weak IMO and I have and will wipe zones with venom because of it, droning is also weak but I do make exceptions for those clearing base TPers. Its all so pointless, base TPing upsets people and prevents them organising to come out and fight (which i assume thats what you are too impatient to wait for) and droning make my bounty go to far away

Besides we ahve confirmation the Tele-droning is fundamentally wrong due to the fact that a certain individual on defiant does it, you wouldnt want to be like HIM now would you

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault




Imho bases need better design to protect from situation like this.

[/ QUOTE ]

What would you suggest?



They should maybe make the Hospital 'un-Teleportable' like Council Prisons, but I don't think the whole base should be. That would make things too easy.

World of Jackcraft.



who mess with tyla!!!!KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLZ0rz!!!OUT!!

Imho bases need better design to protect from situation like this.

[/ QUOTE ]

BB hospital got enclosed because of a certain earth/storm troller TP'ing ppl from the hospital and ganking them.
something i've been after for a long time and to be perfectly honest SC needs some love in the base department.

seems strange tho that one minute TP foe is the bee's knees and the next its omg teh lose ! .. think ppl need to get there heads straight.




who mess with tyla!!!!KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLZ0rz!!!OUT!!

Imho bases need better design to protect from situation like this.

[/ QUOTE ]

BB hospital got enclosed because of a certain earth/storm troller TP'ing ppl from the hospital and ganking them.
something i've been after for a long time and to be perfectly honest SC needs some love in the base department.

seems strange tho that one minute TP foe is the bee's knees and the next its omg teh lose ! .. think ppl need to get there heads straight.

[/ QUOTE ]

u just contradicted yourself there and you know why....



To be honest I quite like it as it is. One of the funnies times I was killed was at 10 health after I had run the entire map I rested infront of the hospital only for the stalker who was following me to jump in and one shoot me before he was vaporized. Since it is easy enough to nip into the hospital the fault was all mine.

Must admit though I dont really understand what pleasure is gained by TPing a lone target into a waiting group but that really is just based upon what my idea of what fun is. Drone TPing seems completly pointless to me, though would probably be tempted vs some people .

Edit: From reading the other posts does this mean it is possible to TP someone out of the hospital when you dont have LoS?



They should maybe make the Hospital 'un-Teleportable' like Council Prisons, but I don't think the whole base should be. That would make things too easy.

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I also like immediately hammering the F keys to give me 60 seconds of buffage then going after the tp victim.




Here's a little tip - they can't do anything to you when you're immobilized - just go into rest mode, and you can kneel at the gate and mock them for as long as you like while they keep trying to drag you out

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



^ Lol.

Somebody been teaching the padawans.



Here's a little tip - they can't do anything to you when you're immobilized - just go into rest mode, and you can kneel at the gate and mock them for as long as you like while they keep trying to drag you out

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Only to have someone drop down and one shoot you .



Here's a little tip - they can't do anything to you when you're immobilized - just go into rest mode, and you can kneel at the gate and mock them for as long as you like while they keep trying to drag you out

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Only to have someone drop down and one shoot you .

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, let me rephrase that - this is a hint that should not be used by Controllers, Balsters or anyone else who's hp count is too low to offer any protection from a one-shot attack

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Here's a little tip - they can't do anything to you when you're immobilized - just go into rest mode, and you can kneel at the gate and mock them for as long as you like while they keep trying to drag you out

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Only to have someone drop down and one shoot you .

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Ok, let me rephrase that - this is a hint that should not be used by Controllers, Balsters or anyone else who's hp count is too low to offer any protection from a one-shot attack

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hehehehhehhee heroine ftw xD



It all boils down to one thing imo, If you dont want to fight, overwhelming odds or not, leave the zone, and if you want to go afk leave the zone too, theres no need to moan about it on the forums, im not condoning this in anyway but.... is it really that hard to click the steel canyon exit?



Just Like Stalkers, TP Foe is a power that works almost Solely on the Attackers side, the Defender has little to no defence against it ONCE it works. And after that, the Attacker gets a free hit or the Drone one-shots.

Using it near to a base means that you have a power that can one-shot any AT/build.

Mr. TP-Self can escape almost any hold/near-death situation with no risk.

In short, TP in PvP is useless as a travel power, Self is the ultmiate breakfree and Foe is more hated than any Stalker.

Again, Flip a Coin...Only this time, the Attacker is still safe.

[And if the "Well don't come near the base" argument is used...
1) Let's give them a reason to come out then?
2) Watch me Respec Weasel to have TP Foe with 3xRange slotted, then Power Boost, then Boost Range and see how far I can reach....



I think the issue is more about base security than with TP (I wouldnt agree its a useless travel power, or the ultimate break free btw). A few nights back some villains tryed to throw enough bodies at the drones so someone could land an AS. Changing TP wouldnt have really done anything in that instance. Base security prolly needs looked at but I wouldnt want people to idle in the zone and be my bounty, seen that happen before

My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464



It all boils down to one thing imo, If you dont want to fight, overwhelming odds or not, leave the zone, and if you want to go afk leave the zone too, theres no need to moan about it on the forums,

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You lose bounty if you exit zone. If you think there are reinforcements coming there really is no practical way except waiting inside zone. Dunno but propably temp powers reset as well.



Ok, let me rephrase that - this is a hint that should not be used by Controllers, Balsters or anyone else who's hp count is too low to offer any protection from a one-shot attack

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This is a hint that should not be used at all at situations like this. Airborne corruptors and coordinated impalers turn you to shreds with 2 spikes and there is nothing you can do because you are immobilised.